this image contains text
:::. / /wd .. / / .. / / ... / ......
iNFO ! ! a S C I I o N L Y ! !
..to apply for remorse , call MD.. //
.408/445-9323 H:rEMORSE P:rEMORSE.too many ansi groups already. thats why
--,-,--,--,--,--,--,--,-p:CK kNEWZ-,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,
.......................... tRIAL/ nEW mEMBERS ..........................
............ christopher robin cr, from acid/ice/union/razor ............
............ kokane kk, cuz he said Opus said he was with us ............
............ nitrogen no, from god knows where rmrs gets em ............
............ epidemic ep, from bumfucked egypt, or maybe not ............
............ twisted logic tl, from a place he fucking lives ............
............ biohazard bh, from emerge look we know shit!! ............
........................... rETURNING mEMBERS ..........................
............................ sHAFTED mEMBERS ...........................
................ beastie met the boot because of inactivity ...............
................ phaser-x pyromaniak got lord boot pissed ...............
................ lord jazz doesnt like the ascii scene now ...............
................ tae got the boot cuz he dont do jack shit ...............
....................... mISCELLANEOUS mEMBER iNFO .......................
............... spawn sp changed his nick to stigmata st ..............
............... said dw was dark warrior,its death wish dw ..............
................................ KbLABBER ...............................
.... if you do not like ascii do not look at it, we do not give a shit ....
.... this is a very very rushed pack so half this info is not accurate ....
................................. bBS aD ................................
. whodinis magik +1-614-860-1841 rmrs, futile, revolt, tuc, kts!ascii .
............. art - hack/phreak - where the dangerous hang out ............
:. necromancer nm, opus op .: --... founder --...
:.. omicron om, whodini wd ..: ...-- senior staff ...--
. martyr my, bastardizer ba . --... coordinator/mop-top --...
::::..... diabolos db ......:::: ...--internet coordinator...--
:.. asphixia as, asylum ay ..: --... ascii pimps --...
::. biohazrd bh, cable ca .:: --... ascii pimps --...
:::.. christopher robin cr ..::: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
. death wish dw, epidemic ep . --... ascii pimps --...
:::::.. eternal chaos et, ..:::: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:::..... fire stone fs, .....::: --... ascii pimp --...
::... hiro protaginist hp, ...:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
::. hyped hy, kerplunk ky .:: --... ascii pimp --...
::.. kokane kk, kxmode kx ..:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
mephitopeles mp, nitrogen no --... ascii pimp --...
::.. ogre og, paradox pd ..:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:::... shadow sorcerer ss ...::: --... ascii pimp --...
:.. skitzo sk, stigmata sp ..: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:. twisted logic tl, woj wj .: --... ascii pimp --...
--------- aFFILIATED bUL.ETIN bOARD sYSTEMS ----------
.......... meltdown ..........408 ......... world headquarters .........
. rise of the midnight sons .604 ......... canuck headquarters .........
......... system one .........+46 ......... euro headquarters .........
........ harvest moon ........216 . central united states headquarters .
... the ravaged nightmare ...516 . eastern united states headquarters .
.......... malfeas ...........800 . western united states headquarters .
..... state of euphoria .....713 . southern united states headquarters .
........ sushi bar z ........619 ......... distribution board .........
.........high volatge ........908 ......... distribution board .........
......... black river ........514 ............. pimp board .............
......... brand echh!.........908 ............. pimp board .............
............ kfc .............410 ............. pimp board .............
......... modem land .........306 ............. pimp board .............
......... stigmatizm .........516 ............. pimp bpard .............
.... seeds of destruction ....413 ............. pimp board .............
...... the dark society ......408 ............. pimp board .............
...... whodinis magik ......614 ............. pimp board .............
...... remorse ftp site ......net ftp.isisnet.com: /pub/dos/ascii/remorse
...... remorse www page ......net . http://www.hooked.net/users/remorse/
... Note: Removal from the member list does mean removal from the group ...
.... As always, if you think theres a mistake, be sure to let us know ....
Where there is clarity, there is no choice
Where there is choice, there is misery
Where there is misery, there is remorse.
and i still dont give a fuck - whodini
- -- --- remorse would like to --- -- -
gnm/ R/ E/ E/ T/ /
the following :
- gREWPS -
- pEEpULL -
iNFO ! ! a S C I I o N L Y ! !
..to apply for remorse , call MD.. //
.408/445-9323 H:rEMORSE P:rEMORSE.too many ansi groups already. thats why
--,-,--,--,--,--,--,--,-p:CK kNEWZ-,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,
.......................... tRIAL/ nEW mEMBERS ..........................
............ christopher robin cr, from acid/ice/union/razor ............
............ kokane kk, cuz he said Opus said he was with us ............
............ nitrogen no, from god knows where rmrs gets em ............
............ epidemic ep, from bumfucked egypt, or maybe not ............
............ twisted logic tl, from a place he fucking lives ............
............ biohazard bh, from emerge look we know shit!! ............
........................... rETURNING mEMBERS ..........................
............................ sHAFTED mEMBERS ...........................
................ beastie met the boot because of inactivity ...............
................ phaser-x pyromaniak got lord boot pissed ...............
................ lord jazz doesnt like the ascii scene now ...............
................ tae got the boot cuz he dont do jack shit ...............
....................... mISCELLANEOUS mEMBER iNFO .......................
............... spawn sp changed his nick to stigmata st ..............
............... said dw was dark warrior,its death wish dw ..............
................................ KbLABBER ...............................
.... if you do not like ascii do not look at it, we do not give a shit ....
.... this is a very very rushed pack so half this info is not accurate ....
................................. bBS aD ................................
. whodinis magik +1-614-860-1841 rmrs, futile, revolt, tuc, kts!ascii .
............. art - hack/phreak - where the dangerous hang out ............
:. necromancer nm, opus op .: --... founder --...
:.. omicron om, whodini wd ..: ...-- senior staff ...--
. martyr my, bastardizer ba . --... coordinator/mop-top --...
::::..... diabolos db ......:::: ...--internet coordinator...--
:.. asphixia as, asylum ay ..: --... ascii pimps --...
::. biohazrd bh, cable ca .:: --... ascii pimps --...
:::.. christopher robin cr ..::: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
. death wish dw, epidemic ep . --... ascii pimps --...
:::::.. eternal chaos et, ..:::: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:::..... fire stone fs, .....::: --... ascii pimp --...
::... hiro protaginist hp, ...:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
::. hyped hy, kerplunk ky .:: --... ascii pimp --...
::.. kokane kk, kxmode kx ..:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
mephitopeles mp, nitrogen no --... ascii pimp --...
::.. ogre og, paradox pd ..:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:::... shadow sorcerer ss ...::: --... ascii pimp --...
:.. skitzo sk, stigmata sp ..: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:. twisted logic tl, woj wj .: --... ascii pimp --...
--------- aFFILIATED bUL.ETIN bOARD sYSTEMS ----------
.......... meltdown ..........408 ......... world headquarters .........
. rise of the midnight sons .604 ......... canuck headquarters .........
......... system one .........+46 ......... euro headquarters .........
........ harvest moon ........216 . central united states headquarters .
... the ravaged nightmare ...516 . eastern united states headquarters .
.......... malfeas ...........800 . western united states headquarters .
..... state of euphoria .....713 . southern united states headquarters .
........ sushi bar z ........619 ......... distribution board .........
.........high volatge ........908 ......... distribution board .........
......... black river ........514 ............. pimp board .............
......... brand echh!.........908 ............. pimp board .............
............ kfc .............410 ............. pimp board .............
......... modem land .........306 ............. pimp board .............
......... stigmatizm .........516 ............. pimp bpard .............
.... seeds of destruction ....413 ............. pimp board .............
...... the dark society ......408 ............. pimp board .............
...... whodinis magik ......614 ............. pimp board .............
...... remorse ftp site ......net ftp.isisnet.com: /pub/dos/ascii/remorse
...... remorse www page ......net . http://www.hooked.net/users/remorse/
... Note: Removal from the member list does mean removal from the group ...
.... As always, if you think theres a mistake, be sure to let us know ....
Where there is clarity, there is no choice
Where there is choice, there is misery
Where there is misery, there is remorse.
and i still dont give a fuck - whodini
- -- --- remorse would like to --- -- -
gnm/ R/ E/ E/ T/ /
the following :
- gREWPS -
- pEEpULL -
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