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cb SssS
------ARGH------CRASH-------SMASH--------F**K!------DAMN pooTER------FiZZLe-----
ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL ASCee BY CYBER BOB!!!! hey....if you have a gr00p or somethingeven a name....I NEEEEEEEEED ideas.....ive done the letters R,I,O,T so many
times its like all i draw.....ANYWAY!!! i will soon be doing collys...so
LOCO, MENACE, 2MUCH4U, DESTROYER, tAhR, GUNTHER, and all the krew in tsl....
GUESS WHAT!!!! loco is opening his BBS again....but its now called the PSYCO
REALM....wicked...so if you wanna do like menus or something..you know....send
then to CYBERBOB@cnx.net or just attach them to a message...okA....well...seeeya
P.S.--BoiNK Productions Is Currently Looking For New Reqruits...so if you do anykind of ARASCii,ANSi,VGA,RIP, or code C++,BASIC,PASCAL lits...mods,
iniquity,RA,OBV,Illusion, or you compose midi,s3m,mp3,mod,669 then give
us a hollor....we are desperatly waiting for the Appgen coded by the director
to help us get inf0.....so if you wanna join.....you can catch me on eFNeT..
ansi,ascii,tsl,boink,iniquity and tell me...thankx...NOTE: you will need
some sample work......thankx 4 the co-op-er-a-tion....hehe
------ARGH------CRASH-------SMASH--------F**K!------DAMN pooTER------FiZZLe-----
ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL ASCee BY CYBER BOB!!!! hey....if you have a gr00p or somethingeven a name....I NEEEEEEEEED ideas.....ive done the letters R,I,O,T so many
times its like all i draw.....ANYWAY!!! i will soon be doing collys...so
LOCO, MENACE, 2MUCH4U, DESTROYER, tAhR, GUNTHER, and all the krew in tsl....
GUESS WHAT!!!! loco is opening his BBS again....but its now called the PSYCO
REALM....wicked...so if you wanna do like menus or something..you know....send
then to CYBERBOB@cnx.net or just attach them to a message...okA....well...seeeya
P.S.--BoiNK Productions Is Currently Looking For New Reqruits...so if you do anykind of ARASCii,ANSi,VGA,RIP, or code C++,BASIC,PASCAL lits...mods,
iniquity,RA,OBV,Illusion, or you compose midi,s3m,mp3,mod,669 then give
us a hollor....we are desperatly waiting for the Appgen coded by the director
to help us get inf0.....so if you wanna join.....you can catch me on eFNeT..
ansi,ascii,tsl,boink,iniquity and tell me...thankx...NOTE: you will need
some sample work......thankx 4 the co-op-er-a-tion....hehe
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