this image contains text
mixing atoms with angles gg ggg.
msd/rmrs - msd@pangea.ca gggg gg :
- -- ----- :: - :gg gggi
. ..,gg,...,gg. .:gg: P
... :: . :b4: ggP
: ...: .,gSGs,,d 4i SP :
. ..,db,..,dP 4T.. j.j .:. ..:4:.. . :b gggSS ggg ,
. : .db, . .gSL b ,: Qg. . . ,gg. :, :b. , :g. qQ: I ,gP ,gb , b , 4b.4. ..: ..d :, b ,: 4b.gP,g . .: b. , :b , ,gP d. :: .g. :, ,b,,. ,d ,g,b . ,dP g. b,gd: .g : :: . JP g,.SSGQ .g : TI :. P D.,ysSSSSq.bg :L,@g. 4gS 4b. .,Ig,@g.,dP,g,p . gg :P .,gS :. ,GP j .: gg b bggSS . . 4S. gggdi S. i j.4 SSg. i,. ..,d b, i.
b,. .,db,T lP4b P . ,gg, . *,. :. . S: j 4 :bgggg,,,....S:. ,d.,ggb.g. i : PjT.., 4b,4b. g. .. . dbP P 4b. jP j .b, .d Ib .d. Q ,pq.4,4,P jP ,P ,SS : qgb,. yy b,,d7 , ,d , S. SS , ,b,...,g ,dP . 4.Gb.,dPb,...,g, ,d . g.S,dDg.,@SS gg: q. :SgggS4@@@P4.:. ..i :P 4P S 4.:. .d: .,d P D Sg,7P,aSsg Sy.4b..S. ,gSD P ,gS *ggg h. +Sg. 4 jP Ik. gg gg l gggggg ,ggg. . b,. :b. D , J :: SSg, b gg gggggggggggSi I, b.gg: 4 j4b. 4 . .dPi 4g. ,. ,gS ,gg. .gSg. .gP : 4g. .,d JGk dGby*Qg jG .gP . .4y. ggggg, : . . .yP,d.
.gSb.4g.. . . .gP, .Ib.4g.Dg Sggggp j. gggggnggD.gP
:b.4g. g .dbgdb,.dg, gP,gg. ::
b.4,gdy.4P .
: 4D,db.gb.4P . .
qgS4b jP,Gsp . .. :: ,ggb4 S,g, . ,g. :
gSb.4b.4 . ,dgJl .+:. .. :: ,gS ., .,JSg. .*
. b, .gSD . . GSg. .:-. .s.:Sg JQ Qb q* .
.. ,. .-s .,gSS, ,G . . .,Q:,d ,gDG ,*q, b. g:P ., jb. .,gS Sg,. .db ,,QH: .: dbd,db I4 .-s!GD.,gSg,. .i 4P : j j.,SSSg,.g.: . GD . : . ,gSSigGIbg. i . . ..I ,dgS::ig.4i : : .+4i.,gS k : i . . . .p gS
. ,,,gggSSS4: . . . : , . i .,gGyPl . iSl ,lg. b,. , . .,Q: .g: i : : i. I: .4i GD.4g: . .gP , . . j l: . .*
,g ,: i. b . .,j ,:- . + ,gP , . : .b, ,gSD .
,g ,: ,dg,g. ,j P .+ . ,gP . l . 4 j b,. . g .: T,4Dg,.... .dD 4: 4SSSgg,,.
P , S.SS.g, . GSa ,: jS j q. b. P ,db, :. :g. . : .ggd b, Pg. :P .j,g: S ,d@g g. , :P.g . . , g. q.4P :D,p. b,.,g . .,g .,gg,:.4 j .,:,j ,P j SSS ., :., : :,d: j,Sg, : gggSS .g. , ,d P J G ,4g. Sg, . : d . P,g+4g: .p*,b.g. j,g,. P P. ,gSi. b,., .4iPg.4D* : g , i ,j,gP jP4g.Q. gSD...., .Gj,Gg,. j ,gSSg ,b ,P*.q.
. . gSSSS,p b,. j .,gG+ 4b.
. . P. 7. j q,SSSS . . . . . . . b,. . . .P .4 ,
l l. . . . .4, ..4SSQ 7P . . .:- .L
. .L :. 4.. .. . :. b.4ys . d ,P. ..P .:,j , . .b. .4.: i. : ib.b,gg, j: 4 j. .d. . l . .b.iI4. i.g, ji:..i.JPj. .. ,g b.:.b g :. 4gSg. I : . L 4.:.d,P ,j. .iP ,PG.. 0 bgi. . . b.4. .P. ,b. SP , g, jI:T bb P.P.
P ,gL :I..i jb jP,QD S., ,. i .,P.
P ,d. b4.dSg,, .gS j.gd.
P ,dP 4 Gd : 4.
,dP ,d. .D 4P
: ,P .dI. . SD ,j, ,d
@ ,dT:jb. 4S@S 4.
D ,dS: JD, P i
P ,di 4 .,ggg. , jbd
P ,d P :db IgP4D
7 ,di I: .j
,d . ggS b,d
bg ,d..,I
,db.b, Q,
,d., SST
,dP j .Gg.G**,.
,d. . g.bgg,.4a
,dGb,. g,.b,7.
,dP Sa. lSg,4P4
: ,d 4bb :bgdl
: :T
: : j p
: S P
i gg gg
: gg :
.ggggggng gp
, ,Q,Sg,. D:gggg G:
,d 4 P,gSygSg.
jL 7,i.
TS Ggb y D
: jSS@g:bb QgTy:g@SSSb
g Gb. qg:
. jP . 4L
,d. .g@@P,.Sg. ,b.
:gl. dP,ybgb
4 jP,T,dy4
gSb, ,d: :Pl j b. i4b,
,d j : . . 4b, : 4b,
j: 4. :. ,P . :b ,.
:b,. b. g.: , i , db.
g4G.i jPj,d,P
DdgSy i .,gGyPl . iSl ,lg. b,. , . .,Q: .g: i : : i. I: .4i D.4g: .: .gP , . . j l: . .*
: ,g ,: 4 b . .,j ,:- . + ,gP , ,gSSg.b.,b, ,gSD .
,g ,G: iG* g. ,j P .+ . ,gP ,gSSg..b ,gSSg.b., b,. . g g,,g .dD : 4SSSgg,,.
P ,.:S Q S:,G, . GP ,D.,,g@P,4g,,4 q. ,dPb. ,g@SSP ,i,GD,.4D. :. :g. d . : :D ,. 4 b, Pg. :jP .jb.,g b, ,d@g Qg. , :Q.g GDj . , y, q.4P :D,p. jggg,.,g , .,g L .,gg,:.4 j .,:,j ,P j @S ., :., : :,g: j,Sg, : gggSS .g. , ,d P J GP ,4g. Sg, . G: d . P,g+4g: .p*,b.g. j,g,. P. ,gi. b,., .4iPq,4D* : g , i,j,gP jP4g.Q.gSD...., .GjjGg,. j ,gSSg ,b P*.q.
. . gSSSS,p b,. j .,gG+ 4b.
. . P. 7. j q,SSSS . . . . . .G . b,. , , :P .4 ,
l l. . . . .4, ..4SSQ P . .:- .L
. .L :. 4.. .. . :. b.4ys . . . ..P .:,j , . .b. .4.: i. : lb.b,gg, j: , j. .d. . l . .b.iI4. i.g, ji:..i. JPj. .. ,g b.:.b g :. 4gSg. I : . L S.:.d,P ,j. .iP ,G.. bgi. . . b.4. .P. ,b. SP , g,jI:T bb P.P.
P ,gL :I..i jb jP,QD S., ,. i .,P.
P ,d. b4.dSg,, .gS j.gd.
P ,dP 4 Gd : 4.
,dP ,d. .D 4P .,,.: ,P .dI. , dD ,j, ,d ,p@ ,dT:jb. 4S@S 4. ,Q
JD, P i,,....,,..ggggggggp ,jgggggggg 4 .,ggg. , jbdP d P .:db IgP4Dj G,
7 ,g.4i I: .d: .J. b.u,.., ,db.4 . g b,d,d ,
bgb ,d,.,S .d ,db,b, Q, S ,d., SST g gg ,dP j .Gg.::*o, 4 ,d. . g.bgg,.*,4 ,d::Gb,. g,.Gb, , gS ,dP Sa. lSg,4Pq : S ,d,gg,. . 4bb bgdl gg:GSTT ,d Dg, , gSg,i: ,d: .. 4g,4, :T 4 .. ,@ 4g, ,: I D ,,GSg. : : : : g, 7 : j p,j l : . :.: S 9j.4 .d . .+. i gg gg ,G g . .: . : gg : . ..:. .ggggggng gp . 4 : ,*, ,Q,Sg,. D:gggg G: 4. . G. : ,,d 4 P,gSygSg. . , jP jL 7,i. :,.gP SggS j :: ,p, S: .g :g,p*.: TS d ,. . Ggb y D g. P4 : j jP4b jSS@g:bb QgTy:g@SSSb gg g gi ,d.Gb. qg: j b,,,d . . q@GP jP . 4L 4 4g- . j,d. ,g@@P,.Sg. ,b. ,gSSg.4:: gggggg :gl.b,,dD dP,ybgb b, P P4b.4 GP JP,T,d:y4,J q,bdb4g. gSb,,P :Pl j b. i4b, +q b4b,.,d j : . . 4b, : 4b,4P4D . b,Sg j: :. ,gggP . :b ,.4 g : gP , :b,. qSb. g.: , i ,gggp db.4 g: b.P,d@gg.g.4G.i jPj,d,P.gS : b. Pjb.DdgSyg,Gsg.dP d g gb. Jb4,Jg,,gbG.db.4g: :b, Gb.P.,g: *.4gdgg,dgg:P .,,. 4b.b.P,g : ,gg.4,. . db b,. .. db ,g ,Sb,gbg. S : g jP4dbb,..,d : I d : . :: . . ..:. .. .... j:
:gggggggp+ . . +,..
. g ..:,gL ,g, . .. . ::S @g.
.j, 4P,j , : :: g@ :S ,
: ,gSSn, 4.: . .: g.
.... .,gP:b.4.: : .g . :
: ggy zg. 4P b.4.. .g : . .
. : g . ,gp ,.. . ,
: : . .. j:: b... .P ... . gg
:g , : b,. : j ..
ggg ,. ., b. ,P7 : .
: ,d :.-.. j ,P j . . .,-
g J Ggp , , gd: , ,
,b, .. Jj4: jP,4, qb,.. .
:ggSg, . . : : gb,.
I : . ... . . : b4:
l ..:,gg: g..... :
: ggg i : i:. :
:..i ..: ..... I
. ..:.. :gg ..g : :..
.. i:: .. : : : .
.,gg,. g,. .,gg,.g, .: .,gggg,. .
,JP.. 4 ,dP 4Sg, ,JP 4Sg..
jT... g t jT . ..: : .
: a p ,g! . ..gS: . o ... .
ib,. . .,db,..b, .,d,.ib,: . .,d: . .
:.. . P.,gn**gg:.. ...:-+ .,gg,.g,
mixing atoms ,JP :*n,.q.,dP :g,
with angles.. jT . .: 4Sg, : 4g,.
: ,.,g! s . ...:
ib,. m . ...:Pb, ..,d,.
,d: :D
---------- 200----------------------------------------
its been a strugle for me to draww recently, ive become really
lazy towards the scene lately and im out almost all the time im not at
school, and usually when i get a chance to get on the computer its to
work on music for the demotApe, but i still like drawing now and then,
and i still get on irc from time to time so if you want something like
this done for you, just ask msd@pangea.ca and ill do my best, but
like i said, im not drawing as much as i used to, and the neet little
habits that take up all my spare time also cost alot of money .. i
dont like charging money, but its one of the only things that will keep
me drawing right now .. the price can be negotiable and pretty
cheep too. 10 would probly get you something like this here ..
although i did this one for free for juliette, because she frightens
easily : and her bbs needed some jazz
if i dont get any requests in the next while ill probly be
dropping the scene... i just dont have the time. if this is the case,
its been fun, ill miss the good times, it just doesnt seem the same
anymore. sigh
msd/rmrs - msd@pangea.ca gggg gg :
- -- ----- :: - :gg gggi
. ..,gg,...,gg. .:gg: P
... :: . :b4: ggP
: ...: .,gSGs,,d 4i SP :
. ..,db,..,dP 4T.. j.j .:. ..:4:.. . :b gggSS ggg ,
. : .db, . .gSL b ,: Qg. . . ,gg. :, :b. , :g. qQ: I ,gP ,gb , b , 4b.4. ..: ..d :, b ,: 4b.gP,g . .: b. , :b , ,gP d. :: .g. :, ,b,,. ,d ,g,b . ,dP g. b,gd: .g : :: . JP g,.SSGQ .g : TI :. P D.,ysSSSSq.bg :L,@g. 4gS 4b. .,Ig,@g.,dP,g,p . gg :P .,gS :. ,GP j .: gg b bggSS . . 4S. gggdi S. i j.4 SSg. i,. ..,d b, i.
b,. .,db,T lP4b P . ,gg, . *,. :. . S: j 4 :bgggg,,,....S:. ,d.,ggb.g. i : PjT.., 4b,4b. g. .. . dbP P 4b. jP j .b, .d Ib .d. Q ,pq.4,4,P jP ,P ,SS : qgb,. yy b,,d7 , ,d , S. SS , ,b,...,g ,dP . 4.Gb.,dPb,...,g, ,d . g.S,dDg.,@SS gg: q. :SgggS4@@@P4.:. ..i :P 4P S 4.:. .d: .,d P D Sg,7P,aSsg Sy.4b..S. ,gSD P ,gS *ggg h. +Sg. 4 jP Ik. gg gg l gggggg ,ggg. . b,. :b. D , J :: SSg, b gg gggggggggggSi I, b.gg: 4 j4b. 4 . .dPi 4g. ,. ,gS ,gg. .gSg. .gP : 4g. .,d JGk dGby*Qg jG .gP . .4y. ggggg, : . . .yP,d.
.gSb.4g.. . . .gP, .Ib.4g.Dg Sggggp j. gggggnggD.gP
:b.4g. g .dbgdb,.dg, gP,gg. ::
b.4,gdy.4P .
: 4D,db.gb.4P . .
qgS4b jP,Gsp . .. :: ,ggb4 S,g, . ,g. :
gSb.4b.4 . ,dgJl .+:. .. :: ,gS ., .,JSg. .*
. b, .gSD . . GSg. .:-. .s.:Sg JQ Qb q* .
.. ,. .-s .,gSS, ,G . . .,Q:,d ,gDG ,*q, b. g:P ., jb. .,gS Sg,. .db ,,QH: .: dbd,db I4 .-s!GD.,gSg,. .i 4P : j j.,SSSg,.g.: . GD . : . ,gSSigGIbg. i . . ..I ,dgS::ig.4i : : .+4i.,gS k : i . . . .p gS
. ,,,gggSSS4: . . . : , . i .,gGyPl . iSl ,lg. b,. , . .,Q: .g: i : : i. I: .4i GD.4g: . .gP , . . j l: . .*
,g ,: i. b . .,j ,:- . + ,gP , . : .b, ,gSD .
,g ,: ,dg,g. ,j P .+ . ,gP . l . 4 j b,. . g .: T,4Dg,.... .dD 4: 4SSSgg,,.
P , S.SS.g, . GSa ,: jS j q. b. P ,db, :. :g. . : .ggd b, Pg. :P .j,g: S ,d@g g. , :P.g . . , g. q.4P :D,p. b,.,g . .,g .,gg,:.4 j .,:,j ,P j SSS ., :., : :,d: j,Sg, : gggSS .g. , ,d P J G ,4g. Sg, . : d . P,g+4g: .p*,b.g. j,g,. P P. ,gSi. b,., .4iPg.4D* : g , i ,j,gP jP4g.Q. gSD...., .Gj,Gg,. j ,gSSg ,b ,P*.q.
. . gSSSS,p b,. j .,gG+ 4b.
. . P. 7. j q,SSSS . . . . . . . b,. . . .P .4 ,
l l. . . . .4, ..4SSQ 7P . . .:- .L
. .L :. 4.. .. . :. b.4ys . d ,P. ..P .:,j , . .b. .4.: i. : ib.b,gg, j: 4 j. .d. . l . .b.iI4. i.g, ji:..i.JPj. .. ,g b.:.b g :. 4gSg. I : . L 4.:.d,P ,j. .iP ,PG.. 0 bgi. . . b.4. .P. ,b. SP , g, jI:T bb P.P.
P ,gL :I..i jb jP,QD S., ,. i .,P.
P ,d. b4.dSg,, .gS j.gd.
P ,dP 4 Gd : 4.
,dP ,d. .D 4P
: ,P .dI. . SD ,j, ,d
@ ,dT:jb. 4S@S 4.
D ,dS: JD, P i
P ,di 4 .,ggg. , jbd
P ,d P :db IgP4D
7 ,di I: .j
,d . ggS b,d
bg ,d..,I
,db.b, Q,
,d., SST
,dP j .Gg.G**,.
,d. . g.bgg,.4a
,dGb,. g,.b,7.
,dP Sa. lSg,4P4
: ,d 4bb :bgdl
: :T
: : j p
: S P
i gg gg
: gg :
.ggggggng gp
, ,Q,Sg,. D:gggg G:
,d 4 P,gSygSg.
jL 7,i.
TS Ggb y D
: jSS@g:bb QgTy:g@SSSb
g Gb. qg:
. jP . 4L
,d. .g@@P,.Sg. ,b.
:gl. dP,ybgb
4 jP,T,dy4
gSb, ,d: :Pl j b. i4b,
,d j : . . 4b, : 4b,
j: 4. :. ,P . :b ,.
:b,. b. g.: , i , db.
g4G.i jPj,d,P
DdgSy i .,gGyPl . iSl ,lg. b,. , . .,Q: .g: i : : i. I: .4i D.4g: .: .gP , . . j l: . .*
: ,g ,: 4 b . .,j ,:- . + ,gP , ,gSSg.b.,b, ,gSD .
,g ,G: iG* g. ,j P .+ . ,gP ,gSSg..b ,gSSg.b., b,. . g g,,g .dD : 4SSSgg,,.
P ,.:S Q S:,G, . GP ,D.,,g@P,4g,,4 q. ,dPb. ,g@SSP ,i,GD,.4D. :. :g. d . : :D ,. 4 b, Pg. :jP .jb.,g b, ,d@g Qg. , :Q.g GDj . , y, q.4P :D,p. jggg,.,g , .,g L .,gg,:.4 j .,:,j ,P j @S ., :., : :,g: j,Sg, : gggSS .g. , ,d P J GP ,4g. Sg, . G: d . P,g+4g: .p*,b.g. j,g,. P. ,gi. b,., .4iPq,4D* : g , i,j,gP jP4g.Q.gSD...., .GjjGg,. j ,gSSg ,b P*.q.
. . gSSSS,p b,. j .,gG+ 4b.
. . P. 7. j q,SSSS . . . . . .G . b,. , , :P .4 ,
l l. . . . .4, ..4SSQ P . .:- .L
. .L :. 4.. .. . :. b.4ys . . . ..P .:,j , . .b. .4.: i. : lb.b,gg, j: , j. .d. . l . .b.iI4. i.g, ji:..i. JPj. .. ,g b.:.b g :. 4gSg. I : . L S.:.d,P ,j. .iP ,G.. bgi. . . b.4. .P. ,b. SP , g,jI:T bb P.P.
P ,gL :I..i jb jP,QD S., ,. i .,P.
P ,d. b4.dSg,, .gS j.gd.
P ,dP 4 Gd : 4.
,dP ,d. .D 4P .,,.: ,P .dI. , dD ,j, ,d ,p@ ,dT:jb. 4S@S 4. ,Q
JD, P i,,....,,..ggggggggp ,jgggggggg 4 .,ggg. , jbdP d P .:db IgP4Dj G,
7 ,g.4i I: .d: .J. b.u,.., ,db.4 . g b,d,d ,
bgb ,d,.,S .d ,db,b, Q, S ,d., SST g gg ,dP j .Gg.::*o, 4 ,d. . g.bgg,.*,4 ,d::Gb,. g,.Gb, , gS ,dP Sa. lSg,4Pq : S ,d,gg,. . 4bb bgdl gg:GSTT ,d Dg, , gSg,i: ,d: .. 4g,4, :T 4 .. ,@ 4g, ,: I D ,,GSg. : : : : g, 7 : j p,j l : . :.: S 9j.4 .d . .+. i gg gg ,G g . .: . : gg : . ..:. .ggggggng gp . 4 : ,*, ,Q,Sg,. D:gggg G: 4. . G. : ,,d 4 P,gSygSg. . , jP jL 7,i. :,.gP SggS j :: ,p, S: .g :g,p*.: TS d ,. . Ggb y D g. P4 : j jP4b jSS@g:bb QgTy:g@SSSb gg g gi ,d.Gb. qg: j b,,,d . . q@GP jP . 4L 4 4g- . j,d. ,g@@P,.Sg. ,b. ,gSSg.4:: gggggg :gl.b,,dD dP,ybgb b, P P4b.4 GP JP,T,d:y4,J q,bdb4g. gSb,,P :Pl j b. i4b, +q b4b,.,d j : . . 4b, : 4b,4P4D . b,Sg j: :. ,gggP . :b ,.4 g : gP , :b,. qSb. g.: , i ,gggp db.4 g: b.P,d@gg.g.4G.i jPj,d,P.gS : b. Pjb.DdgSyg,Gsg.dP d g gb. Jb4,Jg,,gbG.db.4g: :b, Gb.P.,g: *.4gdgg,dgg:P .,,. 4b.b.P,g : ,gg.4,. . db b,. .. db ,g ,Sb,gbg. S : g jP4dbb,..,d : I d : . :: . . ..:. .. .... j:
:gggggggp+ . . +,..
. g ..:,gL ,g, . .. . ::S @g.
.j, 4P,j , : :: g@ :S ,
: ,gSSn, 4.: . .: g.
.... .,gP:b.4.: : .g . :
: ggy zg. 4P b.4.. .g : . .
. : g . ,gp ,.. . ,
: : . .. j:: b... .P ... . gg
:g , : b,. : j ..
ggg ,. ., b. ,P7 : .
: ,d :.-.. j ,P j . . .,-
g J Ggp , , gd: , ,
,b, .. Jj4: jP,4, qb,.. .
:ggSg, . . : : gb,.
I : . ... . . : b4:
l ..:,gg: g..... :
: ggg i : i:. :
:..i ..: ..... I
. ..:.. :gg ..g : :..
.. i:: .. : : : .
.,gg,. g,. .,gg,.g, .: .,gggg,. .
,JP.. 4 ,dP 4Sg, ,JP 4Sg..
jT... g t jT . ..: : .
: a p ,g! . ..gS: . o ... .
ib,. . .,db,..b, .,d,.ib,: . .,d: . .
:.. . P.,gn**gg:.. ...:-+ .,gg,.g,
mixing atoms ,JP :*n,.q.,dP :g,
with angles.. jT . .: 4Sg, : 4g,.
: ,.,g! s . ...:
ib,. m . ...:Pb, ..,d,.
,d: :D
---------- 200----------------------------------------
its been a strugle for me to draww recently, ive become really
lazy towards the scene lately and im out almost all the time im not at
school, and usually when i get a chance to get on the computer its to
work on music for the demotApe, but i still like drawing now and then,
and i still get on irc from time to time so if you want something like
this done for you, just ask msd@pangea.ca and ill do my best, but
like i said, im not drawing as much as i used to, and the neet little
habits that take up all my spare time also cost alot of money .. i
dont like charging money, but its one of the only things that will keep
me drawing right now .. the price can be negotiable and pretty
cheep too. 10 would probly get you something like this here ..
although i did this one for free for juliette, because she frightens
easily : and her bbs needed some jazz
if i dont get any requests in the next while ill probly be
dropping the scene... i just dont have the time. if this is the case,
its been fun, ill miss the good times, it just doesnt seem the same
anymore. sigh
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