this image contains text
V A R I A N C E - 2 0 0 1
title of release ........................ system dos/unix
released by : ................... date of release //
packaged by : ................... disk in release -- 00/00
cracked! by : ................... release type utility
this is the space you discuss what the release is, and how fucking
elite it is. i am typing a bunch of crap right here to show you
how easy it is, to make the release notes look nice and uniform
a sloppy info files, makes for a sloppy group, anyway have fun
1 five easy steps, make them look good.
2 five easy steps, make them look good.
3 five easy steps, make them look good.
4 five easy steps, make them look good.
5 five easy steps, make them look good.
VARiANCE is a utility and cracks group formed from a merger of
two groups during September of 2000. During our first few
months we have brought over 450 releases to the 0day scene
and established ourselves as a strong group. But from this
we move forward to reach a higher standard in 2001. With
many new members and talents look for more from us during
the coming months.
VARiANCE is constantly growing and is always on the lookout
for experienced crackers, retail suppliers, artists, or
anyone with special skills. Email us for further info.
EFNet focus EMail variance@gmx.co.uk WWW not.right.now
i dont know shit about variance, i just think nite2k is a bitch
title of release ........................ system dos/unix
released by : ................... date of release //
packaged by : ................... disk in release -- 00/00
cracked! by : ................... release type utility
this is the space you discuss what the release is, and how fucking
elite it is. i am typing a bunch of crap right here to show you
how easy it is, to make the release notes look nice and uniform
a sloppy info files, makes for a sloppy group, anyway have fun
1 five easy steps, make them look good.
2 five easy steps, make them look good.
3 five easy steps, make them look good.
4 five easy steps, make them look good.
5 five easy steps, make them look good.
VARiANCE is a utility and cracks group formed from a merger of
two groups during September of 2000. During our first few
months we have brought over 450 releases to the 0day scene
and established ourselves as a strong group. But from this
we move forward to reach a higher standard in 2001. With
many new members and talents look for more from us during
the coming months.
VARiANCE is constantly growing and is always on the lookout
for experienced crackers, retail suppliers, artists, or
anyone with special skills. Email us for further info.
EFNet focus EMail variance@gmx.co.uk WWW not.right.now
i dont know shit about variance, i just think nite2k is a bitch
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