this image contains text
.,ass, ............
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry about yet another late pak... I was trying DESPARATELY to get RioTVieW
done to release it with this pak, and finally at the last minute I fixed a
major bug that a beta tester came across. Read the RIOTVIEW.TXT file to find outhow to get a copy. :
Theres quite a bit of news this month, so read on.
-- Two new members, Raistilin and Maelstrom. Raistilin is a VGA/RIP artist, and Maelstrom is an ansi pic drawer. Both have made guest appearances
for RioT, and both have promising futures in the scene.
-- Theres another address you can go to to get to RioTs homepage.
Note that our original address is still valid, all this new one does is
point you to the original.
-- Delgado changed his nick to Loco, and Cyber Boy changed his nick to
-- Two members offered to do a new NFO file for this pak, but unfortunately didnt have enough time. Hopefully for next pak.
-- I got a new pooter! A Dell PII300 w/MMX. Man does it haul some ass!
-- I think Ill toss a note in here letting everyone one know that most of
RioTs members do free requests, so please feel free to send them. You
can use Destroyers tres funky request generator and all.
-- The Director is currently working on a new app generator. I think this
is a good thing seen as how the one I tossed together really sux, and
Im not doing much TP programming anymore, so...
-- And last, but definately NOT least. This pak is RioTs ONE-YEAR
anniversary pak! Yes weve been pumpin out the digital art for an
entire year! Weve come a long way since those first few paks, and
everyone one has grown a lot artistically. Thanx for stickin with us
through it all folks. BG
-- I think that about covers it. Have a good one, and well see ya next
pa,.sS .ss. :.... ,., :!pm
,ssl: :l ... . : s, :
:: .l:, s : :
.s:s .,sas,,.. .s :
.ps., lb : :sa,l :
..: ll: :::: ,s :
: :l : : . : :
:....... l: :ll..... l ....:
,s :l :: ,.,sab.,
.s f b
Riot Art/Modding Productions 1997
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry about yet another late pak... I was trying DESPARATELY to get RioTVieW
done to release it with this pak, and finally at the last minute I fixed a
major bug that a beta tester came across. Read the RIOTVIEW.TXT file to find outhow to get a copy. :
Theres quite a bit of news this month, so read on.
-- Two new members, Raistilin and Maelstrom. Raistilin is a VGA/RIP artist, and Maelstrom is an ansi pic drawer. Both have made guest appearances
for RioT, and both have promising futures in the scene.
-- Theres another address you can go to to get to RioTs homepage.
Note that our original address is still valid, all this new one does is
point you to the original.
-- Delgado changed his nick to Loco, and Cyber Boy changed his nick to
-- Two members offered to do a new NFO file for this pak, but unfortunately didnt have enough time. Hopefully for next pak.
-- I got a new pooter! A Dell PII300 w/MMX. Man does it haul some ass!
-- I think Ill toss a note in here letting everyone one know that most of
RioTs members do free requests, so please feel free to send them. You
can use Destroyers tres funky request generator and all.
-- The Director is currently working on a new app generator. I think this
is a good thing seen as how the one I tossed together really sux, and
Im not doing much TP programming anymore, so...
-- And last, but definately NOT least. This pak is RioTs ONE-YEAR
anniversary pak! Yes weve been pumpin out the digital art for an
entire year! Weve come a long way since those first few paks, and
everyone one has grown a lot artistically. Thanx for stickin with us
through it all folks. BG
-- I think that about covers it. Have a good one, and well see ya next
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