this image contains text
43 when i was a child, i thought
,s7 s. as a child, played as a child
1 4 9 8 9 and lived like a child. Then
i became a man and it was
.s 4s ,s q.s 7s. time to put away childish
3 6 things.
4 4
4 kind and gentle reader, this
3 ,s7 4 is not the end. oh no. As
, long as the spirit of the
sbb.d. 3 4 underdog lives in the hearts
,s of man, we will know true
, , 5 freedom. Quad-P has been
. , 6 around for 9 years, but the
6b.d.6 . 4 time has come to put away this
C ,4 childish thing. The core of
!wr! ,sb.d . 5 the group has moved on, but
6 b d never will we forget our roots
b d5 or who we are. we owe a debt
of gratitude to the 306, one
68 that can never be repaid.
1 9 9 8
will there be a quad-p 1999?
only our hairdresser knows for
sure, and i tied that bitch up
in the cellar.
have a good one.
,s7 s. as a child, played as a child
1 4 9 8 9 and lived like a child. Then
i became a man and it was
.s 4s ,s q.s 7s. time to put away childish
3 6 things.
4 4
4 kind and gentle reader, this
3 ,s7 4 is not the end. oh no. As
, long as the spirit of the
sbb.d. 3 4 underdog lives in the hearts
,s of man, we will know true
, , 5 freedom. Quad-P has been
. , 6 around for 9 years, but the
6b.d.6 . 4 time has come to put away this
C ,4 childish thing. The core of
!wr! ,sb.d . 5 the group has moved on, but
6 b d never will we forget our roots
b d5 or who we are. we owe a debt
of gratitude to the 306, one
68 that can never be repaid.
1 9 9 8
will there be a quad-p 1999?
only our hairdresser knows for
sure, and i tied that bitch up
in the cellar.
have a good one.
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