this image contains text
. . . . -- i:
i 7S@S . : @gy@7 -- .lin.
...i. 77 .ib7l l7* . -- .d77b.
..:. :i,..,bb ----d7 7b-----
: .....:iibii:.... ---- remorse l----
:..... . ii7 i. ...:... i i
..i7b.l. ...: : 7b d7
..... :iil *7i.. . ..: 77
: :...:iii 7::: *Sll
:.... . llS :... .. :i
. ..: ::b.gXXy.d :
g. -, g. S
7 7 .
. .d. *.
ig7 .ii*is7
b .di*7S*. i d*7SnSd
b.*b, 7ii 7S*.d
b.* d b. .d
----------- emokremorse
well im not good at this picture drawing shit..
greets goes to one of the nices ppl in the
scene.. deviantmmc
and yo .. vader .. i hope you burn in hell!
i 7S@S . : @gy@7 -- .lin.
...i. 77 .ib7l l7* . -- .d77b.
..:. :i,..,bb ----d7 7b-----
: .....:iibii:.... ---- remorse l----
:..... . ii7 i. ...:... i i
..i7b.l. ...: : 7b d7
..... :iil *7i.. . ..: 77
: :...:iii 7::: *Sll
:.... . llS :... .. :i
. ..: ::b.gXXy.d :
g. -, g. S
7 7 .
. .d. *.
ig7 .ii*is7
b .di*7S*. i d*7SnSd
b.*b, 7ii 7S*.d
b.* d b. .d
----------- emokremorse
well im not good at this picture drawing shit..
greets goes to one of the nices ppl in the
scene.. deviantmmc
and yo .. vader .. i hope you burn in hell!
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