this image contains text
.,455557 - ain that spells cain!
55555555 ./5
-555555. 555555x,.
5555555*x,.5555555555 look at me! i am substituting different
55555555555555555/* characters for the so i do not have to
55555::55555555/ learn how to shape or shade
by xavier xylophone xoom.com aka SHAQ-WU!!!
of remorse ascii
.,455557 - ain that spells cain!
55555555 ./5
-555555. 555555x,.
5555555*x,.5555555555 look at me! i am substituting different
55555555555555555/* characters for the so i do not have to
55555::55555555/ learn how to shape or shade
by xavier xylophone xoom.com aka SHAQ-WU!!!
of remorse ascii
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