this image contains text
volatile erupt: I love your style man , your cool
martdg6 now theres a man with my exact opinion
martdg6 erupt is a oldschool supreme
martdg6 he has influenced me alot
zerohour- all my work comes out looking like some dude spooged on a plate
glass and arranged it to look remotely like a font.
is that a good thing?
zerohour- people seem to like it.
// / / / eR!
: presents : :
: / / / / // / / / eeeeE..
: / / / / /eR!
// // /..................0//
:.. here.are.some.wods....... . ........................: : / /
yooooooo once again this is eruptsta of the remorse : / /
squad just here to let you know who got it locked down :
and thats the remorse crew dont matter what you do from .:
new to old sckoooooo we plan rocking youuuuuuuuuu... .
... enough ego talk... been a little bit since Ive been really .........
: involved into the ascii scene been involved too much with :.... :
: . the graf scene Ill post a link to my graf page when its .... : ... :
: : done anyhow peace to my squad remorse and rest in peace to : : :
: : my old crews wicked and hallucination and also noname those : . : :
: were fun times but reminising is a bitch to lemme just tell : : : :
: : you the future is sure to come to just watch out competition :...: :
: : you just got outdone... . :
: indexindex:
: / / / / / /indexindexi :
: / / / / ndexindexin :
:/ / / / dexindexin :
//dexindexi :
.... 1. cold fusion .......... : 16 quad-p / hiro-p :
: 2. cyberia e-mag diz : 17 quad-p / hiro-p : :
: 3. dom diz : : 18 quad-p / hiro-p : :
: 4. divided skys : 19 ruckus!ascii : :
: 5. ebonic plague : 20 sleep / martz colly : :
: 6. HoT! / temp : 21 sob / techno rave :
: 7. index ascii : 22 stuck / myself : : : :
:... 8. insomnia .......... : ......... 23. maeruptz / erupt/martz joint
9. karma is karma : : :..: :
: 10. kinky : : : : :
: : : : / / / eR! :
: 11. last . : / .
12. liquid bbs : / // / / .
: 13. mbz / cyric : / / /:
:..14. in colly header / miasma ...................... : .......:
15. purg anniversary :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: cold fusion /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: / eR!/ :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: cyb diz /
..// // / forwho: cyberia e-mag / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
.: Cyberia something something 2 :.
:.... / eR! ..:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: dom diz /
..// // / forwho: dom.. / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
./ eR! - / -DOM- / :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: divided skys /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: .... : . ............................. : eR! : :
diVidEd : // / / / / / :
SkYs! : ......... : ............................. : ...... : ...:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: ebonic plague /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: ebonic : .........................................
: plague : .. ................... : ... ..
:...... : . .... ... .... ... ... . .. .. / .: / / / : : : / / : :....../ // / / // / ...: :: . / / // / // // // / :: :. / // // // // / // / :: / // / :: ... / ... / / eR!/ / ....: :............................. ........ : ..........:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: HOT /
..// // / forwho: temp / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
// // / H o u s e o f : :. :
/ / / Temptation. :.....:
. / / Opd by: Temp .
. eR! / .
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: index ascii /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: ............................................. : iNDEX -- eR! :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: insomnia /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
... / / / / / ... N ..
: eR! :
:/ / / / / / // / I :
/ A :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: karma is karma /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
. / / /eR!RMRS /
: : .. / // / / KARMA? :
: : : . / I S :
: : : : / // // / KARMA? :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: kinky /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
/ kiNkY
/ / // // / / eR!
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: last /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
lAST! : ........................................ : ...........
:eR!/ // / / // ......:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: liquid bbs /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
,,,,. : .... : ...... liQUiD . BBS :
... / .... / . eR! .. / .... : ..... . ......:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: mbz /
..// // / forwho: cyric / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: / /eR! / // // /. /:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: iN colly header /
..// // / forwho: miasma / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: / / / / / : /who it for?? : - .:
/ / : /who ask for?? : - :..
/ / / / eR! : // Inverse NakedNESS! ....:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: purg anniversary /
..// // / forwho: purg!ascii / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
. ... / // eR!RMRS ... .
. : hail to purg and happy 2nd aniversary !!! . :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: quad-peeee /
..// // / forwho: my homie hiro-peeee / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: . eR! / : : :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: quad-peeee /
..// // / forwho: my homie hiro-peee / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: . eR! . / / : :
: :... ... : : / / /. Quad : : / . // ..: :
: / . : : / / : P! : : . / /
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: quad-peeee /
..// // / forwho: my homie hiro-peeee / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: : . // / eR! / .
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: ruckus!asscciiii /
..// // / forwho: ruckus!asscciiii / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
:. .. ....................................... : eR!RMRS
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: sleep /
..// // / forwho: someones colly.. / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: : : sleep?. . ........... : ..
: . // . / eR! //
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: s.o.b. /
..// // / forwho: technorave / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
. // .. // ............. eR! :
: s.o.b STYLE Djs :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: stuck /
..// // / forwho: myself / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: sometimes we are all just stuck.... -eR! : .
:.... eR!. // / . .....:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: maeruptz. /
..// // / forwho: satwar competition. / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
this is a remorse production, yo.
. / / eR! /
. dust! ascii by erupt/martz of remorse.
: . rEMORSE!ASCii? pronounced rEMOS! : :
: / / -/ // /eR!
/ / martyr/degeneration65?
martdg6 now theres a man with my exact opinion
martdg6 erupt is a oldschool supreme
martdg6 he has influenced me alot
zerohour- all my work comes out looking like some dude spooged on a plate
glass and arranged it to look remotely like a font.
is that a good thing?
zerohour- people seem to like it.
// / / / eR!
: presents : :
: / / / / // / / / eeeeE..
: / / / / /eR!
// // /..................0//
:.. here.are.some.wods....... . ........................: : / /
yooooooo once again this is eruptsta of the remorse : / /
squad just here to let you know who got it locked down :
and thats the remorse crew dont matter what you do from .:
new to old sckoooooo we plan rocking youuuuuuuuuu... .
... enough ego talk... been a little bit since Ive been really .........
: involved into the ascii scene been involved too much with :.... :
: . the graf scene Ill post a link to my graf page when its .... : ... :
: : done anyhow peace to my squad remorse and rest in peace to : : :
: : my old crews wicked and hallucination and also noname those : . : :
: were fun times but reminising is a bitch to lemme just tell : : : :
: : you the future is sure to come to just watch out competition :...: :
: : you just got outdone... . :
: indexindex:
: / / / / / /indexindexi :
: / / / / ndexindexin :
:/ / / / dexindexin :
//dexindexi :
.... 1. cold fusion .......... : 16 quad-p / hiro-p :
: 2. cyberia e-mag diz : 17 quad-p / hiro-p : :
: 3. dom diz : : 18 quad-p / hiro-p : :
: 4. divided skys : 19 ruckus!ascii : :
: 5. ebonic plague : 20 sleep / martz colly : :
: 6. HoT! / temp : 21 sob / techno rave :
: 7. index ascii : 22 stuck / myself : : : :
:... 8. insomnia .......... : ......... 23. maeruptz / erupt/martz joint
9. karma is karma : : :..: :
: 10. kinky : : : : :
: : : : / / / eR! :
: 11. last . : / .
12. liquid bbs : / // / / .
: 13. mbz / cyric : / / /:
:..14. in colly header / miasma ...................... : .......:
15. purg anniversary :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: cold fusion /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: / eR!/ :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: cyb diz /
..// // / forwho: cyberia e-mag / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
.: Cyberia something something 2 :.
:.... / eR! ..:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: dom diz /
..// // / forwho: dom.. / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
./ eR! - / -DOM- / :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: divided skys /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: .... : . ............................. : eR! : :
diVidEd : // / / / / / :
SkYs! : ......... : ............................. : ...... : ...:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: ebonic plague /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: ebonic : .........................................
: plague : .. ................... : ... ..
:...... : . .... ... .... ... ... . .. .. / .: / / / : : : / / : :....../ // / / // / ...: :: . / / // / // // // / :: :. / // // // // / // / :: / // / :: ... / ... / / eR!/ / ....: :............................. ........ : ..........:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: HOT /
..// // / forwho: temp / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
// // / H o u s e o f : :. :
/ / / Temptation. :.....:
. / / Opd by: Temp .
. eR! / .
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: index ascii /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: ............................................. : iNDEX -- eR! :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: insomnia /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
... / / / / / ... N ..
: eR! :
:/ / / / / / // / I :
/ A :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: karma is karma /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
. / / /eR!RMRS /
: : .. / // / / KARMA? :
: : : . / I S :
: : : : / // // / KARMA? :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: kinky /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
/ kiNkY
/ / // // / / eR!
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: last /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
lAST! : ........................................ : ...........
:eR!/ // / / // ......:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: liquid bbs /
..// // / forwho: beats me / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
,,,,. : .... : ...... liQUiD . BBS :
... / .... / . eR! .. / .... : ..... . ......:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: mbz /
..// // / forwho: cyric / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: / /eR! / // // /. /:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: iN colly header /
..// // / forwho: miasma / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: / / / / / : /who it for?? : - .:
/ / : /who ask for?? : - :..
/ / / / eR! : // Inverse NakedNESS! ....:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: purg anniversary /
..// // / forwho: purg!ascii / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
. ... / // eR!RMRS ... .
. : hail to purg and happy 2nd aniversary !!! . :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: quad-peeee /
..// // / forwho: my homie hiro-peeee / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: . eR! / : : :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: quad-peeee /
..// // / forwho: my homie hiro-peee / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: . eR! . / / : :
: :... ... : : / / /. Quad : : / . // ..: :
: / . : : / / : P! : : . / /
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: quad-peeee /
..// // / forwho: my homie hiro-peeee / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: : . // / eR! / .
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: ruckus!asscciiii /
..// // / forwho: ruckus!asscciiii / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
:. .. ....................................... : eR!RMRS
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: sleep /
..// // / forwho: someones colly.. / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: : : sleep?. . ........... : ..
: . // . / eR! //
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: s.o.b. /
..// // / forwho: technorave / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
. // .. // ............. eR! :
: s.o.b STYLE Djs :
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: stuck /
..// // / forwho: myself / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
: sometimes we are all just stuck.... -eR! : .
:.... eR!. // / . .....:
remorsesquad ...... erupt!rmrs....... // / // /
asciiname: maeruptz. /
..// // / forwho: satwar competition. / .........
: / a quickeeee. ..remorseesromeremorseesromeremorse/ :
this is a remorse production, yo.
. / / eR! /
. dust! ascii by erupt/martz of remorse.
: . rEMORSE!ASCii? pronounced rEMOS! : :
: / / -/ // /eR!
/ / martyr/degeneration65?
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