this image contains text
nuclear fallout.
flame fl
hi fever..
hey diez.
hi to all of rile. story: this picture tells a stor
y of what will, without a doubt, happen in the
next few years. the governments will, for the most part, continue to
become greedy, and war will break out. yes, were talking NUCLEAR war.
this excerpt is taken from THE PROPHETIC WORD magazine -- ,
Brace yourself for the trouble that is on its way. We are now entering the
THIRD YEAR of the Great Seven Year Tribulation prophesied for these Last Days.
Passover 1997 scheduled to begin on April 22, 1997 will mark the MIDDLE of this
Seven Year Period. According to every Bible, the WORST TIME OF TROUBLE ever
witnessed by the world, will take place in this next four years.
FALSE PROPHETS all over the world have predicted its end for hundreds, even
thousands of years, and they have continually been wrong. The reason being,
they were not sent by Yahweh. They were not prophesied of in His inspired
Scriptures, and they did not speak His words.
They have continually CRIED WOLF and because they have cried so frequently the
world now will not believe or hear the earnest cries of The House of Yahweh,
Yahwehs prophesied Last Days Work, sent to WARN mankind that the Greatest Time
of Trouble ever is right at their door. Our warnings are going unheeded by the
entire deceived world.
Global conflicts have been on the rise over the last several years, especially
since the signing of the Seven Year Peace Agreement by Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin, the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, and PLO Leader
Yasser Arafat on September 13, 1993, which commenced on October 13, 1993.
Similar to the labor pains of a woman with child, intensifying as the time of
delivery draws near, so also will world troubles INTENSIFY and become
INCREASINGLY WORSE, month after month, year after year, until the greatest war
ever takes place. The wars and conflicts will continue each year, with more
violence and bloodshed each succeeding year, until four fifths of the worlds
population is destroyed. Scripture tells us that these wars will be like none
ever before waged by man that they would destroy our environment and all human
life in the next four years, if Yahweh does not intervene before total destruc-
tion occurs.
The most DEVASTATING and CATASTROPHIC PLAGUES the world has ever known, will
take place over the next four years. The AIDS plague alone has claimed 6.4
million lives. There are 22 million known cases globally at this time. Count-
less others have the disease but are unaware of it.
AIDS isnt the only plague to be feared. Many diseases which have caused
horrible plagues in the past are ON THE INCREASE once again. In Africa the
cholera epidemic is growing more widespread. New and more deadly strains of theinfluenza virus mutate every year, and are responsible for the deaths of more than ten thousand elderly and young children each y
ear, with the death rate
climbing every year. The annual increase of the so-called childhood illnessesof polio and measles, both of which claim lives, have been reported since 1990.
Sexually transmitted diseases are continually on a rampage, and the medical
community has been unable to control their increase. Cancer, as many in the
medical profession attest, very well may be contagious, especially lung and cer-vical cancer. The list goes on and on and it will only get longer, as the
prophecies in your Bible come to pass.
-- end now.
that was only *part* of the article. believe it, or not, you yourself have
already seen what has been going on in the world today. if you havent then
youre plainly blind as a bat. no offense, or anything. ah well, more on this
matter later.. please read it over, and think about it for a bit.
rile.. art in its purest form.
nuclear fallout.
flame fl
hi fever..
hey diez.
hi to all of rile. story: this picture tells a stor
y of what will, without a doubt, happen in the
next few years. the governments will, for the most part, continue to
become greedy, and war will break out. yes, were talking NUCLEAR war.
this excerpt is taken from THE PROPHETIC WORD magazine -- ,
Brace yourself for the trouble that is on its way. We are now entering the
THIRD YEAR of the Great Seven Year Tribulation prophesied for these Last Days.
Passover 1997 scheduled to begin on April 22, 1997 will mark the MIDDLE of this
Seven Year Period. According to every Bible, the WORST TIME OF TROUBLE ever
witnessed by the world, will take place in this next four years.
FALSE PROPHETS all over the world have predicted its end for hundreds, even
thousands of years, and they have continually been wrong. The reason being,
they were not sent by Yahweh. They were not prophesied of in His inspired
Scriptures, and they did not speak His words.
They have continually CRIED WOLF and because they have cried so frequently the
world now will not believe or hear the earnest cries of The House of Yahweh,
Yahwehs prophesied Last Days Work, sent to WARN mankind that the Greatest Time
of Trouble ever is right at their door. Our warnings are going unheeded by the
entire deceived world.
Global conflicts have been on the rise over the last several years, especially
since the signing of the Seven Year Peace Agreement by Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin, the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, and PLO Leader
Yasser Arafat on September 13, 1993, which commenced on October 13, 1993.
Similar to the labor pains of a woman with child, intensifying as the time of
delivery draws near, so also will world troubles INTENSIFY and become
INCREASINGLY WORSE, month after month, year after year, until the greatest war
ever takes place. The wars and conflicts will continue each year, with more
violence and bloodshed each succeeding year, until four fifths of the worlds
population is destroyed. Scripture tells us that these wars will be like none
ever before waged by man that they would destroy our environment and all human
life in the next four years, if Yahweh does not intervene before total destruc-
tion occurs.
The most DEVASTATING and CATASTROPHIC PLAGUES the world has ever known, will
take place over the next four years. The AIDS plague alone has claimed 6.4
million lives. There are 22 million known cases globally at this time. Count-
less others have the disease but are unaware of it.
AIDS isnt the only plague to be feared. Many diseases which have caused
horrible plagues in the past are ON THE INCREASE once again. In Africa the
cholera epidemic is growing more widespread. New and more deadly strains of theinfluenza virus mutate every year, and are responsible for the deaths of more than ten thousand elderly and young children each y
ear, with the death rate
climbing every year. The annual increase of the so-called childhood illnessesof polio and measles, both of which claim lives, have been reported since 1990.
Sexually transmitted diseases are continually on a rampage, and the medical
community has been unable to control their increase. Cancer, as many in the
medical profession attest, very well may be contagious, especially lung and cer-vical cancer. The list goes on and on and it will only get longer, as the
prophecies in your Bible come to pass.
-- end now.
that was only *part* of the article. believe it, or not, you yourself have
already seen what has been going on in the world today. if you havent then
youre plainly blind as a bat. no offense, or anything. ah well, more on this
matter later.. please read it over, and think about it for a bit.
rile.. art in its purest form.
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