this image contains text
.dl. .lk,
P a spinsane ascii 4P
.d7 experiment b.
.4Q, ,Dk.
.4S,. .,siSS@+s, .,Sk.
Sts,..+ ,iP!Sq, +..,stS
lPl7.lP ., ++,. 4k.ll
.... . l .lQ db Dl. l . ....
:. :l :k. QP .j: l: .:
.l. Qb. 48 .i7 .l.
zdn.+i ll i+.nbz
.,siS:So:. .::oS:Sis,.
this ascii drawn while heavily depressed
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l
l,. .d
/. / 7 silly rabbit, youre not a kid...
l7 ,s!,-,,.
.- :.l /S :Sl//@//3S*s-,..
/ . /dSS334.
/./ :d 0 ls..4lsd lsd lsd lsd...
dSI:: ..
.- p qggggqp. q**!!!@!
pq . / , . b b
*ss/ . Y / Yl ll
//d l l ,d/
l l w. .23*.d* :..d / ********.ss s: // / ...d l. /. / -ppppqqq@ . XXX - --- -::S . l .3. Y-- .l l / ---,... - ------ .,-. ----,,. : /
---....s..sd /
a s t u d y
o f?
-cut breakbeat style here----------------------------------------------------- this ascii isnt finished obviously, but i decided to not work on it
anymore. frankly, its not the best example of any artistic tools or styles, but
it really harnessed the energy of me being incredibly depressed, just getting
off work at 4am, and not having anything to do, or anyone to call because of thelate hour.
so basically, im going to release it in this form, because its pure anduncut... its an ascii manifestation of the pain i was feeling. hope you enjoy itmildly. :
true true true owns you you you.
p.s. there is actually a font there. can you read it? its not very good, but it
says a study.
P a spinsane ascii 4P
.d7 experiment b.
.4Q, ,Dk.
.4S,. .,siSS@+s, .,Sk.
Sts,..+ ,iP!Sq, +..,stS
lPl7.lP ., ++,. 4k.ll
.... . l .lQ db Dl. l . ....
:. :l :k. QP .j: l: .:
.l. Qb. 48 .i7 .l.
zdn.+i ll i+.nbz
.,siS:So:. .::oS:Sis,.
this ascii drawn while heavily depressed
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l
l,. .d
/. / 7 silly rabbit, youre not a kid...
l7 ,s!,-,,.
.- :.l /S :Sl//@//3S*s-,..
/ . /dSS334.
/./ :d 0 ls..4lsd lsd lsd lsd...
dSI:: ..
.- p qggggqp. q**!!!@!
pq . / , . b b
*ss/ . Y / Yl ll
//d l l ,d/
l l w. .23*.d* :..d / ********.ss s: // / ...d l. /. / -ppppqqq@ . XXX - --- -::S . l .3. Y-- .l l / ---,... - ------ .,-. ----,,. : /
---....s..sd /
a s t u d y
o f?
-cut breakbeat style here----------------------------------------------------- this ascii isnt finished obviously, but i decided to not work on it
anymore. frankly, its not the best example of any artistic tools or styles, but
it really harnessed the energy of me being incredibly depressed, just getting
off work at 4am, and not having anything to do, or anyone to call because of thelate hour.
so basically, im going to release it in this form, because its pure anduncut... its an ascii manifestation of the pain i was feeling. hope you enjoy itmildly. :
true true true owns you you you.
p.s. there is actually a font there. can you read it? its not very good, but it
says a study.
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