this image contains text
............. /.:::. !wendy creamer! not@for.doodleboys.org :--
::: ,pqqqqq .,s@s, the greater the /::/ :
:: bs,, .dP .k obstacle, the more ::
:.dP 4b.l +pk. glory in overcoming it. / /:
b,pgg,dP+b,..dP - Molier // o @ /:
:.+SPQS+ :. +SS+ .: // // //:
this sig done by wendys mack daddy, Spinsane of ACiD/RMRS/DPS:
::: ,pqqqqq .,s@s, the greater the /::/ :
:: bs,, .dP .k obstacle, the more ::
:.dP 4b.l +pk. glory in overcoming it. / /:
b,pgg,dP+b,..dP - Molier // o @ /:
:.+SPQS+ :. +SS+ .: // // //:
this sig done by wendys mack daddy, Spinsane of ACiD/RMRS/DPS:
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