this image contains text
/ ./ R e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
nECROM Fatter than your mom on crack, Remorse1981 is bliggity-black.
R e l e a s e I n f o r m a t i o n
FILENAME: RMRS-41.ZIP DATE: 03/18/2001 SIZE: xxx,xxx KB
.::::: .:::: / .::::::::ml. .:::::
Remorse 1981 proudly presents:
the 41st ascii exhibition
G r o u p N e w s
Remorse continues to show up, vanishing doubts about members being
stuck with broken walkers on senior citizen outing. News at 11.
No news is good news. Check back next month for our 42nd release
aka the meaning of life pack.
Hint: It involves Noches and Poskgubbe, and a Uranium factory in Poland
Special guest star, Tinyz.
Playing North American Commandos: Spinsane as Ahhhnold S., Tzeentch as
Sly Stallion, and Necromancer as Mr. Bob Dobalina.
Playing Dutch prostitutes, Mankind, Antik, and a special beaver shot
from WKZ! The humanity!
director: stefan spielbergo
costumes: christian radman wirth
casting couch: ryan the T stands for Whodini mullin
director of photagraphy: ansi dafoe christ
M e m b e r s a n d A l u m n i
Founding Members 3
Necromancer mark@smegma.net www.smegma.net
Necronite kpearsal@sgi.com
Whodini whodini@apt103.net www.apt103.net/ryan
Current Leaders 5
Arrogance ack@dub56.org
Spinsane spinsane@apt103.net www.apt103.net/spinsane
Tzeentch tn@mail.acid.org
Volatile psamson@barak-online.net
Wackie wackie@newmail.net
Active Artists 22
Aesthetic daveb@phatchicks.com
Ansichrst mceedia@hotmail.com
Antik antik@junglists.com
Axb axb500@hotmail.com
Brane brane@home.se
Cleaner cleaner@ifrance.com
Computer Man sam@cmang.com
Drax micke@frojd.com
Erupt erupt@drinkordie.com www.ruptbot.com
Hiro Protagonist dnd701@mail.usask.ca www.apt103.net/devin
Mankind mankind@thuglife.org
Mj0lnir mjolnir@ktsascii.net
Mukumdi leave@ofabsence
Noches noches@poczta.onet.pl
Polygon polygoon@hotmail.com
Poskgubbe posk@ktsascii.net
Prosthesis * unknown *
Talo merlin@remorse.org
Triplogic * unknown *
Tum tyagia@union.edu
2112 two11two@earthlink.net
Vap0r vap0r@flashmail.com
Technical Support 2
Crash crash@mp3.org www.lyricism.net
Radman radman@acid.org
Alumni 16
Empty jaelin1@hotmail.com
Enigmatic enigmo@msn.com
Fahrenheit * unknown *
Kaleidas kaleidas@linex.com
Killahertz khz@megarad.com www.megarad.com/khz
Miasma miasma@mail.acid.org
Mhz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
Mr. Kite * unknown *
Omicron omi@remorse.org
Pariah fkiper@hotmail.com
Polymorph * unknown *
T2 * unknown *
The Messiah * unknown *
Tinyz tinyz@prada.org
Whirr whirr@apt103.net www.apt103.net/whirr
H o w T o C o n t a c t R e m o r s e
World HQ Bulletin Board: INSO.DARKTECH.ORG telnet
IRC Channels: REMORSE / ASCII efnet
Design: Hiro Protagonist, Whodini, Necromancer, Omicron
Copyright 2001 ACiD Productions We Will Sue
/ ./ R e m o r s e 1 9 8 1
nECROM Fatter than your mom on crack, Remorse1981 is bliggity-black.
R e l e a s e I n f o r m a t i o n
FILENAME: RMRS-41.ZIP DATE: 03/18/2001 SIZE: xxx,xxx KB
.::::: .:::: / .::::::::ml. .:::::
Remorse 1981 proudly presents:
the 41st ascii exhibition
G r o u p N e w s
Remorse continues to show up, vanishing doubts about members being
stuck with broken walkers on senior citizen outing. News at 11.
No news is good news. Check back next month for our 42nd release
aka the meaning of life pack.
Hint: It involves Noches and Poskgubbe, and a Uranium factory in Poland
Special guest star, Tinyz.
Playing North American Commandos: Spinsane as Ahhhnold S., Tzeentch as
Sly Stallion, and Necromancer as Mr. Bob Dobalina.
Playing Dutch prostitutes, Mankind, Antik, and a special beaver shot
from WKZ! The humanity!
director: stefan spielbergo
costumes: christian radman wirth
casting couch: ryan the T stands for Whodini mullin
director of photagraphy: ansi dafoe christ
M e m b e r s a n d A l u m n i
Founding Members 3
Necromancer mark@smegma.net www.smegma.net
Necronite kpearsal@sgi.com
Whodini whodini@apt103.net www.apt103.net/ryan
Current Leaders 5
Arrogance ack@dub56.org
Spinsane spinsane@apt103.net www.apt103.net/spinsane
Tzeentch tn@mail.acid.org
Volatile psamson@barak-online.net
Wackie wackie@newmail.net
Active Artists 22
Aesthetic daveb@phatchicks.com
Ansichrst mceedia@hotmail.com
Antik antik@junglists.com
Axb axb500@hotmail.com
Brane brane@home.se
Cleaner cleaner@ifrance.com
Computer Man sam@cmang.com
Drax micke@frojd.com
Erupt erupt@drinkordie.com www.ruptbot.com
Hiro Protagonist dnd701@mail.usask.ca www.apt103.net/devin
Mankind mankind@thuglife.org
Mj0lnir mjolnir@ktsascii.net
Mukumdi leave@ofabsence
Noches noches@poczta.onet.pl
Polygon polygoon@hotmail.com
Poskgubbe posk@ktsascii.net
Prosthesis * unknown *
Talo merlin@remorse.org
Triplogic * unknown *
Tum tyagia@union.edu
2112 two11two@earthlink.net
Vap0r vap0r@flashmail.com
Technical Support 2
Crash crash@mp3.org www.lyricism.net
Radman radman@acid.org
Alumni 16
Empty jaelin1@hotmail.com
Enigmatic enigmo@msn.com
Fahrenheit * unknown *
Kaleidas kaleidas@linex.com
Killahertz khz@megarad.com www.megarad.com/khz
Miasma miasma@mail.acid.org
Mhz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
Mr. Kite * unknown *
Omicron omi@remorse.org
Pariah fkiper@hotmail.com
Polymorph * unknown *
T2 * unknown *
The Messiah * unknown *
Tinyz tinyz@prada.org
Whirr whirr@apt103.net www.apt103.net/whirr
H o w T o C o n t a c t R e m o r s e
World HQ Bulletin Board: INSO.DARKTECH.ORG telnet
IRC Channels: REMORSE / ASCII efnet
Design: Hiro Protagonist, Whodini, Necromancer, Omicron
Copyright 2001 ACiD Productions We Will Sue
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