this image contains text
/ /nt -
----------------- / r e m o r s e / ---------------------
im very pleased to back with remorse, hopefully i wont have anything
better to do, then to contribute to the group. Shouts out to anyone
who is still trying to hold this scene together. And I must say you
oldschool artist have surpassed my skillz0r. fear the next compo
o : . n i g h t r a i n
n e w s c h o o l a s c i i i s f o r g e r l s
if you happen to be a hypersensitive newschool artist, its a joke
!kavity fserve
o : : :
* this is a rocking fserve you can only find in classicwarez
e l e c t r o n i c m a g i z i n e
: :nt
s c e n e
a zine that promised fortune and fame, and delivered only an ascii request
// / nt!choo
was someone fucking with me when they requested this ?
nt/ . / / / .
* some rocking warez team im sure
----------------- / r e m o r s e / ---------------------
im very pleased to back with remorse, hopefully i wont have anything
better to do, then to contribute to the group. Shouts out to anyone
who is still trying to hold this scene together. And I must say you
oldschool artist have surpassed my skillz0r. fear the next compo
o : . n i g h t r a i n
n e w s c h o o l a s c i i i s f o r g e r l s
if you happen to be a hypersensitive newschool artist, its a joke
!kavity fserve
o : : :
* this is a rocking fserve you can only find in classicwarez
e l e c t r o n i c m a g i z i n e
: :nt
s c e n e
a zine that promised fortune and fame, and delivered only an ascii request
// / nt!choo
was someone fucking with me when they requested this ?
nt/ . / / / .
* some rocking warez team im sure
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