this image contains text
--sof------ use AFS, TOPAZFONT or some kind of amiga font ------sof-
p E s h O :::
/ / / oO / :::
/ arlpvm+pesho81::
iiiiiiii:::::::::::::::::::: ...... :/::::::::::::::::
/ . l/ / / . l/
/ / / l
vol/lp! / /
I 9 8 I
p R E S E N T s :::
h e r m a n a :::
/ please take me, you are my life :::
a collie dedicated to all the ascii scene sisters :::
::: : :: :::: : :: pOiMP
::: :: : i n t r o
::: This is my first collie for Remorse 1981.
::: I want to say that Im very proud for be
::: ....... a part of this great collective. And I
::: :: wish inspiration and good luck for all of
::: :: / // my pals at the 1981 clique. This colly is
::: :: // called Hermana sister, in spanish in
::: ::... / honour at first, a the woman that I love
::: / ... the woman that I hope that some day will
::: :: be my bride, my princess, mi choosen sis
::: / ::... ter. At second place I want to dedicate
::: :: it to all the ascii community sisters,
::: // :: they are a lot of girls and they deserve
::: :: a greet. Now I want to tell you something
::: //.......:: about how my life was in the last months.
::: I was at Buenos Aires, living a strange
::: and bohemian life, studying by myself
::: ...... every day at the library, without a pc,
::: :: // without money. I had a lucky strike and
::: :: / my father decided to take me to his house
::: ::... /... in Florida usa And here I am, working
::: // :: and studying here since november. Now
::: :: I want to emulate Jim Morrison with the
::: :: title of one of his poems:
::: ... ..:: All Hail The American Night!
::: :: because Im very happy here, this country
::: :: // is treating me very well, in lovely ways.
::: :: / So, I want to repeat my dedication of
::: ::.. /..... this collie to mi cosmik girl, I love ya.
::: // :: You are my everything. Pesho.
::: pesho1981 ::
::: oGRE pesho, is that really you on acheron?
::: oGRE you look like some biblical character or soemthing
::: / . / / :. to
::: / SHE
::: Is a very intense flowing
::: a lighting being of bed
::: a dona morbid wave
::: a reflux of anesthesia
::: a reefing flourescent entity
::: a voracious shrinking prehensile half-opened corolle
::: and her aphrodisiac dew
::: and her fleshessence
::: natal
::: lethal
::: drunk alveolus of viol
Itis her thirst, she and her slow half-dead watersheds that smash and disjoin.
::: although God is her womb
::: but is too the chrysalis of a winged larva of the void
::: a dragonfly of marrow
::: a lustful and naked caterpillar just feeded with rubs
::: a suckingsucking succubus mollusk
::: that drop by drop exhaust mouth by mouth
::: the much much joy
::: the much total jolt
::: the whole shock by shock
::: the entire collapse
::: is a beautiful syncope with pit
::: a cross of panther love to the tropic plexus
::: a technic joyous knock out
::: why not a terrestrial compound of eden hell
::: a precipitate of lips agglutinant sediment
::: a insoluble solutions obsessive residue
::: or a radiospiritual mechanism
::: a termic boiling biped
:::a female electroerotic robot whit her delirium transmitter and
::: lyric-dramatic spasm
::: but maybe she is a mirage
::: a paradigm
::: an eromyth
::: an appearance of the abscense
::: a non-existent entelequia
::: Ofelias naiad tresses
::: or just a porous bit of indudable reality
::: a despotic material
::: the paradise in flesh
::: a partridge a-la-creme.
*iNDEX* :::
to // :::
// ::j l
trance induced . . . . . . spinsane ::/ ,/
debede. . . . . . .peque : /
ruckus . . . . . . kayozz :/ / /
ave zen. . . . . . .dontremember / //
degeneration 65 . . . . . . tee-are /
spektor. . . . . . .spektor / mt
faction . . . . . . chill .
geronimo. . . . . . .garroter :
lemur . . . . . . puta / / /
los endos. . . . . . .exon
morales . . . . . . morales ----
l cexilia. . . . . . .cexilia ----------------------------.
-------------------------------.--- noname. . . . . . .a tribute
oda nerd . . . . . . helmut :
jardin dividido. . . . . . .myself
do you know woman code larvz . . . . . . koza //
: aleph. . . . . . .hermanas
wear underpants? amiga . . . . . . ascii scene
ecstasia. . . . . . .aeneas
ecstasia 2 . . . . . . aeneas /
bugsy. . . . . . .bugsy
vinilo. . . . . . .staff :::
: scum . . . . . . marciano pleaselikeme
. mephisto. . . . . . .mephisto :::
datura . . . . . . panoramix says:the shrew
hazmat. . . . . . .t-bob :::
hermana . . . . . . myself // whatcan:Ido?
/ incoming. . . . . . .tupexad :::
inhale . . . . . . bizare I loveher
plankton. . . . . . .arlequin.:::.
mimic. . . . . . .daeron lorizonte. . . . . . .lorizonte
eldorado. . . . . . .infect mach 5 . . . . . . spektor
------------------------------- mtliso. . . . . . .fictive
Woman: oldschool . . . . . . arlequin
This time come in me like an tee are. . . . . . .tee-are
astronaut 2000 . . . . . . millenium compo
total domination . . . . . . tee-are
zandura. . . . . . .squint //
send snakes in to my orbit. life is sweet . . . . . . brotha
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : tRANCE iNDUCED / 0001 /
:...: sPINSANE / :
// +O: spinsane
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : dEBEDE / 0001 /
:...: jAVi / :
no good no good/ no good 4 u right now/no good
no good/no good at all..
--/ / s U M o / / /--
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : rUCKUS / 0001 /
:...: kAYOZZ / :
r U C / / // / / K U s
// :: ...:: pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : aVE zEN / 0001 /
:...: uCTUMI / :
oO / /
/ peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : dEGENARTION 65 / 0001 /
:...: tEE-aRE / :
:.. . / / / / sixty5 :
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : sPEKTOR / 0001 /
:...: sPEKTOR / :
/ pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : fACTION / 0001 /
:...: cHILL / :
.:.. : : FACTION : : : : / / .:.
: peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : gERONIMO / 0001 /
:...: gARROTER / :
. g E r O n I m O / //
/ +o garroter /
. /pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : lEMUR / 0001 /
--L-E-M-U-R-- / / / / // //
/ / /pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : lOS eNDOS / 0001 /
:...: eXON / :
+o: exon ghandy pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mORALES / 0001 /
:...: mORALES sTAFF / :
// / / / pesho1981
/ M O R A L E S
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : cEXILIA / 0001 /
:...: cEXILIA / :
bak in the day! // // pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : nONAME bRAND aSCII / 0001 /
:...: a tRIBUTE / :
..nONAME.bRAND.. / /
a tribute.
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : oDA nERD / 0001 /
:...: hELMUT dUPONT / :
:: /Oo / / : :
:: MiSSiNG / / / :
:: Gavilanxo / / oodaa neerd :
:: Netchaiev / / / :
rantes so you are going to live in the cellar using a mask, going outside
rantes just for eat people and and play the piano at the church?
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : jARDIN dIVIDIDO / 0001 /
:...: mYSELF / :
o oooooooooooooo ooo o
o oo ooooo/oooooooo oo o
: peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : cODE lARVZ / 0001 /
:...: kOZA / :
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : aLEPH / 0001 /
:...: hERMANAS / :
EL //
// / /pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : aMIGA eLITE / 0001 /
:...: aSCII cOMMUNITY / :
oo oo
/ -amiga-
/ /peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : eCSTASIA / 0001 /
:...: aENEAS / :
e C S T A S i A pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mIMIC / 0001 /
:...: dAERON / :
p r /O d U c t I O n s
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : vINILO / 0001 /
:...: vINILO sTAFF / :
: v I N I L O
: put your infos here pesho1981::
: and why not here too
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : sCUM / 0001 /
:...: mARCIANO / :
. .. .......... s C U M
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : eLDORADO / 0001 /
:...: iNFECT / :
. EldOrAdO
pesho1981 .
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : dATURA / 0001 /
:...: pANORAMIX / :
: d A T U R A . ::
. peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : hAZMAT / 0001 /
:...: tIJUANA bOB / :
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : iNCOMING / 0001 /
:...: rAVE-N / :
1nc0m1ng f1l3z
/ peshoRMRS
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : iNHALE / 0001 /
:...: bIZARRE / :
/ / // p81
- i N H A L E m A i N m E N U -
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
expand as needed
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : pLANKTON / 0001 /
:...: aRLEQUIN / :
: ........:..........................:..........:. p/rmrs81 :.....:..:
.......:.......: p l a n k t o n :.....:....:...................:.....
:........................................: WWW.PLANKTON.SCENE.COM.AR
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : bUGSY remixed / 0001 /
:...: a tRIBUTE tO mHZ / :
// / / / / / /p1981
:@@@@ //@ /@@@//@@@:
:// //tHE dON:
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mACH 5 / 0001 /
:...: sPEKTOR / :
lorizonte +o lorizonte / / / /
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mACH 5 / 0001 /
:...: sPEKTOR / :
m A C H 5
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mTLISO / 0001 /
:...: fICTIVE / :
: / : . . l/ :
mTLiS0 : / : : : : /
l / /
// pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : oLDSCHOOL mAKES tHE sCENE gO! / 0001 /
:...: aRLEQUIN / :
O / / / .
l //
d / // / / / / / ! .
s / O .
c / / / // g :
/ / / / l
h // / e /
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : tEE-aRE / 0001 /
:...: tEE-aRE / :
t e e // // /
/ / l
a r e / // /
, / peshoREMORSE
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : 2000 / 0001 /
:...: ascii 2000 / :
the . future . is . here
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : tOTAL dOMINATION / 0001 /
:...: tEE-aRE / :
. 7.. O.. 7.. A.. L.. /
expand as needed and put your info here
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : zANDURA / 0001 /
:...: sQUINT / :
/ l
:....: ..... z ... A ... N D U R a : pesho1981:
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : eCSTASIA / 0001 /
:...: aENEAS / :
e c s t a s i a
uSERNAME: Raspunzen aeneas
lOCATION: erks expand as needed
pASSWORD: ****** put your infos here
sTATUS: leech 0
en d of logo s e c ti o n
Pesho want to send his
.8 / //
8 //
os ns //
82fastanarchistamblinarlequinbaphometbugsycrusadercybergod /
desotodezibelexocetfatalgavilanhiro protagonistjuankaleidas
karmakonamimacawmantamad maxmark rydermerlinmoguemortimer t
necromancernupkilla hertzpariahpolymorphprodigyrapidrevolution
8 sargontangotim draketommytruman 5tarrtumu-manvinziwhodini
8 windriderxcluziwezeus a lot more that I cant remember right now. :
between november /p1981
1999 /
-------/ january 2ooo / h E r m A n A -------
nf0z // :
-----.---------- c . R . E . D . i . T . S ------------.----
All design and ascii by Pesho/rmrz
She // Oliverio Girondo. Translation by Pesho
Douglas Morisson dixit // poetry in the index
Whodini/Remorse 1981: Hermana
.--- Volatyle/Low Profile: Remorse /
Talo/Remorse 1981: She, Index
----.----- Arlequin/Remorse 1981: Pesho // //
Tupaj aka tr5/retired: Ascii
Sweet Mortimer Tee/Low Profile: Annika w8ing for happines
aUDiO sUPPORt: .
Massive attack, The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Underworld, Mozart
: Bjork, Atari Teenage Riot, Aphex Twin, Daftpunk. Blind Melon,
:... . The Doors, The Velvet Underground, The Yardbirds. Onyx.
/--/---- c O N T A C T -----/-------------
Pesho can be contacted for request/feedback @ /
/ For download my old collies see my face /
/ you can visit my personal homepage at: /
http://members.xoom.com/larvaz/pesho /
* please request ascii! /
*gREETz: / . ..
. Tzeentch, Talo, Whodini, Mhz, Radman, Omi, Whirr81, Volatile
: Cain, Ogre, Pogue, Octavo, Tres Equis, Rave-N, Rosee, .
. Tupaj, Rantes, Coda, Pruslas, Spektor, Putxito, Koza, Storminga
AcidBrain, Fidel, And everybody who loves me, you know who u are. //
is the // / . dead?
/ / ----. tupaj
----------- / ---- /- ----- ?----------
1981--/ :
.p E s h O o f R m r z /
p r e s e n t s
h e r m a n a
p E s h O :::
/ / / oO / :::
/ arlpvm+pesho81::
iiiiiiii:::::::::::::::::::: ...... :/::::::::::::::::
/ . l/ / / . l/
/ / / l
vol/lp! / /
I 9 8 I
p R E S E N T s :::
h e r m a n a :::
/ please take me, you are my life :::
a collie dedicated to all the ascii scene sisters :::
::: : :: :::: : :: pOiMP
::: :: : i n t r o
::: This is my first collie for Remorse 1981.
::: I want to say that Im very proud for be
::: ....... a part of this great collective. And I
::: :: wish inspiration and good luck for all of
::: :: / // my pals at the 1981 clique. This colly is
::: :: // called Hermana sister, in spanish in
::: ::... / honour at first, a the woman that I love
::: / ... the woman that I hope that some day will
::: :: be my bride, my princess, mi choosen sis
::: / ::... ter. At second place I want to dedicate
::: :: it to all the ascii community sisters,
::: // :: they are a lot of girls and they deserve
::: :: a greet. Now I want to tell you something
::: //.......:: about how my life was in the last months.
::: I was at Buenos Aires, living a strange
::: and bohemian life, studying by myself
::: ...... every day at the library, without a pc,
::: :: // without money. I had a lucky strike and
::: :: / my father decided to take me to his house
::: ::... /... in Florida usa And here I am, working
::: // :: and studying here since november. Now
::: :: I want to emulate Jim Morrison with the
::: :: title of one of his poems:
::: ... ..:: All Hail The American Night!
::: :: because Im very happy here, this country
::: :: // is treating me very well, in lovely ways.
::: :: / So, I want to repeat my dedication of
::: ::.. /..... this collie to mi cosmik girl, I love ya.
::: // :: You are my everything. Pesho.
::: pesho1981 ::
::: oGRE pesho, is that really you on acheron?
::: oGRE you look like some biblical character or soemthing
::: / . / / :. to
::: / SHE
::: Is a very intense flowing
::: a lighting being of bed
::: a dona morbid wave
::: a reflux of anesthesia
::: a reefing flourescent entity
::: a voracious shrinking prehensile half-opened corolle
::: and her aphrodisiac dew
::: and her fleshessence
::: natal
::: lethal
::: drunk alveolus of viol
Itis her thirst, she and her slow half-dead watersheds that smash and disjoin.
::: although God is her womb
::: but is too the chrysalis of a winged larva of the void
::: a dragonfly of marrow
::: a lustful and naked caterpillar just feeded with rubs
::: a suckingsucking succubus mollusk
::: that drop by drop exhaust mouth by mouth
::: the much much joy
::: the much total jolt
::: the whole shock by shock
::: the entire collapse
::: is a beautiful syncope with pit
::: a cross of panther love to the tropic plexus
::: a technic joyous knock out
::: why not a terrestrial compound of eden hell
::: a precipitate of lips agglutinant sediment
::: a insoluble solutions obsessive residue
::: or a radiospiritual mechanism
::: a termic boiling biped
:::a female electroerotic robot whit her delirium transmitter and
::: lyric-dramatic spasm
::: but maybe she is a mirage
::: a paradigm
::: an eromyth
::: an appearance of the abscense
::: a non-existent entelequia
::: Ofelias naiad tresses
::: or just a porous bit of indudable reality
::: a despotic material
::: the paradise in flesh
::: a partridge a-la-creme.
*iNDEX* :::
to // :::
// ::j l
trance induced . . . . . . spinsane ::/ ,/
debede. . . . . . .peque : /
ruckus . . . . . . kayozz :/ / /
ave zen. . . . . . .dontremember / //
degeneration 65 . . . . . . tee-are /
spektor. . . . . . .spektor / mt
faction . . . . . . chill .
geronimo. . . . . . .garroter :
lemur . . . . . . puta / / /
los endos. . . . . . .exon
morales . . . . . . morales ----
l cexilia. . . . . . .cexilia ----------------------------.
-------------------------------.--- noname. . . . . . .a tribute
oda nerd . . . . . . helmut :
jardin dividido. . . . . . .myself
do you know woman code larvz . . . . . . koza //
: aleph. . . . . . .hermanas
wear underpants? amiga . . . . . . ascii scene
ecstasia. . . . . . .aeneas
ecstasia 2 . . . . . . aeneas /
bugsy. . . . . . .bugsy
vinilo. . . . . . .staff :::
: scum . . . . . . marciano pleaselikeme
. mephisto. . . . . . .mephisto :::
datura . . . . . . panoramix says:the shrew
hazmat. . . . . . .t-bob :::
hermana . . . . . . myself // whatcan:Ido?
/ incoming. . . . . . .tupexad :::
inhale . . . . . . bizare I loveher
plankton. . . . . . .arlequin.:::.
mimic. . . . . . .daeron lorizonte. . . . . . .lorizonte
eldorado. . . . . . .infect mach 5 . . . . . . spektor
------------------------------- mtliso. . . . . . .fictive
Woman: oldschool . . . . . . arlequin
This time come in me like an tee are. . . . . . .tee-are
astronaut 2000 . . . . . . millenium compo
total domination . . . . . . tee-are
zandura. . . . . . .squint //
send snakes in to my orbit. life is sweet . . . . . . brotha
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : tRANCE iNDUCED / 0001 /
:...: sPINSANE / :
// +O: spinsane
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : dEBEDE / 0001 /
:...: jAVi / :
no good no good/ no good 4 u right now/no good
no good/no good at all..
--/ / s U M o / / /--
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : rUCKUS / 0001 /
:...: kAYOZZ / :
r U C / / // / / K U s
// :: ...:: pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : aVE zEN / 0001 /
:...: uCTUMI / :
oO / /
/ peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : dEGENARTION 65 / 0001 /
:...: tEE-aRE / :
:.. . / / / / sixty5 :
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : sPEKTOR / 0001 /
:...: sPEKTOR / :
/ pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : fACTION / 0001 /
:...: cHILL / :
.:.. : : FACTION : : : : / / .:.
: peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : gERONIMO / 0001 /
:...: gARROTER / :
. g E r O n I m O / //
/ +o garroter /
. /pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : lEMUR / 0001 /
--L-E-M-U-R-- / / / / // //
/ / /pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : lOS eNDOS / 0001 /
:...: eXON / :
+o: exon ghandy pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mORALES / 0001 /
:...: mORALES sTAFF / :
// / / / pesho1981
/ M O R A L E S
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : cEXILIA / 0001 /
:...: cEXILIA / :
bak in the day! // // pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : nONAME bRAND aSCII / 0001 /
:...: a tRIBUTE / :
..nONAME.bRAND.. / /
a tribute.
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : oDA nERD / 0001 /
:...: hELMUT dUPONT / :
:: /Oo / / : :
:: MiSSiNG / / / :
:: Gavilanxo / / oodaa neerd :
:: Netchaiev / / / :
rantes so you are going to live in the cellar using a mask, going outside
rantes just for eat people and and play the piano at the church?
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : jARDIN dIVIDIDO / 0001 /
:...: mYSELF / :
o oooooooooooooo ooo o
o oo ooooo/oooooooo oo o
: peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : cODE lARVZ / 0001 /
:...: kOZA / :
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : aLEPH / 0001 /
:...: hERMANAS / :
EL //
// / /pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : aMIGA eLITE / 0001 /
:...: aSCII cOMMUNITY / :
oo oo
/ -amiga-
/ /peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : eCSTASIA / 0001 /
:...: aENEAS / :
e C S T A S i A pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mIMIC / 0001 /
:...: dAERON / :
p r /O d U c t I O n s
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : vINILO / 0001 /
:...: vINILO sTAFF / :
: v I N I L O
: put your infos here pesho1981::
: and why not here too
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : sCUM / 0001 /
:...: mARCIANO / :
. .. .......... s C U M
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : eLDORADO / 0001 /
:...: iNFECT / :
. EldOrAdO
pesho1981 .
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : dATURA / 0001 /
:...: pANORAMIX / :
: d A T U R A . ::
. peshormrs
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : hAZMAT / 0001 /
:...: tIJUANA bOB / :
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : iNCOMING / 0001 /
:...: rAVE-N / :
1nc0m1ng f1l3z
/ peshoRMRS
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : iNHALE / 0001 /
:...: bIZARRE / :
/ / // p81
- i N H A L E m A i N m E N U -
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? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
? menu command ? menu command ? menu command ? menu command
expand as needed
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : pLANKTON / 0001 /
:...: aRLEQUIN / :
: ........:..........................:..........:. p/rmrs81 :.....:..:
.......:.......: p l a n k t o n :.....:....:...................:.....
:........................................: WWW.PLANKTON.SCENE.COM.AR
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : bUGSY remixed / 0001 /
:...: a tRIBUTE tO mHZ / :
// / / / / / /p1981
:@@@@ //@ /@@@//@@@:
:// //tHE dON:
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mACH 5 / 0001 /
:...: sPEKTOR / :
lorizonte +o lorizonte / / / /
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mACH 5 / 0001 /
:...: sPEKTOR / :
m A C H 5
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : mTLISO / 0001 /
:...: fICTIVE / :
: / : . . l/ :
mTLiS0 : / : : : : /
l / /
// pesho1981
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : oLDSCHOOL mAKES tHE sCENE gO! / 0001 /
:...: aRLEQUIN / :
O / / / .
l //
d / // / / / / / ! .
s / O .
c / / / // g :
/ / / / l
h // / e /
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : tEE-aRE / 0001 /
:...: tEE-aRE / :
t e e // // /
/ / l
a r e / // /
, / peshoREMORSE
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : 2000 / 0001 /
:...: ascii 2000 / :
the . future . is . here
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : tOTAL dOMINATION / 0001 /
:...: tEE-aRE / :
. 7.. O.. 7.. A.. L.. /
expand as needed and put your info here
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : zANDURA / 0001 /
:...: sQUINT / :
/ l
:....: ..... z ... A ... N D U R a : pesho1981:
/ h E R M A N A /:
.. ......... : eCSTASIA / 0001 /
:...: aENEAS / :
e c s t a s i a
uSERNAME: Raspunzen aeneas
lOCATION: erks expand as needed
pASSWORD: ****** put your infos here
sTATUS: leech 0
en d of logo s e c ti o n
Pesho want to send his
.8 / //
8 //
os ns //
82fastanarchistamblinarlequinbaphometbugsycrusadercybergod /
desotodezibelexocetfatalgavilanhiro protagonistjuankaleidas
karmakonamimacawmantamad maxmark rydermerlinmoguemortimer t
necromancernupkilla hertzpariahpolymorphprodigyrapidrevolution
8 sargontangotim draketommytruman 5tarrtumu-manvinziwhodini
8 windriderxcluziwezeus a lot more that I cant remember right now. :
between november /p1981
1999 /
-------/ january 2ooo / h E r m A n A -------
nf0z // :
-----.---------- c . R . E . D . i . T . S ------------.----
All design and ascii by Pesho/rmrz
She // Oliverio Girondo. Translation by Pesho
Douglas Morisson dixit // poetry in the index
Whodini/Remorse 1981: Hermana
.--- Volatyle/Low Profile: Remorse /
Talo/Remorse 1981: She, Index
----.----- Arlequin/Remorse 1981: Pesho // //
Tupaj aka tr5/retired: Ascii
Sweet Mortimer Tee/Low Profile: Annika w8ing for happines
aUDiO sUPPORt: .
Massive attack, The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Underworld, Mozart
: Bjork, Atari Teenage Riot, Aphex Twin, Daftpunk. Blind Melon,
:... . The Doors, The Velvet Underground, The Yardbirds. Onyx.
/--/---- c O N T A C T -----/-------------
Pesho can be contacted for request/feedback @ /
/ For download my old collies see my face /
/ you can visit my personal homepage at: /
http://members.xoom.com/larvaz/pesho /
* please request ascii! /
*gREETz: / . ..
. Tzeentch, Talo, Whodini, Mhz, Radman, Omi, Whirr81, Volatile
: Cain, Ogre, Pogue, Octavo, Tres Equis, Rave-N, Rosee, .
. Tupaj, Rantes, Coda, Pruslas, Spektor, Putxito, Koza, Storminga
AcidBrain, Fidel, And everybody who loves me, you know who u are. //
is the // / . dead?
/ / ----. tupaj
----------- / ---- /- ----- ?----------
1981--/ :
.p E s h O o f R m r z /
p r e s e n t s
h e r m a n a
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