this image contains text
g gg.,,. REMORSE 1981
ll ll
:lYY** *Y@g,
P,,Y SS i ,gg@@
@g,7l ,gPb,***YY II ,
g@l l:l ,db ly@@g,.7
ii . Y***YP,ll: P
*Y@g,7g :: :gg.,,.P,dP :
l lb,g@@g,7l, ......iSYb,
b,b, lb,7l ll l ::..
..: ll ll Y*7b, ll lP,l
,d ::: ,,dP,y@@gbdP,d
P,gP.d .. iii :lYY** *Y
@g,7, , dY* III SS i ,gg@@
@g7l,,,, ,d SSS
II ,g@l ll lP,g ,
.. ii ,l,,7
b.7P, ggyP,d
PgP,dY****Yb,,d ..
b,Pl,. .,y@@g,. ::
*YYY** *Y@g,7
ll hi d00dles, ,d ,l SSSSS
@g,. .,g@P IIIII Im proud to say that REMORSE l
et me join their **YYYY** 3SS iiiii ranks of ascii
artist and once again strengthened their ::::: groups power
with another artist.
I would like to thank the REMORSE judging team to take a look at art
a total unknown guy.
Some will think the euro-scene is weak, and that all those guys in th
at corner cant do shit, but youre wrong! Im from holland and
though its a small
country the quality of local artists is relatively good.
Some history: I got into the scene in 1995. I was musician and came i
n my
first group to make some tunes. After that I started coding and doing
My next group would be a coding group called Excessive Force Crew EF
C, than
I moved on to art only and teamed up with FadeDESiGN and Expose. I le
FadeDESiGN and focussed my art on Expose. I got my hands on MIRC, hea
rd that
ascii was pretty kool and THE place to meet famous artists, I decide
d to take a long-shot contacting one of the guys TUM! from RE
MORSE to ask what they
thought of my art. Im glad Ive taken that shot.
Im glad having joined REMORSE and am planning to dedicate lots of ti
me and
artistic curves to this group. Thank you REMORSE for letting me join
fine ranks.
- EssenceRMRS
ll ll
:lYY** *Y@g,
P,,Y SS i ,gg@@
@g,7l ,gPb,***YY II ,
g@l l:l ,db ly@@g,.7
ii . Y***YP,ll: P
*Y@g,7g :: :gg.,,.P,dP :
l lb,g@@g,7l, ......iSYb,
b,b, lb,7l ll l ::..
..: ll ll Y*7b, ll lP,l
,d ::: ,,dP,y@@gbdP,d
P,gP.d .. iii :lYY** *Y
@g,7, , dY* III SS i ,gg@@
@g7l,,,, ,d SSS
II ,g@l ll lP,g ,
.. ii ,l,,7
b.7P, ggyP,d
PgP,dY****Yb,,d ..
b,Pl,. .,y@@g,. ::
*YYY** *Y@g,7
ll hi d00dles, ,d ,l SSSSS
@g,. .,g@P IIIII Im proud to say that REMORSE l
et me join their **YYYY** 3SS iiiii ranks of ascii
artist and once again strengthened their ::::: groups power
with another artist.
I would like to thank the REMORSE judging team to take a look at art
a total unknown guy.
Some will think the euro-scene is weak, and that all those guys in th
at corner cant do shit, but youre wrong! Im from holland and
though its a small
country the quality of local artists is relatively good.
Some history: I got into the scene in 1995. I was musician and came i
n my
first group to make some tunes. After that I started coding and doing
My next group would be a coding group called Excessive Force Crew EF
C, than
I moved on to art only and teamed up with FadeDESiGN and Expose. I le
FadeDESiGN and focussed my art on Expose. I got my hands on MIRC, hea
rd that
ascii was pretty kool and THE place to meet famous artists, I decide
d to take a long-shot contacting one of the guys TUM! from RE
MORSE to ask what they
thought of my art. Im glad Ive taken that shot.
Im glad having joined REMORSE and am planning to dedicate lots of ti
me and
artistic curves to this group. Thank you REMORSE for letting me join
fine ranks.
- EssenceRMRS
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