this image contains text
Bugsy : ,:::::, ,:::::, : Album Number Ten.
: : : : : : Last Solo rMrs Col.
/ Bugsyep
An EP Production.
Viewing : MicroSoft Edit, 25 line mode, BG: Black, FG: BrWhite
Alternative: MicroSoft Edit+Ami.Com or Equivalent, GLOW256.EXE
/ r-BugAnt.Txt /
Remorse - Bugsy Album Number Ten . Text File
// ASCII: CiA, the first group I nationally released with.
CiA -- First Group I Nationally Released With.
/ r-BugAnt.Txt /
Remorse - Bugsy Album Number Ten . Text File
--- ASCII: Words
Ive been through alot in this ascii game, Ive done quite a bit for
quite a few people, both positively and negatively. Many people use
my style, many people view my art, and many people read my mag. I
hope in all this, someone, somewhere, enjoyed some of it. Let me say
Fuck You to everyone Ive ever talked shit to, and anyone thats ever
talked shit to me. And to everyone thats been cool with me, thanks.
I dont want this to be a grand production -- Ive done enough, no?
Stay Strong,
/ bugsyrMrs
Bugsy of Remorse -- Retiring?! r-BugAnt!
Remorse Colly Release Index.
Name Filenames
1 Jagoff r-Jagoff.asc, r-Jagoff.txt, Ev-Jagff.asc, Jagoff.asc
2 The Day After r-mHztda.txt, r-mHztda.asc, r-tda.asc
3 The Kingpin r-mHztkp.txt
4 The Last Don r-mHztld.txt
5 Hit Em Up r-mHzheu.txt
6 The Godfather r-mHztgf.txt
7 Activate My Hate! r-mHzamh.txt
8 Thug Immortal r-mHztgi.txt
9 Out the Moon! r-Bugotm.txt
10 Album Number Ten r-BugAnt.txt
Peace to ACiD, CiA, Remorse, Blade, Fire, Fuel, NoName, kWest, AWE, Tric,
Malice, rTS, Gnx, LND, oOps, Fire, and the countless other groups
that have released my art.
Other Remorse ASCII Collections by Don Bugsy
aCiD!aSCII presents a colly by -EverLast- Jagoff!, the first personal
titled +-- - - - --+ jagoff!! colly released by an ACiD
over 2000 lines - over 60 ascii logos member, which came to be not
diz : radman/everlast of acid productions only the only personal colly
,----, ,---, ,--, ,---, in an ACiD Acquisition, but
.... , ,/ .... the first Remorse!ascii rel.
the day after - ascii collection by mHz The Day After, a colly I had
an acid productions/remorse ascii release thought Id never release,
,----,,-----,,----,,------, especially after Jagoffs
-. / // length. It remains one of my
favorites to this day, and I
/ feel it embodies my current
// style fairly well. My first
---- / mHz // full Remorse release.
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tda../
the kingpin - ascii collection by mHz Believing in standards, I used
an acid productions/remorse ascii release the same diz for all my Remorse
,----,,-----,,----,,------, releases. The Kingpin was the
-. / // best foreshadowing to Thug Immor
tal. A large colly with an abun
/ -dance of ascii, lyrics, harsh
// words for my enemies.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tkp../
The Last Don ascii collection by mHz The Last Don, my 10th overall
an acid productions/remorse ascii release release, at the time thought
,----,,-----,,----,,------, to be my last.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tld../
FUCK MJAY AND SERIAL! HIT EM UP! - mHz Hit em Up, a contraversial
an acid productions/remorse ascii release colly inspired by a song by
,----,,-----,,----,,------, Tupac Shakur, which was dub
-. / // -bed the most hate-filled
release ever.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// heu../
The Godfather ascii collection by mHz The Godfather, a release I was
an acid productions/remorse ascii release very proud of, containg very
,----,,-----,,----,,------, detailed as well as simple
-. / // ascii fonts.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tgf../
Activate My Hate!!! Ascii Colly, by mHz Activate my Hate!, a collection
an acid productions/remorse ascii release that again intertwined strong
,----,,-----,,----,,------, opinions, and hate for enemies
-. / // with goodbyes to dead friends.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// amh../
THUG IMMORTAL -- AN ASCII COLLECTION, mHzTkp, Thug Immortal. A colly init
-ially prepared to be released
* / /* / seperate of Remorse. Released
, / */ , // after the death of Megga
--/ -- ---/ , , -/ - -- //* --/ --/- Hertz, Thug Immortal makes use
// / // / / / of what is possibly one of the
/* / / // most innovative oldschool styles
mHz/tgi/ in use today.
The New And Untouchable Remorse Ascii Prod!
x ep lp x war-time release by mHz.
,, //,,/ Colly number nine, Out the Moon!
/ bugsyrMrs
j a g o f f :
-------ev------ ------------- ---- ----
name: Jagoff!
/ / / //for:: -EverLast-
jagoff /
t h e d a y
a f t e r :
--, ,-- ,---- .mHz. ,---- ---, ,---
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, each ascii included a comment.
name - the day after
for ,--,megga hertz/rmrs ,,..
t h e k i n g p i n:
mHz.aCiD ----- ----- ----- ---- --
the kingpin :. ... . .... . : :.
8 , :. . .. . ..: :. .. ..
/ ,/ / , ascii font name: the kingpin :
, / . . ..font for: megga hertz/acid :..
the kingpin .: : :
:. megga hertz : : :
. ,/ acidremorse -,. . .. .: . . ..,
,- :. . ,. .. . . . .... .. : mHz :.. .:
t h e l a s t
d o n :
mHz The Last Don.
/ Remorse ASCII / ACiD Productions
,-, xX , The Last Don // mHz / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE /
,--, Title The Last Don /
-- F o r Megga Hertz/Remorse .
: mHz ,-, ::.
h i t e m u p :
: : mHz!
t h e
g o d f a t h e r :
Megga Hertz the Godfather. Thugs and Kisses.
mEGGA hERTZ / ,,---------.-----,, //,,-------,
.. / // .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: The Godfather /
:. ASCII FONT FOR :. Megga Hertz
: . : : Megga Hertz. The Kingpin. The Last Don . .: /
. . .: T H E G O D F A T H E R.:..
The Godfather // .. . .. .: ,, :.:
a c t i v a t e
m y h a t e :
. .. . .::MEGGA HERTZ THE KINGPIN! ACTIVATE MY HATE! My 2nd Reply::. . .. .
bugsy.. .bugsy.. .megga hertz.. .bugsy.. .bugsy.. .Megga Hertz BUGSY, BUGSY!
Change my name to Bugsy Deuce, make the ascii scene notice.
/ ACTIVATE MY HATE! Let it break.
Graffed ASCII,
// Activate my Hate!!
/ Graffed For,
/ :: Megga Hertz/ACiD!
/ mHz / / /
// // /Activate my hate!tlgmHztmfkptldtgftsg
t h u g
i m m o r t a l :
// / / /mHz
extended play,,.
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer Graf: Thug Immortal
* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / For?: Megga Hertz
mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. /
/ // m-z /
Thug Immortal. mHz ./,, In Life //We Live As Thugs..
o u t t h e m o o n :
Remorse Asc Out The Moon, and my speakers go boom boom boom, boom.
/ b u g s y ! !
oUT THE MOOn! ,, // / /
by Bugsy/rMrs / / // // /
/ b u g s y ! !
oUT THE MOOn! ,, // / /
/ / t ,, Out the Moon
When I get free, mutherfuckers better watch their ass.
-EverLast- Megga Hertz Bugsy.
R-Bugsy Collies are available at www and ftp.remorse.org, or on any fine bbs.
Goodbye -- Bugsy.
: : : : : : Last Solo rMrs Col.
/ Bugsyep
An EP Production.
Viewing : MicroSoft Edit, 25 line mode, BG: Black, FG: BrWhite
Alternative: MicroSoft Edit+Ami.Com or Equivalent, GLOW256.EXE
/ r-BugAnt.Txt /
Remorse - Bugsy Album Number Ten . Text File
// ASCII: CiA, the first group I nationally released with.
CiA -- First Group I Nationally Released With.
/ r-BugAnt.Txt /
Remorse - Bugsy Album Number Ten . Text File
--- ASCII: Words
Ive been through alot in this ascii game, Ive done quite a bit for
quite a few people, both positively and negatively. Many people use
my style, many people view my art, and many people read my mag. I
hope in all this, someone, somewhere, enjoyed some of it. Let me say
Fuck You to everyone Ive ever talked shit to, and anyone thats ever
talked shit to me. And to everyone thats been cool with me, thanks.
I dont want this to be a grand production -- Ive done enough, no?
Stay Strong,
/ bugsyrMrs
Bugsy of Remorse -- Retiring?! r-BugAnt!
Remorse Colly Release Index.
Name Filenames
1 Jagoff r-Jagoff.asc, r-Jagoff.txt, Ev-Jagff.asc, Jagoff.asc
2 The Day After r-mHztda.txt, r-mHztda.asc, r-tda.asc
3 The Kingpin r-mHztkp.txt
4 The Last Don r-mHztld.txt
5 Hit Em Up r-mHzheu.txt
6 The Godfather r-mHztgf.txt
7 Activate My Hate! r-mHzamh.txt
8 Thug Immortal r-mHztgi.txt
9 Out the Moon! r-Bugotm.txt
10 Album Number Ten r-BugAnt.txt
Peace to ACiD, CiA, Remorse, Blade, Fire, Fuel, NoName, kWest, AWE, Tric,
Malice, rTS, Gnx, LND, oOps, Fire, and the countless other groups
that have released my art.
Other Remorse ASCII Collections by Don Bugsy
aCiD!aSCII presents a colly by -EverLast- Jagoff!, the first personal
titled +-- - - - --+ jagoff!! colly released by an ACiD
over 2000 lines - over 60 ascii logos member, which came to be not
diz : radman/everlast of acid productions only the only personal colly
,----, ,---, ,--, ,---, in an ACiD Acquisition, but
.... , ,/ .... the first Remorse!ascii rel.
the day after - ascii collection by mHz The Day After, a colly I had
an acid productions/remorse ascii release thought Id never release,
,----,,-----,,----,,------, especially after Jagoffs
-. / // length. It remains one of my
favorites to this day, and I
/ feel it embodies my current
// style fairly well. My first
---- / mHz // full Remorse release.
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tda../
the kingpin - ascii collection by mHz Believing in standards, I used
an acid productions/remorse ascii release the same diz for all my Remorse
,----,,-----,,----,,------, releases. The Kingpin was the
-. / // best foreshadowing to Thug Immor
tal. A large colly with an abun
/ -dance of ascii, lyrics, harsh
// words for my enemies.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tkp../
The Last Don ascii collection by mHz The Last Don, my 10th overall
an acid productions/remorse ascii release release, at the time thought
,----,,-----,,----,,------, to be my last.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tld../
FUCK MJAY AND SERIAL! HIT EM UP! - mHz Hit em Up, a contraversial
an acid productions/remorse ascii release colly inspired by a song by
,----,,-----,,----,,------, Tupac Shakur, which was dub
-. / // -bed the most hate-filled
release ever.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// heu../
The Godfather ascii collection by mHz The Godfather, a release I was
an acid productions/remorse ascii release very proud of, containg very
,----,,-----,,----,,------, detailed as well as simple
-. / // ascii fonts.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// tgf../
Activate My Hate!!! Ascii Colly, by mHz Activate my Hate!, a collection
an acid productions/remorse ascii release that again intertwined strong
,----,,-----,,----,,------, opinions, and hate for enemies
-. / // with goodbyes to dead friends.
---- / mHz //
rEMORSE!aSCII .:// amh../
THUG IMMORTAL -- AN ASCII COLLECTION, mHzTkp, Thug Immortal. A colly init
-ially prepared to be released
* / /* / seperate of Remorse. Released
, / */ , // after the death of Megga
--/ -- ---/ , , -/ - -- //* --/ --/- Hertz, Thug Immortal makes use
// / // / / / of what is possibly one of the
/* / / // most innovative oldschool styles
mHz/tgi/ in use today.
The New And Untouchable Remorse Ascii Prod!
x ep lp x war-time release by mHz.
,, //,,/ Colly number nine, Out the Moon!
/ bugsyrMrs
j a g o f f :
-------ev------ ------------- ---- ----
name: Jagoff!
/ / / //for:: -EverLast-
jagoff /
t h e d a y
a f t e r :
--, ,-- ,---- .mHz. ,---- ---, ,---
,-------,. :: . ,,, the day after ,------------,, /
/,, comments-, each ascii included a comment.
name - the day after
for ,--,megga hertz/rmrs ,,..
t h e k i n g p i n:
mHz.aCiD ----- ----- ----- ---- --
the kingpin :. ... . .... . : :.
8 , :. . .. . ..: :. .. ..
/ ,/ / , ascii font name: the kingpin :
, / . . ..font for: megga hertz/acid :..
the kingpin .: : :
:. megga hertz : : :
. ,/ acidremorse -,. . .. .: . . ..,
,- :. . ,. .. . . . .... .. : mHz :.. .:
t h e l a s t
d o n :
mHz The Last Don.
/ Remorse ASCII / ACiD Productions
,-, xX , The Last Don // mHz / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE /
,--, Title The Last Don /
-- F o r Megga Hertz/Remorse .
: mHz ,-, ::.
h i t e m u p :
: : mHz!
t h e
g o d f a t h e r :
Megga Hertz the Godfather. Thugs and Kisses.
mEGGA hERTZ / ,,---------.-----,, //,,-------,
.. / // .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: The Godfather /
:. ASCII FONT FOR :. Megga Hertz
: . : : Megga Hertz. The Kingpin. The Last Don . .: /
. . .: T H E G O D F A T H E R.:..
The Godfather // .. . .. .: ,, :.:
a c t i v a t e
m y h a t e :
. .. . .::MEGGA HERTZ THE KINGPIN! ACTIVATE MY HATE! My 2nd Reply::. . .. .
bugsy.. .bugsy.. .megga hertz.. .bugsy.. .bugsy.. .Megga Hertz BUGSY, BUGSY!
Change my name to Bugsy Deuce, make the ascii scene notice.
/ ACTIVATE MY HATE! Let it break.
Graffed ASCII,
// Activate my Hate!!
/ Graffed For,
/ :: Megga Hertz/ACiD!
/ mHz / / /
// // /Activate my hate!tlgmHztmfkptldtgftsg
t h u g
i m m o r t a l :
// / / /mHz
extended play,,.
// tHUG iMMORTAL. Computer Graf: Thug Immortal
* Art by Megga Hertz/Bugsy / For?: Megga Hertz
mHz/Bugsy Extended Play. /
/ // m-z /
Thug Immortal. mHz ./,, In Life //We Live As Thugs..
o u t t h e m o o n :
Remorse Asc Out The Moon, and my speakers go boom boom boom, boom.
/ b u g s y ! !
oUT THE MOOn! ,, // / /
by Bugsy/rMrs / / // // /
/ b u g s y ! !
oUT THE MOOn! ,, // / /
/ / t ,, Out the Moon
When I get free, mutherfuckers better watch their ass.
-EverLast- Megga Hertz Bugsy.
R-Bugsy Collies are available at www and ftp.remorse.org, or on any fine bbs.
Goodbye -- Bugsy.
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