this image contains text
h e .sSb
bs i r e c t o r
well fer a change im going ta make some comments and do
the greets up here this time.
you or anyone fer that matter does not
have the right to use any of this ASCii!
unless the art that i have done is for
YOU, and i have clearly stated that below.
if that is the case you and only you are
allowed to use it! u can still try askin
me if u can use it. contact me by sending mail
to one of the following: keeping in mind that you
will not receive an emediate response, and that
sometimes i will not be able to pick up
e-mail for over a week!
b. .d .sdSs.
S . the.director@bbs.cyberia.com
. ? b
or telenet to: cyberia.com and send mail to THE DIRECTOR without the s
or at one of the following bbss: RioT HQ, Rocket Online Systems, er Wu-Mansion!p.s. if all of em are not in the same area code then dont leave mail on em.
greetz ta: Turbine of RioT Productions, delgado, prince dark hero,
LTC, JaZz this is not lord jazz, L-Man, and the
rest a th people at RioT!
.sSSs. .sSs. .sSs. .sSs. s.db. .sSs. .sSs.?? s.
?? q f b .,. ?. dSs . s S. .b s . ., s S ? . ?? ?.s? . .sSSs. .sSSs. s. .S?.,,.?. o f . ..dp. .?,
.s.?.b. ..
.?? . b. .sdSSbs.
?Ss. .sS? . .
?? .. .. ,db,
SS? s .??.
?? p..q.
productions... ??,
. ,d ., , d
..? . d
.,. .sSb.b b .. ? . , . .
.s . b . . . 9 . s . d .s ?? . d
.. . .db. .sSs. .sSs. ASCii,
.. i dedicate
f ? ? this colly
, to my friend ?Ss. o l l y S S Shawn. whol ?. alwayz be
,s t .St . remembered. . . s,.,s s,
,.s ?S? ? ?? ?S? .ss.?s. ..
. .b. . . . .s. : .. . . . . . .
. . b. . . .s. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. b. . .s .. . . . . .. .
. . . b. . .s .. . . . . . . , . . . . b. .s . , . . . .. . ,
. . . b.s . . . . . . .. ,
Ss, b.
b qs, b
.d! bsd ?s.
? .ss.?? .ss. s.
?p. .s. . ..
b .s?.. .. d?
.. . ?. . . . ,
. . ,s ,i . , ..
. i b.d. ?. ,
. ,d ?. .,s. .d
+o ThE DiReCToR . .d ..,sd d.
S ? ?. td.
-snip--snipsnip-----------just a little drawin i made o me bbs, not open to the public now cause i donthave another line. but i keep a copy of rennegade 5-11 exp. on my hdd. sum
day it might go up. this is what i used for the comment in my zip files. ------------------
heres a quick 1 fer L-Man who sez he could use sum new screens fer his board:
s. .s,?.?.
ds. ,. .d . ,d?..db..
ds. ,. .d. , d ..
d . .d . , . .
.s? . .d , . , .?
.s?. . .d , . ,
. . . . b. . ,
. d .
put sum inf down here if ya want!
sniphere------------ and this 1z fer Rocket BBS only! ------------
im actually pretty supprised that i can still draw descently it was only
yesterday that i found out it was for real. the first time i heard i couldnt
make myself belive what my friend told me. below is what i think is the best
font that i have done to date...
this .q .. p. ASCii
colly ?Ss.db.sS? was
done . . . . . .
ds? .
.sp. , . .
.s?SSs,..,sS , .
.S? ???? . ,
.? s,..,s?
M e m o r y ???
o f
.,sd? .
?Ss. .sSSs. .sSSs. ,sb ds, .sSSs.
. ??. .b .d b. .
.s b.
b..,d? . . s. . s. . .s. .
?? , . ?SS? ?? ..
who was killed by Toyota 4Runner last thursday aug. 21
while he was crossing Springfield Rd. at Leckie Rd.
and was struck by the westbound vehicle.
well miss you shawn...
1 9 8 2 - 1 9 9 7
bs i r e c t o r
well fer a change im going ta make some comments and do
the greets up here this time.
you or anyone fer that matter does not
have the right to use any of this ASCii!
unless the art that i have done is for
YOU, and i have clearly stated that below.
if that is the case you and only you are
allowed to use it! u can still try askin
me if u can use it. contact me by sending mail
to one of the following: keeping in mind that you
will not receive an emediate response, and that
sometimes i will not be able to pick up
e-mail for over a week!
b. .d .sdSs.
S . the.director@bbs.cyberia.com
. ? b
or telenet to: cyberia.com and send mail to THE DIRECTOR without the s
or at one of the following bbss: RioT HQ, Rocket Online Systems, er Wu-Mansion!p.s. if all of em are not in the same area code then dont leave mail on em.
greetz ta: Turbine of RioT Productions, delgado, prince dark hero,
LTC, JaZz this is not lord jazz, L-Man, and the
rest a th people at RioT!
.sSSs. .sSs. .sSs. .sSs. s.db. .sSs. .sSs.?? s.
?? q f b .,. ?. dSs . s S. .b s . ., s S ? . ?? ?.s? . .sSSs. .sSSs. s. .S?.,,.?. o f . ..dp. .?,
.s.?.b. ..
.?? . b. .sdSSbs.
?Ss. .sS? . .
?? .. .. ,db,
SS? s .??.
?? p..q.
productions... ??,
. ,d ., , d
..? . d
.,. .sSb.b b .. ? . , . .
.s . b . . . 9 . s . d .s ?? . d
.. . .db. .sSs. .sSs. ASCii,
.. i dedicate
f ? ? this colly
, to my friend ?Ss. o l l y S S Shawn. whol ?. alwayz be
,s t .St . remembered. . . s,.,s s,
,.s ?S? ? ?? ?S? .ss.?s. ..
. .b. . . . .s. : .. . . . . . .
. . b. . . .s. .. . .. . .. . . . . .. b. . .s .. . . . . .. .
. . . b. . .s .. . . . . . . , . . . . b. .s . , . . . .. . ,
. . . b.s . . . . . . .. ,
Ss, b.
b qs, b
.d! bsd ?s.
? .ss.?? .ss. s.
?p. .s. . ..
b .s?.. .. d?
.. . ?. . . . ,
. . ,s ,i . , ..
. i b.d. ?. ,
. ,d ?. .,s. .d
+o ThE DiReCToR . .d ..,sd d.
S ? ?. td.
-snip--snipsnip-----------just a little drawin i made o me bbs, not open to the public now cause i donthave another line. but i keep a copy of rennegade 5-11 exp. on my hdd. sum
day it might go up. this is what i used for the comment in my zip files. ------------------
heres a quick 1 fer L-Man who sez he could use sum new screens fer his board:
s. .s,?.?.
ds. ,. .d . ,d?..db..
ds. ,. .d. , d ..
d . .d . , . .
.s? . .d , . , .?
.s?. . .d , . ,
. . . . b. . ,
. d .
put sum inf down here if ya want!
sniphere------------ and this 1z fer Rocket BBS only! ------------
im actually pretty supprised that i can still draw descently it was only
yesterday that i found out it was for real. the first time i heard i couldnt
make myself belive what my friend told me. below is what i think is the best
font that i have done to date...
this .q .. p. ASCii
colly ?Ss.db.sS? was
done . . . . . .
ds? .
.sp. , . .
.s?SSs,..,sS , .
.S? ???? . ,
.? s,..,s?
M e m o r y ???
o f
.,sd? .
?Ss. .sSSs. .sSSs. ,sb ds, .sSSs.
. ??. .b .d b. .
.s b.
b..,d? . . s. . s. . .s. .
?? , . ?SS? ?? ..
who was killed by Toyota 4Runner last thursday aug. 21
while he was crossing Springfield Rd. at Leckie Rd.
and was struck by the westbound vehicle.
well miss you shawn...
1 9 8 2 - 1 9 9 7
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