this image contains text
.,ggQQppQQQQpp,. yes i know i could
,gQQp.,d********q. do better... but
:::::l7,gQl: . 47. :lQp,QQ: ,gQl: . 4b. who cares?
* d7,, b.,d.,4 d7. b.4b,,.
actually ll l,dl jl :lb. 4,,l,gQl jb,*88b.
i really l :l .,g7p,.b. l .,g7. :
tried l. : b.7 l,dl l: , 7,db.,l
to make :lQQb. , ,d7 ,b. ,pd:
this as lb. b. l.,ggdl
readable 7 .lb.*7**:
as possible.. l.,d7. ,db 7 . :lQp, l
,d. 7l: .,d77,d. 47,:
it says :7. . l,gp. b. 47,d l lbggdl
remorse :l7,d,gp.l 7 jb. 7p,.7
anyways.. ll :l l l.,g7,b.b. l ,7
:l.lp,..,d7 lb,7,d7.lb., ,dl
: ,gQb,,db. ,db. :Qp.
:::::::lQyyQ7 b. bpQ7 1.*88:
*88* ,7 .l7,gQQp.. l
,d.,d7,db, ,l
:, 7,dgdl:
lb. pm
4Qggd7 *888*
,gQQp.,d********q. do better... but
:::::l7,gQl: . 47. :lQp,QQ: ,gQl: . 4b. who cares?
* d7,, b.,d.,4 d7. b.4b,,.
actually ll l,dl jl :lb. 4,,l,gQl jb,*88b.
i really l :l .,g7p,.b. l .,g7. :
tried l. : b.7 l,dl l: , 7,db.,l
to make :lQQb. , ,d7 ,b. ,pd:
this as lb. b. l.,ggdl
readable 7 .lb.*7**:
as possible.. l.,d7. ,db 7 . :lQp, l
,d. 7l: .,d77,d. 47,:
it says :7. . l,gp. b. 47,d l lbggdl
remorse :l7,d,gp.l 7 jb. 7p,.7
anyways.. ll :l l l.,g7,b.b. l ,7
:l.lp,..,d7 lb,7,d7.lb., ,dl
: ,gQb,,db. ,db. :Qp.
:::::::lQyyQ7 b. bpQ7 1.*88:
*88* ,7 .l7,gQQp.. l
,d.,d7,db, ,l
:, 7,dgdl:
lb. pm
4Qggd7 *888*
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