this image contains text
If youd like an ansi or anscii or ascii, email me at letostak@ix.netcom.com
or ICQ me sounds dirty! : 2707135
Or call my bbs and leave me a note...If you want the NUP, email me for it.
s.,.,s@S ., ,.,.s
: s ,ss*@ss@s.spm@s.
, ,. :l:l ,.+,. : ,
d s@S S : l d
d , S@s.,.: :,: ,: d
.sass@S ssss ssas
Someone requested this in ascii many moons ago...Dont know who.
Didnt request it from me, what the fuck is creed anyway? Is it an ansi group?
So Im ignorant...Theres more to life...right?
New User Screen
A new user something or other...Use it if you want.
b d
Ss. syssSs. spmSSs.
sysS sysS
x command x command
x command x command
x command x command
x command x command
A oneliner something or other...
v .s a b n i s
s dSSSSsss.
b d Ss. sSs.
sysS sys spmSSs. sSs.
.,h,. i n g
PCBoard SSS,
nodes s
whatever else s
Ss. sysS
p o b i n t
b d
This is on the inet...Cool board, nice sysop...
Valley of Darkness
This is for X-Com...Glad you put it up dude...
ad .s da,..,sasS d lllll l
PSb: :: : pm ::
: l : :l ll
l l s ,!sS
: , l ,. d
l: .s: l
b :b !: :
,.,d : Main Menu : ,
b . .
db , . ,
.,,.b d , The Vanishing Point
commands commands commands
commands commands commands
commands commands commands
commands commands commands
Menu for the nice sysop on the inet.
----------------------------------shred----------------------------------------- pm!
This is my other friends board...There are so few BBSs anymore, at least good
ones. Hard to find ones with good shit on them...
or ICQ me sounds dirty! : 2707135
Or call my bbs and leave me a note...If you want the NUP, email me for it.
s.,.,s@S ., ,.,.s
: s ,ss*@ss@s.spm@s.
, ,. :l:l ,.+,. : ,
d s@S S : l d
d , S@s.,.: :,: ,: d
.sass@S ssss ssas
Someone requested this in ascii many moons ago...Dont know who.
Didnt request it from me, what the fuck is creed anyway? Is it an ansi group?
So Im ignorant...Theres more to life...right?
New User Screen
A new user something or other...Use it if you want.
b d
Ss. syssSs. spmSSs.
sysS sysS
x command x command
x command x command
x command x command
x command x command
A oneliner something or other...
v .s a b n i s
s dSSSSsss.
b d Ss. sSs.
sysS sys spmSSs. sSs.
.,h,. i n g
PCBoard SSS,
nodes s
whatever else s
Ss. sysS
p o b i n t
b d
This is on the inet...Cool board, nice sysop...
Valley of Darkness
This is for X-Com...Glad you put it up dude...
ad .s da,..,sasS d lllll l
PSb: :: : pm ::
: l : :l ll
l l s ,!sS
: , l ,. d
l: .s: l
b :b !: :
,.,d : Main Menu : ,
b . .
db , . ,
.,,.b d , The Vanishing Point
commands commands commands
commands commands commands
commands commands commands
commands commands commands
Menu for the nice sysop on the inet.
----------------------------------shred----------------------------------------- pm!
This is my other friends board...There are so few BBSs anymore, at least good
ones. Hard to find ones with good shit on them...
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