E X E C U T I V E  P R O D U C E R  - -  M A R I O N  ' S U G E '  K N I G H T

    Awe yeah, album number ten.  It's getting close to the end yall, so
    we   gonna    kick   it    like    this    for    the   Last Album.

all the homies i ain't talked to in awhile..i'm gonna send this one out to
you...cuz i ain't mad at cha.

 [mHz] The Last Don.
  _________                                    ____________     _____________
__\      //__          ______///_______________\          /_____\           /__
\\          |__________\_______        //                 //                 //
 \_         |       //                 \         _________/_____      _______/
  |         |       /         |         \\________        /   //        \
  |        :|.     /          |         //       |        \  /           \
  |        .|:     \          |         /        |         \/             \
 _|         |      \\         |        /         |         /               \
\\_         |        \        |       \\         |        //                \
  |         |        /        |         \        |       /                   \
  |         |      //         |          \       |       \                   /
__|         |      /          |          /       |       \\                 /
\\          |     /           |         //       |         \              //
 \_______         \\   _________________\__________         \_____________/
        //_________\  /                          //_________/
                    \/  Remorse ASCII / ACiD Productions
                     __________    __________  _______________
                   __\\       /____\\       /__\\            /_____
                   |           //          \\                   __//
       ____________|        __/      |       \_        |        |
       \\                   |        |        |        |        |
        \          |        |        |       _|       :|.       |
         \_        |        |__      |       \_       .|:       |
         _|        |        __//     |        |        |        |__
         \_        |        |        |        |        |        __//
          |        |        |        |        |_       |        |
        __|        |        |_       |     ____//      |        |
     \ \\          |       __//      |     \\          |        |_
         \________         \_______         \__________|          \
                //___________\    /__________\         |___________\\
                           THE     LAST     DON

 The one and only. Don Corleone. The Big Homey. Ya know me.
 Well if it's on, I guess it's bout time.  let me slide into this og rhyme

 I draw mine the way i draw mine, and i takes my time when i'm droppin my lines
 I look around, I spot artistes, and they all in the place, and they all wanna
 bes. tryna make they paper, tryna do they thing, but, to me they all try to
 say the same thing.  How could you draw, or release that way?  You ain't
 reachin the scene, you ain't making your pay.  You ain't drawin shit that,
 hit the top, you can't make the party go hiphop, you can't do your thing,
 without, using mine.  but yet still, i see you on the grind.  but ima take my
 time, to get my point across, and if you get caught up in the scene then you
 got lost and if you get tossed, then it's your own fault.

          What would you do, if you could fuck with me and my crew?
        _ __ _____::_____ ___..___        ________ _::____
              \__     __/_\_     /____::__|    __/_\_    |______
                |     |   _|_____   \_       .:|____|_____    _/
           .. .:::    |   \_        :::   _____|_   _/       :|:. ..
     .. ..::    |:    |   :.    |    |_   ______/   |    |  .:|_   ::.. ..
  ..::  .. .  ..|.        _|::  |    _/   |   |_   :::   |    _/.  . ..  :...
 .:.. ..:  : .: ..  |   | \_    |   |||   |    :    |:   |   :: :. :  :.. ..:
           :.:__|   |  :|  : :  |   :|_  :::  ...  _|.   |   :|..:.:
         . ...\____:|__:| _|     _____/   |:  _|   \______   .|__ __ _
 .. .....: .. .: Hz. /__._\__:_ __\ /__::_|  /_:____|   /__  ___/... .
 ::.. ..   :...              . ::          .    .         :.. :      :.::.. ..
       :.. . .:  Slick your hair back,  put on a button down,   ...:   .. ..::
           :     slide on your pinky ring, and become part of   :. . ..:
         ..:..   us.  Become part of the Mafia.  tlg-mHz-tkp.      :.. ....
         .. .:   You are now prepared to view The Last Don ..      . .::..:
        .:... ......           ....... .::::.           . .::::. ..:
                   :... .:::. .:  .:        :    .:. ...:
           Yes, I'm a De Cena  :..:         :.::.:

    This collection is an ACiD Productions release, and this logo is ripped.
                 ____,,---,, ____,,------,--,,__,,----,,___
                 \__   __  \/            \_____/      _    \
                  /    |/   \\     |_____//    \      |     \
        mHz(acid)/'    _     \     |     \      \\    |     \\
               _//     |      \_   |    _/      `\    |      /
            \ \\_______|       /       _\_       /____     //
                     .:|_,,___//__,,--''  `------'''  `----''
                            ACiD Productions.
                Original logo, drawn by mHz 2 months ago.

                ,,---,,___  ____,,------,,--,,____,,------,,
                \__   _   \/            \_____/            \
                 /    _    \      |______\    \       |     \
                /     |     \     |       \    \      |      \
              _/      |      \_   |       /     \     |       \
              \_______|       //_________/      /_____________/
                      `-------''        /__,,---'' '' mHz[ACiD]
                Ripped logo,  drawn by [mHz]  2 minutes ago.
                The similarities are obvious.  What a Lamer.

             \           \_    |     //      \\   _____/__
              \_     |    |_   |    _/   |  __\_____    _/
        !mHzý   |    |   __/   |    |    |  \      |    |
  :: . .... .   |    |   \_    |    |_   |   \_    |    |  A rEMORSE!aSCII
      .. . .:  _|    |    |    |    _/   |    |    |    |  ASCII Release..
  . .... . ::  \_    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
  :. . ..       |    |    |   \_/   |    |    |    |    |
  :     :.. .   |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
  :. ..... :::..|    |    |    |    |    |   _|    |    |
  :. . ..       |    |    |_   |    |    |   \_    |    |
  :     :.. ... |    |    _/   |    |    |    |    |    |_
  :. ..... ::  _|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    _/ . .... . ::
               \_    |    |    |    |_   |    |    |    |  :. . ..
                |    |   _|    |    _/   |    |    |    |  :: . .... .
                |    |   \_    |    |    |    |    |    |      .. . .:
                |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |  . ..:     :
                |    |    |    |    |    |   _|    |    |.::: ..... .:
                |    |    |    |    |_   |   \_    |    |      .. . .:
                |    |    |    |    _/   |    |    |    |... ..:     :
                |    |   _|    |    |    |    |    |    |  :: ..... .:
                |    |   \_    |    |    |    |__  |    |_
                |    |    |__  |    |    |      /  |    _/
             ___|    |       / |  __|    |_____/   |    |__
             \       |______/  |  \      |   _|    |      /
              \_,,---''  `---,,|___\_____|   \____,,-----'''
                     Remorse 1981 ASCII Productions!

[ awe lettering ]
: .. . .::: : : ::. ... ..         . .. .::: : : :: .. ..: _ __ __,,,-------, ,
_ _ ___,,,------,,, ,   ::. .. . :::. . _ _ __,,--------,, , ___\           /__
____\          /_    ______________ _ :. .. °          °//:: \°              //
\\              /____\\          /_ ________|    ______/_,,--''            __/
`\°                   \_           |        |    \\             ___       `\:::
.:\_____________        \°         |        |    `\°            |/''       °\:.
__/                     `\         |        °      \___         ____________/.:
\°             |          \_       |        |        °//        |         `\ ::
`\_            |           |       |        |      __/' '       |          °\::
../            |           °       |        |     °\_           |            \:
: \\           |          _|       |        |       |           ±           °/:
..°            |          \_       |        |       |___        |           /.:
  //           °           |                          °/        |           \ :
:`\            |           °\                       __/'        |           °\.
. /            |            `\\        |            |           |            /'
:/±            |              /        |            |_____      |          //_
/              |             /°        ±                 //     |            /_
\\             |       _____/'         |               °/                    °/
`\______               \\              |___,,,_________/           ____,__,,-''
:::   /±                \°              \ [ mHz ]  \____,,,,------'''    ..:..:
: \ \\\___,,,------------''-------,,____\\    . . .. ..:       .::.... ..:    :
:. .. .:::. ..:::. . .. ::: : ::. .. .. . . ::: (AWE)  :. . .. ... .:   :. ...:

                   __,,------,,  ___,,---,,__,,---,  ___,,----,,
  [mHz].epic __,,-''  __   __//__\      _|_|   __//__\       _/. .... ... .
 .. .. ...\ \\__      |/' \\_      __   \______\_           :::      . ...:
 :. ....      :::     ______:_     |/'   |_     |     |______|_      :
       :     __|      |     _/' '  ___,,__//   :::    |      _/'' '  :
       :     \\       |    _::     |     \      |_   :::     |. .... :
       :.. ...\_     :::   \_      |    :::     _/'   |     :::
              :;:     |     |_    :::    |      :     |      |_
              _|        _____/'    |    _|      |_       __,__/// _,-',_
          ` ``\__,,-----''  |__,,--''  /___,,----''--,,__/        ( xX ))

                       Only God can judge me now.

                            |  P A R E N T A L  |
                            |__A D V I S O R Y__|
                            | explicit  content |

...casino area (C) - pause for viewer config.

         \__         _/       \_        \_    ______/___\_   _______/
  +--------|:   |____|_   |    |:   |    |:   _____\     |:  |_   \_
  |       _|.   |    _/   |   _|.   |    |.   |    |:   _|.   |    |mHz-----+
  |       \____      |____   /______|    |____|    |____\_____     |_       |
  |           `------'    `-----'   |___,--' (tLdmHztLdcfg)  `---,__/       |
  |       the last don  is meant to be viewed in any resolution.            |
  |       glow16.exe should be loaded while viewing.  So Let's GO.          |

                                                    Are you ready for me?
. ..::. ... .:: ::::.:..:: . ..:. .:::.___,-----'''-----,,...::.::..:: ;.. ....
 ___,,--------''''--,,__,_.:::.__..,,__\   tLDmHztLD!  //_____  [mHz]   __,: ::
\\___             __/. . .. .. ..:;. . ...:: : :: . .. .:::: ``--------''__/'':
.;..|      |     ::_   : Hey, Megga Hertz back again with Album Number .:|...::
  :_|      |      _/' '' Ten, aka The Last Don.  I'm still in remorse, .: ::..
. :\_      |     ::: .:. and still drawing.   A small note about ascii :...: :
  ..|     :::     |__ :  requests, I have drawn literally thousands of .:|_:.:.
..: :      |       //' ''lines of free ascii, so from now on if you're   _/.::
  __|      |__,,.._/ . .. ..: :: ______,,-----,,not trading, then wait =]|__::
``\___,,---' ::.. \\____,,------''..: :: :: :..\\____,,..____...:::...___,_/' '

                 _ _ __ _____
                       _\   /__              ________ _ _ _
                    \ \\__    /____    ______\   __///
                    ____/_       _// __\\___   __|____
               - _ _\  /_|_  |   |  /_   __/ | \__   |_______ _ __ -
                 \\\______/  |   `\  |   \   ____|__ |    _// /
                    |   /_   |   _/  | __/   |   __/ |   /
                   _|    |   | __|___| \__   |    \      \
    ______________//_   __\  | \__   _  _|   |   _/  |  _/_______________
  __|               |  /_____|   |__ | /_     ___|   |  \_              |
  \__               |    |_  /_____\ |  /_____\ _|   |   |mHztldtda     |_
    |         _ _ __|    _//    _|   |  ___\   /_____|   \_             __\\ \
    |         /  //__    \     /_     __\            |_    \            |
    |               /_____\     /_____\\  \           /_____\ \\        |
[ The Last Don, extended collection location description ]

                1] Introduction words/Group affiliations logos.
                   Logos that show affiliation with ACiD Productions,
                   Remorse Ascii, Awe, Epic,  and the De Cena family.
                2] The Last Don Logo
                   The beginning of the end.
                3] Recommended Viewing Configuration Screen
                   One possible viewing setup.
                4] New ascii section.
                   A display of asciis created by [mHz] since the release
                   of 'Megga Hertz the Kingpin' ascii colly.
                5] Megga Hertz w/Guest Ascii Hitup Section
                   Asciis drawn by Megga Hertz plus others.
                6] Religion Identification Ascii
                   Public religion display.
                7] Rest in Peace/The Graveyard.
                   A final resting place for dead friends.
                8] Megga Hertz's Props/Greets
                   A thanks to all who have supported me on and off line.
                9] System Blacklist
                   A listing of people who are useless to myself.
               10] Megga Hertz Ascii Release History
                   An insight as to the releases of previous Megga Hertz/
                   -EverLast- ascii collections.
               11] !abraxas/diabolic BBS Advertisment
                   Where to find my BBS, !abraxas.
               12] tlgdmhztmfkptld - Random Words
               13] Contact Info/Check Out Time.
                   The end.

[ The Last Don, extended collection location description ]

...casino area (N) - new ascii section.

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE   /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) !abraxas/diabolic       e                    __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Megga Hertz/ACiD                             |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

. .:::.,,-----,,__,,--,,__. .::______,,------,,-----,,_________,,------,, ,,
.::.:__\_______  \___    |_____\__         __\_______   \\     |      //mHzACiD
`: ``\_    ___     _/''  ___    _/''  |  ``\_    ___     \     |      /. ..:::
.. :::|    \ ::    |_    | /'  :::    |     |_   \ |    //'' '      ``\. .:.::
. ..:_|     \|     _/    |/     |     |______/''  \|    /      |      \\:::...
::\ \\_____,,------''-,___,,----''--,_| ..:\____,,-----'/______|__,,---'' ''.:
.. ..:: : :: ::  !abraxas/notice: 6309!@#  .. .:: :: ::::. .:: :. ... .:: :.::
   :  !abraxas/diabolic - !axs!axs!6309 - sysops [mHz].acid, [xFx].pds     :.
  .:  support for acid, acidic, awe, blade, dark, fire, fuel, remorse,     :/
  :.  tric, twilight, illness, pds, lazarus, generation-x, rts, &more.     :
 ..:  the finest in oldschool underground bulletin boarding since 1993     :..
 :.   running a 100% user configurable suicide/2.  ascii: megga hertz....    :
  :..............                                  ..............:      :....:

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE   /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) !abraxas/diabolic       e                    __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Megga Hertz/ACiD                             |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

            ,,---,,_____  __,,,-----,,---,,---,,____,,---,,__,,---,,
          __\____ \_   |  \_      __\___ \     |    \___   |   ___/__
          \_       |   |___|_  |  \_      \_   |   _/     _|____   _/
     [mHz] |   |   |_      _/  |   |_  |   |   |   |   |  \_   |   |
  __,,---,,|   |   _/  |   |   |   _/  |   |       |_  |   |   |   |-----,,__
  \_      _|   |   |_  |   |_  |   |_  |   |_  |   _/  |  _|   |   |       _/
   |      \_   |   _/  |   _/  |   _/  |   _/  |   |   |  \_   |   |       |
  _|       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |       |
  \_       --------|-----------|-------|-----------|-------|-------|      _|
   |_      |   |   |   |   |_  |   |   |   |_  |   |   |  _|   |   |_     \_
   _/     _|   |  _|   |   _/  |   |   |   _/  |   |_  |  \_   |   _/      |
   |      \_   |  \_   |   |   |  _|   |   |   |   _/  |   |   |   |       |
   |       |   |   |   |   |   |  \_   |   |   |   |   |  _|   |   |       |_
   |       |   |   |   |   |_  |   |   |  _|   |   |   |  \_   |   |       _/
   |_      |   |  _|   |   _/  |   |_  |  \_   |   `\  |   |   |   |       |
   _/     _|   |  \_   |   |   |____/  |   |_  |     \ |   |_  |   |       |
   |      \__,,----''--,,__|___|   `--,,,___/__|__,--''---,,/__,,--''      |
   |  !a man with slicked back hair,  wearing a pinky ring tips you off     |_
  _|  as to a back way into the casino.  He asks of you, which way shall   _/
  \_  you enter?                !abraxas/fastlogin?  Yeh  Na!              |
 __|                                                                       |__
 \______,,----------,,___________                    ___________,,-----,,____/

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) !abraxas                                     __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) [mHz]/ACiD                                   |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

       __,,____     ,,------,___
    | ||     _|____\\        __//
       |    \\_________      | - -------- -------------------------- ----- ----
 --- - |      _\             |_      !abraxas/diabolic,  e-mail.
       |     _|      /|      _// /   ---------------------------
       |_____\_     / |      |       InterBBS Room-Service Area.
       |      |_   //_|      |_
 - --- |___,,__/       ____,,__\ ----- ----------- ------------- ------- ------
          \ \\___,,,____\\ \

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) The ACiD Artpacks Archive                    __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) RaD Man/ACiD                                 |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

                _ _____/\         ____/\_______ _    _____/\_ __
                  \\    /__  _____\    \\    |_______|     // /
                   /   __  \/            \_____/      _    \
                  /    |/  \\      |_____/     \      |     \
        mHz(ACiD)/     _     \     |    \\      \     |     \\
               _//     |     \\_   |    _/      \\    | _____/  ____/\ _____/\
     ___/\  ___\  _____|      _/______  \________/     /   _/___|    /_\     /
    /  __ \/    \/ \\  |______\\   __ \__\/  __ \  ___/    \    |   /   ____/_
   //  |/  \     |   \___   ___/   |/   //   |/  \/   |____//   |  /______    \
  /    _   \\    |    \//    \//   _____/    _   \\   |    \         \   |   //
_/     |     \_  |____/      \\    |  _/     |     \_ |   _//   |    /   |   /
\\     |______/__|    \_______/____|  \    __|______/_____\  ___|____\______/
 \  ___| __ \/         /         \\   |\___\_____/     |   \/\\   __    /
  \/ //  |/  \     |   \    |____/    |    /    \\     |      /   |/   \\
    /    _   \\    |   \\   |   \\        /       \    |     //   _______\
_ _/     |     \_  |____/   |   _/    |  //        \   |   //     |/     /
 \\______|     // _|  \\      __\_____| \\____    _/__     /\_____     //
         |___  /\/     \_____/        |_____| \___/  |____/      |___  /
             \/  The  ACiD  Productions  Artpacks Archive.           \/
       !abraxas/notice: This was QC'd from Remorse Pack Number Eight =]

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Anko                                         __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Lagomorph/Eclipse                            |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

                      ________                  _________
mHz(aC1d)_____,----,,_\      /_______________  //      _/__,-----,,
         \________  \___          `|_       | /       //          \__
           /'          |:           |__     |/       /            __// /
          /;    |      |__    |       //    /       //      |    :|
======== /      |       //    |     _/     /       //       |    :| ==========
        //      |      _/     |     |:    //      /_        |    .|
       /        |      |:     |     |_    \         \\      |    .|
       \;       |      |.     |    __/'    \         \      |    .|
        \       |   ___|.     |   \\__      \        \\     |    .|
         \\     |  `\\        |     |:       \         \    |      \_
========= \_         \________|    _|.       |\_________\        ___/ ========
            `--------'' ''    |   /______,---''       //__,------''' '
             Welcome to Anko. |____,---'' SysAdmin: LagoMorph

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Acid Ascii                                   __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) [mHz]/rMRS                                   |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

          /\__________ /\_______   /\_______ ______ _____     _____
          \_______   //      __/__/         \_____/\_____|   /    _|
           /         /_______    /     |_____/   |__/   |____\    |
          /     /|   \      |    \\    |   \_     \_      \  _    |
          \     \|    \\    |     \    |    |_     |_     /  \|   |

                 ________        ________\\___|____
               __\__   //_______//       \_  \____/   ________
 ---- -- -----//       /   ____/_    |    /   |  \\   \\    _/
            _/    /|   \______   \   |___//   |_   \___\   /
            \_     |    /    |   /   |   \    _|   /      \\
              \    |   /     |   \   |    \   |   \\    |   \--- ---- ----
               \\  |   \\    |    \  |    //__|    \_   |   /
                \___,---\   \|   _/--,___/   \______/   |   \_
                        \\___,,--'                 \  __,----'
                         ACiD!ASCII - MEGGA HERTZ   \/

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Oblivioný AutoSig Menu                       __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Gunthar/Illness                              |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' 'Color Stripped`-'       /____,,------'' '
 ì Oblivioný AutoSignature Mod Version 1.02à2 by [mHz].acid.illness.pds.tric ì
            ,,---,,_     ____,,-----,,    __,,----,,   ___,,-----,,
. ..:.,.:.__\___  _/--,,_\\___   ___/_,,--\_   ___//___\_  ______//_.:..::.. .
. ..::.\ \\_     \\_   |    //   \//     __|____  \_____|  |_  \_  \\ \.::.. .
    . ...  |   |   |   |    /     \    | \__   |   |_   |_  |   |    ... . .::
. ..:   :..|   |   |   |   /''    \\\  |   |   |   _/   _/  |   |.. .:   :.::.
 ::,. .    |   |   |   |  /         \  |   |   |   |    |   |   |__    . .,::
.. : ::.../    |   |   | `\;        /  |  _|   |   |_  _|   |     //...:: : ..
  . ..:: \\__,,,---''  |   \_______/   |  \____,,___/  \__,,----'''\\ ::.. . :
. :...::.. . .::.`\__,,----''' ': \___,,----'' '::\_____|  [mHz] :. ..::......
    :: :: ..:::. .:: : :...::. .. .. . ..::: ...:. .. ..::. .. . .::

      |01%01                |02%02                |03%03                |04%04

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Back in The Day Telnet BBS                   __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Necromancer/Remorse                          |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

          _,---,,__       ____,,-----,,___,-----,|     |_ _______
     <  <<___     |      _\_____     /          \\       |:    _//
            /     |_____/      _     \      |:    \      |.   / [.mHz.]
          _/            \      |:     \     |_____//         /_
         \\_      |:     \     |.     /     |:    \      |:    \
_____,-,____\     |.     /     |.    /      |.    /'     |.    \\____,,----,__
\\           \___       /\\___,,-----``----,     //______|.      \          _/
 \_            //_______\                //______/       `----,,__>> > >    |
  |           _________                           ______   ________         |
  |      _____\       /____      ____,,-------,,__|:  _|___\     //         |
  |      \____//          /   \ \\____    ____/   |.  \_    _____/         _|
__|      /    \;     |   \\         /      \/;    |.   |:   ___) \        (__
\__     /     \\     |    ;\       //       \          |:   |     \         |
  |__  //      ;\    |     /      /;        \\    |:   |.   |    //         |
    /  \__      /____|    \\      `----,,,___/    |____|.        /          |
  _/     /______\    |______\            / //_____|   ``----,,__/           |_
  |_                     _______       _________                           __/
  _|                    _|    _|_______\\      |________ __ _              \_
 _|                     |:    |_\___    \      |:     _/                   /'
 \          _ __ _______|.    |_        \\     |.    ;\                    \_
  \              \             \   |:     \_____      \\                    /
  /              //     |:   __/   |.     /    |:      /                  //
 (_              \      |.  \\     |.   //     |.    //                   /
  |               \____       \____      \_____      /                    \__
  |__            _    /__,,----'' /__    _|   /______\\                     |
  __//                              |____|                                  |
__|                                                                         |__
\_______,,-------,,,____   _____                 _______________,-,___________/
  |                     `-'     `---------------''                          |
  |            . ..B  a  c  k   I  n   T  h  e   D  a  y.. .                |
  |    Ops: nECROM(rEMORSE). mHz(rEMORSE). oMi(rEMORSE). Whodini(rEMORSE).  |
  |    Telnetable DayDream 100%  Ascii Setup Running under Linux v.Jagoff.  |_
  |    Much bigger selection of ascii packs/collies then yer local K-Mart.  _/
  |                                                                         |
  ( abraxas/notice: ewheat released the pic this was on already. hmph. )

i've done freebies forever, at least do some !abraxas donationals.
      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Black Sun BBS                                __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Squish/Serial                                |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

. .. . .:::: : :. . ... ..:::. .. . .. .::: :. ..___,,,----,,.::._____,,,_____
:. __,,---,,   __,,------,,.::.,,------,,________\          /____|         _//
  /        | ``\         |_____\________    _/            _/     |         /..:
.`\\       |    \        |        \         \      |     _|      |        /:..:
.::\_      |     \_      |        //  |      \     |    `\_      |      // ..::
. . |      |      |      |     __/    |     _//    |______|_     |      /.::.
  :.|      |      |      |    `\_     |     |      |      _/     |    //. .::
 .._|      |__,,__|___   |      |     |    _|      |      |_     |    / : .
.: \_                //  |    __|     |    \_      |      _/         /_   :..
::..|      |      __/    |   \\       |     |      |     _|      |     \. ..:
 : _|      |      |      |     \_     |     |_     |     \_      |      \  :
.:\\_      |      |      |      |     |       \    |      |      |      `\ :..
..::/      |      |_     |      |     |       `\   |      |      |        \..:.
 __/       |    ___/'    |    __|     |        /   |   _,-'      |        \\..:
 \\        |   \\        |    \       |      ,/'   |   \\        |          \ :
 :\___           \__,__        \______      _/___       \____,,__|___        \
 :. ..`----------'' ../____,,_____\  `------''  /_______,,_\ . . .. ``-------''
. . ..::::. ..  ::. :    :. ... ..::: :  ::. .. . . ::: : . .:    :::. . ..::..
   [mHz].acid: Black Sun - Operated by Squish of Serial Ascii
                                      __,,---------,,     __,,,--------,,
         ______,,-------,,, ,         |           _/ _____\            /
       __\              /_____,,______|          /___\                /__
      /       _________/___           |         /                       /
      \__________         /           |         \          |          _/
       _\       |        /            |         |          |          |
- - --/         |       /             |         |__        |          |- ------
     /          |       \             |       ____/        |          |
    /           |        \            |       \__          |          |
  _/            |         \           |         |          |          |_
  \_            |         |           |         |_         |          _/
    \           |        _|           |          /         |          |
- ---\          |        \__          |         /          |          |-- - ---
      \         |     _____/          |         \__        |          |
       \        |     \               |            \       |          |__
        \__            \                _____,,,,__/_______|             \
          ``------,,,___\___,,,---------' ''         [mHz] |_____,,-----'''

                         b  l  a  c  k    s  u  n
                  SysOp: Squish,  Serial Ascii Member Board.

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Black Thursday BBS                           __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Skatter/Noname                               |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

      _ ..______     _  mHz(aCid)         ,-,                    .-.      ..
.-.   .'__\`.  /_  .' `,    __ _____    ,'   `. __,,_____ __   .'   `.  .'  `.
   `.'  \__  `. |.'     `, .-. \   /-,_  __,,__\\     _/.-.           .'     `.
  .' `. ..|:   `.__,----,_.'  `.\     |__\\_          |.' .`._,----,.'.`. ..  '
 .`.:.  : |.    _`.\__  .' |..:\`.____     |_   |____.'/___|`.   _.'. . ..   .'
 :   :::: _     |: `._.'   |____(_`.       _/   |  .'|_    | `._.'. .:::. .:
 :. ..   _|:    |.   _|    |    _/' `|:    |:   |.'   |:   |   /_  :.. ...
     :..\\______     |_    |    |_   |.  ,-'   .'  ___|:         \  .. ..:
          :    `--,,__/'   |  ___/' '' `\\__,.',---'  |:   |     \\ :. ..
          :.. ...  \_,___    `\____      `/.' .. .: __|.   |____,,_\\ \ :
  . ... .  .... : . ..///__,,---': `--,,-'' ..:  :./__,,___|---''... .:::
  :.. . :::: ... .:  :. .. .:::. :.:  :::.:   __,,____ _  .. ....:
   :     _____,-------,   ,  ,,----,,__  ____,|      \__  : .::: .. .
 ..:  \ \\____    ____/____\ \\__     (__\___         _|:. ______ __:__
 :. ...     /   ..\\\_    |_____|:    |.   _/'  |    _|__,-'..   \\ :.:: ...
   . .:    /  .'  `.:|:   |   .:|.  .'| `. |:   |    \___ .'__`__/     ... :
   :. ..  //.'      `\    |    _  .'  |   `|.   |_______.'_____ `.     : ...
       :...'--,,_____/`.       \.'    |    |`.  |   \__'    \ |   `... .::::
   .. ...'.. . :`---,|. `.|   .'`-,___     _|:`.|.:. .|      \|   / `. ..
. .:::.' ..:::.:    |_____|.-'  |  : `-----' . .`._.'_____      //. ..`.:
      `. :.. .... ...`----|_,,--''' ,. :::.. :    :. .   \______/     .'
        `.     .          .'         .-.       .-.   :. . `-----'.'''.'
          `._.' `._- - Skatter's   .'Black   .'Thursday    - -_.'`._.'

                Sunshine turns to rain, baby I can take away the pain.
      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) The Deep BBS                                 __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Cain/Noname                                  |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

                                  /  /   \  \                    ( xX ))
 c4nn   __/\_____________________/  /_____\  \_________________ _(,--,)_
       \\ oO ___________________/  /_______\  \________________`-(____)-`
        /_/\_\                 /  /         \  \                 |__|__> mHz

                       _______        /.\   ______
                     __\    //_______/  \\__\   //  _  ________
                _____\__  ___     __/_____\   __/________    //_    ___
             \ \\_     /   \_    _\_  \\_    _\_  \\_   /______//   /_/_
    _,,------,__\_____     _/_____ /   _/_____//   _/_     /,,----,___
  __)           c4mHz\\     /_  _\__    /_  _\_     /__     \\ \     \\__
 \\__                 \__,,-'      /____\      `----' /______\          |__ __
    |__          //  The Deep // Sysop: Cain (Noname)  //               __// /
  ____//         //  Noname Brand Ascii Member Board.  //               |_
 \\_____,-,___             _______,,----,,_______           ____   _______)
             ``-----------''                 / //_____,,____\   `-'

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Demonic BBS Modifications                    __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Jack Phlash/Cia                              |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

       |   \__  _    \_   |    __/
  _,---'   __/  ______//  |    |_
 /    __  \\_   |/  \_  |   |  _/'
`\_   \|  __/   '   _/' |   |  |
  |_     `\____    `\___|___|  |_
    `--,,---'  `--,,-''    /_,,_//
     dEMONIC            mHz(rMRS)

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) !abraxas E-mail header (blow me)             __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) [mHz]/ACiD                                   |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

 \\_   _  \_   |   _\___  \___\__   |_____      [!a]/E-Mail (1/15)
mHz|   ____|   |  _|       |    |   |   _// /   
   |   |   |     `\_   |  :::   ,-  |   |   . ..E-Mail From: [xFx]
   |   |  _|  | |  |_  |   |_   |_  |   |   . ..E-Mail for?: [mHz]
` ``--,,__\___|_|___/_____,--'___)______|


            i liked the serial pack, there was a paralel for every rmrs guy.=]
      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Fire Ascii                                   __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Pariah/Fire                                  |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

       ____,,,--------,,              ___,,,--------,,      ___,,,,---------,,
_______\             /__,,,------,,___\             /_______\              /___
\\                   \___________/                   \                       _/
 \_                    |_        \            |       \            __        |
 :::         ___________/         \_          |        \_          |/        \\
  |                    |___        |          |        :::         ___________/
  _                      //        _          |         |          |        :::
  |          ____________/         |          |         _          |         |
  |          |        \_           |          |        _|          |         |
__|          |         |          :::         |        \__         |         |
\            |        :::          |          |         _/         |         |
 \_          |         |           _          |         |         :::        _
  |          |         _           |          |         |___       |         |
  |          |_        |           |          |            /       |         |
  |          _/    ,,--'           |          |________,,-'        |         |
__|          |     \_              |          |       \            |         |
\            |       \             |_         |        \_          |         |
 \__,,,------'' '     \_,,      ____/         |         |________            |_
 [mHz]ý                 ``-------\____,,,-----''fIRE!aSCII      ``-----,,,____/

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) iCE Ascii                                    __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Lord Soth/Mass Delusion/CU/BViper/iCE!aSCII  |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

          ____)\ __________)\________)\
       \ \\____/\\         _//   _____/         __________
   .------//   \/     |____\     _)   \--------'          '------------.
  _|    _/      \     |    \\    |   //   mHz(iCE!aSCII)               |__
 /     \\___    \\    |     /    |   /_   Insane Creators Enterprise     /
 \__       | _____\  ______/\  _______//  i      C        E            _/
   |       )/      \(        \(                                        |
   Note to non-scene and #ansi people: It's a 'joke', there is no iCE!a

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) istar BBS                                    __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Gunthar/Fire                                 |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

             \____/°   _____/___     ____\_____   _/'       `\_
             /°  _\_______   °\/°    `\/_        °\     |    °|
            /    \__     |   __\       _/°   |     \    |     |_
           /'      °\    |  `\__       °\    |     /°   |______/

        (i)star (ISS-tar) .. Operated by Gunthar [Awe/Fire/Illness]

       running on a pent100, 16megs RAM, 1.6gig storage
       with oblivion/2 v2.30 and telegard v3.02 under os/2 v2.30 warp

      istar contains over 3000 art-related files in its archives totalling
      over 550 megabytes of art packs and over 50 megs of bbs mod releases
      the system averages 25 calls, 80 posts and 400 mins of usage per day
      over 70% of the memlist on istar is made up of long distance callers

      absorbance worldhq, burn worldhq, illness worldhq, knightsoft worldhq
      zodiac ushq,  alt-176 westhq, awe westhq,  wicked westhq, fire membbs
      cenobite distro,  helloween distro,  lazarus distro,  twilight distro

      spam distro, xpress distro, agony net, confusion net, speed net nodes

      it's absolutely the smoothest oblivion/2 bbs setup you will ever see

                                                        Heya Gunthar. ;)
      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE   /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Land Of Lettuce BBS                          __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Secret Agent Man                             |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

                                    . ..
              ...      . ..         .                   .. ..
                :         :    .    :    .         .    :
                :    :    :    :____:    :__..__   :    : [mHz].acid
                |    |____|_____     \        :::  |   :::
                \    |   /           //  |    /____|    \\
                /    |  :::    |    `\   |   /          /
               //    |   \\    |    :::  |  `\     |    `\
              `\     |    /'   |    /    |   \\    |     /
                \_.._     |..___    \____|    /    __.._//   ....
                     :    :    :    :    :    :    :   ..... :..
                 . ..:    :    .    :    .    :    .   :...: :
                          .. ..     .. ..     . . ..
   ..               . ... The Land Of Lettuce . . .   . ..               . .
    :    .  ...     : .               . .     :  .    :   ..    . .      :
    :    :    :     :_:     :___________:     :__:    :____:     \_:     :_
    |    |____|_   _  \_____  ____\_____  ______/|   /'          /   _    \\
    \    |    _/   _____/'/     \     /     \    |   \     |____/    ______/
    //  :::  /     |    \/      \\   /      :::  |   //    |   :::   |     \
   /'    |   \\   :::   //       :::/         \  |   /     |     \   |    //
   \     |    `\   |   /          //           \ |  `\     |     /   |    /
   `\_____     /____   \_...__     \_____     _/    __\____     /    ..._/
         :    .:  .:    :   .:     :    :.    :. .. :     :     :. .
      . .:              :. .       :. .       :. .     . .:

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Lo-Rez                                       __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Dieznyik                                     |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

         __,,----,, ,, ,
   ... . \___    |             _  __ ______     _ __ ___,,---,, mHz<ACiD>
. .: : :. ..|    |______  ______,,__\\    |_   _____\\_____  \\ . ..: :: :. ..:
.. .::: . ..|    |  ___/__\  \\___       __//__\    _/   _____/_. ...  :. ....:
. ...:. ...:::   |  \\_         _/   |   \_    _   :::   |    _/.. .:: : :.. :
..:: : :: :.|    |    |    |    |    |   :::   _____|_   |    |. .::: : :: : ..
.:: : :.. ,-'    |   :::   |    |    |    |__  |   __/   |   :::. .:: :: :. .::
     \ \\ \______     |__  |   :::   |______// |   \_____     |_:. . .::: . .::
         __|    `--,,__//  |    |    |  \\     |    |_  |_,,---'' ''
         \__         \_____,,---'--,_|   \___,,------'' ''    |_
           |                                                  _/
           |  Lo-Rez, an electronic text magazine by Dieznyik |__
           `--------,,________________,,---------------,,_______/'' '

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Poem                                         __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) (?)                                          |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

[.mHz.]           ... . .:::..    ... .... .::::.. .... ... ...... .::::..°.°°°
... ..::::::. .. .:          :. ..:__ __ ______:_____,-,,_ __..: __,,-------,,:
 ,---------,,______,,---------,,,_________\\           ///-,,____|          //
//                \\                //                 _//       |        __/..
/;        _____     \;             /               , ,/          |     \ \\_..°
\\_      :::  /     _\      |     \\;         ___    \\___ __    |         |_
  |;      | //     \\__    |||      \__      :| /;     _// /    :::        _/'°
° |:      | /        ;/     |        _/'' '   |/        \        |         |_
 :::      |/         //     |      __|:.                //       |         _|:.
° |:                /_      |    .:|__        _________/;        |        \\..:
.:|:              ___//     |        |_       |;     \\_                    \
 _|.      ,,------'\_       |        _|:.     |:        \                  _/ °
\\_       |        :::     :::       |        |:        \\   |       |     \\.:
° |;      |..::::.. |       |      ,-'' '     |:         /  |||      |      /':
°_|:      | .. ...: |       |     \\          |:       _/    |       |   __//.:
:|_:      | :... ../'       |       \         |:       |_    |       | ``\__  °
  |:     |||:     //        |       //        |.       _|:.  |      :::     \\
__|.      |.:..` `\_        |      /          |.       |     |       |        \
\\        |   :. ._\\             //                  _/     |       |       //
 \_       |.. ...:\           _____\            _____/       |_______|__,,--'''
  /_______|   :    `-----,,,__\\  \``-----,,,___|:. //_,,----'' '        .. ::.
. ....:.. ....:::::.... p  o   e    m      ...:.. .... .:. . mHz[AWECiD] :    °
° :..°°° °:.. . ..::  :... .. ...... .. ...: ° °  ° °°° °° :.. ..::::. ..:° °°°

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Savage Exile!                                __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Acidic Soap/Dark                             |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

                    :                :                  :
  [mHz].acid    ____)\ __ _     _____)\ __ _        ____)\ __ _
       _ _ _____\    /__,,______|  ___//__,,----,___\    /____
          `\_   _____/___  \_   | `\_____ \__  ____\__  _   ,-'' '
  ... .::. _|____   _\  _  ||:  |   |   _   |: |_   _/' ____|_. ..:::. ..
  ... ..:.`\_   |  ||   |   |   |  ||:  |   |_  |   |:  |   _// /:: :. ..
  .:: : :.__|:  |  _|:  |  _|   |  _|   |   _/' | ,-'   |  :|_: : ::::...
       \ \\____   `\___   `\____  `\___    :|__   \___    __//'':': ::...
  .. ..: ::::\\__,,--' \_,--' ```---'' \_,--' \  ,--' \_,-'' ':: : :.. ..
        `.        '  `, . `       ,, '  ,'' '  )/: :: : :::: .. . .::::::
          `. Savage Exile       _ __ ___)\     '                   .'
          .'        ___)\    ________\   /_     ____)\            .'
         .'     _,,-'   /____|:   ;/\___  | ____\    /_::: :::..,'. .. ..
  .. .. ..:::\ \\_   _  \\_  |   _/____/' |_\\_   _   //_ __ _: :: ::.. .
  . ..::: : ::. _|:  _____/  |  ||:   |   |  _|:  _____//: :: : : ::.. ..
  . .:.: : :::..\_   |  ||:      |   :|   |  \_   |   _/'':: : ::::. ....
  . : :::: :::. _|   |   /   |   `\   |:  |   |   |  :|___ _:: :: : ::. .
  .. . ...:: :..\ ______/''  |_____\ _|___    |____    // : : : ::: ::...
 ___,,-----------\(   //_____| .:|_____|| \_,,--''`\_,-''' ':. .:: ::;...___
 |  0-5 Day + Art Support  /  Ops: Critical Illusion / Acidic Soap <Dark>  |:
::: Running a Fully Configured Oblivion/2 System.  2 Nodes, 4.2 Gigabytes  |
 |  Nets: EscapeNET, Kitsch Net, Speed net, Lab Net.   Affils:  Twilight, :::
 |  Lazarus, Mistigris, Dark, Prestige, Echo.  +1 905 891/2544 / 891/5071  |

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Singe                                        __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Sargon/Serial                                |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

        _ __ ___,,------,     __,,------,___ __ __ __,,-----,,  - - --- -- --
 - -- --- \ \\__    ___//__   \__         _//      \_    __  `\
     . ..::  __\_____   __//____|    |   _|___,,----|    |/  _/''.::.. .
  ...::. . . \\     |   \\______|    |\ \\_   ______|    ____\_  . . .::...
  . ..:     ..\_    |    |     :::   |    |   |_   \__   |    |.. :. .:.. .
  . ..:. ...: :::   |    |      |    |   :::   |    _/'' |    | :... .:.. .
    :. .. ..: _|    |   :::   _-''   |    |__  |  __|    |    |_:.. .. .:
  . .. .:     \___       | \ \\___,._|     //  |  \\         __/'   :. .. .
    :   :. .. .::/__,,---''      \.:.|_,,._/   |   \___,,----'' .. .:   :
  ..:. .. ... . ...:. .`\\__,,---''. ..::\__       _|. ..:. ....... .. .:..
        Singe,  - - - - -------------- --  /__,,---''    :. ..:. . ...:. .:

. .... _ __ ___,,------,     __,,------,___ __ __ __,,--------,,
. :: .:  \ \\__    ___//__   \__         _//      \_    _    // . ...:: : . .
: ..::: . . __\_____   __//____|    |   _|___,,----|    _____/'_,,----,,. .:::
 ___,,----,,\\     |   \\______|    |\ \\_   ______|    |   \_       _/// /..:
`\__         \_    |    |     :::   |    |   |_   \__   |    |       |__ ::..
.. _)        :::   |    |      |    |   :::   |    _/'' |   :::       //' '':
.:.|         _|    |   :::   _-''   |    |__  |  __|    |    |_      _/.. .::
 ::::  \   \ \___       | \ \\___,._|     //  |  \\         __/'    _| . .:
.: |            /__,,---''      \   |_,,._/   |   \___,,----''     .:__ ::..
   |_     Singe,      `\\__,,---''      \__       _|:.               _/  ..:
 \\\____                  ___,,___        /__,,---''                 |. .:
. .:: :`----------,,_____\\ .:: ..\\___,,-------------,,,____..____,,-'' '

    [ First place in Vintage Oldschool ASCII Competition Number Four ]

                                        i've done payed my dues.. .
      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) The Renegade Information Crew(Tric)          __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Hahaha/Tric                                  |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

 (  The Renegade Information Crew Presents  )
 \____    ____//        \______/            //
    /      \/      |    //     \      |_____\
   /       \\      |    /_      \     |     \\
  //         \     |_____//     \\    |      /
\ \__       _//    |mHz\       __/__       _/
     `------''-----'    `-----''   `-------''
  Litebar File Listing Type Selector [OBV/2]

                                the world belongs to me.
      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) UnderFall BBS                                __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Belial/Blade                                 |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '

              .                   .                   .         .
              .    .              .         .         .         .
mHz(ac1d).    :    .         .    :    .    :    .    :    .    :    .
_ _______:    :    :_____    :    :____:    :____:  __:____:    :    :_______ _
 \\__    |    |         |    |    |    _    |       \__         |______   __//
    |    |   :::   |    :    |         _____|    |    :    _____|         |
    |    |    |    |    |____|    |    |    |    |    |         |    |   :::
----:    |    |    |    |        :::   |    |    :         _____:    |    |----
    |    |         |    |    |    |    |    :    |    |    |    |    |    |
----|    |    :    |    :    |    |    |         |    :    :    :    |    |----
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |         |    :
    |    |    |    |         |    :    |   :::   |____|         |    |    |
    :    __,--'--,_|    |    __,--'    _____|    |    :    |    `---,_
    :    :    :    :    :    :    :    :    :    :    :    :         :    :
    .    .    :    :    :    .    :    .    :    .    .    :         .    :
                        .                   .              .              .
              :   Underfall.  S: Belial.  Blade Member Board

      _,-',_       _____________,,,-----------,,____________,,___________ __ _
__,-, ( xX )) ,____\ The Last Don // [mHz] / rMRS / ACiD / !AXS / AWE    /____
\_   _(,--,)_   ( (( Title ) Awards                                       __/''
 |  `-(____)-`  ( (( F o r ) Megga Hertz!                                 |.
 |:   |__|__> [mHz]       ______________,-,___   ________            ____::.
:|_____       __,,,,------' '' '              `-'       /____,,------'' '
( The ASCII Grammies )
     ___,-------,        ,-------,__,____  _____,-------,,  ____         __
     \__    _   \\       `-,    __   ___   |_            |__,--|:   |   ;|
      _|:   |:    \---,   _|:   \/  _|___,--'--|__  |   (_______    |----'\
======|_    |.   _/   |---\__   _   \__   _______/' |    |:    /'   |    _/====
       |:   ,--,-'    |    _/   |    /`\___  `\,    |    |:   /;    |    /
      _|.   |  `\     |   |:    |   /;    |    |    |    _|   \\    |   `\
      \_    |    \    |   \_    |   `\_   |   /'    |____|.    \____   __/
=======|;   |====;:   |    |.   |_____// ;|  ___,___|====|     |====`-'========
       `----'   _|.   |   ------'  \\     '   `\       _____,--' '
               _____       |        \      ____// / mHz(aCid)
 plastic heroes.    `------'         `-----'

ascii by MEGGA HERTZ, who recieved the most votes. extracted from a REMORSE pack

        Thanks for the award Pariah, sorry to those who felt someone else 
deserved the spot.

( Vintage Oldschol ASCII Competition Number Four ) 

place   name                   his #    votes
1       megga hertz            2        8
2       arlequin               16       7
3       whodini                10       5

...casino area (G) - guest spots.

  g       u       e       s       t               h       i       t       s
                            Megga Hertz and Spinn

   :  [mHz]/rMRS / Spn/Cia
 _,|_ __ _______   _ ___    _ ____     ________ __ _
  `|      __\   \  _\__ \  ___\   \ ___\\     /__,,-------------.____,,,---,,
   :     _)  _   \_)     \_)   _  `\                                       /_
   `    /    | __/_       \    |    \     b i o     h a z a r d             |_
      _/     |     \_      \_  |     \_   - ------------------ -            _//
      \______       /___    /___      /\   o p e d   b y   e m p t y        |
       \____\__,,__/ /_\___/ /_\__,,_/ /  _ _____,,________,,_    _ _       |_
   ,         \_____\/   \__\/   \____\/                       `----'      ___/'
   :                                                                   \ \\__
 _,|_ __ ___ ____    _ _____    _ _____     _ ____    _ ____    _ _____     |
  `|      ___|   \\ ___\\  `\  ___\_   \  ____|_  \  ___|_  \  ___|_   \    |_
   :     _)  |    \_)   _   `\_)  __    \_)   _    \_)   _   \_)   _   `\ ___//
   `   _/'   _    \\    |    \\___| ____/_    |     \    |___/_    |    \\_
      /°     |      \_° _      \_° _|     \_° _      \_° _     \_° |_      \
   \ \\______|       /__|       /___       /__|       /__|      /___       /\
       \____\___,,__/ /_\__,,__/ /_\___,,_/ /_\__,,__/ /_\__,,_/ /_\__,,__/ /
             \__,,---''  \_____\//  \_____\/   \_____\/   \____\/   \_____\/

  g       u       e       s       t               h       i       t       s
                            Megga Hertz and Feral

. .:: : :...                            ... . . ....    . .. ... .:: :.. ..
 :. . ...: :. ...:::.. .:: :.. .:: : :: : . . ::.  :::. . :::. ... :..: :. ....
 __,,,----,: ___,,---,,___ _:_______  ___ _____ _____,,------,,-------,,_____ :
 \_      _/:.\__     ______ :.___,,----,,___,,----,           _________      \_
 :::     |____/___  ___/__/_  \__      /_        //     .     \_      |       |
 _|      |      ___ |      /_   |_______| _       |     |     :::     |      ::
 \_      |       _/         |   _|      ,_// /   :::    |      |      |       |
 _|      |      ;|_ .      :::  .      :::        |     |      |     :::     _|
\\         _______/_|       |___|       |_______,-'-,____,,,---''-,___|      \_
 :``-------''    '  \___,,--''- \\_______\----- -- - ----------------\__,____//
 :. o       f        :. ...: k       n :     i       g       h       t  .:: s
`-:-----'-------,____:__,,,------------::-------,,______,___,,,---------:- -- '
  :..: : :::: :... ..::   L e g i o n  ::. ....: : :::. .... ....::: :..:. ..
..Feral/nONAME - [mHz]/rEMORSE

  g       u       e       s       t               h       i       t       s
                      Megga Hertz and Ize and Bapomet
    ______,,-------------'' '                   //__,,----,______,,________ __
 \ \\_____  __,,______,,------,,          .                             __///
       .:|__\\_             __/          ____,,-----,,_                __/'' '
       ____: _|       _______|----,,____/:        __//  ________       \_
    \ \\     \_      ____\\__,,___\\|             |____\\    __/'' ''   |
        \___  |       | _/         _/:|:   |     :::   _     :|_bph/ize/mhz
           | :::      | |          | :     |      |__  ____,,__/____    _/
   __,,----''_|       |:::        :::   :  |    : __// |/''       //____|
   \__       \_       | |          |___    |______|____          :/    _// /
 . .:|:     __|       |_|_         | _/____|      |_ /___,,-------'' ' |: .
    _\__  \\\__,,-----'''\\___,,--''                        //___    __|_.
        \__                        [ fIRE!aSCII ]      ________,,----''
           `----------,,___                      ______\\
                          //________,,-----------'' ''

   After seeing ize/bph's ascii in the fire pack, i figured it was a style
   I could handle =], so i messed with it a bit.   I could have done more,
   but I liked the way it looks now, so hey, enjoy. =]   - [mHz]/acid/rmrs

( !abraxas/notice: file description diz, for use on amiga/x bbs systems. )

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ== The Last Don ascii collection by [mHz]  ==
( an acid productions/remorse ascii release )
\_       `-.    ||   _/       \_    _______//
 |    |   ||    |   _|    |   _|_____   ||
_|    |    |_      \\_    |  _|_    |   _/
\\    |____//'|   | ||__  |__\__    |    |_
 `----'  \____|___||   /  | mHz|_____    //
 rEMORSE!aSCII .:||___//__|  tld..||_____/

I've found that 90% of people in the computer art scene are either anti-
semetic, racist, or both.  So I ask you today, young irc idiots;

            ___,,----,,__,,-----,,____ ____,,----,,
      [mHz] |      __/    _     \\    |    |     _/
  __________|      |      |      \    |    |   _/               /\
  \\        |      |_     _______/_   |    |   |          _____// \_____
   \        |      _/     |      _/   |    |   |_         \   /    \   /
- --\_      |      |      |      |             _/- -- -- - \\/      \//
     |      |      |      |      |      |      |            /\      /\
    :::     |    __|      |    __|      |      |           /  \    / \\
    _|      |    \\       |    \\       |      |___       /____\__/____\
- --\_______      \_______      \_______|        //-- -- --     \/
           \_______|:.   /_______|:.  .:|________/// /
                Did  I  mention  I  was  Jewish?
I am Jewish, my grandmother survived one of fiercest death camps in World War
II, Auchwitz. Do you really think I'm a nazi because I'm in ACiD, kid? =] No.

Dear Momma -
                And even though I act crazy =], I gotta thank the Lord that
                ya made me.  You are appreciated.  Dear Momma.

...casino area (B) - the graveyard.
r      e      s       t       i       n       p       e       a       c     e
                        ________,,___ _                        ____,,_______ __
 _,,-------,____,,______\\         //__ _,,-------,____,,______\\         //___
 \\                                   / \\                                   //
  \_     _____,,---,______,,----,    _/  \_     _____,,---,______,,----,    _/
   |  \ \\__       |____/      _//   |    |  \ \\__       |____/      _//   |
   |       |   |   |   |   |   |     |    |       |   |   |   |   |   |     |
 __|       |   |   |  :::  ____|     |  __|       |   |   |  :::  ____|     |
 \\       :::  |___|   |   |         |_ \\       :::  |___|   |   |         |_
  \_      _|   | .:|___|   |         _/  \_      _|   | .:|___|   |         _/
   |      \_,--'       `-,_|:.       |    |      \_,--'       `-,_|:.       |
   |  Rest in Peace - Chris Wallace  |    |  Rest in Peace - Tupac Shakur   |
   |  a.k.a.   The Notorious B.I.G.  |    |  a.k.a. 2Pac a.k.a. Makeveli.   |
 __|  Killed by a drive by bullet..  |  __|  Killed by a drive by bullet.   |
\\_______         _____            __| \\_______         _____            __|
        /________\\    `----------''           /________\\    `----------''
                        _____________ _                        _____________ __
 _,,-------,____,,______\          //__ _,,-------,____,,______\          //___
 \\                                   / \\                                   //
  \_     _____,,---,______,,----,    _/  \_     _____,,---,______,,----,    _/
   |  \ \\__       |____/      _//   |    |  \ \\__       |____/      _//   |
   |       |   |   |   |   |   |     |    |       |   |   |   |   |   |     |
 __|       |   |   |  :::  ____|     |  __|       |   |   |  :::  ____|     |
 \\       :::  |___|   |   |         |_ \\       :::  |___|   |   |         |_
  \_      _|   | .:|___|   |         _/  \_      _|   | .:|___|   |         _/
   |      \_,--'       `-,_|:.       |    |      \_,--'       `-,_|:.       |
   |  Rest in Peace - Christopher M. |    |  Rest in Peace - Patricia N.    |
   |  a.k.a.   Exotik Narcotik       |    |  a.k.a. The Pleasure Girl.      |
 __|  Killed by suicide.             |  __|  Killed by a drunken driver.   ::
\\_______         _____            __| \\_______         _____            __|
        /________\\    `----------''           /__,,____\\    `----------''

                What was a friend now a ghost in the dark.. .
  |                                                                         |
  |    Alot of homies die, Alot of mothers cry.  I watch tears fall down    |
  |    from they're eyes.   Everybody wants to go to Heaven,  but nobody    |
  |    wants to take a chance, they chose the music so they had to dance    |
  |                                                                         |
  |    We used to kick it on the Ave. at night, coming up, tryin to have    |
  |    the finer things in life.  But now my friends gone, I wish he was    |
  |    at home, I wish he wouldn't have ever fell victim to the gun... .    |
  |                                                                         |

                How many brothers fell victim to the street?
                Rest in peace Exotik, there's a heaven for a G.
                Be a lie if i told you that i never thought of death.
                My homey, we're the last ones left.

r      e      s       t       i       n       p       e       a       c     e

( !abraxas/notice: megga hertz's props )

...[xFx]                           PipeLine Development
...Adagio                          Oldschool 818 BBSer.
...AcidJack                        Remorse Ascii Artist
...acidjazz                        Cia Artist/Fritz Op.
...Arrogance                       Remorse Ascii Artist
...Anubis                          Force Senior Staffer
...Apox                            iCE Ansi Logo Artist
...Aurora Axis                     Oldschool 818 BBSer.
...Black Viper                     iCE Ad's ANSI Artist
...Blatz                           Ex-Fire Ascii Senior
...Bleach                          Dead BBSer / Friend.
...Burning Chrome                  (s) Stolen Archives.
...C-Dogg                          Str8 Outta Compton..
...Cain                            Noname Ascii Founder
...Caligula                        (s) The Velvet Truth
...CatBones                        ACiD Prod VGA Artist
...Chaos Warrior                   ACiDic  PCBoard Div.
...Circus Freak                    Fire  Graphics  Ansi
...Crimson Blade                   ViSiON/2 BBS Author.
...Corkster                        Ex-Cryptic Towers Op
...Cold and Ugly                   iCE Ads Ansi Artist.
...Coug                            Batkave Op/Twilight.
...Darkened Enmity                 Oblivion2 BBS Author
...DarkSider                       (s) BladeStorm (310)
...Dead Soul                       Blade Musician/Fire.
...Deeply Disturbed                Twilight Senior Staf
...Demon                           (s) Demon's Den 213.
...Discyple                        AWE/Noname/Rmrs Asc.
...Dosage                          Ex-Shattered Beliefs
...Dr Blaze                        (s) The  Sanitarium.
...Drizzt Do'Urden                 Oldschool 213 BBSer.
...The Dove Shack                  Ld Caller:Long Beach
...Eljoker                         Tric Renegade Modder
...Exodus                          Where are you now?!.
...Fever                           Fire  Graphics  Ansi
...Filth                           Cia/Awe Ansi Artist.
...Freestyle Assassin              Ex-High Speed Trader
...Frozin                          Oldschool 213 BBSer.
...Flatline                        Ex-HTC  BBS  Courier
...Fluor                           AWE Lettering Senior
...GallowGlass                     (s) Planet Gramarye.
...Gene The Machine                Ex-PartTimeSailorsOp
...God Among Lice                  Fire Graphics Senior
...Greenie                         Whippet's Sister. =]
...GrimLock                        Twilight Ansi Artist
...Gunthar                         (s) istar/fire/illn.
...Hahaha                          Tric Senior Staffer.
...Halaster                        Ex-Fire Senior, Fire
...Hiro Protagonist                (s) ModemLand  (306)
...The Hit Man                     ACiD/*.clemson.eduOp
...Hunter                          Ex-Neuromancer SysOp
...Inazone                         ACiD Production ANSI
...Jack Cane                       (s) The Plastic BBS.
...Jack Phlash                     Cia Oldschool ASCII.
...Jae                             iCE Ad's VGA Artist.
...JAFO                            Ex-Blue Thunder Sys.
...JED                             ACiD  Prod   Alumnus
...Joker                           iCE Oldschool ANSIs.
...Justin Hale                     Remorse Ascii Artist
...Kevlar                          Ex-Crack House SysOp
...Killa Hertz                     ACiD / ASCII Pic God
...Kitiara                         ACiD  Female Artist.
...KorrupT                         (s)Exodus Crossroads
...LagoMorph                       Eclipse ANSI Artist.
...Lethal Injection                Remorse Ascii Artist
...Lord Drakul                     Twilight / Oldschool
...Lord Hacksaw                    (s) LichtenschteinHD
...Lord Jazz/Oned                  sounds  like a Word!
...Lord Redder                     Ex-AiM Lit Division.
...Lord Prime                      Ex-Art in Madness SS
...Luc                             Ex-Art in Madness SS
...Maestro                         Remorse Ascii Artist
...Magnetic Rage                   iCE Ads ANSI Artist.
...Mass Delusion                   iCE Ads Senior Staff
...Mel Farr Suppastar              Blade  ASCII  Artist
...Mental Konfusion                Ex-Millenium BytesOp
...Misfit                          iCE Ad's ANSI Artist
...Mindcrime                       Blade/ACiDic/Deviate
...Morphine                        Ex-zEn ANSI Founder.
...Mr4Tune                         AWE Lettering Logos.
...Mr Self Destruct                Remorse Ascii Artist
...Napalm                          Cia Senior/Apoc Sys.
...Necromancer                     Remorse Ascii Senior
...Net Distortion                  PipeLine BBS  Author
...Nivenh                          Impulse  BBS  Author
...Nuremberg                       Remorse / Acid Ascii
...Omicron                         Remorse Ascii Artist
...Outspoken                       Ex-AiM Lit Division.
...Pariah                          Fire Graf Ascii Div.
...Perplex                         (s) Dementia / Iniq.
...Pigs Flip Cars                  Ex-My G/Fs Shrink Op
...PimpLife                        Ex-Da Playaz Club Op
...Purify                          Noname Newschool Asc
...Quix                            (s) Eclipse V2 (818)
...RaD Man                         Founder:  ACiD  Prod
...ReDMaN                          ACiD  Prod   Alumnus
...Rotten                          Oldschool 818 BBSer.
...Scentless Apprentice            Avenge (ACiD) Senior
...Sexecutioner                    Ex-Outland Op. :~~~(
...Shadow                          iCE Ad's ANSI Artist
...Sherlock Ohms                   (s) Scotland Yard/UC
...Sinned Soul                     ACiD/ACiDDraw Author
...Skull Leader                    ACiD/ACiDDraw Author
...Snake Grunger                   Twilight Senior Staf
...Sniper                          Fire Graphics / ANSI
...Sparr                           Katharsis!Ascii Prod
...Spear                           Fuel/Dark  Ansi Art
...Stone the Crow                  Twilight RIP Artist.
...Stygian                         Twilight ANSI Artist
...Sudden Death                    Cia Alumni / Ex-ACE.
...Suge Knight                     Death   Row  Records
...Sushi X                         Ex-ACiD ANSI Artist.
...Super Poskgubbe                 Katharsis!Ascii Prod
...Tasmaniac                       ACiD Prod Head Coder
...Tetanus                         iCE Ad's ANSI Artist
...Tetsuo                          Oldschool 818 BBSer.
...Tha Shiznit                     Ex-Malice/TSG SysOp.
...The Dude                        (s)Optical Illusions
...The Emperor                     Fire Graf Ascii Div.
...The Knight                      Fuel Graphics Senior
...The Night Angel                 AWE Lettering Artist
...Thrasher                        Fuel Graphics Senior
...Tinyz                           Katharsis!Ascii Prod
...Trip                            iCE Ad's ANSI Artist
...Tokefx                          [mHz]'s Best Friend.
...Toons Xilion                    Eclipse  Ansi Artist
...Unholy Spirit                   ACiD Prod TelecomDiv
...Unsane                          Twilight ANSI Artist
...Veediot                         Ex-Ansi Scene Artist
...Wator                           Echo  ANSI  Logoist.
...Whippet                         Personal mHz Friend.
...Whodini                         Remorse ASCII Senior
...Wragth                          Ex-W.I.E.L.Ders Sys.
...Xiol Blue                       Oldschool 818 BBSer.
...Xypher Matryx                   Dark Senior Staffer.
...Zarkon                          Twilight ANSI Artist
               - 818 - 213 - 310 - 714 - 909 - 415 - 619 - 

I cannot greet everybody, if I've talked to you, you're cool with me, you
like my art, etc, etc, you know who you are.    - Megga Hertz // ACiDprod

Off the head, my freestyle flow, just a couple muthaphuckas that I know,
be strictly representin.  One muthaphuckin, Two muthaphuckin.  Damn, who
did I forget?

                                                      - !abraxas Records

                               _____,,.._____ __ _
________,,------,,_____________\           //_________,,_____ ______
                                                                 __// /
Album #1 - The ASCII Collection     independent    EverLast      |
Album #2 - The Broken Pipe          origin art     krak/pipe     |
Album #3   The ASCII Colly          cia  ascii     -EverLast-    |
Album #4   Insanity                 cia  ascii     -EverLast-    `--,
Album #5   The Anagolous Collect.   cia  ascii     -EverLast-    __//
Album #6   Asciid #50               acid!ascii     -EverLast-    |
Album #7   Jagoff!                  acid/rmrs.     -EverLast-    |
Album #8   The Day After            rmrs ascii     Megga Hertz   |_
Album #9   The Kingpin              rmrs ascii     Megga Hertz  __/
Album #10  The Last Don/album#10    rmrs ascii     [mHz]      __|
               _________                       ______________/
 \______,,,----'       /__________,,___________\

1) An independent release spread around my area code, priceless to myself,
   and most-likely no longer in existence.
2) (time lapse) An odd release under an assumed handle to avoid grp conflicts.
3) My first true national artscene release.
4) A 1000 liner that caught a few people's eyes.
5) My last release with Cia, a group I loved.
6) Logos inside the very last aCiD!aSCII colly, which caused many to become
   familiar with my art.
7) My first 'true' colly release, originally meant to be the first acid!ascii
   independent colly, released around the time when acid!ascii was becoming
   remorse!ascii, it's inclusion in the ACiD Acquisition made me somewhat
   well known. Double Platinum album.
8) My first full remorse!ascii release. Platinum album.
9) The Kingpin, an obscenely long colly that gave insight into my personality
   and lifestyle. Double Platinum album.
10) Album #10.  The Last Don.

 [ mHz ] ......... . . .. . . . ...... . .. .. . . ... . .. ... ........ .. .
 . .. . .: _ __ _______ __ _  :.: _______ ___ __ _ : _______ __ _______ __ _:
 :. .. ..    ___\     /___  ..:.._\     /___,.__ ..:_\     /_  _\     /_ .. :
      ..:` ``\__   __//  /____,._:    ___//    /____\    ___/__\     __// /.:
 .. . :. .. . :   _\_____ ``\_    ` ``\_       \___    ``\__        ::: . ..:
 .     __,,___|   \_        _|   ______|_   |    _/   _____:_   _____|_
    \ \\__    |    |_   |   \_   |_    _/'' |    |_   ______/   __,___/'' '
         |    :    _/'' :   :::   |    |    :    _/'' |   \_    |
 --- --- :    |    |    |    |_   |    :    |    |    |    |    : --- -- ---
         |    |   _|    :    _/   |   _|    :   :::   :    :    | - -- --- -
  -- - -:::   | ``\_    :    |    | ``\_    |    |_   |    |    |_
         |    :    :    |   :::   |    |    |    _/   |    :    _/'' '
  _ __ __|    |   _|    |  __|    |   _|    |   _:    :  __|    |- -- --- --
      \\___    \ \\__     `\__       _\__      _\_____| \\_    _| Jagoff/2  :
 ... .:.. /__,.____\``-----' /__,,___\: /__,.__\  . . ... /_____\         ..:
        :. . .. ..... .:. .. .. .. . .:. .... . ..:     :. .. . .. .. . ..:

                      [mHz], ACiD, rEMORSE  --  Jagoffý.

        It's back.  Send your work to appear in Jagoff/Deuce, and the
        Remorse Ascii pack to mhz@bigdog.clemson.edu.  mHz don't care
        who you are.  New, old, experienced, horrible.   This is your
        chance to hit it big in the ascii scene <g> - Megga Hertz/mHz

If anyone remembers Jagoff, checkit.   I'm thinking of doing a Jagoff/Deuce,
and I'd like it to rock the ascii scene.=] R-mHzJG2.TXT or something of that
nature will be open to everyone, including Discyple who asked for the rights
to the newschool version of jagoff.  New artists needing a place to come up,
jagoffý is the place for that too happen. =]  If you haven't noticed yet,  I 
don't use anyone's art but my own in my collies,  but  Jagoff/Deuce  is YOUR 
colly, so consider drawing for it, I hope to have it out sometime before '98
Or maybe  I'll just forget everything and release alone,  or not at all <g>.

                                                            - Megga Hertz =]

Also available from ACiD Productions / Remorse Ascii:

                        --- JAGOFF!

 ________|   ____/_____  \__          \___       \__    ________/   ________/'
`\__     |   \__     _     |:   |________/'  |     |:        `\__         |_
   |:    |    _|:    |:    |_  _ ______|:    |     |.   ________/'  _______/'
   |.    |    \_     |.    _/   |      |.    |     |.    |     |:    |
  _|.    |   __|.    |.   _|.         _|.    |   __|.    |   __|.    |
 `\_____    `\____       _\_____      \       ___\     __|   \___    |
       `-------'ev`------'     `------'-------'   `----'        `----'

                        --- THE DAY AFTER

    _______          _______   __,,____ _ __    ___,,_______   __,,___
  ///     /__________||  __/___|    __// /      |_   \_    |__(__    |______ _
   \____    ____/    |   \_    __    \           |   ||_____    \    |    _//
      //     \ ||    |   _|    |/   //  _ _ _____|    //   _   _/_____    \
     /;       \|         |_    _____/_    //    __   /    /|   |_   \|    /_
    //         \     |     \   |/   _|     \_   \|   \    \|   _||   `    _|
    \      _____\   ||_____/   _____|:.     |     ____\___     \______    |__
     `--,__|   |__,--'  (_,----'    .mHz.  (_,----'      `---,__|    |_,---''
    __ _ _,----,___        __,----,___        __,----,   __,--'____ _ _
          \__     /_______\\    _/   |________\\    /____\\   __//
            |_____   \\    _____|_      \__    __   __|       _|
          //'    _    /    ______//  |   \\    |/   \    |    \\
     __ _ _\    /|    \    | `\__    |   _//   _____/_   |     /
          |__   \|    /   ||   _|    |   |_    |/   _|   |    |__ _ _
            ||       \\    | .:|_    |____//       _|    |__,,__//
        (( (___       \\   |_   |   ||   _||   ____|_   ||
               \_,-----'--,_|   `--,_|   `---,_|    |_,--'

                        --- THE KINGPIN!

        _________           _______   _______   ________              ______
________|:     _//  ____.--'     _//__\    //___\     //__      _,---''     \
\__     |.    /---,_\_         _/    ________/    __    _/_,---\\          //
  |;    |.   //______/     |  \\_    |__   \\_    |/    _\______//    |    /_
  \\    |   /_       \     |     \_    |      \_        \\     \_     |    _/
  _/          \      /_    |     _//   |      _/   _____/       _\    |     \
==|     |    //_      /    |   _/      |    _/     \\ \\       \\_    |     /==
 .'     |      _\    //    |  \\_      |   \\_       \ /_       /_____|    /
 `-,____|__    \_____/    _|_____\       ____/    ___/   \_  / /    /______\\
mHz.aCiD  ``-----'  `-----'' '    `-----''  ``----''       `--'
                   my name is megga hertz the kingpin.
                   what's yours?   i dont really care.

also available from acid/remorse ascii: jagoff!,  the day after, and
megga hertz the kingpin ascii collections.

                Another hit from L.A., it just don't stop.

                 _______            _______    __,,----,_______
       ____,,---//     /__      ____\\    \\___\      /       |________ __ _
     \\\__      \_       |_____/            \__       \_      |      _// /
        /    |    \            \      |      /    |     \     |     /
       //    _    \\     |     \\     |     //    _     /           \
     _/      |      \__  |      //    |____/      |    \\___  |     \\
  \ \\_______|       //__      /___   |  \\       |________/__|       \
             |__,,----'  `----''  `---'    \__,,--'           `---,,___\\ \
        !abraxas/diabolic                       Call !abraxas.. .


 Assistant to Mr. Hz. - [xFx]

 Visit !abraxas/diabolic in Los Angeles for the hottest hip-hop entertainment.
 Visit [.Virtue.oF.Sacrifice.]  in Los Angeles for the hottest pipeline setup.
 Visit Exodus Crossroads in South Central Los Angeles to recieve a bad beatin'

               You don't see, what I see.  Everyday as mHz.

    I heard it's the bomb, and you got it going on, gimme some of your
                             THUG PASSION BABY!

To live and die in L.A.  It's the place to be.  You've gotta be HERE to know
it, everybody wanna see.  L.A.'s still the only place for me. tlgmhztmfkptld

I heard it's poppin at a club, but they say I can't get in, cause I'm dressed
LIKE                              A                                     THUG!

  Whuttup to ACiD, Remorse, Fire, Cia, AWE, all the groups sporting my shit.
  I wanna  send this one out to all the people who have ever taken the  time
  to view my art, putting it up on their boards, givin me requests, whatever
  makin my shit go quatroopal, quatropal platinum, all the real muthafuckers

I hitup ACiDDraw, drop an ASCII, hoping it pay, passin' by watchin' time fly.
        To      Live    and     Die     In      L.      A.

 So tell me, am I wrong, for trying to communicate through a song?   I'm up 
 early in the morning by sunrise I'll be gone, all my homies is waiting for
 me, plottin on plans that we made, and all the fun that it's gonna be,  so
 meet me at 3,  and don't be late nigger,  we hanging out all night,  while 
 drinking straight liquor.   I heard it's poppin at a club,  but they say I 
 can't get in cuz i'm dressed like a thug, til I die, i'll be gang related,
 Got me striving for a  million  stayin  motivated  and now  we've made it;
 it's a battle just for the big $$$$ i'm living wild, no smiles and ain't a 
 thing funny.  Came up hungry just a little nigger tryna to make it, I only 
 got one chance,   so I gotta take it,   you never know when it's all gonna
 happen  the rappin or the drugs,  but until then give me love,  and let me
 RUN                                THE                            STREETS!

 Why niggers look mad?  Yall supposed to be happy I'm in ACiD, Yall look like
 yall wanted me to stay in Cia.
 Picture me rollin in my 500 Benz.   I got no love for you fuckheads,  I stay
 true                   till                    the                      end!

 If you ever wanna see me again, just close your eyes, roll back this track,
 and picture me rolling.  -  The Lord Don Bruglione Megga Hertz The Kingpin.

                           It's check out time.
                                                    I'm up outta here. Later.

 Album Number Ten a.k.a. The Last Don released 04-07-1997, at 6:30pm. LA Time

 Correspondence:  Death Row Records, C/O Ace De Cena a.k.a. [mHz]ý,  P.O. Box
 3037, Beverly Hills, California 90212-0037.  Manufactured and distributed in
 the United States by Megga Hertz/ACiD Productions. All rights reserved. mHzý

E X E C U T I V E  P R O D U C E R  - -  M A R I O N  ' S U G E '  K N I G H T
SAUCE00Colly - The Last Don               Megga Hertz / [mHz] REMORSE             19970502Z����������������������������������