this image contains text
/ / nM /
/ : . r e m o r s e
1 9 8 1
Remorse.Ascii Presents ...
martz but well rip remorses oldschool dev.
/ hP!
: / : k a t u m a :
: issue 1 :................................:
Katuma, the official Remorse PC Ascii Scene Quarterly Publication
Table of contents:
1. Introduction, What is this crap?
1a. Members active this month
2. No bloody quality
3. PC Ascii groups, alive and dead
4. Chronological listing of Remorse releases
5. A listing of all current members
6. All Remorse members, past and present
7. Remorse Affiliated Bulletin Board Systems
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 1. Welcome.
Ahh .. confused, are we? Please, allow me to explain. Just like our
parent group, ACiD, we will release a newsletter on a quarterly basis.
Sort of a grouply update every three months, starting on the third month
of 1997, March. And just for the hell of it, well call it Katuma,
which you euros out there will know means Remorse in Finnish.
Anyway. With the release of pack 8, we realized that even the greatest
can have an off month. And thats exactly what we had. This month were
back, and were STILL kicking your mothers ass. Any serious pack news
this month? Not really .. some internal strife problems, which were
quickly resolved, a loss of the acid.org machine, which is another problem
that is being resolved. No new members, no leaving members. This is sort
of a relaxed month, I suppose.
Bad Spirit R-DNB.TXT ASCII Collection
Cannabis C4-* Individual Pieces
Cypher Hex CH-* Individual Pieces
Endless Nameless EN-* Individual Pieces
Enigmatic ENIG-* Individual Pieces
Fahrenheit FH-* Individual Pieces
Firestorm FM-* Individual Pieces
Fractal FR-* Individual Pieces
Hiro Protagonist R-TSM.TXT ASCII Collection
Gravedancer GDR-* Individual Pieces
Kaleidas KAL-* Individual Pieces
Lethal Injection LI-0397.ASC Logo Cluster
Megga Hertz R-MHZTKP.TXT ASCII Collection
Mr. Self Destruct MD-* Individual Pieces
Necromancer NM-* Individual Pieces
Omicron OM-* Individual Pieces
Spinsane SP-* Individual Pieces
Whodini R-THE1.TXT ASCII Collection
- Necromancer
ACiD Ascii Coordinator
P.S. As usual, I must remind you that we are the best, fuck the rest,
were ACiD, youre not, greets out to Noname.
We arent chosen, we choose. Were invite-ONLY. There is no application.
Oh, and my personal apologies go to the Remorse members whose work was
not included in the last pack. It was an extremely rushed release, and it
will not happen again. Hopefully.
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 2. No bloody quality
There has been a recent trend in art that many find quite disturbing.
It would seem that groups and not just ascii groups are appearing in the
scene with boatfuls of ..now whats the right word...ah yes, CRAP drawers.
One would almost believe that talent has given way to banging on the keys.
A sample of the shit that makes into some of these packs might be this:
damn, im so c00l....ive got my own group.
font by !d0rkb0y!
Not only is that hideously UGLY, its complete crap. And someone was dumb
enough to think it deserved to be seen by other people. After seeing this
kind of shit all over the place, its only fair for most people to say
that the scene itself is dying. Look at whats coming. Gone are the days
when people would work in local groups to get their skills honed, and THEN
try to get into a large group. Now it seems that any idiot with a modem
truly believes they have what it takes to run their very own group where
quality is secondary to putting out their group pack.
Somebody grab a gun, its time to put these people out of our misery.
-WindRider, Quad-P/Revolt
Feb 28 1997
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 3. Groups in the PC Ascii scene, alive and dead.
- Alive::
ACiD Ascii/Remorse - R-, RMRS-*.ZIP
Aphro - APHRO-*.ZIP
Blade Ascii - ???
CIA Ascii - ???
Fire Ascii - FIREA-*.ZIP
Katharsis!Ascii - KTS!, KTS-, KTS
Noname - NONAME*.ZIP
Odelay - ODELAY*.ZIP
oOps - OPS-, OOPS!A*.ZIP
Polyester - POLY*.ZIP
Quad-P Ascii - QUAD*.ZIP
Serial - SERIAL*.ZIP
Vinyl - VINYL*.ZIP
- Dead::
Alter - ALTER001.ZIP
Basic - BASIC-*.ZIP
Endow - ENDOW-*.ZIP
Epidemic - EP-*.ZIP
Grape - GRP-0796.ZIP
Grill - GRL!*.ZIP
Hallucination - HN-*.ZIP
Hatred - HATRED*.ZIP
Iesus - IESUS000.ZIP
Nodorio - ND-PAK*.ZIP
Oil - OIL-*.ZIP, BOO-96.ZIP
Shiver Ascii - ASC-*.ZIP
Simple!Ascii - SIMPLE01.ZIP
Soap - S0AP*.ZIP
Sole - SOLE-01.ZIP
Suave - ???
Trank - TK-, TRANK-*.ZIP
TRiBE Ascii - PMK-*.ASC
Telepathy - TPY*.ZIP, TPY-*.ZIP
Trash - TSH-*.ZIP
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 4. Group releases, past and present.
RMRS-01.ZIP December 01, 1994 Group
First Remorse Pack Run by Necromancer Necronite
RMRS-02.ZIP December 25, 1994 Group
Second Remorse Pack
RMRS-03.ZIP Febuary 12, 1995 Group
Third Remorse Pack Run by Whodini Omicron
RMRS-04.ZIP March 3, 1995 Group
Fourth Remorse Pack
RMRS-05.ZIP May 1, 1995 Group
Fifth Remorse Pack
Remorse breaks up
R-MFC.TXT October 28, 1996 Erupt
Muh First Colly
R-SV.TXT November 26, 1996 Miasma/Blindman
Satanic Verses
R-ANO.TXT December 2, 1996 Erupt
Another Colly
R-OMISAN.TXT December 3, 1996 Omicron
Shogun Assassin/Nostalgia
R-WDWGFH.TXT December 3, 1996 Whodini
Where do we go from here?
RMRS-06.ZIP December 4, 1996 Group
Sixth Remorse Pack Run by Necromancer Whodini
R-ASS.TXT December 4, 1996 Necromancer
R-JAGOFF.TXT November 13, 1996 MeggaHertz
R-HEP.TXT December 14, 1996 Haji
R-VI.TXT December 23, 1996 Miasma
R-EUROT.TXT December 28, 1996 Trip
R-OMISKK.TXT January 2, 1997 Omicron
Stoan Kold Killas
R-TERRA.TXT January 7, 1997 Necromancer
Terra Cotta
RMRS-07.ZIP January 7, 1997 Group
Seventh Remorse Pack
R-THE1.TXT January 11, 1997 Whodini
Im the One
R-TRYPT.TXT January 13, 1997 J. Hale aka Asphixia
R-MHZTDA.TXT January 16, 1997 MeggaHertz
The Day After
R-DEBUT.TXT January 21, 1997 Revert
The Debut
R-TRYPT.TXT January 22, 1997 Justin Hale
R-ITMOM.TXT January 29, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
In the Mouth of Madness
R-NOSOUL.TXT February 2, 1997 Erupt
No Soul
RMRS-08.ZIP February 2, 1997 Group
Eighth Remorse Pack
R-DNB.TXT February 9, 1997 Bad Spirit
Do not Breathe
R-MHZTKP.TXT February 11, 1997 Megga Hertz
The Kingpin
R-TSM.TXT February 25, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
To Serve man
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 5. Current Remorse members, active and inactive.
Arrogance treeborn@cris.com
Asphixia 44-4058@tnet.bluethun.com
Bad Spirit bds@login.strada.net
Cannabis jgrimes@helios.acomp.usf.edu
Cypher Hex chexbitz@epit.netset.com
Discyple samiss@bc1.com
Endless Nameless endless@deltanet.com
Enigmatic alien@seanet.com
Erupt erupt@erupt.thenet.net
Ewheat ewheat@chinet.chinet.com
Fahrenheit fah@europa.com
Firestorm yablonka@shani.net
Fractal fractal@istar.ca
Gravedancer gravey@juno.com
Hiro Protagonist hiro@breaks.for.alienz.org
Kaleidas kaleidas@pacbell.net
Killa Hertz khz@acid.org
KXMode randrew@primenet.com
Lethal Injection ease@digital-rain.com
Megga Hertz phils7@primenet.com
The Messiah dan@dinjax.com
Miasma miasma@pb.net
Mice mikkol@icon.fi
Mr. Self Destruct msd@pangea.ca
Necromancer dunn@pacbell.net
Nuremburg ckks@netcom.ca
Omicron omi@breaks.for.alienz.org
Phaser X phaserx@berkshire.net
Polymorph polymorph@cryogen.com
Revert reve@unix.dsoe.com
The Silent Killer dever001@coyote.csusm.edu
Sir Death
Spear spear@cps.k12.ny.us
Terminator 2 term2@netcom.com
Trip tripapa@nether.net
Whodini whodini@epit.netset.com
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 6. All Remorse.Ascii members, past and present.
Arrogance/aCk treeborn@chris.com
Asphixia/J. Hale 44-4058@tnet.bluethun.com
Bad Spirit bds@login.strada.net
Beastie beastie@acid.org
Cannabis jgrimes@helios.acomp.usf.edu
Christopher Robin
Cool T
Creaping Death
Cypher Hex chexbitz@epit.netset.com
Deep delamop@sdcoe.k12.ca.us
Diabolos mocat@hooked.net
Discyple samiss@bc1.com
Endless Nameless endless@deltanet.com
Enigmatic alien@seanet.com
Erupt erupt@erupt.thenet.net
Eternal Chaos
Ewheat ewheat@chinet.chinet.com
Fahrenheit fah@europa.com
Firestorm yablonka@shani.net
Fractal fractal@istar.ca
Gravedancer gravey@juno.com
Hiro Protagonist hiro@breaks.for.alienz.org
Kaleidas kaleidas@pacbell.net
Killa Hertz khz@acid.org
KXMode randrew@primenet.com
Lethal Injection ease@digital-rain.com
Lord Jazz
Maestro/The Despised maestro@breaks.for.alienz.org
Megga Hertz phils7@primenet.com
The Messiah dan@dinjax.com
Miasma miasma@pb.net
Mice mikkol@icon.fi
Mr. Self Destruct/MSD msd@pangea.ca
Necromancer dunn@pacbell.net
Necronite/Opus necros@qpt.com
Nitrogen/Lord Nitrogen
Nuremburg ckks@netcom.ca
Ogre ogre@total.net
Omicron omi@breaks.for.alienz.org
Phaser-X phaserx@berkshire.net
Polymorph polymorph@cryogen.com
Revert reve@unix.dsoe.com
Shadow Sorcerer
The Silent Killer
Sir Death
Spear spear@cps.k12.ny.us
Terminator 2 term2@netcom.com
Trip tripapa@nether.net
Twisted Logic
Whodini whodini@epit.netset.com
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 7. Remorse affiliated BBSs, FTP sites and web pages.
Abraxas Op: Megga Hertz Remorse 1/2 USHQ
Dialup: 818-XXX-XXXX
Back in the Day Op: Necromancer Remorse Internet HQ
IP: breaks.for.alienz.org
FTP: breaks.for.alienz.org
Eden Op: Cypher Hex Remorse Other 1/2 USHQ
Dialup: 614-475-1194
ModemLand Op: Hiro Protagonist Remorse World Headquarters
Dialup: 306-652-4359
Whodinis Magick Op: Whodini Remorse Pimp-site
Dialup: 614-860-1841
/ : . r e m o r s e
1 9 8 1
Remorse.Ascii Presents ...
martz but well rip remorses oldschool dev.
/ hP!
: / : k a t u m a :
: issue 1 :................................:
Katuma, the official Remorse PC Ascii Scene Quarterly Publication
Table of contents:
1. Introduction, What is this crap?
1a. Members active this month
2. No bloody quality
3. PC Ascii groups, alive and dead
4. Chronological listing of Remorse releases
5. A listing of all current members
6. All Remorse members, past and present
7. Remorse Affiliated Bulletin Board Systems
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 1. Welcome.
Ahh .. confused, are we? Please, allow me to explain. Just like our
parent group, ACiD, we will release a newsletter on a quarterly basis.
Sort of a grouply update every three months, starting on the third month
of 1997, March. And just for the hell of it, well call it Katuma,
which you euros out there will know means Remorse in Finnish.
Anyway. With the release of pack 8, we realized that even the greatest
can have an off month. And thats exactly what we had. This month were
back, and were STILL kicking your mothers ass. Any serious pack news
this month? Not really .. some internal strife problems, which were
quickly resolved, a loss of the acid.org machine, which is another problem
that is being resolved. No new members, no leaving members. This is sort
of a relaxed month, I suppose.
Bad Spirit R-DNB.TXT ASCII Collection
Cannabis C4-* Individual Pieces
Cypher Hex CH-* Individual Pieces
Endless Nameless EN-* Individual Pieces
Enigmatic ENIG-* Individual Pieces
Fahrenheit FH-* Individual Pieces
Firestorm FM-* Individual Pieces
Fractal FR-* Individual Pieces
Hiro Protagonist R-TSM.TXT ASCII Collection
Gravedancer GDR-* Individual Pieces
Kaleidas KAL-* Individual Pieces
Lethal Injection LI-0397.ASC Logo Cluster
Megga Hertz R-MHZTKP.TXT ASCII Collection
Mr. Self Destruct MD-* Individual Pieces
Necromancer NM-* Individual Pieces
Omicron OM-* Individual Pieces
Spinsane SP-* Individual Pieces
Whodini R-THE1.TXT ASCII Collection
- Necromancer
ACiD Ascii Coordinator
P.S. As usual, I must remind you that we are the best, fuck the rest,
were ACiD, youre not, greets out to Noname.
We arent chosen, we choose. Were invite-ONLY. There is no application.
Oh, and my personal apologies go to the Remorse members whose work was
not included in the last pack. It was an extremely rushed release, and it
will not happen again. Hopefully.
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 2. No bloody quality
There has been a recent trend in art that many find quite disturbing.
It would seem that groups and not just ascii groups are appearing in the
scene with boatfuls of ..now whats the right word...ah yes, CRAP drawers.
One would almost believe that talent has given way to banging on the keys.
A sample of the shit that makes into some of these packs might be this:
damn, im so c00l....ive got my own group.
font by !d0rkb0y!
Not only is that hideously UGLY, its complete crap. And someone was dumb
enough to think it deserved to be seen by other people. After seeing this
kind of shit all over the place, its only fair for most people to say
that the scene itself is dying. Look at whats coming. Gone are the days
when people would work in local groups to get their skills honed, and THEN
try to get into a large group. Now it seems that any idiot with a modem
truly believes they have what it takes to run their very own group where
quality is secondary to putting out their group pack.
Somebody grab a gun, its time to put these people out of our misery.
-WindRider, Quad-P/Revolt
Feb 28 1997
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 3. Groups in the PC Ascii scene, alive and dead.
- Alive::
ACiD Ascii/Remorse - R-, RMRS-*.ZIP
Aphro - APHRO-*.ZIP
Blade Ascii - ???
CIA Ascii - ???
Fire Ascii - FIREA-*.ZIP
Katharsis!Ascii - KTS!, KTS-, KTS
Noname - NONAME*.ZIP
Odelay - ODELAY*.ZIP
oOps - OPS-, OOPS!A*.ZIP
Polyester - POLY*.ZIP
Quad-P Ascii - QUAD*.ZIP
Serial - SERIAL*.ZIP
Vinyl - VINYL*.ZIP
- Dead::
Alter - ALTER001.ZIP
Basic - BASIC-*.ZIP
Endow - ENDOW-*.ZIP
Epidemic - EP-*.ZIP
Grape - GRP-0796.ZIP
Grill - GRL!*.ZIP
Hallucination - HN-*.ZIP
Hatred - HATRED*.ZIP
Iesus - IESUS000.ZIP
Nodorio - ND-PAK*.ZIP
Oil - OIL-*.ZIP, BOO-96.ZIP
Shiver Ascii - ASC-*.ZIP
Simple!Ascii - SIMPLE01.ZIP
Soap - S0AP*.ZIP
Sole - SOLE-01.ZIP
Suave - ???
Trank - TK-, TRANK-*.ZIP
TRiBE Ascii - PMK-*.ASC
Telepathy - TPY*.ZIP, TPY-*.ZIP
Trash - TSH-*.ZIP
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 4. Group releases, past and present.
RMRS-01.ZIP December 01, 1994 Group
First Remorse Pack Run by Necromancer Necronite
RMRS-02.ZIP December 25, 1994 Group
Second Remorse Pack
RMRS-03.ZIP Febuary 12, 1995 Group
Third Remorse Pack Run by Whodini Omicron
RMRS-04.ZIP March 3, 1995 Group
Fourth Remorse Pack
RMRS-05.ZIP May 1, 1995 Group
Fifth Remorse Pack
Remorse breaks up
R-MFC.TXT October 28, 1996 Erupt
Muh First Colly
R-SV.TXT November 26, 1996 Miasma/Blindman
Satanic Verses
R-ANO.TXT December 2, 1996 Erupt
Another Colly
R-OMISAN.TXT December 3, 1996 Omicron
Shogun Assassin/Nostalgia
R-WDWGFH.TXT December 3, 1996 Whodini
Where do we go from here?
RMRS-06.ZIP December 4, 1996 Group
Sixth Remorse Pack Run by Necromancer Whodini
R-ASS.TXT December 4, 1996 Necromancer
R-JAGOFF.TXT November 13, 1996 MeggaHertz
R-HEP.TXT December 14, 1996 Haji
R-VI.TXT December 23, 1996 Miasma
R-EUROT.TXT December 28, 1996 Trip
R-OMISKK.TXT January 2, 1997 Omicron
Stoan Kold Killas
R-TERRA.TXT January 7, 1997 Necromancer
Terra Cotta
RMRS-07.ZIP January 7, 1997 Group
Seventh Remorse Pack
R-THE1.TXT January 11, 1997 Whodini
Im the One
R-TRYPT.TXT January 13, 1997 J. Hale aka Asphixia
R-MHZTDA.TXT January 16, 1997 MeggaHertz
The Day After
R-DEBUT.TXT January 21, 1997 Revert
The Debut
R-TRYPT.TXT January 22, 1997 Justin Hale
R-ITMOM.TXT January 29, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
In the Mouth of Madness
R-NOSOUL.TXT February 2, 1997 Erupt
No Soul
RMRS-08.ZIP February 2, 1997 Group
Eighth Remorse Pack
R-DNB.TXT February 9, 1997 Bad Spirit
Do not Breathe
R-MHZTKP.TXT February 11, 1997 Megga Hertz
The Kingpin
R-TSM.TXT February 25, 1997 Hiro Protagonist
To Serve man
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 5. Current Remorse members, active and inactive.
Arrogance treeborn@cris.com
Asphixia 44-4058@tnet.bluethun.com
Bad Spirit bds@login.strada.net
Cannabis jgrimes@helios.acomp.usf.edu
Cypher Hex chexbitz@epit.netset.com
Discyple samiss@bc1.com
Endless Nameless endless@deltanet.com
Enigmatic alien@seanet.com
Erupt erupt@erupt.thenet.net
Ewheat ewheat@chinet.chinet.com
Fahrenheit fah@europa.com
Firestorm yablonka@shani.net
Fractal fractal@istar.ca
Gravedancer gravey@juno.com
Hiro Protagonist hiro@breaks.for.alienz.org
Kaleidas kaleidas@pacbell.net
Killa Hertz khz@acid.org
KXMode randrew@primenet.com
Lethal Injection ease@digital-rain.com
Megga Hertz phils7@primenet.com
The Messiah dan@dinjax.com
Miasma miasma@pb.net
Mice mikkol@icon.fi
Mr. Self Destruct msd@pangea.ca
Necromancer dunn@pacbell.net
Nuremburg ckks@netcom.ca
Omicron omi@breaks.for.alienz.org
Phaser X phaserx@berkshire.net
Polymorph polymorph@cryogen.com
Revert reve@unix.dsoe.com
The Silent Killer dever001@coyote.csusm.edu
Sir Death
Spear spear@cps.k12.ny.us
Terminator 2 term2@netcom.com
Trip tripapa@nether.net
Whodini whodini@epit.netset.com
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 6. All Remorse.Ascii members, past and present.
Arrogance/aCk treeborn@chris.com
Asphixia/J. Hale 44-4058@tnet.bluethun.com
Bad Spirit bds@login.strada.net
Beastie beastie@acid.org
Cannabis jgrimes@helios.acomp.usf.edu
Christopher Robin
Cool T
Creaping Death
Cypher Hex chexbitz@epit.netset.com
Deep delamop@sdcoe.k12.ca.us
Diabolos mocat@hooked.net
Discyple samiss@bc1.com
Endless Nameless endless@deltanet.com
Enigmatic alien@seanet.com
Erupt erupt@erupt.thenet.net
Eternal Chaos
Ewheat ewheat@chinet.chinet.com
Fahrenheit fah@europa.com
Firestorm yablonka@shani.net
Fractal fractal@istar.ca
Gravedancer gravey@juno.com
Hiro Protagonist hiro@breaks.for.alienz.org
Kaleidas kaleidas@pacbell.net
Killa Hertz khz@acid.org
KXMode randrew@primenet.com
Lethal Injection ease@digital-rain.com
Lord Jazz
Maestro/The Despised maestro@breaks.for.alienz.org
Megga Hertz phils7@primenet.com
The Messiah dan@dinjax.com
Miasma miasma@pb.net
Mice mikkol@icon.fi
Mr. Self Destruct/MSD msd@pangea.ca
Necromancer dunn@pacbell.net
Necronite/Opus necros@qpt.com
Nitrogen/Lord Nitrogen
Nuremburg ckks@netcom.ca
Ogre ogre@total.net
Omicron omi@breaks.for.alienz.org
Phaser-X phaserx@berkshire.net
Polymorph polymorph@cryogen.com
Revert reve@unix.dsoe.com
Shadow Sorcerer
The Silent Killer
Sir Death
Spear spear@cps.k12.ny.us
Terminator 2 term2@netcom.com
Trip tripapa@nether.net
Twisted Logic
Whodini whodini@epit.netset.com
/ nM/
K A T U M A / //
/ 7. Remorse affiliated BBSs, FTP sites and web pages.
Abraxas Op: Megga Hertz Remorse 1/2 USHQ
Dialup: 818-XXX-XXXX
Back in the Day Op: Necromancer Remorse Internet HQ
IP: breaks.for.alienz.org
FTP: breaks.for.alienz.org
Eden Op: Cypher Hex Remorse Other 1/2 USHQ
Dialup: 614-475-1194
ModemLand Op: Hiro Protagonist Remorse World Headquarters
Dialup: 306-652-4359
Whodinis Magick Op: Whodini Remorse Pimp-site
Dialup: 614-860-1841
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