this image contains text
RmrsMay97 - thanks: j.hale nmancer axb
all asciis drawn after heavy opium usage
all words by Anthony R. Joy
In a metal box like a morgue body bag drawer
sitting in reclining seats on a south bound bus
so close to corpses whose spirit long gone away
the distance to cover to relate is immeasurable
no connections to be made
with menacing, square body sacks
lying deceitful, sold on more than enough
empty commodoties
upon returning home rest well remembering
so many are possessed
----- NeoNacho --------------------------------------------------------------
---- Grandizer -------------------------------------------------------------
gg gg gg gg g gg gg gg
g g
gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg
Sggg SgggS SgggS SgggS SgggS
gg m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Traffics movement is zero
demons just linger
wear the concrete boots, go dive in the river
poking holes in ones own sealed radiation suit
allowing no light to penetrate
the armor that has beat into
a master race that still
hasnt left the starting gate
normal life as its been known
a head smashed against the wall
---- GroundZero ------------------------------------------------------------
G R 0 U N D Z E R 0
alien landscape dont seen that alien at all
its much more fermilliar that the unknown home
true home having never been found
exhiled at birth to a place truly alien
Eighteen years nurtured like a festering desease
But now to survive, must find home
---- Saga 97 ---------------------------------------------------------------
ggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgg ggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgg
gmmmmmmDD ,gmmmmmmmggmmmmmmmg, DDmmmmggmmmmmDD ,gmmmmmmmggmmmmmmmg, DDmmmmmg
,ggmcrmmDD DDmmmmgg,,ggmmmmmDD DDmmmmgg,
mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm
mmmmmmmgg gg mmmmmmmgg gg
ggmmmmmmDDmmmmmmgg ggmmmmmmDDmmmmmmgg
DDmmmmmmDD ggmmmmDDmmmmgg DDmmmmmmmDDmmmmmmmDD ggmmmmDDmmmmgg DDmmmmmmmDD
Dmmmmmmmmmmmm SAGA mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1997 mmmmmmmmmmmm
all asciis drawn after heavy opium usage
all words by Anthony R. Joy
In a metal box like a morgue body bag drawer
sitting in reclining seats on a south bound bus
so close to corpses whose spirit long gone away
the distance to cover to relate is immeasurable
no connections to be made
with menacing, square body sacks
lying deceitful, sold on more than enough
empty commodoties
upon returning home rest well remembering
so many are possessed
----- NeoNacho --------------------------------------------------------------
---- Grandizer -------------------------------------------------------------
gg gg gg gg g gg gg gg
g g
gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg
Sggg SgggS SgggS SgggS SgggS
gg m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Traffics movement is zero
demons just linger
wear the concrete boots, go dive in the river
poking holes in ones own sealed radiation suit
allowing no light to penetrate
the armor that has beat into
a master race that still
hasnt left the starting gate
normal life as its been known
a head smashed against the wall
---- GroundZero ------------------------------------------------------------
G R 0 U N D Z E R 0
alien landscape dont seen that alien at all
its much more fermilliar that the unknown home
true home having never been found
exhiled at birth to a place truly alien
Eighteen years nurtured like a festering desease
But now to survive, must find home
---- Saga 97 ---------------------------------------------------------------
ggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgg ggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgg
gmmmmmmDD ,gmmmmmmmggmmmmmmmg, DDmmmmggmmmmmDD ,gmmmmmmmggmmmmmmmg, DDmmmmmg
,ggmcrmmDD DDmmmmgg,,ggmmmmmDD DDmmmmgg,
mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm
mmmmmmmgg gg mmmmmmmgg gg
ggmmmmmmDDmmmmmmgg ggmmmmmmDDmmmmmmgg
DDmmmmmmDD ggmmmmDDmmmmgg DDmmmmmmmDDmmmmmmmDD ggmmmmDDmmmmgg DDmmmmmmmDD
Dmmmmmmmmmmmm SAGA mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1997 mmmmmmmmmmmm
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