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To get a copy of RioTVieW, go to:
There are currently two installs available, a full install and a minimal
install. The full install zipped is approximately 1.9 meg. The full install
includes all the DLLs and OCXs neccessary to run not only RioTVieW, but many
other programs as well. The minimal includes the OCXs, but not the DLLs.
Zipped, the minimal install is approximately 680 KB. If you do not have
Visual Basic 4.0 installed on your system, or do not have a lot of DLLs, then
I suggest downloading the full install.
There are currently two installs available, a full install and a minimal
install. The full install zipped is approximately 1.9 meg. The full install
includes all the DLLs and OCXs neccessary to run not only RioTVieW, but many
other programs as well. The minimal includes the OCXs, but not the DLLs.
Zipped, the minimal install is approximately 680 KB. If you do not have
Visual Basic 4.0 installed on your system, or do not have a lot of DLLs, then
I suggest downloading the full install.
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