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Welp this is the pak for june 97. Theres some news for this month in here
so listen up!
News as of o6/97:
Weve gained a member and lost none! yay!
Precious Metal has joined the group. Shes a REALLY talented ansi artist. Shes
gotten off to an excellent start with 16 ansis for this months pak! Watch for
her to be making an impact in the scene.
Alas there are no mods for this month so the pak will consist of just one part.
Im tossing this in here just to make sure everybody is up to speed. It was in
last months pak, but wtf right? Its kinda redundant considering theres only
one part of this months pak, but here goes anywayz...:
It has been decided by the people in charge me that the pak is going to
be split into two parts for every release. One part will contain only art work,
and the other will contain only mods. This is for two reasons, one being so
at least some of our stuff can be stored at the artpacks archive, and two so
people wanting art and no mods or vise versa dont have to clean out the stuff
they dont want. So for those who want just the art you can go to either the
art packs archive or riots homepage and for those who just want mods or both
the mods and the art you can go to riot homepage. The addresses for the two
sites are, artpacks archive: artpacks.acid.org
and riots homepage: www.geocities.com/SoHo/8962
Thats about it.... have fun! :
so listen up!
News as of o6/97:
Weve gained a member and lost none! yay!
Precious Metal has joined the group. Shes a REALLY talented ansi artist. Shes
gotten off to an excellent start with 16 ansis for this months pak! Watch for
her to be making an impact in the scene.
Alas there are no mods for this month so the pak will consist of just one part.
Im tossing this in here just to make sure everybody is up to speed. It was in
last months pak, but wtf right? Its kinda redundant considering theres only
one part of this months pak, but here goes anywayz...:
It has been decided by the people in charge me that the pak is going to
be split into two parts for every release. One part will contain only art work,
and the other will contain only mods. This is for two reasons, one being so
at least some of our stuff can be stored at the artpacks archive, and two so
people wanting art and no mods or vise versa dont have to clean out the stuff
they dont want. So for those who want just the art you can go to either the
art packs archive or riots homepage and for those who just want mods or both
the mods and the art you can go to riot homepage. The addresses for the two
sites are, artpacks archive: artpacks.acid.org
and riots homepage: www.geocities.com/SoHo/8962
Thats about it.... have fun! :
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