this image contains text
/ l / //l - mer
mer / /
R M R S 1 9 8 1
p r e s e n t s
i i i
il .. ..i:l sss66*---*Silm l:i.. .. l:i
ll :il ....i li: , .. .li:.. ,,,
illil : i : : l : l
Si : :: ::
NS4l: ii : i : ii : ii :
i, * ,i ili i, * ,i, * i
llliilSSsssSSsSSsSiLLiillSSsssssSSSSlSSsssss S
u n i t y .
d i s c o r d
/ // / // / // / / / / / // // / / / // / / / // / / eR! // / /
Some people do deserve the hype. - Pariah
This one goes out to our buddy ohseven, who is in the hospital
tonight. Get well soon boy, or else ill have to come kick your
And so, WindRider did speak from upon high:
Another month, another release from the most beloved group of
egotistical bastards and snobbish sons of bitches in the world.
Some of you might be looking for answers as to why the Senior
Staff listing looks different this time out. For those special
people, you can check out deceit.txt and log.txt for the answers,
as they arent worth going into here. The short version for the
rest of you is that Discofunk1974 has been removed from his
position within the group for enciting discord instead of unity
hah, now that top logo makes sense, doesnt it. A decision
was made to show people that Remorse is about more than just art.
Some would say its a family, others might call it an ascii mafia.
In either case, you dont do anything to hurt your family.
However, Im known for being much too tolerant and diplomatic.
Weve dealt with the discord, now its time to show our unity.
New Members this month:
Sairoku :
Gwydian /
: Emok
Founder: Necromancer nM necrom@remorse.org
Enabler: WindRider !wr! whirr@remorse.org
Seniors: Pariah pariah@remorse.org
Whodini wH0 rtm@remorse.org
Artists: Arlequin arlekpvm@hotmail.com
Arrogance treeborn@cris.com
Axel Barebones aXb axb@acid.org
Black Dawn blackdawn@thepentagon.com
Cain nathaniel@nucleus.com
Cannabis c4nn c4nn@breaks.for.aliens.org
Computerman mfoster@main.com
Cypher Hex chex@lotek.org
Erick Sermon
Erupt eR erupt.adelphia.net
Gwydian gwydian@remorse.org
Hex Corrupt rthorntn@execulink.com
Hiro Protagonist hP! hiro@remorse.org
kHz khz@downcity.net
Mass Murderer massm@remorse.org
Merlin mer 7alo@dant.com
Miasma miasma@pb.net
Mjolnir mjolnir@home.se
Palmore palmore@hotmail.com
Pixel Pusher pp
Poskgubbe posk@remorse.org
Sairoku sy jamie@jamiesan.com
Spinsane sp spinsane@breaks.for.alienz
The Upright Man tum tum81@hotmail.com
Zerohour zh zerohour@remorse.org
Alumni: Enigmatic root@alienz.org
Fahrenheit fAH fah@zen.triax.com
Kaleidas kAl kaleidas@remorse.org
Megga Hertz mHz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
The Messiah dan@remorse.org
Mr. Kite mrk seank@u.arizona.edu
Necronite nn nomonkey@pacbell.net
Omicron omi@remorse.org
Terminator2 t2 term2@netcom.com
Mascot: RadMan rM radman@acid.org
* As always, contact a staffer if you think you should be
included in the member listing.
FTP Sites: ftp.remorse.org artpacks.acid.org
/ Web Sites: www.remorse.org www.acid.org
: Here is where it gets rough. I reserved this space for a
relatively short commentary, so here we go. Believe it or not, /
this was written before the current round of skullduggery, and it :
still applies today:
So Im sitting here in the Geology Library, killing an hour
until Philosophy. I cant help but reflect on how Ive gotten
to where I am today. Its at this point that I am reminded of
lifes one great truth:
people are dicks.
Yeah, thats right. Ignorant little self-motivated crush-anyone-
in-the-way dicks. Just a couple weeks ago I was involved in a
discussion on this topic as it relates to online personalities.
the other person claimed that most people who are dicks online
are nice people in real life.
If youre an ignorant pompous little bitch when relating to
people in one forum, then youre a dick. To claim otherwise just
makes you a liar as well. Theres an appeal made to the premise
that a society without consequences leads to a society without
morals. It would appear that all these little bastards embrace
this notion. You dont have to look very far to see that the
art scenes are becoming/have become morally bankrupt. Something
must be done about that.
Now undoubtedly some people will claim that such a change is
impossible. A few minutes taken to carefully examine the issue
shows just how ridiculously easy it is. Remember the adage about
about the open hand versus the closed fist? Perhaps its time
that the open hand started bitchslapping some people.
Having said that, its time to return to the hardline dictatorship
of old. Its not unreasonable to expect common decency. Anyone
straying outside the realms of etiquette and reasonableness MUST
and WILL be dealt with harshly.
Free speech is a lie.
Liberties are what we deem them.
Who are you? Youre nobody.
Think this is a joke? Then I invite you to see just how god
damned funny this really is. Smarten up or face the consequences.
So begins the new regime. :
- WindRider /
-- Remorse Pack 28 Infofile ----- ----
Designed by Hiro Protagonist ---- ------
Remorse!Ascii is a wholely owned subsidury of 1 1
ACiD Productions and all artwork is protected 1 hP!
by international copyright law. 1998. -
mer / /
R M R S 1 9 8 1
p r e s e n t s
i i i
il .. ..i:l sss66*---*Silm l:i.. .. l:i
ll :il ....i li: , .. .li:.. ,,,
illil : i : : l : l
Si : :: ::
NS4l: ii : i : ii : ii :
i, * ,i ili i, * ,i, * i
llliilSSsssSSsSSsSiLLiillSSsssssSSSSlSSsssss S
u n i t y .
d i s c o r d
/ // / // / // / / / / / // // / / / // / / / // / / eR! // / /
Some people do deserve the hype. - Pariah
This one goes out to our buddy ohseven, who is in the hospital
tonight. Get well soon boy, or else ill have to come kick your
And so, WindRider did speak from upon high:
Another month, another release from the most beloved group of
egotistical bastards and snobbish sons of bitches in the world.
Some of you might be looking for answers as to why the Senior
Staff listing looks different this time out. For those special
people, you can check out deceit.txt and log.txt for the answers,
as they arent worth going into here. The short version for the
rest of you is that Discofunk1974 has been removed from his
position within the group for enciting discord instead of unity
hah, now that top logo makes sense, doesnt it. A decision
was made to show people that Remorse is about more than just art.
Some would say its a family, others might call it an ascii mafia.
In either case, you dont do anything to hurt your family.
However, Im known for being much too tolerant and diplomatic.
Weve dealt with the discord, now its time to show our unity.
New Members this month:
Sairoku :
Gwydian /
: Emok
Founder: Necromancer nM necrom@remorse.org
Enabler: WindRider !wr! whirr@remorse.org
Seniors: Pariah pariah@remorse.org
Whodini wH0 rtm@remorse.org
Artists: Arlequin arlekpvm@hotmail.com
Arrogance treeborn@cris.com
Axel Barebones aXb axb@acid.org
Black Dawn blackdawn@thepentagon.com
Cain nathaniel@nucleus.com
Cannabis c4nn c4nn@breaks.for.aliens.org
Computerman mfoster@main.com
Cypher Hex chex@lotek.org
Erick Sermon
Erupt eR erupt.adelphia.net
Gwydian gwydian@remorse.org
Hex Corrupt rthorntn@execulink.com
Hiro Protagonist hP! hiro@remorse.org
kHz khz@downcity.net
Mass Murderer massm@remorse.org
Merlin mer 7alo@dant.com
Miasma miasma@pb.net
Mjolnir mjolnir@home.se
Palmore palmore@hotmail.com
Pixel Pusher pp
Poskgubbe posk@remorse.org
Sairoku sy jamie@jamiesan.com
Spinsane sp spinsane@breaks.for.alienz
The Upright Man tum tum81@hotmail.com
Zerohour zh zerohour@remorse.org
Alumni: Enigmatic root@alienz.org
Fahrenheit fAH fah@zen.triax.com
Kaleidas kAl kaleidas@remorse.org
Megga Hertz mHz mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu
The Messiah dan@remorse.org
Mr. Kite mrk seank@u.arizona.edu
Necronite nn nomonkey@pacbell.net
Omicron omi@remorse.org
Terminator2 t2 term2@netcom.com
Mascot: RadMan rM radman@acid.org
* As always, contact a staffer if you think you should be
included in the member listing.
FTP Sites: ftp.remorse.org artpacks.acid.org
/ Web Sites: www.remorse.org www.acid.org
: Here is where it gets rough. I reserved this space for a
relatively short commentary, so here we go. Believe it or not, /
this was written before the current round of skullduggery, and it :
still applies today:
So Im sitting here in the Geology Library, killing an hour
until Philosophy. I cant help but reflect on how Ive gotten
to where I am today. Its at this point that I am reminded of
lifes one great truth:
people are dicks.
Yeah, thats right. Ignorant little self-motivated crush-anyone-
in-the-way dicks. Just a couple weeks ago I was involved in a
discussion on this topic as it relates to online personalities.
the other person claimed that most people who are dicks online
are nice people in real life.
If youre an ignorant pompous little bitch when relating to
people in one forum, then youre a dick. To claim otherwise just
makes you a liar as well. Theres an appeal made to the premise
that a society without consequences leads to a society without
morals. It would appear that all these little bastards embrace
this notion. You dont have to look very far to see that the
art scenes are becoming/have become morally bankrupt. Something
must be done about that.
Now undoubtedly some people will claim that such a change is
impossible. A few minutes taken to carefully examine the issue
shows just how ridiculously easy it is. Remember the adage about
about the open hand versus the closed fist? Perhaps its time
that the open hand started bitchslapping some people.
Having said that, its time to return to the hardline dictatorship
of old. Its not unreasonable to expect common decency. Anyone
straying outside the realms of etiquette and reasonableness MUST
and WILL be dealt with harshly.
Free speech is a lie.
Liberties are what we deem them.
Who are you? Youre nobody.
Think this is a joke? Then I invite you to see just how god
damned funny this really is. Smarten up or face the consequences.
So begins the new regime. :
- WindRider /
-- Remorse Pack 28 Infofile ----- ----
Designed by Hiro Protagonist ---- ------
Remorse!Ascii is a wholely owned subsidury of 1 1
ACiD Productions and all artwork is protected 1 hP!
by international copyright law. 1998. -
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