this image contains text
:: You are a proud viewer of a un-colored Atom Bomb ascii ::
oo.lo,s. Ss.
,s. lSs.o.s.
,sSSs.,s. ooSs.
o s oo ,sSS .
Ss.oos.oosSs ,s
. ooooo
o ,:
oos. s sssss.
s s slss.
l .s ,s
oo ,
Each and Every ASCII i do is dedicated to remorse
I would like to thanks Necromancer, Whodini, Kaleidas Omi for
helping out alot : i would also like to thank g0at for being
a great robot on ascii and remorse : just remember when you
see this signature you will also see a cool ascii by me atombomb :
just thought to introduce myself first :
i have seen that people want asciis for their boards all the time
well I decided that i will probably be flooded with requests when
you get this pack so if you want a ascii pic from me make sure to
go threw the following, hey its easy as a, b, c. :
A. have a uncolored, new school, without high ascii font of your bbs
name, make sure to get premission from the artist who did it..
i dont want it to be a joint or change the high to low :
B. kiss my ass :
C. I would like to see a picture from you for atombomb or something
that describes atom bomb : like my signature for instince :
hope you like my newschool, uncolored, without high ascii asciis :
now go check them out already damnit :
Thanks for reading..
oo.lo,s. Ss.
,s. lSs.o.s.
,sSSs.,s. ooSs.
o s oo ,sSS .
Ss.oos.oosSs ,s
. ooooo
o ,:
oos. s sssss.
s s slss.
l .s ,s
oo ,
Each and Every ASCII i do is dedicated to remorse
I would like to thanks Necromancer, Whodini, Kaleidas Omi for
helping out alot : i would also like to thank g0at for being
a great robot on ascii and remorse : just remember when you
see this signature you will also see a cool ascii by me atombomb :
just thought to introduce myself first :
i have seen that people want asciis for their boards all the time
well I decided that i will probably be flooded with requests when
you get this pack so if you want a ascii pic from me make sure to
go threw the following, hey its easy as a, b, c. :
A. have a uncolored, new school, without high ascii font of your bbs
name, make sure to get premission from the artist who did it..
i dont want it to be a joint or change the high to low :
B. kiss my ass :
C. I would like to see a picture from you for atombomb or something
that describes atom bomb : like my signature for instince :
hope you like my newschool, uncolored, without high ascii asciis :
now go check them out already damnit :
Thanks for reading..
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