this image contains text
.---------- ----- R e m o r s e . 1 9 8 1 -----------------------.
:::::::: // / l: . .d.
:::::::: / / RMRS-42.ZIP l?l .qSSSSSSp.4pSSbd .sS
::::::::. / / 04/21/2001 jSSS jSS74SSb .,@@Qp,,,SSSS7
:::::::: / .dSSSS:SSS. .lSSdS74SSbdSS7
:::::::: / 4SS*SSS *SS!@SSSSlSL .DSS jSSl sP!
:::::::: / / SSS *SSSS:*SS!SP* :SSS:
:::::::: / KSSP lSS: .b. lSSl@!SSSSSb. lSSSl :
:::::::: / jSSP :SSl.dSSS7:SS!SSS7 SS:qSSSSS:!S@p,
:::::::: / / .jSS7q!SSSS!:S7.SSSlSSb, ,SSSlS*lSSSb*/
:::::::: . / .dSSSSS7*/SS * :
Founding members . / / ::::
Necromancer ...... mark@smegma.net ::::
Necronite ........ kpearsal@sgi.com / ::::
Whodini .......... whodini@apt103.net / / / ::::
Leaders :::: /
Tzeentech ........ tn@mail.acid.org :::: / /
Wackie ........... wackie@newmail.net :::: . ./
Arrogance ........ ack@dub56.org :::: ml
Spinsane ......... spinsane@apt103.net ::::
:::: Group news
Active members ::::
:::: Welcome to remorse 42!
Aesthetic ....... daveb@phatchicks.com :::: As we all know, 42 is
Ansichrst ....... mceedia@hotmail.com :::: the answer to life, the
Antik ........... antik@junglists.com :::: universe,and everything
Axb ............. axb500@hotmail.com :::: Remorse now brings you
Brane ........... brane@home.se :::: the ascii pack that
Cleaner ......... cleaner@ifrance.com :::: will answer all of your
Computer Man .... sam@cmang.com :::: questions about life.
Drax ............ micke@frojd.com :::: This month were proud
Dshay ........... dshay@freemail.com.au :::: to welcome massm back
Erupt ........... erupt@drinkordie.com :::: into the fold as well
Mass Murderer ... :::: as polands finest Phz,
Mj0lnir ......... mjolnir@home.se :::: and Dshay in the NS.
M0dium .......... m0dium@hotmail.com ::::
Nightrain ....... ericwin@mail.ev1.net :::: As for OS, we welcome
Noches .......... noches@poczta.onet.pl :::: back *original* RMRS
Phz ............. phz@mail.e.pl :::: senior Nightrain. Its
Polygon ......... polygoon@hotmail.com :::: been awhile. Also back
Poskgubbe ....... posk@ktsascii.net :::: this month is Truman
Ricky Martin .... rm@popstar.com :::: 5tarr, while new guys
Sinse One ....... sinseone@ :::: Sinse-One, M0dium and
................. deaddrunkenspanairds.com::: Ricky Martin join up.
Talo ............ merlin@remorse.org :::: In colly news, Sinse-1
Triplogic ....... almstedt@themarines.org:::: drops his first at RMRS
Truman 5tarr .... groove@malditainternet.net: with r-milla.txt, Spin
Tum ............. tyagia@union.edu :::: drops r-3dd2.txt, while
2112 ............ two11two@earthlink.net :::: tn will depress youwith
:::: r-sunday.txt. Check
Technical Support :::: em.
:::: Leaving this month are
Crash ........... crash@mp3.org :::: OSers Hiro Protagonist
Radman .......... radman@acid.org :::: and Poskgubbe who leave
Silica .......... silica@inso.darktech.org::: to try their hand at a
:::: new group. Mankind has
Alumni :::: been removed on good
:::: terms, Vapor has left,
Empty ........... jaelin1@hotmail.com :::: and Mukumdi has been re-
Enigmatic ....... enigmo@msn.com :::: moved while on extended
Fahrenheit ...... unknown :::: travels in England.
Kaleidas ........ kaleidas@linex.com ::::
Killahertz ...... khz@megarad.com :::: Lastly,
Miasma .......... miasma@mail.acid.org ::::
Mhz ............. mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu :::: Stop the hating and
Mr. Kite ........ unknown :::: start the doodling guys.
Omicron ......... omi@remorse.org :::: At least you have some-
Pariah .......... fkiper@hotmail.com :::: thing to work for - its
Polymorph ....... unknown :::: hard to constantly set
Terminator 2 .... unknown :::: the standard.
The Messiah ..... messdan@mediaone.com ::::
Tinyz ........... tinyz@prada.org :::: -remorse senior staff
Whirr ........... whirr@apt103.net ::::
Personal Web Sites :::: Contact information
Antik ........... breakz.life.be :::: www.remorse.org
Crash ........... www.lyricism.net :::: www.acid.org
Erupt ........... www.ruptbot.com :::: remorse/ascii
Killahertz ...... www.megarad.com/khz :::: EFnet
Necromancer ..... www.smegma.net :::: inso.darktech.org
Ricky Marin ..... johanhalin.cjb.net :::: Telnet
Spinsane ........ apt103.net/spinsane ::::
two11two ........ two11two.darkscape.net ::::
Whirr ........... apt103.net/whirr ::::
Whodini ......... ryan.remorse.org ::::
:::: NFO Layout by mj0lnir
c Copyright 2001, ACiD Productions We Will Sue
:::::::: // / l: . .d.
:::::::: / / RMRS-42.ZIP l?l .qSSSSSSp.4pSSbd .sS
::::::::. / / 04/21/2001 jSSS jSS74SSb .,@@Qp,,,SSSS7
:::::::: / .dSSSS:SSS. .lSSdS74SSbdSS7
:::::::: / 4SS*SSS *SS!@SSSSlSL .DSS jSSl sP!
:::::::: / / SSS *SSSS:*SS!SP* :SSS:
:::::::: / KSSP lSS: .b. lSSl@!SSSSSb. lSSSl :
:::::::: / jSSP :SSl.dSSS7:SS!SSS7 SS:qSSSSS:!S@p,
:::::::: / / .jSS7q!SSSS!:S7.SSSlSSb, ,SSSlS*lSSSb*/
:::::::: . / .dSSSSS7*/SS * :
Founding members . / / ::::
Necromancer ...... mark@smegma.net ::::
Necronite ........ kpearsal@sgi.com / ::::
Whodini .......... whodini@apt103.net / / / ::::
Leaders :::: /
Tzeentech ........ tn@mail.acid.org :::: / /
Wackie ........... wackie@newmail.net :::: . ./
Arrogance ........ ack@dub56.org :::: ml
Spinsane ......... spinsane@apt103.net ::::
:::: Group news
Active members ::::
:::: Welcome to remorse 42!
Aesthetic ....... daveb@phatchicks.com :::: As we all know, 42 is
Ansichrst ....... mceedia@hotmail.com :::: the answer to life, the
Antik ........... antik@junglists.com :::: universe,and everything
Axb ............. axb500@hotmail.com :::: Remorse now brings you
Brane ........... brane@home.se :::: the ascii pack that
Cleaner ......... cleaner@ifrance.com :::: will answer all of your
Computer Man .... sam@cmang.com :::: questions about life.
Drax ............ micke@frojd.com :::: This month were proud
Dshay ........... dshay@freemail.com.au :::: to welcome massm back
Erupt ........... erupt@drinkordie.com :::: into the fold as well
Mass Murderer ... :::: as polands finest Phz,
Mj0lnir ......... mjolnir@home.se :::: and Dshay in the NS.
M0dium .......... m0dium@hotmail.com ::::
Nightrain ....... ericwin@mail.ev1.net :::: As for OS, we welcome
Noches .......... noches@poczta.onet.pl :::: back *original* RMRS
Phz ............. phz@mail.e.pl :::: senior Nightrain. Its
Polygon ......... polygoon@hotmail.com :::: been awhile. Also back
Poskgubbe ....... posk@ktsascii.net :::: this month is Truman
Ricky Martin .... rm@popstar.com :::: 5tarr, while new guys
Sinse One ....... sinseone@ :::: Sinse-One, M0dium and
................. deaddrunkenspanairds.com::: Ricky Martin join up.
Talo ............ merlin@remorse.org :::: In colly news, Sinse-1
Triplogic ....... almstedt@themarines.org:::: drops his first at RMRS
Truman 5tarr .... groove@malditainternet.net: with r-milla.txt, Spin
Tum ............. tyagia@union.edu :::: drops r-3dd2.txt, while
2112 ............ two11two@earthlink.net :::: tn will depress youwith
:::: r-sunday.txt. Check
Technical Support :::: em.
:::: Leaving this month are
Crash ........... crash@mp3.org :::: OSers Hiro Protagonist
Radman .......... radman@acid.org :::: and Poskgubbe who leave
Silica .......... silica@inso.darktech.org::: to try their hand at a
:::: new group. Mankind has
Alumni :::: been removed on good
:::: terms, Vapor has left,
Empty ........... jaelin1@hotmail.com :::: and Mukumdi has been re-
Enigmatic ....... enigmo@msn.com :::: moved while on extended
Fahrenheit ...... unknown :::: travels in England.
Kaleidas ........ kaleidas@linex.com ::::
Killahertz ...... khz@megarad.com :::: Lastly,
Miasma .......... miasma@mail.acid.org ::::
Mhz ............. mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu :::: Stop the hating and
Mr. Kite ........ unknown :::: start the doodling guys.
Omicron ......... omi@remorse.org :::: At least you have some-
Pariah .......... fkiper@hotmail.com :::: thing to work for - its
Polymorph ....... unknown :::: hard to constantly set
Terminator 2 .... unknown :::: the standard.
The Messiah ..... messdan@mediaone.com ::::
Tinyz ........... tinyz@prada.org :::: -remorse senior staff
Whirr ........... whirr@apt103.net ::::
Personal Web Sites :::: Contact information
Antik ........... breakz.life.be :::: www.remorse.org
Crash ........... www.lyricism.net :::: www.acid.org
Erupt ........... www.ruptbot.com :::: remorse/ascii
Killahertz ...... www.megarad.com/khz :::: EFnet
Necromancer ..... www.smegma.net :::: inso.darktech.org
Ricky Marin ..... johanhalin.cjb.net :::: Telnet
Spinsane ........ apt103.net/spinsane ::::
two11two ........ two11two.darkscape.net ::::
Whirr ........... apt103.net/whirr ::::
Whodini ......... ryan.remorse.org ::::
:::: NFO Layout by mj0lnir
c Copyright 2001, ACiD Productions We Will Sue
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