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Rewriting International Standards of Excellence
RiSE is a small ansi artist group based out of indiana, and we
are on the lookout for potential new members. the group now
consists of 5 members. im apothecary, and ill be doing some of
the work, and ill be writing the infophiles like this one. one
other member, pascal, who is looking for a new handle, will
be doing some of the minor programming and the loaders.
this pack is probably pretty small cuz of the number of people
we have working on it. its kinda hard to get 50 pics done with
only 5 members. so, if you are interested in us doing an ansi
for your bbs, leave me or pascal mail on The Napalm Cocktail
which is the RiSE whq, 2i9-662-o363 ... Lateron, k-rad d00d
Rewriting International Standards of Excellence
RiSE is a small ansi artist group based out of indiana, and we
are on the lookout for potential new members. the group now
consists of 5 members. im apothecary, and ill be doing some of
the work, and ill be writing the infophiles like this one. one
other member, pascal, who is looking for a new handle, will
be doing some of the minor programming and the loaders.
this pack is probably pretty small cuz of the number of people
we have working on it. its kinda hard to get 50 pics done with
only 5 members. so, if you are interested in us doing an ansi
for your bbs, leave me or pascal mail on The Napalm Cocktail
which is the RiSE whq, 2i9-662-o363 ... Lateron, k-rad d00d
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