this image contains text
mdeeecu. mbNbc. Oo /
M kxm!rmrs M /-+
Meee M /
M MWm. xoW M .ue.
M MW. x@ M Wx
M M*MW M *Wu.*
M M M M M .WWu.*Nu
M M M M 4eu
Me.e. .eM Me.*c
,.,.r e m o r s e ! a s c i i,.,.,.,.
contact us on ansi if you are looking for some ascii art to be done for you
iNFO ! ! a S C I I o N L Y ! !
..to apply for remorse , call MD.. //
.408/445-9323 H:rEMORSE P:rEMORSE.too many ansi groups already. thats why
--,-,--,--,--,--,--,--,-p:CK kNEWZ-,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,
.......................... tRIAL/ nEW mEMBERS ..........................
............................. asylum ay, gka ............................
........................... rETURNING mEMBERS ..........................
............................ lEAVING mEMBERS ...........................
....................... mISCELLANEOUS mEMBER iNFO .......................
................................ KbLABBER ...............................
.. notice from Opus: Ive been fucking around so much lately.. i havent ..
... put too much time into remorse, but thats all changing as of now.. ...
.... but i have alot more time now, so im not gonna just pussy around ....
. with my thumb up my ass.. im going to spend more time doing what SSs .
............ should do. sorry about all that shit omi wd... ............
.... excuse us for forgetting to put skitzo in the member list for two ....
.... consecutive packs. he was just too krad for our puny heads. sorry ....
...... also excuse us for not putting kxmode in the nfo file, we suck .....
.....doh! we forgot to put eternal chaos in the member listing also .....
......... remorse www site is http//:www.hooked.net/users/remorse ........
.......... thank you to omicron and diabolos for setting that up .........
........ remorse ftp site is ftp.isisnet.com: /pub/dos/ascii/remorse ......
........ thanks to omicron and fx-man for setting up this k-rad site.......
diabolos takes care of the www page, and it is darn-gee-gosh cool, so he
deserves a spot. definately. and if martyr dont get off his fat ass and
coordinate, hes getting wiped, and diabolos get to be coordinator. - nm
... whodini wrote this nfo file, but nmanceropus have modded it since ...
................... then. first off, insanity man and ...................
... omot are not worthy of katharsis, much less remorse. second, well ...
... there is no second. other than that,it rules -necromancer founder ...
... and i havent seen fire stones work, and am not sure if piromaniak ...
... is in, I doubt it, hes in the kts member list so next time I get ...
... access to a computer, the shit is really going to fly - necromancer ...
........ shit last pack we released omicrons stuff in linux format .......
........ so we are re-releasing it in the correct ms-gates format .......
................................. bBS aD ................................
..... malfeas, +1-408-238-5427, remorse, cia, firm Im firm, .....
.......... ranging from art to satanic rituals. LICK ONE TODAY! ..........
::. necromancer nm, opus o .:: ...-- founders ...--
:.. omicron om, whodini wd ..: --... senior staff --...
::::..... diabolos db ......:::: --...internet coordinator--...
:.. asphixia as, asylum ay ..: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:::::..... beastie be .....::::: --... ascii pimp --...
. cable ca, dark warrior dw . ...-- ascii pimps ...--
::::... eternal chaos et ...:::: --... ascii pimp --...
:::..... fire stone fs, .....::: ...-- ascii pimp ...--
::... hiro protaginist hp, ...:: --... ascii pimp --...
::. hyped hy, kerplunk ky .:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:. kxmode kx, lord jazz ld .: --... ascii pimps --...
::::... mephitopeles mp ...:::: ...-- ascii pimp ...--
::.. ogre og, paradox pd ..:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
. phaser-x pk, piromaniak pk . --... ascii pimps --...
...... shadow sorcerer ss ...... ...-- ascii pimp ...--
::.. skitzo sk, spawn sp ..:: --... ascii pimps --...
:::... tae te, woj wj ...::: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
--------- aFFILIATED bUL.ETIN bOARD sYSTEMS ----------
.......... meltdown ..........408 ......... world headquarters .........
.......... malfeas! ..........408 ......... k-RaD negroquarters .........
. rise of the midnight sons .604 ......... canuck headquarters .........
......... system one .........+46 ......... euro headquarters .........
........ harvest moon ........216 . central united states headquarters .
... the ravaged nightmare ...516 . eastern united states headquarters .
... delusions of grandeur ...619 . western united states headquarters .
..... state of euphoria .....713 . southern united states headquarters .
....... the badlands ........408 ......... distribution board .........
........ sushi bar z ........619 ......... distribution board .........
..... packaged rebellion .....408 ......... distribution board .........
.........high volatge ........908 ......... distribution board .........
........... agora*............909 ............. pimp board .............
......... black river ........514 ............. pimp board .............
............ huma ............619 ............. pimp board .............
.......... malfeas ...........408 ............. pimp board .............
......... modem land .........306 ............. pimp board .............
.......... planet x ..........516 ............. pimp bpard .............
.... seeds of destruction ....413 ............. pimp board .............
...... the dark society ......408 ............. pimp board .............
...... whodinis magik ......614 ............. pimp board .............
...... remorse ftp site ......net ftp.isisnet.com: /pub/dos/ascii/remorse
...... remorse www page ......net . http://www.hooked.net/users/remorse/
... Note: Removal from the member list does mean removal from the group ...
.... As always, if you think theres a mistake, be sure to let us know ....
Where there is clarity, there is no choice
Where there is choice, there is misery
Where there is misery, there is remorse.
- -- --- remorse would like to --- -- -
gnm/ R/ E/ E/ T/ /
the following :
- gREWPS -
- pEEpULL -
all remorse members
/ whodini, omicron, necromancer, necronite
omega redd, hoppins mCA, mass delusion
tinyz, diabolos, shatter proof
/ posk, floodmyth, k-spiff
intahnet relay chat peepull
all those who support remorse by
/ spreading the packs, and doin logos
omot and insanity man, sorry for the shit
M kxm!rmrs M /-+
Meee M /
M MWm. xoW M .ue.
M MW. x@ M Wx
M M*MW M *Wu.*
M M M M M .WWu.*Nu
M M M M 4eu
Me.e. .eM Me.*c
,.,.r e m o r s e ! a s c i i,.,.,.,.
contact us on ansi if you are looking for some ascii art to be done for you
iNFO ! ! a S C I I o N L Y ! !
..to apply for remorse , call MD.. //
.408/445-9323 H:rEMORSE P:rEMORSE.too many ansi groups already. thats why
--,-,--,--,--,--,--,--,-p:CK kNEWZ-,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,
.......................... tRIAL/ nEW mEMBERS ..........................
............................. asylum ay, gka ............................
........................... rETURNING mEMBERS ..........................
............................ lEAVING mEMBERS ...........................
....................... mISCELLANEOUS mEMBER iNFO .......................
................................ KbLABBER ...............................
.. notice from Opus: Ive been fucking around so much lately.. i havent ..
... put too much time into remorse, but thats all changing as of now.. ...
.... but i have alot more time now, so im not gonna just pussy around ....
. with my thumb up my ass.. im going to spend more time doing what SSs .
............ should do. sorry about all that shit omi wd... ............
.... excuse us for forgetting to put skitzo in the member list for two ....
.... consecutive packs. he was just too krad for our puny heads. sorry ....
...... also excuse us for not putting kxmode in the nfo file, we suck .....
.....doh! we forgot to put eternal chaos in the member listing also .....
......... remorse www site is http//:www.hooked.net/users/remorse ........
.......... thank you to omicron and diabolos for setting that up .........
........ remorse ftp site is ftp.isisnet.com: /pub/dos/ascii/remorse ......
........ thanks to omicron and fx-man for setting up this k-rad site.......
diabolos takes care of the www page, and it is darn-gee-gosh cool, so he
deserves a spot. definately. and if martyr dont get off his fat ass and
coordinate, hes getting wiped, and diabolos get to be coordinator. - nm
... whodini wrote this nfo file, but nmanceropus have modded it since ...
................... then. first off, insanity man and ...................
... omot are not worthy of katharsis, much less remorse. second, well ...
... there is no second. other than that,it rules -necromancer founder ...
... and i havent seen fire stones work, and am not sure if piromaniak ...
... is in, I doubt it, hes in the kts member list so next time I get ...
... access to a computer, the shit is really going to fly - necromancer ...
........ shit last pack we released omicrons stuff in linux format .......
........ so we are re-releasing it in the correct ms-gates format .......
................................. bBS aD ................................
..... malfeas, +1-408-238-5427, remorse, cia, firm Im firm, .....
.......... ranging from art to satanic rituals. LICK ONE TODAY! ..........
::. necromancer nm, opus o .:: ...-- founders ...--
:.. omicron om, whodini wd ..: --... senior staff --...
::::..... diabolos db ......:::: --...internet coordinator--...
:.. asphixia as, asylum ay ..: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:::::..... beastie be .....::::: --... ascii pimp --...
. cable ca, dark warrior dw . ...-- ascii pimps ...--
::::... eternal chaos et ...:::: --... ascii pimp --...
:::..... fire stone fs, .....::: ...-- ascii pimp ...--
::... hiro protaginist hp, ...:: --... ascii pimp --...
::. hyped hy, kerplunk ky .:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
:. kxmode kx, lord jazz ld .: --... ascii pimps --...
::::... mephitopeles mp ...:::: ...-- ascii pimp ...--
::.. ogre og, paradox pd ..:: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
. phaser-x pk, piromaniak pk . --... ascii pimps --...
...... shadow sorcerer ss ...... ...-- ascii pimp ...--
::.. skitzo sk, spawn sp ..:: --... ascii pimps --...
:::... tae te, woj wj ...::: ...-- ascii pimps ...--
--------- aFFILIATED bUL.ETIN bOARD sYSTEMS ----------
.......... meltdown ..........408 ......... world headquarters .........
.......... malfeas! ..........408 ......... k-RaD negroquarters .........
. rise of the midnight sons .604 ......... canuck headquarters .........
......... system one .........+46 ......... euro headquarters .........
........ harvest moon ........216 . central united states headquarters .
... the ravaged nightmare ...516 . eastern united states headquarters .
... delusions of grandeur ...619 . western united states headquarters .
..... state of euphoria .....713 . southern united states headquarters .
....... the badlands ........408 ......... distribution board .........
........ sushi bar z ........619 ......... distribution board .........
..... packaged rebellion .....408 ......... distribution board .........
.........high volatge ........908 ......... distribution board .........
........... agora*............909 ............. pimp board .............
......... black river ........514 ............. pimp board .............
............ huma ............619 ............. pimp board .............
.......... malfeas ...........408 ............. pimp board .............
......... modem land .........306 ............. pimp board .............
.......... planet x ..........516 ............. pimp bpard .............
.... seeds of destruction ....413 ............. pimp board .............
...... the dark society ......408 ............. pimp board .............
...... whodinis magik ......614 ............. pimp board .............
...... remorse ftp site ......net ftp.isisnet.com: /pub/dos/ascii/remorse
...... remorse www page ......net . http://www.hooked.net/users/remorse/
... Note: Removal from the member list does mean removal from the group ...
.... As always, if you think theres a mistake, be sure to let us know ....
Where there is clarity, there is no choice
Where there is choice, there is misery
Where there is misery, there is remorse.
- -- --- remorse would like to --- -- -
gnm/ R/ E/ E/ T/ /
the following :
- gREWPS -
- pEEpULL -
all remorse members
/ whodini, omicron, necromancer, necronite
omega redd, hoppins mCA, mass delusion
tinyz, diabolos, shatter proof
/ posk, floodmyth, k-spiff
intahnet relay chat peepull
all those who support remorse by
/ spreading the packs, and doin logos
omot and insanity man, sorry for the shit
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