this image contains text
./ . omni.::
.ab. ...odSb.
. b.
b. ,b.
b.,b. - And 2much says:
. b. Das ist ein gut tumult, ja!
/ ,b. b.
/ ,b. b.
. . b. .db.
b. .d ...../
b. .d /
b.d /
.d /
Welcome to yet another release of RioT on wheels!
Theres some news this month, as well as a new member!
Work continues on the next version of RioTVieW 95. This is gonna kick some MAJORass on the old ver. Theres gonna be SAUCE support, MDI, and all kindsa good
shit! Also, Ive started development on a new app called RioTGeaR. This proggy
will not only view multiple image formats of files, but it will also play most
of the major sound formats, and it may even be able to play movie files too.
No release date has been set for either program, as I have been VERY busy of
The Director is working on an NFO lister so you wont hafta fire up a viewer to
look at the nfo files anymore just type in the proper command. :
Exocet is working on a new nfo file. Send it to me man! b
Precious Metal is running yet another group. Check out the 619 Erag. Ive been
asked to do a piece for it. Ill get it to ya soon PM...
I almost killed myself skiing... dont wipe out at 40 MPH, it hurts.
And lastly cuz my head is starting to hurt, The Director and Cyber Bob have
started up their own emag. Its called the Orbit Zine oz for short, and it
looks like its gonna be pretty kewl. They asked me to do a piece for it too, soIm gonna be busy putting pen to paper or in this case, fingers to keyboard
for a while...
New Members:
Dominion has just joined the groop, and I gotta say that this guy has got talentand plenty of it. Hes got a good history in groups like Lucid, Alpha Force, andCyber Crime. Check out his contribs in this pack. Their names are DO*.*. Theyretasty.
.ab. ...odSb.
. b.
b. ,b.
b.,b. - And 2much says:
. b. Das ist ein gut tumult, ja!
/ ,b. b.
/ ,b. b.
. . b. .db.
b. .d ...../
b. .d /
b.d /
.d /
Welcome to yet another release of RioT on wheels!
Theres some news this month, as well as a new member!
Work continues on the next version of RioTVieW 95. This is gonna kick some MAJORass on the old ver. Theres gonna be SAUCE support, MDI, and all kindsa good
shit! Also, Ive started development on a new app called RioTGeaR. This proggy
will not only view multiple image formats of files, but it will also play most
of the major sound formats, and it may even be able to play movie files too.
No release date has been set for either program, as I have been VERY busy of
The Director is working on an NFO lister so you wont hafta fire up a viewer to
look at the nfo files anymore just type in the proper command. :
Exocet is working on a new nfo file. Send it to me man! b
Precious Metal is running yet another group. Check out the 619 Erag. Ive been
asked to do a piece for it. Ill get it to ya soon PM...
I almost killed myself skiing... dont wipe out at 40 MPH, it hurts.
And lastly cuz my head is starting to hurt, The Director and Cyber Bob have
started up their own emag. Its called the Orbit Zine oz for short, and it
looks like its gonna be pretty kewl. They asked me to do a piece for it too, soIm gonna be busy putting pen to paper or in this case, fingers to keyboard
for a while...
New Members:
Dominion has just joined the groop, and I gotta say that this guy has got talentand plenty of it. Hes got a good history in groups like Lucid, Alpha Force, andCyber Crime. Check out his contribs in this pack. Their names are DO*.*. Theyretasty.
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