this image contains text
. / / . / / 37
/ / NFO
/ /rm
Welcome to the 37th Remorse 1981 Package of Quality Artwork for the ENTIRE
FamilyTM. Hi. My name is Arrogance and this is my NFO segment since
stepping up from Lowly Doodle-Boy to Senior Pimp Staff. In case you dont
know me I would like to tell you a little about myself. I am whiter than mHz
and I am 21 years old. I am a Saggitarious and I like walks on the beach, my
girlfriend Kathryn, Chicken Strips from Dennys and ascii art. Speaking of
ascii art: I have been drawing this shit for longer than Wackie has had pubes.
Enough about me Lets talk about Remorse. We fucking rule. No ifs, ands or
buts about it. We have survived the years, KTS, Atom Bomb, Bradly L. Sargon,
Mimic, the various manifestations of Homosekzural ASCII and well survive the
bullshit any of you decide to throw at us. This isnt just my superior
confidence, here. This is cold, hard, mutha-fukkin fact. Word to your
mother, your father, your favorite Jenny McCarthy jerk-off pictures, and
whatever you canucks have instead of parents Im guessing Pods. Not that
I dont love canucks. I DO! Black Jeffy-shnooks Jack is one of my mostest
favoritest people in the whole world. I just know you people are from outer
space. Maybe the same planet Regis Philben is from.
On a more serious note, I have something to say to some of you children that
dont seem to understand what running a group consists of. First, the facts.
Both Spinsane and I are in the middle of a LOT of shit. We have both moved
within the last month. Both of us work I work 40 hours a week in fact.
Neither of us are on IRC too often. Does this make us incapable of running a
group? NO. We have to be on IRC a lot? What sense does that make? 4 hours
a day talking about our cocks with a bunch of other guys does not make a
better group president. We have a mailing list. Every member is on it except
Drax, but hes swedish so we can excuse that. Plans are discussed. Requests
are made. And everyone goes home happy and without being exposed to fag jokes
or 3 hours of staring at * m00ZlIPz is away : jaggin it since 15:35-10/30
repeat indefinately. So why doesnt everyone just take a seat and enjoy the
pack? Thanks. Especially big thanks go out to all the contributing artists.
Without them we wouldnt have been able to do this.
-patrick arrogance jenkins / acid+rmrs1981+wu-trank!clan
-patrickj@acoeis.com - ircnick: aCk-
well ack, nicely put. you were in this before i had pubes too.
you were in it since before you had pubes quite frankly, and
luckily the ascii scenes testosterone-ebbing effects
analyzed by professor k. spiff in 1995 have kept you that way.
unfortunately, i grew pubes first, and thus, i get peanut
butter stuck in them on occasion. but that doesnt stop me
from working full time at running remorse.
speaking of remorse, what a talented, bad ass group of bitch
slappers. thanks to everyone who contributed and took it upon
themselves to draw themselves silly. you guys own, and im
frankly in love with all of you because of your endearing
this month id like to thank t-bob for helping me with last
months release debacle. it was appreciated. also, check out
triplogics flagship remorse!lit piece, formed for the sole
purpose of battling cias release of 1meg lit packs with vga
well, that was my interpretation. actually, the lit is by
ricky martin i think. or someone :
ircnick - XXXwendy21 ops - ascii,shellsex
Somehow Ive made my way in to this NFO file. It wouldnt
be right if I didnt start off by sending a shout out to
each and every member of the London Fog posse Sinned Soul.
Yes, thats his great contribution to the scene. Getting
greeted. Job well done.
This marks the first time Ive taken part in the packaging
and release of a Remorse pack. I made mention of it to
Necromancer, but I dont really think he believed me. So
here it is. Yeah, thats my ASCII up top. Special.
aCk said it best, but if you didnt get it the first time,
Remorse is the Alpha and the Omega. We make it look easy --
because for us, it really is.
RaD Man you.better.fucking.know.by.now@acid.org
ACiD. One love.
/ / NFO
/ /rm
Welcome to the 37th Remorse 1981 Package of Quality Artwork for the ENTIRE
FamilyTM. Hi. My name is Arrogance and this is my NFO segment since
stepping up from Lowly Doodle-Boy to Senior Pimp Staff. In case you dont
know me I would like to tell you a little about myself. I am whiter than mHz
and I am 21 years old. I am a Saggitarious and I like walks on the beach, my
girlfriend Kathryn, Chicken Strips from Dennys and ascii art. Speaking of
ascii art: I have been drawing this shit for longer than Wackie has had pubes.
Enough about me Lets talk about Remorse. We fucking rule. No ifs, ands or
buts about it. We have survived the years, KTS, Atom Bomb, Bradly L. Sargon,
Mimic, the various manifestations of Homosekzural ASCII and well survive the
bullshit any of you decide to throw at us. This isnt just my superior
confidence, here. This is cold, hard, mutha-fukkin fact. Word to your
mother, your father, your favorite Jenny McCarthy jerk-off pictures, and
whatever you canucks have instead of parents Im guessing Pods. Not that
I dont love canucks. I DO! Black Jeffy-shnooks Jack is one of my mostest
favoritest people in the whole world. I just know you people are from outer
space. Maybe the same planet Regis Philben is from.
On a more serious note, I have something to say to some of you children that
dont seem to understand what running a group consists of. First, the facts.
Both Spinsane and I are in the middle of a LOT of shit. We have both moved
within the last month. Both of us work I work 40 hours a week in fact.
Neither of us are on IRC too often. Does this make us incapable of running a
group? NO. We have to be on IRC a lot? What sense does that make? 4 hours
a day talking about our cocks with a bunch of other guys does not make a
better group president. We have a mailing list. Every member is on it except
Drax, but hes swedish so we can excuse that. Plans are discussed. Requests
are made. And everyone goes home happy and without being exposed to fag jokes
or 3 hours of staring at * m00ZlIPz is away : jaggin it since 15:35-10/30
repeat indefinately. So why doesnt everyone just take a seat and enjoy the
pack? Thanks. Especially big thanks go out to all the contributing artists.
Without them we wouldnt have been able to do this.
-patrick arrogance jenkins / acid+rmrs1981+wu-trank!clan
-patrickj@acoeis.com - ircnick: aCk-
well ack, nicely put. you were in this before i had pubes too.
you were in it since before you had pubes quite frankly, and
luckily the ascii scenes testosterone-ebbing effects
analyzed by professor k. spiff in 1995 have kept you that way.
unfortunately, i grew pubes first, and thus, i get peanut
butter stuck in them on occasion. but that doesnt stop me
from working full time at running remorse.
speaking of remorse, what a talented, bad ass group of bitch
slappers. thanks to everyone who contributed and took it upon
themselves to draw themselves silly. you guys own, and im
frankly in love with all of you because of your endearing
this month id like to thank t-bob for helping me with last
months release debacle. it was appreciated. also, check out
triplogics flagship remorse!lit piece, formed for the sole
purpose of battling cias release of 1meg lit packs with vga
well, that was my interpretation. actually, the lit is by
ricky martin i think. or someone :
ircnick - XXXwendy21 ops - ascii,shellsex
Somehow Ive made my way in to this NFO file. It wouldnt
be right if I didnt start off by sending a shout out to
each and every member of the London Fog posse Sinned Soul.
Yes, thats his great contribution to the scene. Getting
greeted. Job well done.
This marks the first time Ive taken part in the packaging
and release of a Remorse pack. I made mention of it to
Necromancer, but I dont really think he believed me. So
here it is. Yeah, thats my ASCII up top. Special.
aCk said it best, but if you didnt get it the first time,
Remorse is the Alpha and the Omega. We make it look easy --
because for us, it really is.
RaD Man you.better.fucking.know.by.now@acid.org
ACiD. One love.
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