this image contains text
More freebees. Sorry didnt get any out last month. I just started
a new job and after 2 years of not working : I had a hard time getting
into the swing of things again. But, youll find more free stuff from
me now. Sometimes my boss doesnt come in : I get to draw!!!!
Please leave the inits in the filez...thanx!
requests to letostak@ix.netcom.com
tab requests 12,000+ archived on my HD and lesson requests
-Precious Metal-
Greetz to RioT memberz
File Menu BBS Name
xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands
Main Menu BBS Name
xcommands xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands xcommands
a new job and after 2 years of not working : I had a hard time getting
into the swing of things again. But, youll find more free stuff from
me now. Sometimes my boss doesnt come in : I get to draw!!!!
Please leave the inits in the filez...thanx!
requests to letostak@ix.netcom.com
tab requests 12,000+ archived on my HD and lesson requests
-Precious Metal-
Greetz to RioT memberz
File Menu BBS Name
xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands
Main Menu BBS Name
xcommands xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands xcommands
xcommands xcommands xcommands xcommands
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