this image contains text
.sss. .ss .s. s o. i s. . .s.
s.s : ts .ss. is .
ts,si..s sss TL. .. . .s sssS
. Ss.. . . sSS i. s,
.ss. SsssS .,Sss..sSSs..X8
i i ,.SC .. 8S , , C!SC.8S,
SCS . , C! , SC , !:C! .SC
C! : , !: , , , C! :. !: C!
-- !:--..- :.-,----- !:. a . s . c . i . i .- :. -- !:
iNFO ! ! a S C I I o N L Y ! !
..to apply for remorse , call MD..
.408/445-9323 H:rEMORSE P:rEMORSE.too many ansi groups already. thats why
.......................... tRIAL/ nEW mEMBERS ..........................
...................... asphixia as, also in shiver .....................
........................ cable ca, also in blade .......................
..................... eternal chaos ec, also in ice .....................
......................... omot ot, also in shiver .......................
......................... spawn sp, also in rain ........................
.......................... woj wj, also in pot .........................
........................... rETURNING mEMBERS ..........................
................................ hyped hy ...............................
............................ lEAVING mEMBERS ...........................
............................... cthulhu ct ..............................
.............................. nightrain nt .............................
....................... mISCELLANEOUS mEMBER iNFO .......................
........... omicron has been moved up from pimp to senior staff ...........
........ zipperhead zh, has changed his handle to kerplunk kr ........
........... whodini has been moved up from pimp to senior staff ...........
..... members, upload work to md on 25th or mail to jkao@ic.sunysb.edu ....
.................... nEW aFFILIATED bULLETIN bOARDS ....................
. sushi bar z, +1-619-438-0114, +1-619-438-2879 dISTRIBUTION bOARD .
.......... the ravaged nightmare +1-516-277-3525 eASTERN hQ ..........
................................ KbLABBER ...............................
nightrain has left the scene, due to things out of his control. somewhat
nmancer Hes pretty good, but he need some practice. Ill send it necros
way, and see what he thinks.
nmancer Oh, btw, do you know what happened to NighTrain?
cthulhu alright, as you see hes mainly colored ascii, his board is all
colored ascii...nightrain is in an instituion like 30 miles from
here, hes gone for good...
nmancer Institution? What type? Looney type? Hope not..
cthulhu not really loony, just for behavioral problems, his mom sent him
away, and says hes not coming back, ever..
nmancer Jesus, what a bitch. His mom
cthulhu yea, but hes been in and outta instituions all his life, real
fucked up kid...
nmancer Hm.. oh well. Big loss. Christ. Im fucked up, and no ones ever
put me away.
cthulhu yea, but hes REAL fucked up, he beat some kid so bad he had to
go to the hospital, he didnt go to a real school, he went to an
alternative school for deviants and shit...did alotta drugs i
......................... remorse wishes him luck .........................
.... since the cartel went down, we have given eastern headquarters to ....
........... the ravaged nightmare, sysops Ravaged Soul and Jazz ...........
.............. agora is currently down, beastie moved to 909 ..............
cthulhu has asked to be removed from the member listing, due to the fact
..................... that hes sick of the art scene .....................
.... and weve decided on a date to release. whenever we feel like it ....
.... generally it will be around the first or end of the month though ....
.. necromancer has moved in with his mother, and is having some trouble ..
.. calling out. remorse is unorganized because of this. Excuse the pack ..
................................. bBS aD ................................
.................... cAWL tHE dARK sOCIETY, aSS-cHEESE ....................
................ +1-408-268-7308 - nUP: dARK fORCE rISING ................
.necromancer nm, necronite nn. --... founders --...
... omicron om, whodini wd ... --... senior staff --...
. martyr mt / bastardiser bs . --... coordinator/mop top --...
.. asphixia as, beastie be .. --... ascii pimps --...
. cable ca, dark warrior dw . --... ascii pimps --...
..... hiro protaginist hp ...... --... ascii pimp --...
... hyped hy, kerplunk kr ... --... ascii pimps --...
lord jazz ld, mephitopeles mp --... ascii pimps --...
...... ogre og, omot ot ...... --... ascii pimps --...
.. paradox pd, phaser-x pk .. --... ascii pimps --...
........ pyromaniak pk ......... --... ascii pimp --...
shadow sorcerer ss, spawn sp --... ascii pimps --...
...... tae te, woj wj ....... --... ascii pimps --...
--------- aFFILIATED bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEMS ----------
.......... meltdown ..........408 ......... world headquarters .........
. rise of the midnight sons .604 ......... canuck headquarters .........
......... system one .........+46 ......... euro headquarters .........
........ harvest moon ........216 . central united states headquarters .
... the ravaged nightmare ...516 . eastern united states headquarters .
... delusions of grandeur ...619 . western united states headquarters .
..... state of euphoria .....713 . southern united states headquarters .
....... the badlands ........408 ......... distribution board .........
........ sushi bar z ........619 ......... distribution board .........
..... packaged rebellion .....408 ......... distribution board .........
........... agora*............909 ............. pimp board .............
....... farenheit 451 .......408 ............. pimp board .............
............ huma ............619 ............. pimp board .............
......... inner tube .........614 ............. pimp board .............
......... modem land .........306 ............. pimp board .............
.......... planet x ..........516 ............. pimp bpard .............
.... seeds of destruction ....413 ............. pimp board .............
...... the dark society ......408 ............. pimp board .............
...... whodinis magik ......614 ............. pimp board .............
... Note: Removal from the member list does mean removal from the group ...
.... As always, if you think theres a mistake, be sure to let us know ....
Where there is clarity, there is no choice
Where there is choice, there is misery
Where there is misery, there is remorse.
- -- --- remorse would like to --- -- -
gnm/ R/ E/ E/ T/ /
the following :
- gREWPS -
- pEEpULL -
all remorse members.
/ rad man, sharp, soultaker, the gray ranger
omega redd, hoppins mCA, mass delusion
tinyz, diabolos, shatter proof
/ shadow sorcerer, k-spiff
anyone named Umbwebwe Bushandi
ts of TekLordz for the
/ kickbutt remorse ascii nfo header,
and last but definately not least, Jazz
s.s : ts .ss. is .
ts,si..s sss TL. .. . .s sssS
. Ss.. . . sSS i. s,
.ss. SsssS .,Sss..sSSs..X8
i i ,.SC .. 8S , , C!SC.8S,
SCS . , C! , SC , !:C! .SC
C! : , !: , , , C! :. !: C!
-- !:--..- :.-,----- !:. a . s . c . i . i .- :. -- !:
iNFO ! ! a S C I I o N L Y ! !
..to apply for remorse , call MD..
.408/445-9323 H:rEMORSE P:rEMORSE.too many ansi groups already. thats why
.......................... tRIAL/ nEW mEMBERS ..........................
...................... asphixia as, also in shiver .....................
........................ cable ca, also in blade .......................
..................... eternal chaos ec, also in ice .....................
......................... omot ot, also in shiver .......................
......................... spawn sp, also in rain ........................
.......................... woj wj, also in pot .........................
........................... rETURNING mEMBERS ..........................
................................ hyped hy ...............................
............................ lEAVING mEMBERS ...........................
............................... cthulhu ct ..............................
.............................. nightrain nt .............................
....................... mISCELLANEOUS mEMBER iNFO .......................
........... omicron has been moved up from pimp to senior staff ...........
........ zipperhead zh, has changed his handle to kerplunk kr ........
........... whodini has been moved up from pimp to senior staff ...........
..... members, upload work to md on 25th or mail to jkao@ic.sunysb.edu ....
.................... nEW aFFILIATED bULLETIN bOARDS ....................
. sushi bar z, +1-619-438-0114, +1-619-438-2879 dISTRIBUTION bOARD .
.......... the ravaged nightmare +1-516-277-3525 eASTERN hQ ..........
................................ KbLABBER ...............................
nightrain has left the scene, due to things out of his control. somewhat
nmancer Hes pretty good, but he need some practice. Ill send it necros
way, and see what he thinks.
nmancer Oh, btw, do you know what happened to NighTrain?
cthulhu alright, as you see hes mainly colored ascii, his board is all
colored ascii...nightrain is in an instituion like 30 miles from
here, hes gone for good...
nmancer Institution? What type? Looney type? Hope not..
cthulhu not really loony, just for behavioral problems, his mom sent him
away, and says hes not coming back, ever..
nmancer Jesus, what a bitch. His mom
cthulhu yea, but hes been in and outta instituions all his life, real
fucked up kid...
nmancer Hm.. oh well. Big loss. Christ. Im fucked up, and no ones ever
put me away.
cthulhu yea, but hes REAL fucked up, he beat some kid so bad he had to
go to the hospital, he didnt go to a real school, he went to an
alternative school for deviants and shit...did alotta drugs i
......................... remorse wishes him luck .........................
.... since the cartel went down, we have given eastern headquarters to ....
........... the ravaged nightmare, sysops Ravaged Soul and Jazz ...........
.............. agora is currently down, beastie moved to 909 ..............
cthulhu has asked to be removed from the member listing, due to the fact
..................... that hes sick of the art scene .....................
.... and weve decided on a date to release. whenever we feel like it ....
.... generally it will be around the first or end of the month though ....
.. necromancer has moved in with his mother, and is having some trouble ..
.. calling out. remorse is unorganized because of this. Excuse the pack ..
................................. bBS aD ................................
.................... cAWL tHE dARK sOCIETY, aSS-cHEESE ....................
................ +1-408-268-7308 - nUP: dARK fORCE rISING ................
.necromancer nm, necronite nn. --... founders --...
... omicron om, whodini wd ... --... senior staff --...
. martyr mt / bastardiser bs . --... coordinator/mop top --...
.. asphixia as, beastie be .. --... ascii pimps --...
. cable ca, dark warrior dw . --... ascii pimps --...
..... hiro protaginist hp ...... --... ascii pimp --...
... hyped hy, kerplunk kr ... --... ascii pimps --...
lord jazz ld, mephitopeles mp --... ascii pimps --...
...... ogre og, omot ot ...... --... ascii pimps --...
.. paradox pd, phaser-x pk .. --... ascii pimps --...
........ pyromaniak pk ......... --... ascii pimp --...
shadow sorcerer ss, spawn sp --... ascii pimps --...
...... tae te, woj wj ....... --... ascii pimps --...
--------- aFFILIATED bULLETIN bOARD sYSTEMS ----------
.......... meltdown ..........408 ......... world headquarters .........
. rise of the midnight sons .604 ......... canuck headquarters .........
......... system one .........+46 ......... euro headquarters .........
........ harvest moon ........216 . central united states headquarters .
... the ravaged nightmare ...516 . eastern united states headquarters .
... delusions of grandeur ...619 . western united states headquarters .
..... state of euphoria .....713 . southern united states headquarters .
....... the badlands ........408 ......... distribution board .........
........ sushi bar z ........619 ......... distribution board .........
..... packaged rebellion .....408 ......... distribution board .........
........... agora*............909 ............. pimp board .............
....... farenheit 451 .......408 ............. pimp board .............
............ huma ............619 ............. pimp board .............
......... inner tube .........614 ............. pimp board .............
......... modem land .........306 ............. pimp board .............
.......... planet x ..........516 ............. pimp bpard .............
.... seeds of destruction ....413 ............. pimp board .............
...... the dark society ......408 ............. pimp board .............
...... whodinis magik ......614 ............. pimp board .............
... Note: Removal from the member list does mean removal from the group ...
.... As always, if you think theres a mistake, be sure to let us know ....
Where there is clarity, there is no choice
Where there is choice, there is misery
Where there is misery, there is remorse.
- -- --- remorse would like to --- -- -
gnm/ R/ E/ E/ T/ /
the following :
- gREWPS -
- pEEpULL -
all remorse members.
/ rad man, sharp, soultaker, the gray ranger
omega redd, hoppins mCA, mass delusion
tinyz, diabolos, shatter proof
/ shadow sorcerer, k-spiff
anyone named Umbwebwe Bushandi
ts of TekLordz for the
/ kickbutt remorse ascii nfo header,
and last but definately not least, Jazz
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