this image contains text
l. I K E A
l /.
:S /7*
l .d*
ld7 ,l Ss,.*
:*. */S b.4
: l S/. 7/*z.*** i b.4
l l: /. 4lSSsss :l4b.4
: yyyyD Y8*** l: 4b.4
llsssSSll: 4b.4
***: 4b.
An ascii for the group I joined, 4k
only to quit before the first pack was even released.
Best of luck to you, fellow swedes.
- trip81
Well Im back at Remorse now,
Back where I belong,
Im back home.
l /.
:S /7*
l .d*
ld7 ,l Ss,.*
:*. */S b.4
: l S/. 7/*z.*** i b.4
l l: /. 4lSSsss :l4b.4
: yyyyD Y8*** l: 4b.4
llsssSSll: 4b.4
***: 4b.
An ascii for the group I joined, 4k
only to quit before the first pack was even released.
Best of luck to you, fellow swedes.
- trip81
Well Im back at Remorse now,
Back where I belong,
Im back home.
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