this image contains text
// used this ascii in the first shit i did for remorse but you know
its good to recycle
-X- r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1 -X-
im wise-k and im back like a vertebrate
made this all with Afs.com amiga text simulator, least you could do is view
this with it or some other font that joins the lines together please, heh.
feb 04 99 9:13pm
Greeted Whodini for first time in months about 30 mins ago, told me to draw
for remorse.. i asked whether i was in remorse or not still he said it didnt
really matter.. so here we go
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
trance induced op / for spinsane
/ / // wk
trance induced op / / / / /
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
spinsane for spinsane i like dis asc2
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
revolt for lukesky
wk ./
/ / / / // / R E V O L T
feb 05 99 1:28pm
think i went and watched tv last night forgot about doing this ascii. just had
lunch, salami + cheese mayo, yummy.
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
volatile for volatile
/ / // / / wk
returning the favour bro, respekt props greets whatever right back at ya
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
AC dizzzyies fO ohSeVen
/ / / ascii
/ /corporation
/ / a s c i i
/ c o r p o r a t i o n
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
ohseven told me whodini would want 103 asciis
- --1---O---3------- / /-----1---O---3-- -
/ wk
/ // / / / wk
or did he want me to do one hundred and three asciis of the werd whodini?
HEHEHEHHE nah not funny :
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
ohseven also told me wh0d would want a wu trank asc2
/ ::::: // / ::::: wk
::::: wU - tRaNk klAn aInT nUttIn tO fUnk wIt ? :::::
came out quite nicely
thats all, only took requests for a few mins noone really wanted anything
and i wasnt sure how much time i got til rmrs 30 is going to be released
so thought this would be enough anyway i think you know what im saying
if you want some ascii or want to hassle me or accuse me of killing your
momma or something else, sendz0r me some email - kurious@ihug.co.nz
oh, and im looking for playstation iso sites, definately send me some email
if you can hook me up and/or want to work something out :
peace, wise-k/jedi artsyou out there boys?/remorsein or out?/ambition
its good to recycle
-X- r e m o r s e 1 9 8 1 -X-
im wise-k and im back like a vertebrate
made this all with Afs.com amiga text simulator, least you could do is view
this with it or some other font that joins the lines together please, heh.
feb 04 99 9:13pm
Greeted Whodini for first time in months about 30 mins ago, told me to draw
for remorse.. i asked whether i was in remorse or not still he said it didnt
really matter.. so here we go
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
trance induced op / for spinsane
/ / // wk
trance induced op / / / / /
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
spinsane for spinsane i like dis asc2
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
revolt for lukesky
wk ./
/ / / / // / R E V O L T
feb 05 99 1:28pm
think i went and watched tv last night forgot about doing this ascii. just had
lunch, salami + cheese mayo, yummy.
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
volatile for volatile
/ / // / / wk
returning the favour bro, respekt props greets whatever right back at ya
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
AC dizzzyies fO ohSeVen
/ / / ascii
/ /corporation
/ / a s c i i
/ c o r p o r a t i o n
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
ohseven told me whodini would want 103 asciis
- --1---O---3------- / /-----1---O---3-- -
/ wk
/ // / / / wk
or did he want me to do one hundred and three asciis of the werd whodini?
HEHEHEHHE nah not funny :
.-dIs sHit iS tHe cUt----------------------------------------------------/
ohseven also told me wh0d would want a wu trank asc2
/ ::::: // / ::::: wk
::::: wU - tRaNk klAn aInT nUttIn tO fUnk wIt ? :::::
came out quite nicely
thats all, only took requests for a few mins noone really wanted anything
and i wasnt sure how much time i got til rmrs 30 is going to be released
so thought this would be enough anyway i think you know what im saying
if you want some ascii or want to hassle me or accuse me of killing your
momma or something else, sendz0r me some email - kurious@ihug.co.nz
oh, and im looking for playstation iso sites, definately send me some email
if you can hook me up and/or want to work something out :
peace, wise-k/jedi artsyou out there boys?/remorsein or out?/ambition
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