this image contains text
e c l i p s e i n t e r a c t i v e
. r e a l e a s e t i t l e .
. minimum requirements - blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah .
cracker.....: release date..:
packager....: disks.........:
supplier....: company.......:
protection..: rating........: xx/xx
oOo release stuff oOo
start here - center all the stuff, eh - insert more columns as needed . . .
oOo install stuff oOo
same as above . . .
oOo eclipse staff oOo
oOo eclipse members oOo
oOo eclipse official couriers oOo
oOo eclipse sites oOo
board name goes here somewhere n stuff speed! space ..ip address!..
115200 4gigs xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
56700 15gbs
follow examples... ------ ..t1..
+ o t h e r s t u f f +
-- .. last updated by : your handle here .. xx/xx/xx .. -
... eclipse nfo . header done by: t2 of twilight/remorse ...
e c l i p s e i n t e r a c t i v e
. r e a l e a s e t i t l e .
. minimum requirements - blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah .
cracker.....: release date..:
packager....: disks.........:
supplier....: company.......:
protection..: rating........: xx/xx
oOo release stuff oOo
start here - center all the stuff, eh - insert more columns as needed . . .
oOo install stuff oOo
same as above . . .
oOo eclipse staff oOo
oOo eclipse members oOo
oOo eclipse official couriers oOo
oOo eclipse sites oOo
board name goes here somewhere n stuff speed! space ..ip address!..
115200 4gigs xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
56700 15gbs
follow examples... ------ ..t1..
+ o t h e r s t u f f +
-- .. last updated by : your handle here .. xx/xx/xx .. -
... eclipse nfo . header done by: t2 of twilight/remorse ...
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