this image contains text
Its time everyone knew. Theres a traitor in our midst, known to most of you as Discofunk.
I thought this was someone that we as remorse could trust, but ive been proven wrong.
Fair warning to all of you. What follows are excerpts of conversations that will show you
what i mean.
Session Start: Wed Oct 28 14:53:25 1998
Session Ident: disco74 disco@ts7-5t-27.idirect.com
14:53 disco74 dont tell anyone, but karmas close to death.. Mankind said to volatile and then i asked him about it that he would ask to merge into some group.. and when i asked him about itmankind he just said it was hypotheticalsp? .. But ive been hearing they dont even have enough art for a small pack, like a 20k pack.. And everyones been slacking off.. etc..
whirr uh huh.
whirr how very interesting.
whirr now how to use that to our advantage...
14:54 disco74 i have plans..
14:54 disco74 well, ill tell you. But if it fails basically were screwed not remorse, me and bj..
whirr ah
14:55 disco74 yeah, were planning the downfall of karma, and planning the rise of aspire..
whirr basically just shifting the artists over?
14:56 disco74 no..
14:56 disco74 basically killing karma, and not shifting artists over, giving them no other oportunity
14:57 disco74 and behind bjs back im going to do it with psylock..
14:57 disco74 yeah, but i have other motifs than just to make the rise of aspire..
14:58 disco74 My plans aswell, are to plan the downfall of mimic, one step at a time..
whirr and ill leave it at that.
14:58 disco74 im evil..
whirr haha
14:58 disco74 Im going to try and do what sargon couldnt do.
14:59 disco74 you do know what sargon wanted to do right?
whirr i may have at some point.
whirr but i have no clue any more.
whirr im not sure i cared either. :
14:59 disco74 he wanted to control the scene..
15:00 disco74 have one giant super group..
whirr huh.
whirr i dont know if i like that idea.
15:00 disco74 he manipulated 3 small groups to form serial..
15:01 disco74 and with the serial/kwest merger he would have had that super group
15:01 disco74 but cain backed out at the last second..
15:01 disco74 they wanted somethign to compete with remorse, but in actuality that group would have crushed remorse. It was insane, 40+ ascii artists, all top quality..
whirr hah, such a shame we never found out.
15:02 disco74 meatpod, sargon, cain, discyple, the prodigy, konami, polymorph all would have been in the group.
15:02 disco74 even i would have been in the group, but i quit serial because of it..
15:03 disco74 basically because he didnt tell me about it..
whirr haha
15:05 disco74 yeah, I just want to see if i can do it..
15:05 disco74 If i cant, or it becomes too difficult, im going to drop it
whirr but you have to see where the first step leads.
15:05 disco74 that is true..
15:06 disco74 and the first step is the karma death.. and we havent done anything with that yet, and its basically killing itself..
whirr sometimes thats the best way to do it.
15:08 disco74 yeah, But.. I dont know why im even talking about it.. meh..
15:08 disco74 who cares.
I didnt think much of this, seeing as wed been doing good things with remorse,
but then this happened, so i had to follow it up:
aspnsis Well, Im leaving Remorse after this pack, just thought you wanted to know, you seen kinda idle right now. well talk more later. .
whirr alright, lets talk about this. are you one of the artists that is buying into discos latest brainchild?
aspnsis haha
aspnsis not really, I turned him down :
and then, i get into this conversation with another source:
Session Start: Fri Nov 27 21:28:52 1998
Session Ident: anonymous source
anonymous Hrm..
anonymous I know most of it.
anonymous Why? :
whirr im just trying to prepare an appropriate reaction.
whirr i doubted that you would be freely forthcoming with information. hah.
anonymous Well. .. Im not one to backstab, and he did tell me not to tell anyone :
anonymous But.
anonymous Ill answer yes no questions :
anonymous Since I feel you should know.
whirr alright.
whirr and ill trust that the answers will be truthful. :
anonymous They will
anonymous If I cant answer them, I wont :
anonymous The only thing stopping dave from doing whatever hes going to do heh is me.
anonymous Me, and me alone :
anonymous Hes .. trying to butter me up.
anonymous So to speak.
whirr are the rumors that hes been trying to get people to leave rmrs or any other group for this group?
anonymous are they what? true?
whirr yeah, true.
whirr oops.
whirr i was starting my next thought.
whirr and that thought was that i recall him speaking of trying to pick up where sargon left off.
anonymous Lets just say this, no one has technically quit.
anonymous And, no one will quit if I do something, which I could very well do :
anonymous Then again, do I care about the scene that much? :
whirr hahaha
anonymous If dave does what he plans to do, there will be *a lot* of shit going down.
whirr one of the pieces i was fed was that cat-dog was a part of this. yes/no?
anonymous You remember odelay, right? :
whirr indeed i do remember odelay.
anonymous You know that odelay is local to me, right?
whirr ayup.
whirr oh lord.
anonymous started by prodigy disco, mostly run by prodigy.
anonymous both local to me :
whirr i dunno if i like where this is going. :
anonymous And you know that I was apart of it from a very early start too.
anonymous I joined around pack 3.
anonymous stayed till pack 8 or so.
anonymous anyways, the reason odelay was good was because of its foundation because of prodigy.
anonymous mostly prodigy
anonymous well, what would happen if one of the original people who started odelay brought it back, and secretly stole members until it was ready to release?
anonymous kinda like mimic
anonymous but on a much larger scale.
whirr hahaha
anonymous Note: I didnt tell you anything, Im just asking questions :
whirr not that i find this particular instance funny.
whirr is nahal involved in this?
anonymous I dont think so
anonymous cat-dog might be.
anonymous I know most of the members that will leave remorse for the new odelay.
anonymous I also know mimic members that will
anonymous and karma members.
anonymous and others.
anonymous I think youve gotta get your members into shape, tell them whats up, tell them to think about anything before it happens.
blkjack Im going to do the same, just not right yet.
whirr what would your relation to it be if youre still leading mimic?
N SEND request by Ohsevenohseven@bing703n.stny.lrun.com oh7dt-b1.jpg:55.9k
anonymous I wouldnt be, if what dave wants, happens.
anonymous Heres whats up
anonymous I dont care if you know
blkjack as long as you dont tell anyone
N 55930 bytes received from Ohseven in 5 secs 11.2kb/s
Ohseven:remorse whirr - Pull out the ohseven logo and c prompt from that, and make it bigger whirr - Pull out the ohseven logo and c prompt from that, and make it bigger
blkjack or say anything to anyone that I said shit.
blkjack since I probably know the most about this than anyone else :
whirr hey, i have a shitload of info that i havent told anyone.
blkjack including disco
blkjack since Ive talked to others.
whirr but its the info that ive gathered that has led here.
blkjack Led to me? :
whirr well, you were a shot in the dark.
blkjack :
blkjack Ok, heres the deal
whirr mainly because he kept saying i talk to bj, our risk, two years, etc etc.
blkjack join jesusfuck
Session Start: Fri Nov 27 21:40:33 1998
* Logging jesusfuck to jesusfuck.log
*** blkjack sets mode: +o whirr
blkjack Ok
blkjack cuz I have to keep pressing TAB
blkjack to msg you
whirr okay
blkjack and I might get disco by accident
blkjack since hes also msging me :
whirr haha
whirr alright
Session Start: Fri Nov 27 21:41:06 1998
Session Close: Fri Nov 27 21:41:06 1998
blkjack : *messagewhirrwhirr@no.remorse.org mainly because he kept saying i
blkjack talk to bj, our risk, two years, etc etc.
blkjack who said that?
blkjack disco?
whirr oh.
whirr yeah, disco.
whirr its in a log from october.
whirr all about trying to help out aspire and shit.
whirr you and him.
blkjack Oh
blkjack That has nothing to do with this.
whirr which is why i figured youd know what was up.
blkjack Thats gone, since Ive given up on gwydian.
blkjack Disco calls me a lot.
blkjack Almost daily.
blkjack Mind you, I talk to konami the most.
blkjack Out of everyone local non-local.
blkjack I talk to meatpod, s2n disco second most
blkjack Anyways
blkjack What do you know? Like, what do you think?
blkjack Cuz I dont just wanna straight out tell you everything hes planned for the past 3 months :
blkjack I know ALL about what dave wants to do.
blkjack And I suspect konami knows even more than I know.
blkjack Btw, konami quit mimic.
blkjack to release solo.
blkjack Remember, konami was a foundation of odelay
blkjack as seraphim.
blkjack so was s2n though
whirr basically this is what ive heard.
blkjack somewhat.
blkjack nosanity was too, but hes long gone.
whirr disco has been approaching rmrs members to join a new group.
blkjack Uh huh, true.
whirr he is gonna keep the group a secret until its ready to release, at which point hell bail from rmrs.
whirr which makes me look like an idiot.
blkjack He just called me.
blkjack were talking
whirr and im not about to have that.
blkjack Im not telling him anything about this
blkjack as far as he knows, Im searching for deadlock asciis.
whirr good, because i wont tell him about this. :
blkjack ok
blkjack :
whirr ive spoken with a number of artists and asked them if theyve hooked up with this new group.
whirr instead of doing the smart thing and saying what group?, theyve said not really or no.
whirr way to keep a secret. w00.
blkjack haha
blkjack right.
whirr cat-dog wont talk about it.
whirr nahal wont talk about it.
whirr conveniently, cat-dog just resigned from rmrs a few days ago.
blkjack He just gave me a list of members.
blkjack from remorse
blkjack and karma
blkjack and mimic
whirr i have to assume that this continues in the vein of sargons idea for a supergroup.
blkjack kinda
blkjack I dont think this has anything to do with sargon though
whirr i doubt it does, but disco is hooked on the idea of supergroup, and he keeps referring back to sargons plan when he talked of it.
blkjack hrm
whirr now youre okay with knowing that hes taking your artists?
whirr or did i miss something.
blkjack No
blkjack He wants me to merge mimic into the new odelay
blkjack and Id be a normal member
blkjack and hed massregulate through mimics roster.
whirr how very gracious of him.
blkjack yah
blkjack well
blkjack if I dont do it.. I dunno what hes gonna try do
blkjack He wants me to do it, cuz he knows that Im only in the scene still for 1 reason
blkjack and thats mimic
whirr but wouldnt merging mean giving that up?
blkjack Yup
blkjack It would mean me .. quitting the scene.
blkjack basically
blkjack I wouldnt head the new odelay
whirr well thats fucked.
blkjack he just asked Why are you reluclant to kill off mimic
whirr uh huh.
blkjack then he goes you know, you wouldnt kill it off
whirr mimic is viable.
blkjack basically, with our combined forces, we would have the 1 art group in the scene
blkjack viable?
blkjack Im quoting him
whirr as in dont kill it off.
whirr as long as its vigorous, why do anything to it?
blkjack oh
whirr do you just talk to him, or is he a friend?
blkjack I dont plan to
blkjack I thought about it when he first suggested it.
blkjack I consider him a friend.
blkjack But, hes a bit messed up
whirr i wouldnt have thought too much of this, except that so far he has zero subs for rmrs28.
whirr i found that odd.
whirr which suggested he was getting ready to act soom.
whirr soon.
blkjack you know why?
blkjack You know why hes like this now?
blkjack You wanna know why hes doing this?
blkjack I know all about it.
whirr part of me wants to say that its because wh0d told him to stop fucking experimenting.
blkjack :
blkjack Its because of this
blkjack when he joined remorse, he wanted to take it over
whirr and he essentially said that on the mailing list when there wasnt any leadership. about how he wanted to do it.
whirr but i beat him to it.
whirr plus i got all the support. :
blkjack hrm
whirr i still have a copy of that message too.
blkjack he was pissed that whodini always threatens to take his masters.
whirr now thats new info.
blkjack hes pissed that he doesnt get to do shit, but he thinks he does everything in remorse
blkjack recruiting, gathering subs, etc
blkjack he told me this month he wasnt gonna do a thing about that
blkjack he told me he wanted to join mimic, too
blkjack but then he got this idea where he would make odelay
whirr he doesnt get to do shit?
whirr excuse me?
whirr every fucking month, i ask him if theres something he wants to do or say.
whirr he says no.
whirr and then he goes and recruits without asking anyone.
whirr like cat-dog.
whirr i show up one day to see i let cat-dog in to remorse..
whirr and thats it.
blkjack hrm
whirr which leads me to think that he outright stole an app from me.
blkjack sorry, back
whirr just yesterday i think.
whirr someone wanted to apply to remorse, i said send to me, he said no, just send it to me.
whirr and i havent seen the app yet.
whirr or any mention of it.
whirr how odd.
blkjack hrm
blkjack weird
blkjack hes past remorse now
blkjack hes totally given up on it
blkjack there are only 2 people that have said no to his supergroup
blkjack joining it
blkjack he has like, 10 remorse members.
blkjack thatll join
blkjack and 2 mimic members.
blkjack and like
blkjack 5 karma members.
whirr okay, its time to move on this.
whirr im tired of this shit.
blkjack well
blkjack whirr
blkjack dont let it out that I said shit :
blkjack if anyone, blame dezibel
blkjack hes a dumb euro
blkjack hehe
whirr hahaha
whirr blkjack: i dont reveal my sources.
blkjack well
whirr if i qoute anyone, i edit the names anyway.
blkjack I could name off the rmrs members for you
whirr hah.
blkjack BTW
blkjack nahal is in on this.
blkjack I think hes a senior
blkjack lemme ask
whirr thats what i figured.
whirr up until now, ive been nice guy whirr.
blkjack ditto :P
whirr ive never had to be petty vindictive whirr.
blkjack I havent done anything drastic
blkjack no reason to
whirr now i do.
blkjack but now
whirr and its such a shame.
blkjack people are stealing my members left right center.
blkjack you know
blkjack Im tempted to join remorse
blkjack but like
blkjack mimic is my baby
blkjack and I cant leave it :
whirr actually, ill hold off on petty vindictive whirr.
whirr and if you feel like offering, im interested in some names.
whirr and ill tell you who from mimic is considering leaving so you can talk to them.
whirr wink wink. :
blkjack want me to name names?
whirr damn right. mccarthyism kicks ass.
whirr im not gonna bitch at them, but id be interested in knowing why.
whirr and my devious nature would have me pretend i dont know what theyre doing.
blkjack ok
blkjack prst
blkjack brane
whirr i can be such a bastard, thats why im a teacher.
whirr prst i suspected, but he said no.
* blkjack thinks
blkjack who else
whirr brane i havent seen in a while.
blkjack I forget the remorse members.
blkjack konami isnt in this
whirr if you need a list to look at, check members.home.net/remorse.ascii :
blkjack ok
whirr its loading slow for some reason.
zh:remorse hey whirr. hey whirr.
whirr and anyone who has said theyre leaving isnt in the member listing.
blkjack ok here goes
blkjack arlequin, cain
blkjack polymorph
whirr cain?
whirr CAIN?
blkjack biogen
whirr that would be why he was so eager to tell disco i wanted him as a senior.
whirr fuck.
blkjack pixel pusher
N Netsplit detected at 10:18pm irc.best.net irc.inter.net.il
N Press F11 to see who split away.
N To join split irc.inter.net.il press F12.
blkjack pariah might
whirr pariah wont.
I thought this was someone that we as remorse could trust, but ive been proven wrong.
Fair warning to all of you. What follows are excerpts of conversations that will show you
what i mean.
Session Start: Wed Oct 28 14:53:25 1998
Session Ident: disco74 disco@ts7-5t-27.idirect.com
14:53 disco74 dont tell anyone, but karmas close to death.. Mankind said to volatile and then i asked him about it that he would ask to merge into some group.. and when i asked him about itmankind he just said it was hypotheticalsp? .. But ive been hearing they dont even have enough art for a small pack, like a 20k pack.. And everyones been slacking off.. etc..
whirr uh huh.
whirr how very interesting.
whirr now how to use that to our advantage...
14:54 disco74 i have plans..
14:54 disco74 well, ill tell you. But if it fails basically were screwed not remorse, me and bj..
whirr ah
14:55 disco74 yeah, were planning the downfall of karma, and planning the rise of aspire..
whirr basically just shifting the artists over?
14:56 disco74 no..
14:56 disco74 basically killing karma, and not shifting artists over, giving them no other oportunity
14:57 disco74 and behind bjs back im going to do it with psylock..
14:57 disco74 yeah, but i have other motifs than just to make the rise of aspire..
14:58 disco74 My plans aswell, are to plan the downfall of mimic, one step at a time..
whirr and ill leave it at that.
14:58 disco74 im evil..
whirr haha
14:58 disco74 Im going to try and do what sargon couldnt do.
14:59 disco74 you do know what sargon wanted to do right?
whirr i may have at some point.
whirr but i have no clue any more.
whirr im not sure i cared either. :
14:59 disco74 he wanted to control the scene..
15:00 disco74 have one giant super group..
whirr huh.
whirr i dont know if i like that idea.
15:00 disco74 he manipulated 3 small groups to form serial..
15:01 disco74 and with the serial/kwest merger he would have had that super group
15:01 disco74 but cain backed out at the last second..
15:01 disco74 they wanted somethign to compete with remorse, but in actuality that group would have crushed remorse. It was insane, 40+ ascii artists, all top quality..
whirr hah, such a shame we never found out.
15:02 disco74 meatpod, sargon, cain, discyple, the prodigy, konami, polymorph all would have been in the group.
15:02 disco74 even i would have been in the group, but i quit serial because of it..
15:03 disco74 basically because he didnt tell me about it..
whirr haha
15:05 disco74 yeah, I just want to see if i can do it..
15:05 disco74 If i cant, or it becomes too difficult, im going to drop it
whirr but you have to see where the first step leads.
15:05 disco74 that is true..
15:06 disco74 and the first step is the karma death.. and we havent done anything with that yet, and its basically killing itself..
whirr sometimes thats the best way to do it.
15:08 disco74 yeah, But.. I dont know why im even talking about it.. meh..
15:08 disco74 who cares.
I didnt think much of this, seeing as wed been doing good things with remorse,
but then this happened, so i had to follow it up:
aspnsis Well, Im leaving Remorse after this pack, just thought you wanted to know, you seen kinda idle right now. well talk more later. .
whirr alright, lets talk about this. are you one of the artists that is buying into discos latest brainchild?
aspnsis haha
aspnsis not really, I turned him down :
and then, i get into this conversation with another source:
Session Start: Fri Nov 27 21:28:52 1998
Session Ident: anonymous source
anonymous Hrm..
anonymous I know most of it.
anonymous Why? :
whirr im just trying to prepare an appropriate reaction.
whirr i doubted that you would be freely forthcoming with information. hah.
anonymous Well. .. Im not one to backstab, and he did tell me not to tell anyone :
anonymous But.
anonymous Ill answer yes no questions :
anonymous Since I feel you should know.
whirr alright.
whirr and ill trust that the answers will be truthful. :
anonymous They will
anonymous If I cant answer them, I wont :
anonymous The only thing stopping dave from doing whatever hes going to do heh is me.
anonymous Me, and me alone :
anonymous Hes .. trying to butter me up.
anonymous So to speak.
whirr are the rumors that hes been trying to get people to leave rmrs or any other group for this group?
anonymous are they what? true?
whirr yeah, true.
whirr oops.
whirr i was starting my next thought.
whirr and that thought was that i recall him speaking of trying to pick up where sargon left off.
anonymous Lets just say this, no one has technically quit.
anonymous And, no one will quit if I do something, which I could very well do :
anonymous Then again, do I care about the scene that much? :
whirr hahaha
anonymous If dave does what he plans to do, there will be *a lot* of shit going down.
whirr one of the pieces i was fed was that cat-dog was a part of this. yes/no?
anonymous You remember odelay, right? :
whirr indeed i do remember odelay.
anonymous You know that odelay is local to me, right?
whirr ayup.
whirr oh lord.
anonymous started by prodigy disco, mostly run by prodigy.
anonymous both local to me :
whirr i dunno if i like where this is going. :
anonymous And you know that I was apart of it from a very early start too.
anonymous I joined around pack 3.
anonymous stayed till pack 8 or so.
anonymous anyways, the reason odelay was good was because of its foundation because of prodigy.
anonymous mostly prodigy
anonymous well, what would happen if one of the original people who started odelay brought it back, and secretly stole members until it was ready to release?
anonymous kinda like mimic
anonymous but on a much larger scale.
whirr hahaha
anonymous Note: I didnt tell you anything, Im just asking questions :
whirr not that i find this particular instance funny.
whirr is nahal involved in this?
anonymous I dont think so
anonymous cat-dog might be.
anonymous I know most of the members that will leave remorse for the new odelay.
anonymous I also know mimic members that will
anonymous and karma members.
anonymous and others.
anonymous I think youve gotta get your members into shape, tell them whats up, tell them to think about anything before it happens.
blkjack Im going to do the same, just not right yet.
whirr what would your relation to it be if youre still leading mimic?
N SEND request by Ohsevenohseven@bing703n.stny.lrun.com oh7dt-b1.jpg:55.9k
anonymous I wouldnt be, if what dave wants, happens.
anonymous Heres whats up
anonymous I dont care if you know
blkjack as long as you dont tell anyone
N 55930 bytes received from Ohseven in 5 secs 11.2kb/s
Ohseven:remorse whirr - Pull out the ohseven logo and c prompt from that, and make it bigger whirr - Pull out the ohseven logo and c prompt from that, and make it bigger
blkjack or say anything to anyone that I said shit.
blkjack since I probably know the most about this than anyone else :
whirr hey, i have a shitload of info that i havent told anyone.
blkjack including disco
blkjack since Ive talked to others.
whirr but its the info that ive gathered that has led here.
blkjack Led to me? :
whirr well, you were a shot in the dark.
blkjack :
blkjack Ok, heres the deal
whirr mainly because he kept saying i talk to bj, our risk, two years, etc etc.
blkjack join jesusfuck
Session Start: Fri Nov 27 21:40:33 1998
* Logging jesusfuck to jesusfuck.log
*** blkjack sets mode: +o whirr
blkjack Ok
blkjack cuz I have to keep pressing TAB
blkjack to msg you
whirr okay
blkjack and I might get disco by accident
blkjack since hes also msging me :
whirr haha
whirr alright
Session Start: Fri Nov 27 21:41:06 1998
Session Close: Fri Nov 27 21:41:06 1998
blkjack : *messagewhirrwhirr@no.remorse.org mainly because he kept saying i
blkjack talk to bj, our risk, two years, etc etc.
blkjack who said that?
blkjack disco?
whirr oh.
whirr yeah, disco.
whirr its in a log from october.
whirr all about trying to help out aspire and shit.
whirr you and him.
blkjack Oh
blkjack That has nothing to do with this.
whirr which is why i figured youd know what was up.
blkjack Thats gone, since Ive given up on gwydian.
blkjack Disco calls me a lot.
blkjack Almost daily.
blkjack Mind you, I talk to konami the most.
blkjack Out of everyone local non-local.
blkjack I talk to meatpod, s2n disco second most
blkjack Anyways
blkjack What do you know? Like, what do you think?
blkjack Cuz I dont just wanna straight out tell you everything hes planned for the past 3 months :
blkjack I know ALL about what dave wants to do.
blkjack And I suspect konami knows even more than I know.
blkjack Btw, konami quit mimic.
blkjack to release solo.
blkjack Remember, konami was a foundation of odelay
blkjack as seraphim.
blkjack so was s2n though
whirr basically this is what ive heard.
blkjack somewhat.
blkjack nosanity was too, but hes long gone.
whirr disco has been approaching rmrs members to join a new group.
blkjack Uh huh, true.
whirr he is gonna keep the group a secret until its ready to release, at which point hell bail from rmrs.
whirr which makes me look like an idiot.
blkjack He just called me.
blkjack were talking
whirr and im not about to have that.
blkjack Im not telling him anything about this
blkjack as far as he knows, Im searching for deadlock asciis.
whirr good, because i wont tell him about this. :
blkjack ok
blkjack :
whirr ive spoken with a number of artists and asked them if theyve hooked up with this new group.
whirr instead of doing the smart thing and saying what group?, theyve said not really or no.
whirr way to keep a secret. w00.
blkjack haha
blkjack right.
whirr cat-dog wont talk about it.
whirr nahal wont talk about it.
whirr conveniently, cat-dog just resigned from rmrs a few days ago.
blkjack He just gave me a list of members.
blkjack from remorse
blkjack and karma
blkjack and mimic
whirr i have to assume that this continues in the vein of sargons idea for a supergroup.
blkjack kinda
blkjack I dont think this has anything to do with sargon though
whirr i doubt it does, but disco is hooked on the idea of supergroup, and he keeps referring back to sargons plan when he talked of it.
blkjack hrm
whirr now youre okay with knowing that hes taking your artists?
whirr or did i miss something.
blkjack No
blkjack He wants me to merge mimic into the new odelay
blkjack and Id be a normal member
blkjack and hed massregulate through mimics roster.
whirr how very gracious of him.
blkjack yah
blkjack well
blkjack if I dont do it.. I dunno what hes gonna try do
blkjack He wants me to do it, cuz he knows that Im only in the scene still for 1 reason
blkjack and thats mimic
whirr but wouldnt merging mean giving that up?
blkjack Yup
blkjack It would mean me .. quitting the scene.
blkjack basically
blkjack I wouldnt head the new odelay
whirr well thats fucked.
blkjack he just asked Why are you reluclant to kill off mimic
whirr uh huh.
blkjack then he goes you know, you wouldnt kill it off
whirr mimic is viable.
blkjack basically, with our combined forces, we would have the 1 art group in the scene
blkjack viable?
blkjack Im quoting him
whirr as in dont kill it off.
whirr as long as its vigorous, why do anything to it?
blkjack oh
whirr do you just talk to him, or is he a friend?
blkjack I dont plan to
blkjack I thought about it when he first suggested it.
blkjack I consider him a friend.
blkjack But, hes a bit messed up
whirr i wouldnt have thought too much of this, except that so far he has zero subs for rmrs28.
whirr i found that odd.
whirr which suggested he was getting ready to act soom.
whirr soon.
blkjack you know why?
blkjack You know why hes like this now?
blkjack You wanna know why hes doing this?
blkjack I know all about it.
whirr part of me wants to say that its because wh0d told him to stop fucking experimenting.
blkjack :
blkjack Its because of this
blkjack when he joined remorse, he wanted to take it over
whirr and he essentially said that on the mailing list when there wasnt any leadership. about how he wanted to do it.
whirr but i beat him to it.
whirr plus i got all the support. :
blkjack hrm
whirr i still have a copy of that message too.
blkjack he was pissed that whodini always threatens to take his masters.
whirr now thats new info.
blkjack hes pissed that he doesnt get to do shit, but he thinks he does everything in remorse
blkjack recruiting, gathering subs, etc
blkjack he told me this month he wasnt gonna do a thing about that
blkjack he told me he wanted to join mimic, too
blkjack but then he got this idea where he would make odelay
whirr he doesnt get to do shit?
whirr excuse me?
whirr every fucking month, i ask him if theres something he wants to do or say.
whirr he says no.
whirr and then he goes and recruits without asking anyone.
whirr like cat-dog.
whirr i show up one day to see i let cat-dog in to remorse..
whirr and thats it.
blkjack hrm
whirr which leads me to think that he outright stole an app from me.
blkjack sorry, back
whirr just yesterday i think.
whirr someone wanted to apply to remorse, i said send to me, he said no, just send it to me.
whirr and i havent seen the app yet.
whirr or any mention of it.
whirr how odd.
blkjack hrm
blkjack weird
blkjack hes past remorse now
blkjack hes totally given up on it
blkjack there are only 2 people that have said no to his supergroup
blkjack joining it
blkjack he has like, 10 remorse members.
blkjack thatll join
blkjack and 2 mimic members.
blkjack and like
blkjack 5 karma members.
whirr okay, its time to move on this.
whirr im tired of this shit.
blkjack well
blkjack whirr
blkjack dont let it out that I said shit :
blkjack if anyone, blame dezibel
blkjack hes a dumb euro
blkjack hehe
whirr hahaha
whirr blkjack: i dont reveal my sources.
blkjack well
whirr if i qoute anyone, i edit the names anyway.
blkjack I could name off the rmrs members for you
whirr hah.
blkjack BTW
blkjack nahal is in on this.
blkjack I think hes a senior
blkjack lemme ask
whirr thats what i figured.
whirr up until now, ive been nice guy whirr.
blkjack ditto :P
whirr ive never had to be petty vindictive whirr.
blkjack I havent done anything drastic
blkjack no reason to
whirr now i do.
blkjack but now
whirr and its such a shame.
blkjack people are stealing my members left right center.
blkjack you know
blkjack Im tempted to join remorse
blkjack but like
blkjack mimic is my baby
blkjack and I cant leave it :
whirr actually, ill hold off on petty vindictive whirr.
whirr and if you feel like offering, im interested in some names.
whirr and ill tell you who from mimic is considering leaving so you can talk to them.
whirr wink wink. :
blkjack want me to name names?
whirr damn right. mccarthyism kicks ass.
whirr im not gonna bitch at them, but id be interested in knowing why.
whirr and my devious nature would have me pretend i dont know what theyre doing.
blkjack ok
blkjack prst
blkjack brane
whirr i can be such a bastard, thats why im a teacher.
whirr prst i suspected, but he said no.
* blkjack thinks
blkjack who else
whirr brane i havent seen in a while.
blkjack I forget the remorse members.
blkjack konami isnt in this
whirr if you need a list to look at, check members.home.net/remorse.ascii :
blkjack ok
whirr its loading slow for some reason.
zh:remorse hey whirr. hey whirr.
whirr and anyone who has said theyre leaving isnt in the member listing.
blkjack ok here goes
blkjack arlequin, cain
blkjack polymorph
whirr cain?
whirr CAIN?
blkjack biogen
whirr that would be why he was so eager to tell disco i wanted him as a senior.
whirr fuck.
blkjack pixel pusher
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blkjack pariah might
whirr pariah wont.
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