this image contains text
black jack , ,,,,ggg@@PP ilg@P,g@iii ,,
discyple , ,gP ,, + ,,g ,gg@Piillliggg@@P,ggggg@@P
,,,iiP ,,i , ,gg P ,,iiill
iiiiillP , , ggP ,gllii ,iill
g@ glii ,idiiilP
,li ,ii,iillPP,
a gggg dliiii dY,MMMMgg@@SSSb
,,, ,,dP , ,lii,,ii ,,gg@SSb i
iillPg dPii,i,g@SMMiii
il, d , ggiii,g@SMMMlliiilM,lli
i ,gii,ilMMllii iilll
, , , ,dP illli iYY
Y ,dP , iillii ,, YYYYl
,i ii, b,,, ,,,,, agYYYlll
iiilb, d + , Yli.Y@gg, , PP ,,,gg@SMM
iilPd Yii,,, , ,gg@S@SMMMMM
iiillP d @gg , ,g, ,,gg@gg@@SMMMMM
iiP , ii g@P gg@SgdilllMP
iilld di,, dPdiiiiiilllPP ,i
P. iiii ,Y,giilii g,i
+ P Yli llii ,,,gggg@@@SSSi,,b,ii
,,ggggii , iilii,Yb,
iib, , dMMlii iilMMMii Y
iillP MMPPYllii ig@S@g,YMMIlii.,
iilllb,g iPgdbYi idi,YP,,,YP,g@@ii,,gg
illgg a dgYg@S@g,,li,,dli,Y dliid
iillb, ,li,iii,ii,illiiiiii
,,,i,, lii YlliYliillii YliY
, g,, ,gggii,,gg@@ii,gg@@@@Yiiggg @@@ggggg,g@@@@gg,gg@i
iiill YiYiillPYggdYiidliillii
Yb, ,,@SgYP,YP,P,YP,,g, i
,, Yb, YS@Sllli iillg,iillSSMMMPP,,gdP
, ,dP ,YMMMlii iil@gggg,YYMM@@gg@.g
, + ,dP ,dS@ Yiilliill@@gggg@@SP
Yb, Yii SS@@@@@@@@gggggg@@@SSSPPP,g@P
,dYb, Yi, iilllllii,,,, ,g@PPP
,dP Yb, ,illP @@@ iiillllii , ,dP
iillP Yb, diii iiillggg,,, ,,
, Y,ii iilllllliiiiillPP
Yli iilllliiiiiii
lli, illllllllliii
Yllli iilP ,
offwithhisheadnow llii ,,,,,,,iiilllPP
font-discyple Yii,, ,,,iillP
pic--black jack ggii ,, ,,,,, , ,
Yb, ,dP iiiilb,
Yllii iiillP Yb,
,, ,, + Yb,
,sSSs, . .,sS , . . Yb
YYb,P P* .sS Y
Y. :l Ss. . ,sP
, :ll:l: P Yb . ,dP s.
d,sS: Tb. .dP ,db.
PP*l . Y,dP dP . Yb
l: : . ,d ., *Y. YP :: ::
:l lP,sP :l :l SSSs. .sS Yb.. .dP
.,d l: l: :b. ,sP S,..,SP
P .,sS * bP .
Ss,.l :l.,sS: Yl P
*SSs,.lP*l lb,*.
l: *SSs,b : . .lYb,.
:l * l: lP* ,P . *YSs,.
:l.,sP . .,sS*Ss.
S ,d *b.
l:b.Y l: Yb.
:l b. Yb. :l.,sS .
remorse 13 sgb bSP* ll
Y.l: .* .,dP
:l:l P S*
dy l.,sSP*
g yyp**ayyyo***aqyyo***aqy db
db y yyb, ,gp, ,gp,
db TP , TP Tqy db
db TP TP
Table of Contents: db
1. News for this month
2. Member listing
3. Remorse releases
4. Site listing
db kATUMA! - 07/97
dbp**o*---*uqyyo*---*uqypuqyyyyy*-*qyyo*--*qyydb,db, db db
L ,g@p, ,a@n, ,L ,a@uud ,dbdb
P *uqyyy@, TPTP ,***qyyp b, T
,dyyuu@uud@uuuuud@qyyypu@PTP ,gp,
1. News for this month :
Ok, heres whats up with this month.
BIG CHANGES. People removed, people added, people MOVED, etc. Here
is the list AS IT STANDS, if you feel like you have been wrongly removed,
contact necrom@acid.org or whodini@acid.org.
Certain people were removed because of lack of contact, please
inquire with Whodini or I as to your true state of membership within the
group. If you WERE removed for simple lack of contact with us, we will be
more than happy to add your name back to the memberlist. Thats *IF* you
are an active member.
New this month is the Remorse Authoring Department. This is
basically people that help out with things like the web page, the NFO
file, keeping track of members, aiding in the setting up of the
remorse.org machine, working on Tyrone affiliated with us, etc.
This month also marks the addition of the Alumni memberlisting
this is not a list that you get on by requesting it. You are put on it by
either Whodini or I for showing true loyalty OVER THE *YEARS*. Note the
time frame were talking about here. Everyone on this list has either been
a part of Remorse, Trank or ACiD Ascii for over a year, or shown
tremendous loyalty and willingness to help out.
Basically gone above and beyond what is expected of a regular
- Necromancer
Remorse Founder
db kATUMA! - 07/97
dbyypuqyyyyy*-*q o*---*uqyyo*----*uqdb, ,db, db db
,L ,g@p, ,a@n, b ,dbdb
, TPTP , , TP ,Tb, T
,d@uuuuuduuuu@yyyy@P TP ,gp, db
2. Member listing :
Necromancer, Whodini
Senior Staff:
Acid Jack, Hiro Protagonist, Megga Hertz, Omicron
Remorse Authoring Department:
Bad Spirit, Empty
Arrogance, Black Jack, Cain, Cannabis, CyberGod, Discyple,
Ewheat, Gravedancer, The Messiah, Nahal, Nitrogen, Point Blank, Revert,
Skatter, Spinsane, Spirit of Illusion, Terminator 2, Wise-K
Beastie, Cypher Hex, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, J. Hale/Asphixia,
Killa Hertz, Mr. Kite, Mr. Self Destruct, Necronite, Piromaniak
db kATUMA! - 07/97
dbp**o*---*uq**o*--*qo*--*qy**o*---*uqyyo*--*qdb, ,db, db
L ,g@p, ,g, ,g, ,g@p, ,a@uud ,dbdb
u@ P u@***qyyp b, T
,dyyuuuqyuuuuqyyyyu@PTP ,gp,
3. Current listing of all Remorse releases :
RMRS-01.ZIP December 01, 1994 Group
First Remorse Pack
RMRS-02.ZIP December 25, 1994 Group
Second Remorse Pack
RMRS-03.ZIP Febuary 12, 1995 Group
Third Remorse Pack
RMRS-04.ZIP March 3, 1995 Group
Fourth Remorse Pack
RMRS-05.ZIP May 1, 1995 Group
Fifth Remorse Pack
R-JAGOFF.TXT October 4, 1996 MeggaHertz
R-MFC.TXT October 28, 1996 Erupt
Muh First Colly
R-SV.TXT November 26, 1996 Miasma/Blindman
Satanic Verses
R-ANO.TXT December 2, 1996 Erupt
Another Colly
R-OMISAN.TXT December 3, 1996 Omicron
Shogun Assassin/Nostalgia
R-WDWGFH.TXT December 3, 1996 Whodini
Where do we go from here?
RMRS-06.ZIP December 4, 1996 Group
Sixth Remorse Pack
R-ASS.TXT December 4, 1996 Necromancer
R-HEP.TXT December 14, 1996 Haji
R-VOICEZ.TXT December 23, 1996 Miasma
R-VI.TXT December 23, 1996 Miasma
R-EUROT.TXT December 28, 1996 Trip
R-OMISKK.TXT January 2, 1997 Omicron
Stoan Kold Killas
R-TERRA.TXT January 7, 1997 Necromancer
Terra Cotta
RMRS-07.ZIP January 7, 1997 Group
Seventh Remorse Pack
R-THE1.TXT January 11, 1997 Whodini
Im the One
R-TRYPT.TXT January 13, 1997 J. Hale aka Asphixia
R-MHZTDA.TXT January 16, 1997 MeggaHertz
The Day After
R-DEBUT.TXT January 21, 1997 Revert
The Debut
R-TRYPT.TXT January 22, 1997 Justin Hale
RMRS-08.ZIP February 2, 1997 Group
Eighth Remorse Pack
R-DNB.TXT February 9, 1997 Bad Spirit
Do not Breathe
R-MHZTKP.TXT February 11, 1997 Megga Hertz
The Kingpin
R-TSM.TXT February 25, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
To Serve man
RMRS-09.ZIP March 5, 1997 Group
Ninth Remorse Pack
R-H2C.TXT March 12, 1997 Whodini
Hellraiser 2: Chernobyl
RMRS-10.ZIP April 2, 1997 Group
Tenth Remorse Pack
R-DRD.TXT April 7, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
Die Ripper, Die!
R-FUTURE.TXT April 10, 1997 Hiro Protagonist, Cyberkid
The Future
R-MHZTLD.TXT April 17, 1997 Megga Hertz
The Last Don
R-11HOUR.TXT April 25, 1997 Nitrogen
The 11th Hour
R-ITC.TXT April 25, 1997 Whodini
In the City
RMRS-11.ZIP May 2, 1997 Group
Eleventh Remorse Pack
R-MONEY.TXT May 6, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
R-MHZTGF.TXT May 13, 1997 Megga Hertz
The Godfather
R-MHZHEU.TXT May 13, 1997 Megga Hertz
Hit em Up!
R-TMI.TXT May 24, 1997 Phreak Klass
Het Morbide Inzicht
R-EDEN.TXT May 30, 1997 Phreak Klass
RMRS-12.ZIP June 4, 1997 Group
Twelfth Remorse Pack
R-MLNNM.TXT June 13, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
R-MHZAMH.TXT June 21, 1997 Megga Hertz
Activate My Hate
RMRS-13.ZIP July 7, 1997 Group
Thirteenth Remorse Pack
db kATUMA! - 06/97
dbyyyo*----*nnq**o*---*u**o*---*uqy**y yyo*--*qdb, ,db,
,g@n, a@p, a@p, T** ,a@uudb db db
, TP yyyy yyyy@ ***qyyp Tb, Tb
,d@uuu@uuuuuuuuuubuuuuuuu@P TP
4. Remorse affiliated BBSs, FTP sites, and Web pages :
Im not listing Remorse affiliation level or phone numbers for the
BBSs, because those things are up in the air right now. Rest assured that
we will have that information in the next pack.
Op: Megga Hertz
Op: Hiro Protagonist
Whodinis Magik
Op: Whodini
Remorse Web Site: http://www.remorse.org
Remorse FTP Site: http://ftp.remorse.org
discyple , ,gP ,, + ,,g ,gg@Piillliggg@@P,ggggg@@P
,,,iiP ,,i , ,gg P ,,iiill
iiiiillP , , ggP ,gllii ,iill
g@ glii ,idiiilP
,li ,ii,iillPP,
a gggg dliiii dY,MMMMgg@@SSSb
,,, ,,dP , ,lii,,ii ,,gg@SSb i
iillPg dPii,i,g@SMMiii
il, d , ggiii,g@SMMMlliiilM,lli
i ,gii,ilMMllii iilll
, , , ,dP illli iYY
Y ,dP , iillii ,, YYYYl
,i ii, b,,, ,,,,, agYYYlll
iiilb, d + , Yli.Y@gg, , PP ,,,gg@SMM
iilPd Yii,,, , ,gg@S@SMMMMM
iiillP d @gg , ,g, ,,gg@gg@@SMMMMM
iiP , ii g@P gg@SgdilllMP
iilld di,, dPdiiiiiilllPP ,i
P. iiii ,Y,giilii g,i
+ P Yli llii ,,,gggg@@@SSSi,,b,ii
,,ggggii , iilii,Yb,
iib, , dMMlii iilMMMii Y
iillP MMPPYllii ig@S@g,YMMIlii.,
iilllb,g iPgdbYi idi,YP,,,YP,g@@ii,,gg
illgg a dgYg@S@g,,li,,dli,Y dliid
iillb, ,li,iii,ii,illiiiiii
,,,i,, lii YlliYliillii YliY
, g,, ,gggii,,gg@@ii,gg@@@@Yiiggg @@@ggggg,g@@@@gg,gg@i
iiill YiYiillPYggdYiidliillii
Yb, ,,@SgYP,YP,P,YP,,g, i
,, Yb, YS@Sllli iillg,iillSSMMMPP,,gdP
, ,dP ,YMMMlii iil@gggg,YYMM@@gg@.g
, + ,dP ,dS@ Yiilliill@@gggg@@SP
Yb, Yii SS@@@@@@@@gggggg@@@SSSPPP,g@P
,dYb, Yi, iilllllii,,,, ,g@PPP
,dP Yb, ,illP @@@ iiillllii , ,dP
iillP Yb, diii iiillggg,,, ,,
, Y,ii iilllllliiiiillPP
Yli iilllliiiiiii
lli, illllllllliii
Yllli iilP ,
offwithhisheadnow llii ,,,,,,,iiilllPP
font-discyple Yii,, ,,,iillP
pic--black jack ggii ,, ,,,,, , ,
Yb, ,dP iiiilb,
Yllii iiillP Yb,
,, ,, + Yb,
,sSSs, . .,sS , . . Yb
YYb,P P* .sS Y
Y. :l Ss. . ,sP
, :ll:l: P Yb . ,dP s.
d,sS: Tb. .dP ,db.
PP*l . Y,dP dP . Yb
l: : . ,d ., *Y. YP :: ::
:l lP,sP :l :l SSSs. .sS Yb.. .dP
.,d l: l: :b. ,sP S,..,SP
P .,sS * bP .
Ss,.l :l.,sS: Yl P
*SSs,.lP*l lb,*.
l: *SSs,b : . .lYb,.
:l * l: lP* ,P . *YSs,.
:l.,sP . .,sS*Ss.
S ,d *b.
l:b.Y l: Yb.
:l b. Yb. :l.,sS .
remorse 13 sgb bSP* ll
Y.l: .* .,dP
:l:l P S*
dy l.,sSP*
g yyp**ayyyo***aqyyo***aqy db
db y yyb, ,gp, ,gp,
db TP , TP Tqy db
db TP TP
Table of Contents: db
1. News for this month
2. Member listing
3. Remorse releases
4. Site listing
db kATUMA! - 07/97
dbp**o*---*uqyyo*---*uqypuqyyyyy*-*qyyo*--*qyydb,db, db db
L ,g@p, ,a@n, ,L ,a@uud ,dbdb
P *uqyyy@, TPTP ,***qyyp b, T
,dyyuu@uud@uuuuud@qyyypu@PTP ,gp,
1. News for this month :
Ok, heres whats up with this month.
BIG CHANGES. People removed, people added, people MOVED, etc. Here
is the list AS IT STANDS, if you feel like you have been wrongly removed,
contact necrom@acid.org or whodini@acid.org.
Certain people were removed because of lack of contact, please
inquire with Whodini or I as to your true state of membership within the
group. If you WERE removed for simple lack of contact with us, we will be
more than happy to add your name back to the memberlist. Thats *IF* you
are an active member.
New this month is the Remorse Authoring Department. This is
basically people that help out with things like the web page, the NFO
file, keeping track of members, aiding in the setting up of the
remorse.org machine, working on Tyrone affiliated with us, etc.
This month also marks the addition of the Alumni memberlisting
this is not a list that you get on by requesting it. You are put on it by
either Whodini or I for showing true loyalty OVER THE *YEARS*. Note the
time frame were talking about here. Everyone on this list has either been
a part of Remorse, Trank or ACiD Ascii for over a year, or shown
tremendous loyalty and willingness to help out.
Basically gone above and beyond what is expected of a regular
- Necromancer
Remorse Founder
db kATUMA! - 07/97
dbyypuqyyyyy*-*q o*---*uqyyo*----*uqdb, ,db, db db
,L ,g@p, ,a@n, b ,dbdb
, TPTP , , TP ,Tb, T
,d@uuuuuduuuu@yyyy@P TP ,gp, db
2. Member listing :
Necromancer, Whodini
Senior Staff:
Acid Jack, Hiro Protagonist, Megga Hertz, Omicron
Remorse Authoring Department:
Bad Spirit, Empty
Arrogance, Black Jack, Cain, Cannabis, CyberGod, Discyple,
Ewheat, Gravedancer, The Messiah, Nahal, Nitrogen, Point Blank, Revert,
Skatter, Spinsane, Spirit of Illusion, Terminator 2, Wise-K
Beastie, Cypher Hex, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, J. Hale/Asphixia,
Killa Hertz, Mr. Kite, Mr. Self Destruct, Necronite, Piromaniak
db kATUMA! - 07/97
dbp**o*---*uq**o*--*qo*--*qy**o*---*uqyyo*--*qdb, ,db, db
L ,g@p, ,g, ,g, ,g@p, ,a@uud ,dbdb
u@ P u@***qyyp b, T
,dyyuuuqyuuuuqyyyyu@PTP ,gp,
3. Current listing of all Remorse releases :
RMRS-01.ZIP December 01, 1994 Group
First Remorse Pack
RMRS-02.ZIP December 25, 1994 Group
Second Remorse Pack
RMRS-03.ZIP Febuary 12, 1995 Group
Third Remorse Pack
RMRS-04.ZIP March 3, 1995 Group
Fourth Remorse Pack
RMRS-05.ZIP May 1, 1995 Group
Fifth Remorse Pack
R-JAGOFF.TXT October 4, 1996 MeggaHertz
R-MFC.TXT October 28, 1996 Erupt
Muh First Colly
R-SV.TXT November 26, 1996 Miasma/Blindman
Satanic Verses
R-ANO.TXT December 2, 1996 Erupt
Another Colly
R-OMISAN.TXT December 3, 1996 Omicron
Shogun Assassin/Nostalgia
R-WDWGFH.TXT December 3, 1996 Whodini
Where do we go from here?
RMRS-06.ZIP December 4, 1996 Group
Sixth Remorse Pack
R-ASS.TXT December 4, 1996 Necromancer
R-HEP.TXT December 14, 1996 Haji
R-VOICEZ.TXT December 23, 1996 Miasma
R-VI.TXT December 23, 1996 Miasma
R-EUROT.TXT December 28, 1996 Trip
R-OMISKK.TXT January 2, 1997 Omicron
Stoan Kold Killas
R-TERRA.TXT January 7, 1997 Necromancer
Terra Cotta
RMRS-07.ZIP January 7, 1997 Group
Seventh Remorse Pack
R-THE1.TXT January 11, 1997 Whodini
Im the One
R-TRYPT.TXT January 13, 1997 J. Hale aka Asphixia
R-MHZTDA.TXT January 16, 1997 MeggaHertz
The Day After
R-DEBUT.TXT January 21, 1997 Revert
The Debut
R-TRYPT.TXT January 22, 1997 Justin Hale
RMRS-08.ZIP February 2, 1997 Group
Eighth Remorse Pack
R-DNB.TXT February 9, 1997 Bad Spirit
Do not Breathe
R-MHZTKP.TXT February 11, 1997 Megga Hertz
The Kingpin
R-TSM.TXT February 25, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
To Serve man
RMRS-09.ZIP March 5, 1997 Group
Ninth Remorse Pack
R-H2C.TXT March 12, 1997 Whodini
Hellraiser 2: Chernobyl
RMRS-10.ZIP April 2, 1997 Group
Tenth Remorse Pack
R-DRD.TXT April 7, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
Die Ripper, Die!
R-FUTURE.TXT April 10, 1997 Hiro Protagonist, Cyberkid
The Future
R-MHZTLD.TXT April 17, 1997 Megga Hertz
The Last Don
R-11HOUR.TXT April 25, 1997 Nitrogen
The 11th Hour
R-ITC.TXT April 25, 1997 Whodini
In the City
RMRS-11.ZIP May 2, 1997 Group
Eleventh Remorse Pack
R-MONEY.TXT May 6, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
R-MHZTGF.TXT May 13, 1997 Megga Hertz
The Godfather
R-MHZHEU.TXT May 13, 1997 Megga Hertz
Hit em Up!
R-TMI.TXT May 24, 1997 Phreak Klass
Het Morbide Inzicht
R-EDEN.TXT May 30, 1997 Phreak Klass
RMRS-12.ZIP June 4, 1997 Group
Twelfth Remorse Pack
R-MLNNM.TXT June 13, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
R-MHZAMH.TXT June 21, 1997 Megga Hertz
Activate My Hate
RMRS-13.ZIP July 7, 1997 Group
Thirteenth Remorse Pack
db kATUMA! - 06/97
dbyyyo*----*nnq**o*---*u**o*---*uqy**y yyo*--*qdb, ,db,
,g@n, a@p, a@p, T** ,a@uudb db db
, TP yyyy yyyy@ ***qyyp Tb, Tb
,d@uuu@uuuuuuuuuubuuuuuuu@P TP
4. Remorse affiliated BBSs, FTP sites, and Web pages :
Im not listing Remorse affiliation level or phone numbers for the
BBSs, because those things are up in the air right now. Rest assured that
we will have that information in the next pack.
Op: Megga Hertz
Op: Hiro Protagonist
Whodinis Magik
Op: Whodini
Remorse Web Site: http://www.remorse.org
Remorse FTP Site: http://ftp.remorse.org
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