this image contains text
Colly Begins Here. Ummm, yeah... so umm, go away. STOP READING ME! Schmuck.
Voicez : Voicez
Voicez :
: zecioV
i Voicez
zecioV !
Voicez ..
.. zecioV
Voicez ..
.. Voicez
zecioV Voicez
Voicez l
i Voicez
Voicez :
Failure to comply will result in a severe loss of style in this colly.
Instructions for those too stupid to realize
Use the PGup and PGdown Keys Tribeview plz
: Voicez
Voicez : Voicez
zecioV :
// I n t r o
: :o O: : Miasma here, once again.. Ive never really written
. / . a true intro before so here I am writing one. First
.--O--. off i would like to thank some peeps that have been
::: / there since day 1. First, greetz to my main satanic
. : :/ : . ascii mentor, Blindman. Man, youve inspired me so
: o : much theres no way I can repay you. Respect to you
o / man. Next, Ewheat and Omi, my buddies in ascii and
UUUD---/CUUU muh fellow remorse negros. Third, Id like to give
-/ / mad respect to Whodini. If Whodini didnt tell me 3
. ---.V.--- . years ago that I sucked major shit, I wouldnt have
. -- -- . worked so hard to become the ascii lord I am today.
Thanks Whodini. Also, respect goes out to erupt/fah
.. /necrom. You guys roq! Respect to Asphixia too.. I
M i a s m a love your ascii. Last but not least, greets go out
a.k.a Cunphewshis to every members of the remorse crew. Were kicking
. Remorse Ascii . ass so majorly our boots are starting to smell like
:...................: shit. Remorse in the 97. Remorse!Ascii:Est.1981 Mi!
:My style is so deaf:
lYoull mistake me 4l
I Ewheat. I N e w s
I:::::::::::::::::::I Hmmmm, let me see.... Ive recently gotten into NIN
I NiN Quotes: I which has caused.. umm.. nothing to change in terms
!Everything I neva ! of my style. I realize I havent put out a colly
! like about you is ! since Visions in Remorse07 and this colly isnt that
! kind of seeping ! lengthy but so what? Its quality not quantity, and
! into me ! I think my ascii has a whole fucking lot of quality
! ! So there. Fuck yew.
!Help me get away !
! from myself!
! ! How to get in touch with me
!Turn off the sun ! Ummm, you can email me at miasma@pb.net, or you can
! pull the stars ! usually find me in ascii on efnet. I dont ask for
! from the sky. ! money for requests because thats utterly moronic.
! The more I give ! Ascii is a fucking hobby, not a damn paying job.
! to you, the ! Just mail me with a requests or comments, I doodle
! more I die! ! for doodlins sake. Werd. Remember, I dont suffer
! ! from insanity. I enjoy every fucking minute of it!
!God is dead, and !
! no one cares. !
!If there is a hell,! Now back to other regularly scheduled programming.
!Ill see you there!
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / I did. Respect him. / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
: : /Mi!
:aCK!Arrogance// : : .
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Firestarter / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
/ /Mi!
. 11: E m i :11 .
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
Fallen Empiresmy fav
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Martz / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
c o
o o .
// : : C /Q / // : // :
:: -/-::Mi!
E m p i r e s //
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Hellfire / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
// :: / /: G o m o r r a h :
Mi!/ / / .Insert bleh here and what not..
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Atomeka / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
Mi!: / /
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
Hell Chaos
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / MHZ / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
H e l l
. Mi! .
. C h a o s
Warning: Do not mix
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Mjay / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
::::.............:.... .M o s l e m. ....:.............::::
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
Nuclea Abound
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Eternal / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
// // // // /gggggggggggg
/ / /Mi!/ /
n u c l e a : ::
. .:.:: a b o u n d
gggggggggggg / // : / /
: :-------wif the new school tip
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Me! Got a problem? / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
- ------ : T // / -
Mi! : . . :
------ ::Necromancer:: ----//--
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / K6rinder / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
: :::::7777a
. .::::: :777
: ::::: :777
.... ...:777
// / // / :::: ....:::::7777
/ :::::: 7777777777777777777
/ -----: ::iii ::::::::
: iill
------ ------llll
. g
You can figure it out / / /
I have faith in you . : : :
a ------ ------ ------ ------
P e n i t e n c e :
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
Stoan Kold Killahz
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Omi Long time ago / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
:------. Stoan Kold Killahz :------.
// / ------ . . / Mi!
. .----- /Request: .------ / .
: / // /For: / / / :
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Me again! / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
: :Mi! : : , ,
//first things first, man ya fucked wit
the worst. I be stickin pins in ya head
-------/-like ---- a ----/ nurse-------
Shaolins : : fucking // : : sniloahS
finest - ------- ------- - tsenif
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / axiom / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
.-----:E----:c----:h----:k----:z //
: : : : :Mi!
x 31337/y2*z //
: Simply put, phear the x :
. . .. .,:illi:,. .. . .
Im not crazy, the:voicez told me so!!
Err.. yeah, I know its short. Sue me. Schmuck. 13 Asciis. A short 780 lines.
: V o i c e z :
: A Miasma Ascii Colly :
.Dizz, we dont need no.
: Stinkin Dizz :
:/:3 Remorse!Ascii 3::
Voicez : Voicez
Voicez :
: zecioV
i Voicez
zecioV !
Voicez ..
.. zecioV
Voicez ..
.. Voicez
zecioV Voicez
Voicez l
i Voicez
Voicez :
Failure to comply will result in a severe loss of style in this colly.
Instructions for those too stupid to realize
Use the PGup and PGdown Keys Tribeview plz
: Voicez
Voicez : Voicez
zecioV :
// I n t r o
: :o O: : Miasma here, once again.. Ive never really written
. / . a true intro before so here I am writing one. First
.--O--. off i would like to thank some peeps that have been
::: / there since day 1. First, greetz to my main satanic
. : :/ : . ascii mentor, Blindman. Man, youve inspired me so
: o : much theres no way I can repay you. Respect to you
o / man. Next, Ewheat and Omi, my buddies in ascii and
UUUD---/CUUU muh fellow remorse negros. Third, Id like to give
-/ / mad respect to Whodini. If Whodini didnt tell me 3
. ---.V.--- . years ago that I sucked major shit, I wouldnt have
. -- -- . worked so hard to become the ascii lord I am today.
Thanks Whodini. Also, respect goes out to erupt/fah
.. /necrom. You guys roq! Respect to Asphixia too.. I
M i a s m a love your ascii. Last but not least, greets go out
a.k.a Cunphewshis to every members of the remorse crew. Were kicking
. Remorse Ascii . ass so majorly our boots are starting to smell like
:...................: shit. Remorse in the 97. Remorse!Ascii:Est.1981 Mi!
:My style is so deaf:
lYoull mistake me 4l
I Ewheat. I N e w s
I:::::::::::::::::::I Hmmmm, let me see.... Ive recently gotten into NIN
I NiN Quotes: I which has caused.. umm.. nothing to change in terms
!Everything I neva ! of my style. I realize I havent put out a colly
! like about you is ! since Visions in Remorse07 and this colly isnt that
! kind of seeping ! lengthy but so what? Its quality not quantity, and
! into me ! I think my ascii has a whole fucking lot of quality
! ! So there. Fuck yew.
!Help me get away !
! from myself!
! ! How to get in touch with me
!Turn off the sun ! Ummm, you can email me at miasma@pb.net, or you can
! pull the stars ! usually find me in ascii on efnet. I dont ask for
! from the sky. ! money for requests because thats utterly moronic.
! The more I give ! Ascii is a fucking hobby, not a damn paying job.
! to you, the ! Just mail me with a requests or comments, I doodle
! more I die! ! for doodlins sake. Werd. Remember, I dont suffer
! ! from insanity. I enjoy every fucking minute of it!
!God is dead, and !
! no one cares. !
!If there is a hell,! Now back to other regularly scheduled programming.
!Ill see you there!
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / I did. Respect him. / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
: : /Mi!
:aCK!Arrogance// : : .
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Firestarter / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
/ /Mi!
. 11: E m i :11 .
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
Fallen Empiresmy fav
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Martz / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
c o
o o .
// : : C /Q / // : // :
:: -/-::Mi!
E m p i r e s //
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Hellfire / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
// :: / /: G o m o r r a h :
Mi!/ / / .Insert bleh here and what not..
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Atomeka / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
Mi!: / /
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
Hell Chaos
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / MHZ / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
H e l l
. Mi! .
. C h a o s
Warning: Do not mix
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Mjay / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
::::.............:.... .M o s l e m. ....:.............::::
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
Nuclea Abound
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Eternal / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
// // // // /gggggggggggg
/ / /Mi!/ /
n u c l e a : ::
. .:.:: a b o u n d
gggggggggggg / // : / /
: :-------wif the new school tip
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Me! Got a problem? / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
- ------ : T // / -
Mi! : . . :
------ ::Necromancer:: ----//--
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / K6rinder / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
: :::::7777a
. .::::: :777
: ::::: :777
.... ...:777
// / // / :::: ....:::::7777
/ :::::: 7777777777777777777
/ -----: ::iii ::::::::
: iill
------ ------llll
. g
You can figure it out / / /
I have faith in you . : : :
a ------ ------ ------ ------
P e n i t e n c e :
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
Stoan Kold Killahz
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Omi Long time ago / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
:------. Stoan Kold Killahz :------.
// / ------ . . / Mi!
. .----- /Request: .------ / .
: / // /For: / / / :
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / Me again! / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
: :Mi! : : , ,
//first things first, man ya fucked wit
the worst. I be stickin pins in ya head
-------/-like ---- a ----/ nurse-------
Shaolins : : fucking // : : sniloahS
finest - ------- ------- - tsenif
o.O -------: :------- o.O
// /V o i c e z //
nnnnn nnnnn
/ :Graphic Request: /
- ---- -/ // :Graphic Requestor: - ---- -/ //
/ / axiom / /
/ ------: :------ /Mi!
/ /V o i c e z /
.-----:E----:c----:h----:k----:z //
: : : : :Mi!
x 31337/y2*z //
: Simply put, phear the x :
. . .. .,:illi:,. .. . .
Im not crazy, the:voicez told me so!!
Err.. yeah, I know its short. Sue me. Schmuck. 13 Asciis. A short 780 lines.
: V o i c e z :
: A Miasma Ascii Colly :
.Dizz, we dont need no.
: Stinkin Dizz :
:/:3 Remorse!Ascii 3::
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