this image contains text
.,ass, ............
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another late release, another year goes by...
Again, there aint too much news for the month, but heres whats goin on.
--- EMi is still progressing slowly, but well be turning out a pak soon.
--- Our FTP HQ is STILL muckin up on us. Hopefully the sop there will get
it fixed soon.
--- The work continues on RioTVieW for Win95. The Beta release will be made
available in the one year pak, and hopefully it will function well. At
the very least, the beta release is going to be freeware, perhaps even
a version or two follwing that will also be freeware this is cuz I
havent decided yet whether or not to make it shareware... Thoughts?
--- Terror changed his name to mindfuck.
--- CyberBob showed up again, Im not sure if hes wanting back in or if
hes just doing a guest appearance. I guess well find out...
--- Ive decided on a bbs name as well as the software Im switching to. The name is going to be Cold Fusion, and the software will be iniquity.
--- Raistilin has made a guest appearance in the pak, check it out.
--- Welp, thats about it this month... Check out the stuph in this pak,
theres some more good shit in there! Catcha next month peoples!
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Another late release, another year goes by...
Again, there aint too much news for the month, but heres whats goin on.
--- EMi is still progressing slowly, but well be turning out a pak soon.
--- Our FTP HQ is STILL muckin up on us. Hopefully the sop there will get
it fixed soon.
--- The work continues on RioTVieW for Win95. The Beta release will be made
available in the one year pak, and hopefully it will function well. At
the very least, the beta release is going to be freeware, perhaps even
a version or two follwing that will also be freeware this is cuz I
havent decided yet whether or not to make it shareware... Thoughts?
--- Terror changed his name to mindfuck.
--- CyberBob showed up again, Im not sure if hes wanting back in or if
hes just doing a guest appearance. I guess well find out...
--- Ive decided on a bbs name as well as the software Im switching to. The name is going to be Cold Fusion, and the software will be iniquity.
--- Raistilin has made a guest appearance in the pak, check it out.
--- Welp, thats about it this month... Check out the stuph in this pak,
theres some more good shit in there! Catcha next month peoples!
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