this image contains text
begin file - 80x50/PC Fonting - syntax: edit.com /h r-3dd2.txt -
.....::. question:you marks:
period....: .-::::::::.
7 7------+ .::::::::::::::::
7- :::::::::::
::::::: :::::. to view the
:::::: :----. :::::: exclamation
.:..:.: are : ::::::--...
: you .::::: : : :vanishing point
: ready.:::::: : :..
:..:::::::::::: of common style?
sp81 ::::::: .:::.
7+------ ::::::: :
o/ duh duhduh duuunnnnnnnnnnn o/
o/ music swells o/
... and ...
/ / rmrs2001.
/ aXB
/ sp81 / / / / / / / / /
/ 7 /
p R E S E N T S //
/ / / / ------------------------------7
/ / / / 7 /
/ / / / T H R E E
/ / / / / / D I M E N S I O N
// / // / / D E C E P T I O N
/ / / // V O L U M E : T W O
/ / / -------3DD--------------------------------7
/ challenging your line of sight.
/ challenging your fonting rights.
sp81 X--ami-eckses -----------------------/
pestulences //
ascii kids /
X- i wreck diz ----------------------//
drawn by.............................
sp81 :
who? : :.:..:......:. .
d R A W N b Y!
/ .O .O- X
/ l
/ : : THE DAY!
/ / . ?.-
sp81 / . --+ / .- -
/ / / . l
/ . l
/ / / l
c4MIMIC . .
s P I N S A N E !
l . / / / / / l/ / / / /
l/ / l// / /
+rEMiNDiNG+ : ::
.---. / l . ..::...
. ..... l/ ::.
.-.:::::::,. l / .::
::::::::::::::::.. +tHE+ . ::
sp81 / :: ::.
/ l //. / // / / :: ::.
// l// / /
/ // / l/
l / /l // l/ /7 / /l / ::
+oFtHEfACT+++--- - ..
7 /
sp81 /
/ ascii is my life
/ / AND.
sp81 .....
the buck that bought the bottle
couldve struck the lotto. - nAS
:: .. hP!
:: H i S T O R Y ::
:: T H R E E D I M E N S I O N D E C E P T I O N P A R T : 2 ::
: Well now... where to start? :
: I guess by welcoming you to my second ever colly, and the sequel :
: to the first: Three Dimension Deception Part 2. :
: The first 3DD was released in the PC Ascii scene via the group :
: Noname!Ascii, which is a famous group in the PC scene. Many of you :
: probably never saw the first colly, but in general it was only :
: average at best. While Amiga style ascii is what I started drawing :
: in 1994, by the time I released 3DD in 1996, I had begun to mostly :
: concentrate on PC Style ascii and never really finished to :
: develop my Amiga style. :
: Over the years since, I have drawn a ton of Amiga ascii, I have :
: never attempted another colly though. Until now. :
: So if you are exclusively in the Amiga scene, when you view this :
: keep in mind that Ive been sheltered from studying Amiga ascii in :
: depth until now. Hence, I personally think I have a unique style :
: that, while unlike standard Amiga for the most part, is well done :
: and developed well. Since I started this colly which is actually :
: mostly a collection done over the past couple of years, I have :
: begun to hone my purist Amiga styles, so you should see some amiga :
: influeced work in here as well. :
: In general though, I view the style that I and AXB also in :
: Remorse have been developing in the past year or two is really :
: the ultimate extension of Oldschool Style ascii. Most of you no :
: doubt disagree, but aXB and I have always been different and more :
: consistently experimental than most. So go figure we draw weird :
: 3-D ascii... much like new wildstyle graffiti. :
: Since most of you no doubt love graffiti, Im going to make :
: the analogy of my stuff being like Daim, etc Neo-Wildstyle stuff :
: while classic Amiga fonting, which is bad ass, is like oldschool :
: New York wildstyle. :
: If there are two forms of art I know, its graf and ascii... so :
: I think its valid. Anyway, thats why I chose to name this colly :
: Three Dimension Deception Part 2: most of the art is futuristic :
: three dimensional shit... so enjoy. :
: Comments, etc. Email spinsane@apt103.net . In the years to come :
: if that email should be invalid, Ill undoubtable be on irc Efnet :
: ascii still : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:
: : peace April, 19th, 2OO1 : : :
:: : spinsane@apt103.net : :
:: : remorse ascii O/S co-ordinator :....:
..... l..........: / :.:..:...:......
// l / / : : .
! / ! :......L /
l // //
oh no.../ /
/ sp81 :: ::
------*----------------------------------------------------: j . :
/ what a tangled --O O/--
web we weave...
sp81 ::::::.
monochrome picasso :::: ::.
::: :l:::
:: ::. digital debaussy
bne81 . .. ..
/ / / t H R E E dIMENSION d E C E P T I O N // /
7 7
o1 GALZA asciicompo
o2 WERE DEAD none
o3 C4NNABIS c4nnibalMMC
o4 WENDY my girlie /
/ o5 WINONA tzeentch81 /
/ / o6 ACID FILEID.DIZ radmanACID /
/ o7 REMORSE PROMO remorse1981 /
o8 FISHIE remorse1981 /
l l
o9 MARLBORO p. morris /
10 AXB axb81 /
/11 AXB axb81
12 FUTURE none
13 KODEZ spinsane81
15 DARKTECH dt.org staff
16 KATUMA remorse1981
17 ERUPT erupt81
18 G-FORCE forget
19 SPLONK splonk
20 REMORSE PROMO remorse1981
21 MJ0LNIR mj0lnir81
22 VOLATILE volatile81
23 MANKIND . mankind81
24 IMPURE impure staff
l / / ! //
/ /7 /
sp81 l l / / /
we mobb deep
and this colly
/ is the /
,-.-/ l-.-
l l :/
of your
no doubt im stuck and i cant get out
: of this lifestyle... :
the 81st side get bent run wild...
.:. the 81st side crew you know how we do... .:.
violate motherfucker im a see you with the linden...
its the start of your endin settin it again and again
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 1ASCII: galza!ascii :/
/ // / / / FOR: asciicompo.. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ ? / / / // /
// / / /sp81
galza ascii promo L /.7./
for asciicompo 03/27/01
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 2ASCII: were dead :/
/ // / / / FOR: the scene .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
. :0 . : . ..............
... ./ -OO- .
: / wERE dEAD... :: .
: supposedly. : :
: / R.I.P. / : :
: M i M i C / :
sp81 : .. : : . : : - . , :
: dAWN oF tHE ..:
: dEAD... :..
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 3ASCII: c4nn :/
/ // / / / FOR: c4nnibal .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
. c 4 n n a b i s :
/ AKA :
c 4 n n i b a l :
sp81 :
my ascii hero :
:i lUV yEW!
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 4ASCII: wendy :/
/ // / / / FOR: my g/f .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
? // / /
/ // WENDY .
// from jason .sp81
/ the polymath
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 5ASCII: winona :/
/ // / / / FOR: tzeentch .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / /sp81 / /
t Z E E N T C H S w I N O N A
.its a beautiful landscape.
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 6ASCII: ACiD DiZ :/
/ // / / / FOR: acid.org .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / / /sp
/ // 81 /
/ A C i D !/
art scene elite since 1990
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 7ASCII: remorse :/
/ // / / / FOR: 1981krew .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
.d: / / / / / / .:::.
::: // // / ::::: 81
: ::,:: remorse // / ::
:.......:: /sp81!::::::. .::::
can it be that it was all so simple?
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 8ASCII: fishie :/
/ // / / / FOR: remorse .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / // / rEMoRsE
. / / / / / fiSh
sp81 // / / / -- .
/ / / bURP
/ / -. /,- O -, / /
all other ascii sucka fishez
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 9ASCII: marlboro :/
/ // / / / FOR: p. morris .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
sp81 // //
this ascii is for phillip morris. rip and die!@! of lung cancer
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!1OASCII: axb :/
/ // / / / FOR: axb .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/sp81 /
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!11ASCII: axb :/
/ // / / / FOR: axb .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
. // / / / /.3
/ / // A X B
.o / /.
5/Oi // /
sp 81 //
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!12ASCII: future :/
/ // / / / FOR: none .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
sp81 / / /
the future of o/s is now
iNTER ::::: :
? // / / / ::::: :
l / / ::::: :
// tHE :
/ / / l / /
l l /
----------MiSSiON---------------------@ / / ::::: :
sp81 / / ::::: :
intermissions are good. ::::: :
@--------------------* ::::: :
especially since i realize my style is so complex that ::::: :
you, the humble viewer, can do nothing but sit and stare ::::: :
at each logo for hours... ::::: :
thats ok. in fact its intended. if youre the average viewer ::::: :
you should be on hour 24 of continous colly viewing. that is ::::: :
assuming you are deciphering the fonts at an average of 1 ::::: :
font per every two hours. ::::: :
at this time, go get some marijuana or nicoteen. smoke them. ::::: :
head to the bathroom, leave a stool, shower, shave, put on ::::: :
deoderant, and re-clothe yourself. ::::: :
waiting ::::: :
ok. now you should be ready to continue viewing this colly.. ::::: :
but before we jump back into the visual art, id like to ::::: :
share some lyrics i just wrote actually, i havent wrote ::::: :
them *yet*, once i finish this sentence ill write them ::::: :
though.. ::::: :
- flow akin to Lyrics Borns Allways Fine Tunin ----------+..:::::..:
- // indicates end of line or breath :::::
:: my fantastic styled rhymes // :....: :::::
:: break semantic skylines... // :::::
:: down... // :::::
:: to building blocks to found new towns of sounds // :::::
:: apopulated now by cowed pugilists, and crews of kids // :::::
:: who get rude as shit if they cant choose me on the playlist:::::
:: why? // :::::
:: because i slay this, like it was dragon its flow// :::::
:: youre the damsel and im Rambo causing scandel with :::::
:: explosive bow and arrows // :::::
:: what i mean is that... when its comes to me// :::::
:: instead of All you spelling Bees, MC stands for Meanest See?//
:: wittily, im the epitome of the ABCs of cleverness// :::::
:: joe green couldnt see this if it was in the Steelers defense//
:: and im lost at sea, skull and crossbones gleam// :::::
:: as i battle whodini MCs i trap 20,000 leagues under the sea//
:: cuz i locked them in a treasure chest... // :::::
:: i meant to flow with cleanness // :::::
:: but i got dirty, hurt my fucking knee gettin down so now its bloody//
:: mary couldnt bear me so the surgeons start to worry // :::::
:: no need jesus, you can keep the blade clean of rust// :::::
:: its immaculate c-section when i first burst on the scene // :::::
:: in god we trust, so trust in me or just flee// :::::
:: i came to lease, i only got three years here with thee// :::::
:: im a nexus 6 lyricist and i spent a year to develop this// :::::
:: ya heard?// :::::
:: more about me // cu z eye am bored and elite :::::
:: real name : jason :::::
:: age : 22 :::::
::-aSCIIiNFO!------------------------------------------ :::::
:: in ascii scene since 1994 :::::
:: ascii names : sir piru 1994-1995? / spinsane 1995 - present :::::
:: ascii crews : lords of warez L.O.W 1994 / asc + courier :::::
:: fidelis FI 1994-95? / lit + ascii :::::
:: hallucination HN 1995-96 / founder :::::
:: ash ASH 1995?-96 / ascii + LD courier :::::
:: basic 1996 / ascii :::::
:: craze 1996 / founder merged with Noname :::::
:: before 1st pack released :::::
:: noname 1996 / ascii + senior staff :::::
:: g.i.joe!ascii 1997 / alias KWIK KICK! :::::
:: true 1999 / senior staff + ascii :::::
:: remorse 1996-present / senior staff + ascii :::::
::-hIPhOPiNFO!----------------------------------------- :::::
:: in hiphop scene since 1989 :::::
:: hiphop DJ? : no :::::
:: graffiti art? : yes :::::
:: graffiti alias : kodez :::::
:: graffiti since : 1992 - present :::::
:: emcee? : yes :::::
:: emcee alias : wreckfrayz :::::
:: emcee since : 2000 - present :::::
:: breaker? : yes, pop-lock only :::::
:: breaker alias : evil robot spinsane :::::
:: breaking since : 1995 - present :::::
:: WHAT SET YOU FROM?!: E.R.S. Evil Robot Syndicate :::::
:: other members : evil robot somah :::::
:: : evil robot spark aka iNC-ONE :::::
:: quick top 8 MCS list off the top :::::
:: 1 Nas :::::
:: 2 Kool G Rap :::::
:: 3 Rakim :::::
:: 4 Aceyalone :::::
:: 5 Common Sense :::::
:: 6 Chuck D :::::
:: 7 Pharoah Monche :::::
:: 8 People Under The Stairs :::::
::-tECHNOiNFO!----------------------------------------- :::::
:: how were you exposed to electronic music? :::::
:: through drug dealing in the inner city in 1994. :::::
:: i would buy drugs from older folks and end up hanging :::::
:: out at their houses for scores at odd hours of the :::::
:: night/morning. since i wasnt into that shit then, it :::::
:: was quite weird seeing really dirty, speedfreaks and :::::
:: pill heads laying in abandoned houses coming down from :::::
:: drugs. but thats how i ended up hearing house and :::::
:: breakbeat for the first time... and how i got my first :::::
:: mixtape: kimball collins @ aahz 1/06/94. ive loved :::::
:: that tape ever since. :::::
:: where did it go from there? :::::
:: after that, i ended up buying more psychedlic shit like :::::
:: aphex twins SAW 2 and FSOLs lifeforms... and mix CDs :::::
:: by Keoki JDJ + All Mixed Up, and my first actual :::::
:: techno purchase was Future Techno which had tracks by :::::
:: X-Crash, Frankie Bones, Aphex Twin, Mike Dearborn, :::::
:: Madonna 303, Capricorn and more. It was viscious. At :::::
:: this time, I started sneaking out of my house to go to :::::
:: afterhours clubs such as Parthenon, and Ozone. By late :::::
:: 1996 I had been going out every night for months, and :::::
:: continued to pretty much do so through til 1998... :::::
:: since then, ive gotten out of actually going out a lot :::::
:: and actually, havent been buying or listening to :::::
:: anything except purist techno since then. also, ambient :::::
:: so what do you think about ravers? :::::
:: these days in my area, ravers are all white trash kids :::::
:: with no taste in music. :::::
:: who are your favorite DJs? :::::
:: well i have quite a few DJS i enjoy. here goes. in :::::
:: relative order :::::
tier 1 djs
jeff mills, richie hawtin, ben simms uk, dave clarke
john digweed, doc martin, three, dj dan, keoki,
pascal FEOS, newborn
who are your favorite producers?
in general, i dont care too much about production.
the art of DJing, and deconstructing sets has always
been my favorite thing... but in general, i like
minimal techno and IDM the best. i think jungle is gay :
/ / / 7
oO //
/ / l
back / /
l / / /
/ / l
bidinez /l
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!13ASCII: kOdez :/
/ // / / / FOR: spinsane .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / // //sp81
KODEZERS // / //
I remember the first time i learned how to visualize
shapes in 3 dimensions. i was 6 years old, in the
summer between kindergarten and 1st grade. it was
storming outside, and the sky was orange fire growing
trees of yellow lightning. i drew a cube on a napkin,
and felt electricity.
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!14ASCII: wicked :/
// / / ./ // / minority :
/ // / / / FOR: smoke .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
w i c k e d //
m i n o r i t y wickedm.demonic.net
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!15ASCII: darktech.org :/
/ // / / / FOR: darktech .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
sp81 //
d4rt3- d0t0rg
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!16ASCII: katuma :/
/ // / / / FOR: remorse .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / sp!81 /
this ascii inspired by danish graffiti
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!17ASCII: erupt :/
/ // / / / FOR: erupticuban.. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
jimmy otoole, the irish brogue says...
eRuPtZ fOr ThE dOwnStROkE!
/ sp!81
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!18ASCII: g-force :/
/ // / / / FOR: forgot? .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
// //. E /
G F O /
// C
g-force - razor sharp gravity
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!19ASCII: splonk :/
/ // / / / FOR: splonk! .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
splOnk! / :::
sp!81 / / // /
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!20ASCII: remorse :/
/ // / / / FOR: remorse .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / / Z // /
/ / / Z // / /
/ / / Z / // /
Z /
/ Y
/ R /
19,8,1 XYZ123
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!21ASCII: mj0lnir :/
/ // / / / FOR: mj0lnir .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
:::.::: m j 0 l n i r
. . . / / / / sP81
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!22ASCII: volatile :/
/ // / / / FOR: volatile .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / / / V is for VOLATILE
/ / / / / ... a chip off the
// / / / / old block huh
sp / / / /
81 // /
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!23ASCII: mankind :/
/ // / / / FOR: mankind .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
this ascii dedicated to mANKiND81techno-citizen
/ A // I / / / / /
/ N // // / /
M // N /::::::/
SP81 K / :::::::::::
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!24ASCII: impure :/
/ // / / / FOR: impurecrew .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ /l /
/ / l / / /
sp81 ./ / 7
/ // i M P U R E ! a S C I I
........................................................the end!......
thats it. its done. whoohoo collies are a lot of work...
s1/ / . ..
my girlfriend, without whom id have killed myself by now!
cannibal + erupt. down since day 1
non-sceners: baracuda, dreamthief, primalz, phishmeister, ne1, noah
mutinydps, tailgatedps, kneer0w, death incarnate
g0ne, transient 813, everyone from 813/727/941 BBSes.
oldwarez, classicwarez, ninjachat, //,nwraves,
813, fl-raves, hiphop2, rapmusic, freestyling.
everyone at alt.rap who i got to hone my penmanship with.
all the people at rec.music.hip-hop who ive had the
pleasure of talking to over the past few years. RMHH is
by far the best message system ever, including the old
BBS scene.
sceners: besides the greets to c4nnibal + erupt, i greet *everyone*.
i consider every single one of you on ascii, ansi, ans
remorse, mimic, bafh, mysticbbs, impure, oscompo,
amielite, acid, ice, glue, ??? equals... and if i
tried to list everyones name, id certainly forget people who
should be greeted! this is not a cop out : i tried typing
everyones name, but i knew i only greeted like 10 percent of
influences id like to thank:
very early influenes: 1994
ami/x warez boards in my area code. Vertigo, Mystery Tour and Lazaurus.
seven m
mid influences:1995-1999
cannibal - the only other local to really ever get any good. besides
pyscholic newjack :, and masterken and nevermind in ansi.
weve been unseperable in the scene since day 1. love you!
plus, youre still better than me at O/S. although im
catching up :
Asian Boys Insane
Ganja text files
warez bbs art including: masterbation station, dimension xxx,
genocide inc, silo, the rock yard, the ghostship, park central, others.
art bbses including: chaos a.d. evil intentions, doink, hoth, jive soda,
the regency, modemland/2, alderaan, sushi bar z, pirahna, etc.
artists of particular influence:
bitstream, trinitron, fatal sacrilege, evilive, whodini, necromancer,
nootropic, defiant, lord jazz, eerie, reptile, erupt, neo negro,
killahertz, mSD, korpse, spear, kaleidas,psychoholic, cheese, omicron,
asphixia aka jhale, coleslaw its a witch bitch!, cable, mr.kite, cR,
don croce, epidemic, holocaust, polymorph, discyple
pull my arm for 5 most influential to me:
c4nnibal, nootropic, korpse, coleslaw, reptile
newer influences:1999-2001
axb, splonk, mj0lnir, volatile, nasone, brane, spiral!ascii, secular,
pogue, darkus, and all the people who drew collies from the early 90s
til now i always skipped em :
/ , sloimp
remorse ascii logo - axb remorse
spinsane logo - c4nnibal mimic
history logo - hiro protagonist ?
index logo - brane remorse
greets logo - sinse-one remorse
credits log - splonk/pix impure
,d . n.
/ // / / / l
/ / .m- /
l. :::: ::.
/ 7 l .:::
sPINSANE ::::::::::::::
oF rEMORSE1981!::::::::::::::
presents his 1st::::::::::::::
ascii collection::::::::::::::
in 6 long years!::::::::::::::
/outstyling all challengers!
.....::. question:you marks:
period....: .-::::::::.
7 7------+ .::::::::::::::::
7- :::::::::::
::::::: :::::. to view the
:::::: :----. :::::: exclamation
.:..:.: are : ::::::--...
: you .::::: : : :vanishing point
: ready.:::::: : :..
:..:::::::::::: of common style?
sp81 ::::::: .:::.
7+------ ::::::: :
o/ duh duhduh duuunnnnnnnnnnn o/
o/ music swells o/
... and ...
/ / rmrs2001.
/ aXB
/ sp81 / / / / / / / / /
/ 7 /
p R E S E N T S //
/ / / / ------------------------------7
/ / / / 7 /
/ / / / T H R E E
/ / / / / / D I M E N S I O N
// / // / / D E C E P T I O N
/ / / // V O L U M E : T W O
/ / / -------3DD--------------------------------7
/ challenging your line of sight.
/ challenging your fonting rights.
sp81 X--ami-eckses -----------------------/
pestulences //
ascii kids /
X- i wreck diz ----------------------//
drawn by.............................
sp81 :
who? : :.:..:......:. .
d R A W N b Y!
/ .O .O- X
/ l
/ : : THE DAY!
/ / . ?.-
sp81 / . --+ / .- -
/ / / . l
/ . l
/ / / l
c4MIMIC . .
s P I N S A N E !
l . / / / / / l/ / / / /
l/ / l// / /
+rEMiNDiNG+ : ::
.---. / l . ..::...
. ..... l/ ::.
.-.:::::::,. l / .::
::::::::::::::::.. +tHE+ . ::
sp81 / :: ::.
/ l //. / // / / :: ::.
// l// / /
/ // / l/
l / /l // l/ /7 / /l / ::
+oFtHEfACT+++--- - ..
7 /
sp81 /
/ ascii is my life
/ / AND.
sp81 .....
the buck that bought the bottle
couldve struck the lotto. - nAS
:: .. hP!
:: H i S T O R Y ::
:: T H R E E D I M E N S I O N D E C E P T I O N P A R T : 2 ::
: Well now... where to start? :
: I guess by welcoming you to my second ever colly, and the sequel :
: to the first: Three Dimension Deception Part 2. :
: The first 3DD was released in the PC Ascii scene via the group :
: Noname!Ascii, which is a famous group in the PC scene. Many of you :
: probably never saw the first colly, but in general it was only :
: average at best. While Amiga style ascii is what I started drawing :
: in 1994, by the time I released 3DD in 1996, I had begun to mostly :
: concentrate on PC Style ascii and never really finished to :
: develop my Amiga style. :
: Over the years since, I have drawn a ton of Amiga ascii, I have :
: never attempted another colly though. Until now. :
: So if you are exclusively in the Amiga scene, when you view this :
: keep in mind that Ive been sheltered from studying Amiga ascii in :
: depth until now. Hence, I personally think I have a unique style :
: that, while unlike standard Amiga for the most part, is well done :
: and developed well. Since I started this colly which is actually :
: mostly a collection done over the past couple of years, I have :
: begun to hone my purist Amiga styles, so you should see some amiga :
: influeced work in here as well. :
: In general though, I view the style that I and AXB also in :
: Remorse have been developing in the past year or two is really :
: the ultimate extension of Oldschool Style ascii. Most of you no :
: doubt disagree, but aXB and I have always been different and more :
: consistently experimental than most. So go figure we draw weird :
: 3-D ascii... much like new wildstyle graffiti. :
: Since most of you no doubt love graffiti, Im going to make :
: the analogy of my stuff being like Daim, etc Neo-Wildstyle stuff :
: while classic Amiga fonting, which is bad ass, is like oldschool :
: New York wildstyle. :
: If there are two forms of art I know, its graf and ascii... so :
: I think its valid. Anyway, thats why I chose to name this colly :
: Three Dimension Deception Part 2: most of the art is futuristic :
: three dimensional shit... so enjoy. :
: Comments, etc. Email spinsane@apt103.net . In the years to come :
: if that email should be invalid, Ill undoubtable be on irc Efnet :
: ascii still : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:
: : peace April, 19th, 2OO1 : : :
:: : spinsane@apt103.net : :
:: : remorse ascii O/S co-ordinator :....:
..... l..........: / :.:..:...:......
// l / / : : .
! / ! :......L /
l // //
oh no.../ /
/ sp81 :: ::
------*----------------------------------------------------: j . :
/ what a tangled --O O/--
web we weave...
sp81 ::::::.
monochrome picasso :::: ::.
::: :l:::
:: ::. digital debaussy
bne81 . .. ..
/ / / t H R E E dIMENSION d E C E P T I O N // /
7 7
o1 GALZA asciicompo
o2 WERE DEAD none
o3 C4NNABIS c4nnibalMMC
o4 WENDY my girlie /
/ o5 WINONA tzeentch81 /
/ / o6 ACID FILEID.DIZ radmanACID /
/ o7 REMORSE PROMO remorse1981 /
o8 FISHIE remorse1981 /
l l
o9 MARLBORO p. morris /
10 AXB axb81 /
/11 AXB axb81
12 FUTURE none
13 KODEZ spinsane81
15 DARKTECH dt.org staff
16 KATUMA remorse1981
17 ERUPT erupt81
18 G-FORCE forget
19 SPLONK splonk
20 REMORSE PROMO remorse1981
21 MJ0LNIR mj0lnir81
22 VOLATILE volatile81
23 MANKIND . mankind81
24 IMPURE impure staff
l / / ! //
/ /7 /
sp81 l l / / /
we mobb deep
and this colly
/ is the /
,-.-/ l-.-
l l :/
of your
no doubt im stuck and i cant get out
: of this lifestyle... :
the 81st side get bent run wild...
.:. the 81st side crew you know how we do... .:.
violate motherfucker im a see you with the linden...
its the start of your endin settin it again and again
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 1ASCII: galza!ascii :/
/ // / / / FOR: asciicompo.. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ ? / / / // /
// / / /sp81
galza ascii promo L /.7./
for asciicompo 03/27/01
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 2ASCII: were dead :/
/ // / / / FOR: the scene .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
. :0 . : . ..............
... ./ -OO- .
: / wERE dEAD... :: .
: supposedly. : :
: / R.I.P. / : :
: M i M i C / :
sp81 : .. : : . : : - . , :
: dAWN oF tHE ..:
: dEAD... :..
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 3ASCII: c4nn :/
/ // / / / FOR: c4nnibal .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
. c 4 n n a b i s :
/ AKA :
c 4 n n i b a l :
sp81 :
my ascii hero :
:i lUV yEW!
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 4ASCII: wendy :/
/ // / / / FOR: my g/f .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
? // / /
/ // WENDY .
// from jason .sp81
/ the polymath
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 5ASCII: winona :/
/ // / / / FOR: tzeentch .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / /sp81 / /
t Z E E N T C H S w I N O N A
.its a beautiful landscape.
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 6ASCII: ACiD DiZ :/
/ // / / / FOR: acid.org .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / / /sp
/ // 81 /
/ A C i D !/
art scene elite since 1990
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 7ASCII: remorse :/
/ // / / / FOR: 1981krew .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
.d: / / / / / / .:::.
::: // // / ::::: 81
: ::,:: remorse // / ::
:.......:: /sp81!::::::. .::::
can it be that it was all so simple?
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 8ASCII: fishie :/
/ // / / / FOR: remorse .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / // / rEMoRsE
. / / / / / fiSh
sp81 // / / / -- .
/ / / bURP
/ / -. /,- O -, / /
all other ascii sucka fishez
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!! 9ASCII: marlboro :/
/ // / / / FOR: p. morris .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
sp81 // //
this ascii is for phillip morris. rip and die!@! of lung cancer
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!1OASCII: axb :/
/ // / / / FOR: axb .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/sp81 /
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!11ASCII: axb :/
/ // / / / FOR: axb .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
. // / / / /.3
/ / // A X B
.o / /.
5/Oi // /
sp 81 //
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!12ASCII: future :/
/ // / / / FOR: none .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
sp81 / / /
the future of o/s is now
iNTER ::::: :
? // / / / ::::: :
l / / ::::: :
// tHE :
/ / / l / /
l l /
----------MiSSiON---------------------@ / / ::::: :
sp81 / / ::::: :
intermissions are good. ::::: :
@--------------------* ::::: :
especially since i realize my style is so complex that ::::: :
you, the humble viewer, can do nothing but sit and stare ::::: :
at each logo for hours... ::::: :
thats ok. in fact its intended. if youre the average viewer ::::: :
you should be on hour 24 of continous colly viewing. that is ::::: :
assuming you are deciphering the fonts at an average of 1 ::::: :
font per every two hours. ::::: :
at this time, go get some marijuana or nicoteen. smoke them. ::::: :
head to the bathroom, leave a stool, shower, shave, put on ::::: :
deoderant, and re-clothe yourself. ::::: :
waiting ::::: :
ok. now you should be ready to continue viewing this colly.. ::::: :
but before we jump back into the visual art, id like to ::::: :
share some lyrics i just wrote actually, i havent wrote ::::: :
them *yet*, once i finish this sentence ill write them ::::: :
though.. ::::: :
- flow akin to Lyrics Borns Allways Fine Tunin ----------+..:::::..:
- // indicates end of line or breath :::::
:: my fantastic styled rhymes // :....: :::::
:: break semantic skylines... // :::::
:: down... // :::::
:: to building blocks to found new towns of sounds // :::::
:: apopulated now by cowed pugilists, and crews of kids // :::::
:: who get rude as shit if they cant choose me on the playlist:::::
:: why? // :::::
:: because i slay this, like it was dragon its flow// :::::
:: youre the damsel and im Rambo causing scandel with :::::
:: explosive bow and arrows // :::::
:: what i mean is that... when its comes to me// :::::
:: instead of All you spelling Bees, MC stands for Meanest See?//
:: wittily, im the epitome of the ABCs of cleverness// :::::
:: joe green couldnt see this if it was in the Steelers defense//
:: and im lost at sea, skull and crossbones gleam// :::::
:: as i battle whodini MCs i trap 20,000 leagues under the sea//
:: cuz i locked them in a treasure chest... // :::::
:: i meant to flow with cleanness // :::::
:: but i got dirty, hurt my fucking knee gettin down so now its bloody//
:: mary couldnt bear me so the surgeons start to worry // :::::
:: no need jesus, you can keep the blade clean of rust// :::::
:: its immaculate c-section when i first burst on the scene // :::::
:: in god we trust, so trust in me or just flee// :::::
:: i came to lease, i only got three years here with thee// :::::
:: im a nexus 6 lyricist and i spent a year to develop this// :::::
:: ya heard?// :::::
:: more about me // cu z eye am bored and elite :::::
:: real name : jason :::::
:: age : 22 :::::
::-aSCIIiNFO!------------------------------------------ :::::
:: in ascii scene since 1994 :::::
:: ascii names : sir piru 1994-1995? / spinsane 1995 - present :::::
:: ascii crews : lords of warez L.O.W 1994 / asc + courier :::::
:: fidelis FI 1994-95? / lit + ascii :::::
:: hallucination HN 1995-96 / founder :::::
:: ash ASH 1995?-96 / ascii + LD courier :::::
:: basic 1996 / ascii :::::
:: craze 1996 / founder merged with Noname :::::
:: before 1st pack released :::::
:: noname 1996 / ascii + senior staff :::::
:: g.i.joe!ascii 1997 / alias KWIK KICK! :::::
:: true 1999 / senior staff + ascii :::::
:: remorse 1996-present / senior staff + ascii :::::
::-hIPhOPiNFO!----------------------------------------- :::::
:: in hiphop scene since 1989 :::::
:: hiphop DJ? : no :::::
:: graffiti art? : yes :::::
:: graffiti alias : kodez :::::
:: graffiti since : 1992 - present :::::
:: emcee? : yes :::::
:: emcee alias : wreckfrayz :::::
:: emcee since : 2000 - present :::::
:: breaker? : yes, pop-lock only :::::
:: breaker alias : evil robot spinsane :::::
:: breaking since : 1995 - present :::::
:: WHAT SET YOU FROM?!: E.R.S. Evil Robot Syndicate :::::
:: other members : evil robot somah :::::
:: : evil robot spark aka iNC-ONE :::::
:: quick top 8 MCS list off the top :::::
:: 1 Nas :::::
:: 2 Kool G Rap :::::
:: 3 Rakim :::::
:: 4 Aceyalone :::::
:: 5 Common Sense :::::
:: 6 Chuck D :::::
:: 7 Pharoah Monche :::::
:: 8 People Under The Stairs :::::
::-tECHNOiNFO!----------------------------------------- :::::
:: how were you exposed to electronic music? :::::
:: through drug dealing in the inner city in 1994. :::::
:: i would buy drugs from older folks and end up hanging :::::
:: out at their houses for scores at odd hours of the :::::
:: night/morning. since i wasnt into that shit then, it :::::
:: was quite weird seeing really dirty, speedfreaks and :::::
:: pill heads laying in abandoned houses coming down from :::::
:: drugs. but thats how i ended up hearing house and :::::
:: breakbeat for the first time... and how i got my first :::::
:: mixtape: kimball collins @ aahz 1/06/94. ive loved :::::
:: that tape ever since. :::::
:: where did it go from there? :::::
:: after that, i ended up buying more psychedlic shit like :::::
:: aphex twins SAW 2 and FSOLs lifeforms... and mix CDs :::::
:: by Keoki JDJ + All Mixed Up, and my first actual :::::
:: techno purchase was Future Techno which had tracks by :::::
:: X-Crash, Frankie Bones, Aphex Twin, Mike Dearborn, :::::
:: Madonna 303, Capricorn and more. It was viscious. At :::::
:: this time, I started sneaking out of my house to go to :::::
:: afterhours clubs such as Parthenon, and Ozone. By late :::::
:: 1996 I had been going out every night for months, and :::::
:: continued to pretty much do so through til 1998... :::::
:: since then, ive gotten out of actually going out a lot :::::
:: and actually, havent been buying or listening to :::::
:: anything except purist techno since then. also, ambient :::::
:: so what do you think about ravers? :::::
:: these days in my area, ravers are all white trash kids :::::
:: with no taste in music. :::::
:: who are your favorite DJs? :::::
:: well i have quite a few DJS i enjoy. here goes. in :::::
:: relative order :::::
tier 1 djs
jeff mills, richie hawtin, ben simms uk, dave clarke
john digweed, doc martin, three, dj dan, keoki,
pascal FEOS, newborn
who are your favorite producers?
in general, i dont care too much about production.
the art of DJing, and deconstructing sets has always
been my favorite thing... but in general, i like
minimal techno and IDM the best. i think jungle is gay :
/ / / 7
oO //
/ / l
back / /
l / / /
/ / l
bidinez /l
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!13ASCII: kOdez :/
/ // / / / FOR: spinsane .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / // //sp81
KODEZERS // / //
I remember the first time i learned how to visualize
shapes in 3 dimensions. i was 6 years old, in the
summer between kindergarten and 1st grade. it was
storming outside, and the sky was orange fire growing
trees of yellow lightning. i drew a cube on a napkin,
and felt electricity.
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!14ASCII: wicked :/
// / / ./ // / minority :
/ // / / / FOR: smoke .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
w i c k e d //
m i n o r i t y wickedm.demonic.net
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!15ASCII: darktech.org :/
/ // / / / FOR: darktech .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
sp81 //
d4rt3- d0t0rg
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!16ASCII: katuma :/
/ // / / / FOR: remorse .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / sp!81 /
this ascii inspired by danish graffiti
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!17ASCII: erupt :/
/ // / / / FOR: erupticuban.. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
jimmy otoole, the irish brogue says...
eRuPtZ fOr ThE dOwnStROkE!
/ sp!81
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!18ASCII: g-force :/
/ // / / / FOR: forgot? .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
// //. E /
G F O /
// C
g-force - razor sharp gravity
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!19ASCII: splonk :/
/ // / / / FOR: splonk! .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
splOnk! / :::
sp!81 / / // /
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!20ASCII: remorse :/
/ // / / / FOR: remorse .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / / Z // /
/ / / Z // / /
/ / / Z / // /
Z /
/ Y
/ R /
19,8,1 XYZ123
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!21ASCII: mj0lnir :/
/ // / / / FOR: mj0lnir .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
:::.::: m j 0 l n i r
. . . / / / / sP81
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!22ASCII: volatile :/
/ // / / / FOR: volatile .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ / / / V is for VOLATILE
/ / / / / ... a chip off the
// / / / / old block huh
sp / / / /
81 // /
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!23ASCII: mankind :/
/ // / / / FOR: mankind .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
this ascii dedicated to mANKiND81techno-citizen
/ A // I / / / / /
/ N // // / /
M // N /::::::/
SP81 K / :::::::::::
/ / .:.:.3DD:2 .:.:...... /
/ / / / / / /!!24ASCII: impure :/
/ // / / / FOR: impurecrew .. .:..
/ P :::::::::::::::::::::::: :
81 :....::
/ /l /
/ / l / / /
sp81 ./ / 7
/ // i M P U R E ! a S C I I
........................................................the end!......
thats it. its done. whoohoo collies are a lot of work...
s1/ / . ..
my girlfriend, without whom id have killed myself by now!
cannibal + erupt. down since day 1
non-sceners: baracuda, dreamthief, primalz, phishmeister, ne1, noah
mutinydps, tailgatedps, kneer0w, death incarnate
g0ne, transient 813, everyone from 813/727/941 BBSes.
oldwarez, classicwarez, ninjachat, //,nwraves,
813, fl-raves, hiphop2, rapmusic, freestyling.
everyone at alt.rap who i got to hone my penmanship with.
all the people at rec.music.hip-hop who ive had the
pleasure of talking to over the past few years. RMHH is
by far the best message system ever, including the old
BBS scene.
sceners: besides the greets to c4nnibal + erupt, i greet *everyone*.
i consider every single one of you on ascii, ansi, ans
remorse, mimic, bafh, mysticbbs, impure, oscompo,
amielite, acid, ice, glue, ??? equals... and if i
tried to list everyones name, id certainly forget people who
should be greeted! this is not a cop out : i tried typing
everyones name, but i knew i only greeted like 10 percent of
influences id like to thank:
very early influenes: 1994
ami/x warez boards in my area code. Vertigo, Mystery Tour and Lazaurus.
seven m
mid influences:1995-1999
cannibal - the only other local to really ever get any good. besides
pyscholic newjack :, and masterken and nevermind in ansi.
weve been unseperable in the scene since day 1. love you!
plus, youre still better than me at O/S. although im
catching up :
Asian Boys Insane
Ganja text files
warez bbs art including: masterbation station, dimension xxx,
genocide inc, silo, the rock yard, the ghostship, park central, others.
art bbses including: chaos a.d. evil intentions, doink, hoth, jive soda,
the regency, modemland/2, alderaan, sushi bar z, pirahna, etc.
artists of particular influence:
bitstream, trinitron, fatal sacrilege, evilive, whodini, necromancer,
nootropic, defiant, lord jazz, eerie, reptile, erupt, neo negro,
killahertz, mSD, korpse, spear, kaleidas,psychoholic, cheese, omicron,
asphixia aka jhale, coleslaw its a witch bitch!, cable, mr.kite, cR,
don croce, epidemic, holocaust, polymorph, discyple
pull my arm for 5 most influential to me:
c4nnibal, nootropic, korpse, coleslaw, reptile
newer influences:1999-2001
axb, splonk, mj0lnir, volatile, nasone, brane, spiral!ascii, secular,
pogue, darkus, and all the people who drew collies from the early 90s
til now i always skipped em :
/ , sloimp
remorse ascii logo - axb remorse
spinsane logo - c4nnibal mimic
history logo - hiro protagonist ?
index logo - brane remorse
greets logo - sinse-one remorse
credits log - splonk/pix impure
,d . n.
/ // / / / l
/ / .m- /
l. :::: ::.
/ 7 l .:::
sPINSANE ::::::::::::::
oF rEMORSE1981!::::::::::::::
presents his 1st::::::::::::::
ascii collection::::::::::::::
in 6 long years!::::::::::::::
/outstyling all challengers!
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