this image contains text
- R E M O R S E 1 9 8 1 -
Necromancer here. Im tired of NFOs and Im tired of people
whining about the fact that the pack is out, so Im just tossing this
fucker together. This has been a busy month for me, many things have been
happening, and I havent had as much time as Id like to spare for the
scene or Remorse. Hopefully, that will change. We took April off, in case
you didnt notice.. so no, we arent dead. Anyway. A bit of news..
Essence and Dead Soul left for Noname, Sargon left for another incarnation
of that piece of shit Homo!Ascii .. thanks for the lie, Sargon.
Oh, Ive matured in my absence of the scene, and Im tired of insulting
Remorse, so dont worry about that. Wont happen.
Of course, thats a paraphrase, but hey.. I guess Im the one to
blame for trusting Sargon. And to think, I actually considered him as a
candidate for Senior Staff. Fuck that. I know who I can trust now.
Martz left the scene altogether, it seems. Power to you, good luck.
Mankind and Haji joined our ranks.. Hajis coming back to us after
a LOOOONG stay away, you know we love you. And we know Mankind will make
us proud to have him. You guys rule.
Aside from that, if you want a memberlist, go check the fucking
website. Its 6:44AM, Ive been up for over 24 hours, and I dont want to
bother with it right now.
Many apologies for the lateness of this pack, and for the shambles
it appears to be in. All the art is in order and kicking all kinds of ass,
and thats what fucking counts.
Word up to our main man Whodini with his colly release. Its good
to have you back, even if it is only a little bit. Much love.
- Necromancer
In case you havent realized, the ascii scene is turning into a
piece of shit. Already some of the good newschool and oldschool asciists
who were active a few months ago have given up on drawing completely,
ie: Massm, but as the result of a soon-to-be event in one of the major
ascii groups even more of the asciists who have literally made ascii what
it is will give up on drawing. The sad part is, there isnt much anyone
can do. No activity means fewer groups, which already is a problem, and
fewer groups means no reason to draw ascii.
Ive already tried this once, but hopefully more people will listen
this time. Whether youre willing to acknowledge it or not, the computer
art scene is something that we all enjoy, but in order to keep it going
something must be done. If youre someone of reputable standing in the
ascii scene and have wantedto start a group, do it! A new group with the
right leaders and some loyal members could flourish at a time like this,
but you have to take the initial step. The ascii scene is about more than
Remorse, Odelay, Noname, Homo, or any other group, its about people drawing,
and its about a community of people who are all linked. From the most
experienced artist to a newbie everyone learnsfrom each other. But without
activity thats all going to end.
-- Pariah
Since Ive been gone for a while and Tum just came back from
leaving the scene some of you might be confused as to who to send newschool
applications to. Tum and I are still the people who you should be sending
newschool applications to, you should send them to us either via email or
dcc them to us on irc. After you send us your application we Necromancer,
Tum, and myself will jointly accept or reject your application. My email
address is pariah@remorse.org and Tums email address is tum81@hotmail.com.
Necromancer here. Im tired of NFOs and Im tired of people
whining about the fact that the pack is out, so Im just tossing this
fucker together. This has been a busy month for me, many things have been
happening, and I havent had as much time as Id like to spare for the
scene or Remorse. Hopefully, that will change. We took April off, in case
you didnt notice.. so no, we arent dead. Anyway. A bit of news..
Essence and Dead Soul left for Noname, Sargon left for another incarnation
of that piece of shit Homo!Ascii .. thanks for the lie, Sargon.
Oh, Ive matured in my absence of the scene, and Im tired of insulting
Remorse, so dont worry about that. Wont happen.
Of course, thats a paraphrase, but hey.. I guess Im the one to
blame for trusting Sargon. And to think, I actually considered him as a
candidate for Senior Staff. Fuck that. I know who I can trust now.
Martz left the scene altogether, it seems. Power to you, good luck.
Mankind and Haji joined our ranks.. Hajis coming back to us after
a LOOOONG stay away, you know we love you. And we know Mankind will make
us proud to have him. You guys rule.
Aside from that, if you want a memberlist, go check the fucking
website. Its 6:44AM, Ive been up for over 24 hours, and I dont want to
bother with it right now.
Many apologies for the lateness of this pack, and for the shambles
it appears to be in. All the art is in order and kicking all kinds of ass,
and thats what fucking counts.
Word up to our main man Whodini with his colly release. Its good
to have you back, even if it is only a little bit. Much love.
- Necromancer
In case you havent realized, the ascii scene is turning into a
piece of shit. Already some of the good newschool and oldschool asciists
who were active a few months ago have given up on drawing completely,
ie: Massm, but as the result of a soon-to-be event in one of the major
ascii groups even more of the asciists who have literally made ascii what
it is will give up on drawing. The sad part is, there isnt much anyone
can do. No activity means fewer groups, which already is a problem, and
fewer groups means no reason to draw ascii.
Ive already tried this once, but hopefully more people will listen
this time. Whether youre willing to acknowledge it or not, the computer
art scene is something that we all enjoy, but in order to keep it going
something must be done. If youre someone of reputable standing in the
ascii scene and have wantedto start a group, do it! A new group with the
right leaders and some loyal members could flourish at a time like this,
but you have to take the initial step. The ascii scene is about more than
Remorse, Odelay, Noname, Homo, or any other group, its about people drawing,
and its about a community of people who are all linked. From the most
experienced artist to a newbie everyone learnsfrom each other. But without
activity thats all going to end.
-- Pariah
Since Ive been gone for a while and Tum just came back from
leaving the scene some of you might be confused as to who to send newschool
applications to. Tum and I are still the people who you should be sending
newschool applications to, you should send them to us either via email or
dcc them to us on irc. After you send us your application we Necromancer,
Tum, and myself will jointly accept or reject your application. My email
address is pariah@remorse.org and Tums email address is tum81@hotmail.com.
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