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wd/rmrs this ascii was requested by Cardiac for a different board..oo0ps..Q
- --- D E S O L A T E V O I C E S --- -
*Cardiac* Can you make a readable ascii for my board?
/msg cardiac no problem. whuts the name?
*Cardiac* Disembodied Voices
/msg omi can you make a readable ascii for Desolate Voices?
*omi* Im busy with asciis for glock9
- --- D E S O L A T E V O I C E S --- -
*Cardiac* Can you make a readable ascii for my board?
/msg cardiac no problem. whuts the name?
*Cardiac* Disembodied Voices
/msg omi can you make a readable ascii for Desolate Voices?
*omi* Im busy with asciis for glock9
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