this image contains text
.,,. Y .,gP
ggg ,SS, .,gSdP
:bP ,gggg, YbS , dP
I b bb Y
:I ,PYb Y
:: P Yb Y
:I P dP d
: P YP dP dP
Ib P db YP dP db Yb
:b P db dP,b Yb
Ib dYb P,Yb
:IYbdP Yb YP .db
I: YP Yb ,SS,
:I YP db YdP ,ggg Yb
I: YP db Yd ,d Yb
:I ggd :: ::
I: :: ::
:I b Yb Y dP
I: .,,.Yb Yb,Y ,dP
YSb ,SS, ,Sg,..,gS
:P db,Yb ,gsdP
I YbS, dP
:: ,PYb Y
:I Yb Y
:: b Yb Y
I: b Yb Y
:I P,ggg b Yb
:: P dP, Yb
I: b,Sb.Yb
:I b, b
: .,ggdSS
:I ,ggdS
:: ggdS
g I
:I gd
: I: .,ggdSb
: .,ggdS
b,,,d sMc
All yall are buggin me to release this pack. Aight then, yah
mfuckaz. Here it is, with minimal delay and lots of goodness.
Last month we didnt put out a pack, but this month were comin
atcha from the dark corners with the mad-ass ninja skills, cause we know
we gotsta keep this shit real, yo.
Anyway, enough fun. Here it is, unashamed and unabashedly, the
Remorse pack 17, featuring the following badasses ...
New members this month: Blackdawn, Merlin, Serial Toon, SpeedFreak
Senior Staff:
Bugsy, The Upright Man, Necronite
Remorse Quake Clan/Tyrone Emag Coordinator:
Arrogance, aXB, Bad Spirit, BlackDawn, Black Jack, Cannabis,
Merlin, The Messiah, Pariah, Seismic, Serial Toon, SpeedFreak,
Hiro Protagonist, Kaleidas, Omicron, Terminator 2, Whodini.
Have fun viewing the pack.
I am the happy man!
From the happy land!
In my gumdrop house on lollipop lane!
Oompa Loompa, doompadee doo
We have a perfect puzzle for you.
Oompa Loompa, doompadee dee
If you are wise you will listen me.
What do you get when you guzzle down sweets,
Eating as much as an elephant eats?
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?
I dont like the look of it.
Oompa Loompa, doompadee dah
If youre not greedy you will go far.
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa doompadee do.
Doompadee do.
Im out,
Remorse1981, yo
.,,. Y .,gP
ggg ,SS, .,gSdP
:bP ,gggg, YbS , dP
I b bb Y
:I ,PYb Y
:: P Yb Y
:I P dP d
: P YP dP dP
Ib P db YP dP db Yb
:b P db dP,b Yb
Ib dYb P,Yb
:IYbdP Yb YP .db
I: YP Yb ,SS,
:I YP db YdP ,ggg Yb
I: YP db Yd ,d Yb
:I ggd :: ::
I: :: ::
:I b Yb Y dP
I: .,,.Yb Yb,Y ,dP
YSb ,SS, ,Sg,..,gS
:P db,Yb ,gsdP
I YbS, dP
:: ,PYb Y
:I Yb Y
:: b Yb Y
I: b Yb Y
:I P,ggg b Yb
:: P dP, Yb
I: b,Sb.Yb
:I b, b
: .,ggdSS
:I ,ggdS
:: ggdS
g I
:I gd
: I: .,ggdSb
: .,ggdS
b,,,d sMc
All yall are buggin me to release this pack. Aight then, yah
mfuckaz. Here it is, with minimal delay and lots of goodness.
Last month we didnt put out a pack, but this month were comin
atcha from the dark corners with the mad-ass ninja skills, cause we know
we gotsta keep this shit real, yo.
Anyway, enough fun. Here it is, unashamed and unabashedly, the
Remorse pack 17, featuring the following badasses ...
New members this month: Blackdawn, Merlin, Serial Toon, SpeedFreak
Senior Staff:
Bugsy, The Upright Man, Necronite
Remorse Quake Clan/Tyrone Emag Coordinator:
Arrogance, aXB, Bad Spirit, BlackDawn, Black Jack, Cannabis,
Merlin, The Messiah, Pariah, Seismic, Serial Toon, SpeedFreak,
Hiro Protagonist, Kaleidas, Omicron, Terminator 2, Whodini.
Have fun viewing the pack.
I am the happy man!
From the happy land!
In my gumdrop house on lollipop lane!
Oompa Loompa, doompadee doo
We have a perfect puzzle for you.
Oompa Loompa, doompadee dee
If you are wise you will listen me.
What do you get when you guzzle down sweets,
Eating as much as an elephant eats?
What are you at getting terribly fat?
What do you think will come of that?
I dont like the look of it.
Oompa Loompa, doompadee dah
If youre not greedy you will go far.
You will live in happiness too
Like the Oompa Loompa doompadee do.
Doompadee do.
Im out,
Remorse1981, yo
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