this image contains text
- tear here -------------------------here.. its for bespin could city.. or whatever... yer luck i drew this, since
i spend most of my computer time on my emag orbitzine.. hey, since i was
feeling somewhat generous by drawing you this font, how bout you return the
favour, by doing one or more, if you really want of the following for my mag1. write an article 2. do an interview with someone of somewhat resonable
importance/ability in the scene.. 3. or if you have something else in mind, justask me about it..
orbitzine is centered on the artscene. other scenes/interesting stuff will
also be accepted.
actually, the request for help with orbitzine goes to everyone.. so if you can
help, please do, even if you dont have an abundance of time on your hands,
please try to take just a bit of time out of whatever it is thats so important,and wirte up an article or something.. thanks..
if you are absolutely not going to do any of those things, then well.. email me
anyways, at least to let me know you got the .asc..
email: thedirector@technologist.com
orbitzine homepage is not up yet, but should be soon, just keep checking my
page for a link to the orbitzine page.. there isnt one yet, but there will be
the director riot,emi,510,boink,woe,orbitzine,hoax
- tear here -------------------------here.. its for bespin could city.. or whatever... yer luck i drew this, since
i spend most of my computer time on my emag orbitzine.. hey, since i was
feeling somewhat generous by drawing you this font, how bout you return the
favour, by doing one or more, if you really want of the following for my mag1. write an article 2. do an interview with someone of somewhat resonable
importance/ability in the scene.. 3. or if you have something else in mind, justask me about it..
orbitzine is centered on the artscene. other scenes/interesting stuff will
also be accepted.
actually, the request for help with orbitzine goes to everyone.. so if you can
help, please do, even if you dont have an abundance of time on your hands,
please try to take just a bit of time out of whatever it is thats so important,and wirte up an article or something.. thanks..
if you are absolutely not going to do any of those things, then well.. email me
anyways, at least to let me know you got the .asc..
email: thedirector@technologist.com
orbitzine homepage is not up yet, but should be soon, just keep checking my
page for a link to the orbitzine page.. there isnt one yet, but there will be
the director riot,emi,510,boink,woe,orbitzine,hoax
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