this image contains text
r e m r s e
--- -- hP!
a N d
: hP! :
k a h a r s i s
p r e s e N t
88 88888883b ..
88 888 88b .888.
.d8888b. 888 888 88b 8888
.8 8. 88 .. 88 88 8888
8 d888b 8 888 d88b 888 88P 888Y8P
d8 d88 88b 8b 88d888b 88 .d8P 888
8 88 88P 88 88PY88 88888P Y888P
8 888 8 888 88 888 88
88 888 88 88 88 88 888 888
8 88 888 8P 888 88 888 8P
8.888.8 88 88 888 hP! P
8. .8 888 88P 8
Y8P .d8P 8P.8b. .:.
t h e u N - c o l l e c t i o N
this isnt an ascii collection. im sorry if you expected one, but ascii art
has lost alot for me. i still enjoy doing it from time to time and wish i
still felt the energy for it i used to, but i dont. it doesnt really
have anything to do with the scene or the people in it, because
the really important things about the scene, the things that
matter to me - the people and the communication - are all
still there, more or less.. ive just come to a point
in my life where i can think of a thousand things
ild rather be doing besides sitting in front
of a computer screen drawing ascii for
some guy who probably wont even
thank me. which isnt to say i
ever felt unappreciated in
the scene.. alot of
dread - for reptile you have done
alot for
:. me.
/ dread.irc // /hP!
are so many
of you infact that
ild be hard-pressed to even
begin to name you all.. you know who you
are though, and i wish you all nothing but the best. as i
i consider it, there are a few people whos prescence in the scene forever
changed my life. people like tinyz, who showed me what real ascii was about
when i was still just a pup whodini, who challenged me in every line to be
a better artist and to give it as much as i could necromancer, who gave
me a history and a clan to belong to, one i know will always be there
- a year or ten years from now and others like omi, fah, whirr,
and enig, who always had much love to give and asked for
nothing more than the same in return from me. you
all are kings. never doubt it. but even with
these good friends of mine here in the
scene, the scene itself doesnt
call to me the way it once
acid - for radman did.. interests change,
people change, life
nO oNE eXPECTS tHE aCID iNQUISITION! goes on just to
spite us.
when i / / /
do come / / / / /
back, and / /
believe me, +-hP!--/---- -----/--------+
i will be
coming back,
itll be because it
feels right, and its important to
me that im envolved in the scene. right now its summer, my four
month break from ubc is half over, and i still havent done much of
anything besides smoke dope, hang out at the playground and the beach,
and listen to alot of really loud music.. but as my friend Jay
says, its all good and yknow what, hes right. i hope
yall have a good summer, and get out and do
something.. its called a vacation
babylon - for cypher hex for a reason yknow..
all you must witness the strength
. ..... .... and babylon shall fall! .... .
/--- //hP! /
babylon.remorse.org / //
/ op: chexbitz!
alpine - for omicron
ALPiNE / hP!
i did some
other asciis for this
un-collection, but i dont feel theyre up to par or really worth
releasing at this point in time.. that kid in new jersey will just
style-rip em anyways.. so stop reading this already.. go
on.. get.. go have fun.. go tell someone you
love them, go.. the world needs love.
- devin davidson, a/k/a/ hiro protagonist
july 3, 1998 ACiD Productions
email: hiro@remorse.org
web: www.remorse.org/hiro
oh yeah, you should have viewed this in 80x50 with AFS, silly.
--- -- hP!
a N d
: hP! :
k a h a r s i s
p r e s e N t
88 88888883b ..
88 888 88b .888.
.d8888b. 888 888 88b 8888
.8 8. 88 .. 88 88 8888
8 d888b 8 888 d88b 888 88P 888Y8P
d8 d88 88b 8b 88d888b 88 .d8P 888
8 88 88P 88 88PY88 88888P Y888P
8 888 8 888 88 888 88
88 888 88 88 88 88 888 888
8 88 888 8P 888 88 888 8P
8.888.8 88 88 888 hP! P
8. .8 888 88P 8
Y8P .d8P 8P.8b. .:.
t h e u N - c o l l e c t i o N
this isnt an ascii collection. im sorry if you expected one, but ascii art
has lost alot for me. i still enjoy doing it from time to time and wish i
still felt the energy for it i used to, but i dont. it doesnt really
have anything to do with the scene or the people in it, because
the really important things about the scene, the things that
matter to me - the people and the communication - are all
still there, more or less.. ive just come to a point
in my life where i can think of a thousand things
ild rather be doing besides sitting in front
of a computer screen drawing ascii for
some guy who probably wont even
thank me. which isnt to say i
ever felt unappreciated in
the scene.. alot of
dread - for reptile you have done
alot for
:. me.
/ dread.irc // /hP!
are so many
of you infact that
ild be hard-pressed to even
begin to name you all.. you know who you
are though, and i wish you all nothing but the best. as i
i consider it, there are a few people whos prescence in the scene forever
changed my life. people like tinyz, who showed me what real ascii was about
when i was still just a pup whodini, who challenged me in every line to be
a better artist and to give it as much as i could necromancer, who gave
me a history and a clan to belong to, one i know will always be there
- a year or ten years from now and others like omi, fah, whirr,
and enig, who always had much love to give and asked for
nothing more than the same in return from me. you
all are kings. never doubt it. but even with
these good friends of mine here in the
scene, the scene itself doesnt
call to me the way it once
acid - for radman did.. interests change,
people change, life
nO oNE eXPECTS tHE aCID iNQUISITION! goes on just to
spite us.
when i / / /
do come / / / / /
back, and / /
believe me, +-hP!--/---- -----/--------+
i will be
coming back,
itll be because it
feels right, and its important to
me that im envolved in the scene. right now its summer, my four
month break from ubc is half over, and i still havent done much of
anything besides smoke dope, hang out at the playground and the beach,
and listen to alot of really loud music.. but as my friend Jay
says, its all good and yknow what, hes right. i hope
yall have a good summer, and get out and do
something.. its called a vacation
babylon - for cypher hex for a reason yknow..
all you must witness the strength
. ..... .... and babylon shall fall! .... .
/--- //hP! /
babylon.remorse.org / //
/ op: chexbitz!
alpine - for omicron
ALPiNE / hP!
i did some
other asciis for this
un-collection, but i dont feel theyre up to par or really worth
releasing at this point in time.. that kid in new jersey will just
style-rip em anyways.. so stop reading this already.. go
on.. get.. go have fun.. go tell someone you
love them, go.. the world needs love.
- devin davidson, a/k/a/ hiro protagonist
july 3, 1998 ACiD Productions
email: hiro@remorse.org
web: www.remorse.org/hiro
oh yeah, you should have viewed this in 80x50 with AFS, silly.
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