this image contains text
zerohour Some french idiot in taco bell was trying to give me a lecture on
how Nachos and Cheese. is improper.
zerohour I was like.
zerohour Uh, yeah, ok. dude.
whirr81 a french guy in alabama?
zerohour arkansas, fart knocker.
zerohour He went on and on and on how americans are wrong when labelling
zerohour Hes like, these. these things are called CHIPS.
zerohour This is cheese.
zerohour Im like.
zerohour You dont speak spanish do you?
zerohour Hes like, no.
zerohour So I go, Nacho is the spanish word for Chip you twit.
zerohour I dont even think it is.
zerohour but he shut up.
zerohour and he got all pissy like it was my fault he was an idiot.
Ohseven I keep thinking its feb still
Ohseven For some damned reason
Ohseven I fooked in the head
Ohseven And Im pretty damned sure youre gonna quote me on that
/,*,*/ , */ l 7*
? /
devpld another thing that comes to mind, is that rmrs really should have
a new homepage, and get updated more often
nM4NCEr New page?
nM4NCEr .. are you implying theres something wrong with our webpage?
nM4NCEr The webpage that I freakin designed in under 20 minutes?
j2 It sucks.
j2 :
nM4NCEr It does get updated. Look at the releases section.
nM4NCEr j2 It sucks.
nM4NCEr ?
nM4NCEr www.remorse.org?
nM4NCEr Ill fucking rape his whole family.
Ohseven Lips .. burning
WHIRR81 then stop using chapstick on your ass.
Ohseven Is blistex
WHIRR81 then stop using blistex on your ass.
*** hIRO-81 changes topic to Charles Manson for President 00!
mESSIAH Everytime Tum said Im TOM I was like BITCH, I DONT KNOW A
fuckoff everyone goto hell
Remorse!Ascii Package 31: March 99
Or soon thereafter, anyways..
File Name : Rmrs-31.zip Total Bytes : ???,???
Authors : Multiple Packaged By : Cain
Additional releases can be located via Remorses Website -- www.remorse.org
The Great Black Hype
You see, Remorse is funny sometimes. Things are shifting, people
are getting a wee bit lazy.. but were still here. Necromancer
isnt always around, were still here -- cant say the same for
our friends at Mimic Ascii can you? If Black Jack left.. theyd
be fucked.
What am I getting at?
We own you. Maybe not this month, since change is settling in
and were all feeling the effects. All around though, no one
can say theyve released 31 packs, been alive 4 years, and kept
close as a group through it all, and not be lying through their
gritty teeth.
Things have changed in a big, big way. Some new additions in
ToneDeph, who by the way just happens to be Gwydians boyfriend
has joined up.. I guess that makes us the first group to have a
couple in it. Unless you count Chex and Whod. Also, say word to
Justin Hale and the legendary Christopher Robin.. good to have
you all!
In bigger news? Well, some cool stuff went down, but you dont
get to find out as of yet, call it hype.. call it what you want.
We just dont feel like telling you. Its apparent though, watch
for elite happenings throughout this next month.
And then just because I can..... WindRider spouts off. Thats
what you get when I am the last person to see the pack before
Today is March 21st. Its right around 6:30pm now. In just over
an hour it officially becomes spring. The master plan of a giant
hyperbole is realized.
This is the final pack of winter. Tomorrow brings us the first
day of rebirth and renewal not only in nature but also in ascii.
Why do I say this? Well, certain things have been decided which
promise to either change the face of ascii or lead into the
biggest April Fools joke of all time.
You may notice the new title for Darkcube. He earned that recently
by setting up a conf that Canucks could actually call. To repay
that amazing feat, we cobbled together a title with the word
uber in it just to be cool like that.
Cain asked a while ago if he could assemble an upcoming remorse
pack. This is his baby. After considering the problems plaguing
most members this month, the release turned out damned fine. It
warms my old heart to know that there are people in Remorse who
can take on a strong leadership role should the need arise.
With those thoughts Ill leave you all to peruse the pack at your
leisure, though just maybe I will abuse my power and toss an
ascii of mine in the pack when no one can stop me.
Until we meet again, mon amour...
Members of Remorse
Founder: Negromancer
Demigods: Cain, Pariah, Whodini, WindRider
Keyboard Jockies: Arlequin, Axel Barebones, Badspirit, Baltazar,
Black Dawn, Biogen, Brane, Cannabis, Computerman, Cypher Hex,
Erick Sermon, Erupt, Gwydian, Hex Corrupt, Hiro Protagonist,
KillaHertz, Mass Murderer, Merlin, Mjolnir, Palmore, Pixel Pusher,
Poskgubbe, Revolution, Sairoku, Spinsane, Tzeentch, The Upright Man,
Zerohour, Zerostar
Alumni: Arrogance, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Kaleidas, Megga Hertz
The Messiah, Miasma, Mr. Kite, Necronite, Omicron
Terminator2, Tinyz
Offical Sponsor of the Remorse Salad Oil SlipnSlide: RadMan
Overlord of All Things Telecom and Master of the UberSpiff: Darkcube
... And a quote to close the show!
Wh0dini is element dead?
Wh0dini nope
Wh0dini just no route from here..
whirr81 i need a cute wh0d story for the nfo.
cain81 Asking whodini to be cute is like.. asking a tele-tubbie for a
. remorse pack 31 infofile designed by cain, windrider, hiro protagonist .
how Nachos and Cheese. is improper.
zerohour I was like.
zerohour Uh, yeah, ok. dude.
whirr81 a french guy in alabama?
zerohour arkansas, fart knocker.
zerohour He went on and on and on how americans are wrong when labelling
zerohour Hes like, these. these things are called CHIPS.
zerohour This is cheese.
zerohour Im like.
zerohour You dont speak spanish do you?
zerohour Hes like, no.
zerohour So I go, Nacho is the spanish word for Chip you twit.
zerohour I dont even think it is.
zerohour but he shut up.
zerohour and he got all pissy like it was my fault he was an idiot.
Ohseven I keep thinking its feb still
Ohseven For some damned reason
Ohseven I fooked in the head
Ohseven And Im pretty damned sure youre gonna quote me on that
/,*,*/ , */ l 7*
? /
devpld another thing that comes to mind, is that rmrs really should have
a new homepage, and get updated more often
nM4NCEr New page?
nM4NCEr .. are you implying theres something wrong with our webpage?
nM4NCEr The webpage that I freakin designed in under 20 minutes?
j2 It sucks.
j2 :
nM4NCEr It does get updated. Look at the releases section.
nM4NCEr j2 It sucks.
nM4NCEr ?
nM4NCEr www.remorse.org?
nM4NCEr Ill fucking rape his whole family.
Ohseven Lips .. burning
WHIRR81 then stop using chapstick on your ass.
Ohseven Is blistex
WHIRR81 then stop using blistex on your ass.
*** hIRO-81 changes topic to Charles Manson for President 00!
mESSIAH Everytime Tum said Im TOM I was like BITCH, I DONT KNOW A
fuckoff everyone goto hell
Remorse!Ascii Package 31: March 99
Or soon thereafter, anyways..
File Name : Rmrs-31.zip Total Bytes : ???,???
Authors : Multiple Packaged By : Cain
Additional releases can be located via Remorses Website -- www.remorse.org
The Great Black Hype
You see, Remorse is funny sometimes. Things are shifting, people
are getting a wee bit lazy.. but were still here. Necromancer
isnt always around, were still here -- cant say the same for
our friends at Mimic Ascii can you? If Black Jack left.. theyd
be fucked.
What am I getting at?
We own you. Maybe not this month, since change is settling in
and were all feeling the effects. All around though, no one
can say theyve released 31 packs, been alive 4 years, and kept
close as a group through it all, and not be lying through their
gritty teeth.
Things have changed in a big, big way. Some new additions in
ToneDeph, who by the way just happens to be Gwydians boyfriend
has joined up.. I guess that makes us the first group to have a
couple in it. Unless you count Chex and Whod. Also, say word to
Justin Hale and the legendary Christopher Robin.. good to have
you all!
In bigger news? Well, some cool stuff went down, but you dont
get to find out as of yet, call it hype.. call it what you want.
We just dont feel like telling you. Its apparent though, watch
for elite happenings throughout this next month.
And then just because I can..... WindRider spouts off. Thats
what you get when I am the last person to see the pack before
Today is March 21st. Its right around 6:30pm now. In just over
an hour it officially becomes spring. The master plan of a giant
hyperbole is realized.
This is the final pack of winter. Tomorrow brings us the first
day of rebirth and renewal not only in nature but also in ascii.
Why do I say this? Well, certain things have been decided which
promise to either change the face of ascii or lead into the
biggest April Fools joke of all time.
You may notice the new title for Darkcube. He earned that recently
by setting up a conf that Canucks could actually call. To repay
that amazing feat, we cobbled together a title with the word
uber in it just to be cool like that.
Cain asked a while ago if he could assemble an upcoming remorse
pack. This is his baby. After considering the problems plaguing
most members this month, the release turned out damned fine. It
warms my old heart to know that there are people in Remorse who
can take on a strong leadership role should the need arise.
With those thoughts Ill leave you all to peruse the pack at your
leisure, though just maybe I will abuse my power and toss an
ascii of mine in the pack when no one can stop me.
Until we meet again, mon amour...
Members of Remorse
Founder: Negromancer
Demigods: Cain, Pariah, Whodini, WindRider
Keyboard Jockies: Arlequin, Axel Barebones, Badspirit, Baltazar,
Black Dawn, Biogen, Brane, Cannabis, Computerman, Cypher Hex,
Erick Sermon, Erupt, Gwydian, Hex Corrupt, Hiro Protagonist,
KillaHertz, Mass Murderer, Merlin, Mjolnir, Palmore, Pixel Pusher,
Poskgubbe, Revolution, Sairoku, Spinsane, Tzeentch, The Upright Man,
Zerohour, Zerostar
Alumni: Arrogance, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Kaleidas, Megga Hertz
The Messiah, Miasma, Mr. Kite, Necronite, Omicron
Terminator2, Tinyz
Offical Sponsor of the Remorse Salad Oil SlipnSlide: RadMan
Overlord of All Things Telecom and Master of the UberSpiff: Darkcube
... And a quote to close the show!
Wh0dini is element dead?
Wh0dini nope
Wh0dini just no route from here..
whirr81 i need a cute wh0d story for the nfo.
cain81 Asking whodini to be cute is like.. asking a tele-tubbie for a
. remorse pack 31 infofile designed by cain, windrider, hiro protagonist .
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