this image contains text
.dl. .lk,
P a spinsane ascii 4P
.d7 experiment b.
.4Q, ,Dk.
.4S,. .,siSS@+s, .,Sk.
Sts,..+ ,iP!Sq, +..,stS
lPl7.lP ., ++,. 4k.ll
.... . l .lQ db Dl. l . ....
:. :l :k. QP .j: l: .:
.l. Qb. 48 .i7 .l.
zdn.+i ll i+.nbz
.,siS:So:. .::oS:Sis,.
I only got TWO votes in the Ascii Grammys!?!
-------------------snip snip snip, and off with the nutsack-------------------
pmm m :
l :
t. + . :..
P+. . . + :b,: i::::,.
+. + , i:
: + .d8S+, .
. j :888i:. .k, i:,
. l 555sD .:. i
. : l555:
.+ . . :l i::.lk. .
: T. .: .+ :l5i7.zk4b. .
. : l7 .+ . .:ii+ .+.t :4: +.
. .,qiSs. :Q D .b. :is, .
.SP:.ds: .:t.s::i :i ST@s,,,
lP l:4S @s S:. : ls. +
:is. :7 .iSS :d: +: :
.:4. . . .ds7Ps.4 :il . i:
:i7 .l7 d:s4 7::. :it
.l T:7 :ls +zt7 :il
: .ss,D: : sI2 lT@s,,, :i5:i: Q .SiS:i : :. .s,. .:7 5Si :. :l t. .:i :.
Q:. p, l.sSs, :.
4D, +. l: :y: i s
55 : l:d: +,
l5:l .: its tearing L s,..
S5:.: l: l:. i. me apart at l :P
.t,. + 4: l: S .l .d7 . the seams l7
.P:+, .. 5Ssl 5: , ,s, i
lP dP+ .:idl Rs, :l +.
.l .sl:Q S . . +. .
:l: . Q: P:l,l:
: d: +, :l
. :l l ls:. : iP:
. s,. XiXSiQ: l
: .d7 :SSl .
:l .S: .
: .jb, : l.l p eyote sands ... a clearer view
t. Qy: .l ,sS5: : a sandless window
s,. .,d sSs:S: jk a journey not begun
sysop - stone the crow
ascii by : spin no internet account right now sane
of the allmighty RMRS crewe
P a spinsane ascii 4P
.d7 experiment b.
.4Q, ,Dk.
.4S,. .,siSS@+s, .,Sk.
Sts,..+ ,iP!Sq, +..,stS
lPl7.lP ., ++,. 4k.ll
.... . l .lQ db Dl. l . ....
:. :l :k. QP .j: l: .:
.l. Qb. 48 .i7 .l.
zdn.+i ll i+.nbz
.,siS:So:. .::oS:Sis,.
I only got TWO votes in the Ascii Grammys!?!
-------------------snip snip snip, and off with the nutsack-------------------
pmm m :
l :
t. + . :..
P+. . . + :b,: i::::,.
+. + , i:
: + .d8S+, .
. j :888i:. .k, i:,
. l 555sD .:. i
. : l555:
.+ . . :l i::.lk. .
: T. .: .+ :l5i7.zk4b. .
. : l7 .+ . .:ii+ .+.t :4: +.
. .,qiSs. :Q D .b. :is, .
.SP:.ds: .:t.s::i :i ST@s,,,
lP l:4S @s S:. : ls. +
:is. :7 .iSS :d: +: :
.:4. . . .ds7Ps.4 :il . i:
:i7 .l7 d:s4 7::. :it
.l T:7 :ls +zt7 :il
: .ss,D: : sI2 lT@s,,, :i5:i: Q .SiS:i : :. .s,. .:7 5Si :. :l t. .:i :.
Q:. p, l.sSs, :.
4D, +. l: :y: i s
55 : l:d: +,
l5:l .: its tearing L s,..
S5:.: l: l:. i. me apart at l :P
.t,. + 4: l: S .l .d7 . the seams l7
.P:+, .. 5Ssl 5: , ,s, i
lP dP+ .:idl Rs, :l +.
.l .sl:Q S . . +. .
:l: . Q: P:l,l:
: d: +, :l
. :l l ls:. : iP:
. s,. XiXSiQ: l
: .d7 :SSl .
:l .S: .
: .jb, : l.l p eyote sands ... a clearer view
t. Qy: .l ,sS5: : a sandless window
s,. .,d sSs:S: jk a journey not begun
sysop - stone the crow
ascii by : spin no internet account right now sane
of the allmighty RMRS crewe
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