this image contains text
font creator/rile
r-i-l-e news, where you hear it dun dun dada dun first.
word um.. hi?,. its finally march 1996, which brings another rile pack ...
umm.. hopefully this is a lot better than last months pack, no thanks to
skatin. on to the scoop. poop.
SKATIN h0h0h0 i fucking hate rippers. no. i shit on rippers. i take big
diarrhea lumps on rippers. yeah. SKATIN, a known ripper of many other
groups had the gall to rip one of lordjazzs fonts. now, can we say
MONKEYFUCK? aha, what a dork. anyways, SKATIN, get your last pay
check at the front desk and get lost. oh! thanks to nero for pointing
this out. hes elite. and a big apology to lordjazz for SKATINs non
eliteness. moral if you rip, please dont join rile. thank you, drive through please..
viewer? rilevue.exe? wewdamnitaboutfuckingtime: thanks fatty!!@ we lub
j00. we w1ke j0r phat lobes! ok i quit.
skippers son umm, hey skipper. rile released. bl0w m3. h4rd. . . . .
bu-bye besides the .. loss .. of skatin, we say goodbye to a talented rip
artist that goes by utopia. he leaves us, in his quest to help beat
some other group.. er something. anyways, hope to see him back sometime with us. good luck. i think thats about it this month. if not, umm
youre lucky. er something. NEXT.
newbies rusty has joined rile this month as our new ansi head. not to mention, he gives great head. but thats another story. j/k :
lummox joined rile, leaving sin in the dust, cause of some screwup on
their part. oh well, none of our business, but were glad to see
lummox finally see that he should have joined us in the first place. : oh yeah, did i mention he does ansi? hes currently doing fonts, but
i feel he may be getting into pics in the near future.
cardiac arrest, of groups such as tribe and ice, joins rile in an
attempt at the scene again : power to ya : .. he does ansi, and
will be releasing when he gets his new computer, and stuff.
creator, a veteran of the scene, joins rile as senior staff possition.
he does ansi, ascii, and some vga i think. his hobbies include dog
sex, with an occasional llama on the side. wow. llamas are e-light.
umm.. ok, next on this endless list is the hooded one tHO. he likes
to molest young rats on the verge of puberty. after the fun is over,
he does ansi to cool down. its an alternative to cigarettes.
exceed joined up with rile on a trial basis. we hope to see him
improve in quality so he can stay with rile even longer. he has a nice style and has good potential. keep it uppers.
macabre is in rile as a logo artist so far and is also on trial
basis. hes really not that bad at all, just needs to work on the
shading a bit more.
vertigo, also of fire, joins this month. he brings a great talent in
ansi and ascii, and also does some nice coding. we hope to see more
from him because hes really elite and stuff. yeah.
tung lo of fuel, joins rile as a nice pic artist. we hope to see some
more from him next month. if we dont, then .. then .. ok next.
fleshie fleshie .. i like flesh .. flesh tastes gEWD, and it doesnt
get soggie in M1LK.. fleshie likes ascii, cause ascii likes fleshie.
joining rile as a nice vga artist is bassman. he does some nice
special effects and backgrounds, and were hoping to see more from him
in the near future. wee ..
t-cid also joins rile as a nice vga artist. hes really talented, and
you shouldnt miss his work. keep it up hommie... aahahanyways....
luke skywalker, also of tdd and wicked, joins rile as a great ascii
artist. his style is nice, and we enjoy his work. maybe if you ask
him nicely, hell give you a can of fORCE. power.. power.. power...
speed joins rile as an ascii and ansi artist. he is also in the trial
basis situation, so we hope to see him improve in the next month or
the reaper wow. scary. : joins as an ascii artist. you will probably see a lot more from him next month.
vermilion, a trial member, does vga for rile. hopefully hell turn
something in so we can actually CALL HIM A MEMBER. ok .. next.
sloppy joe, a nice coder, has joined and produced a couple programs
this month. one of which is the art requestor rilereq.exe. check
it out if you get a chance.
sir donkeylips also joins amongst our ranks as a coder. we havent
seen anything from him yet, but rumors from tadow say hes not that
bad. well see.
umm .. ok.. i think thats it. if i accidentally left anyone out, email at
fl901@iglou.com and tell me who you are. thanks, be gone.
some changes bishop changed his name to edge. maybe he thinks its more elite. besides the name change, we upped his position to head vga guy,
due to more interest and more contact than dark soul was. dsoul
is still really elite, but it was just the lack of communication.
i think thats about it. er something. yeah. join. werd.
closing i think thats about it, and frankly, i think this pack is better.
check out the viewerif youre not checking it out as youre reading
this miserable piece of shit and savor the feeling. you feel that?
it feels elite, doesnt it. whatever, i dont know what the hell im
trying to say now, other than enjoy the art. oh, and call the ecks
files at 1 606 277 8324 .. rile cowhq, and happyland 1 513 791 6142,
also a cowhq. now, gOE lEWK aT aRT. bU-bYE@!
- flame/rile cofounder.
- fl901@iglou.com
r-i-l-e news, where you hear it dun dun dada dun first.
word um.. hi?,. its finally march 1996, which brings another rile pack ...
umm.. hopefully this is a lot better than last months pack, no thanks to
skatin. on to the scoop. poop.
SKATIN h0h0h0 i fucking hate rippers. no. i shit on rippers. i take big
diarrhea lumps on rippers. yeah. SKATIN, a known ripper of many other
groups had the gall to rip one of lordjazzs fonts. now, can we say
MONKEYFUCK? aha, what a dork. anyways, SKATIN, get your last pay
check at the front desk and get lost. oh! thanks to nero for pointing
this out. hes elite. and a big apology to lordjazz for SKATINs non
eliteness. moral if you rip, please dont join rile. thank you, drive through please..
viewer? rilevue.exe? wewdamnitaboutfuckingtime: thanks fatty!!@ we lub
j00. we w1ke j0r phat lobes! ok i quit.
skippers son umm, hey skipper. rile released. bl0w m3. h4rd. . . . .
bu-bye besides the .. loss .. of skatin, we say goodbye to a talented rip
artist that goes by utopia. he leaves us, in his quest to help beat
some other group.. er something. anyways, hope to see him back sometime with us. good luck. i think thats about it this month. if not, umm
youre lucky. er something. NEXT.
newbies rusty has joined rile this month as our new ansi head. not to mention, he gives great head. but thats another story. j/k :
lummox joined rile, leaving sin in the dust, cause of some screwup on
their part. oh well, none of our business, but were glad to see
lummox finally see that he should have joined us in the first place. : oh yeah, did i mention he does ansi? hes currently doing fonts, but
i feel he may be getting into pics in the near future.
cardiac arrest, of groups such as tribe and ice, joins rile in an
attempt at the scene again : power to ya : .. he does ansi, and
will be releasing when he gets his new computer, and stuff.
creator, a veteran of the scene, joins rile as senior staff possition.
he does ansi, ascii, and some vga i think. his hobbies include dog
sex, with an occasional llama on the side. wow. llamas are e-light.
umm.. ok, next on this endless list is the hooded one tHO. he likes
to molest young rats on the verge of puberty. after the fun is over,
he does ansi to cool down. its an alternative to cigarettes.
exceed joined up with rile on a trial basis. we hope to see him
improve in quality so he can stay with rile even longer. he has a nice style and has good potential. keep it uppers.
macabre is in rile as a logo artist so far and is also on trial
basis. hes really not that bad at all, just needs to work on the
shading a bit more.
vertigo, also of fire, joins this month. he brings a great talent in
ansi and ascii, and also does some nice coding. we hope to see more
from him because hes really elite and stuff. yeah.
tung lo of fuel, joins rile as a nice pic artist. we hope to see some
more from him next month. if we dont, then .. then .. ok next.
fleshie fleshie .. i like flesh .. flesh tastes gEWD, and it doesnt
get soggie in M1LK.. fleshie likes ascii, cause ascii likes fleshie.
joining rile as a nice vga artist is bassman. he does some nice
special effects and backgrounds, and were hoping to see more from him
in the near future. wee ..
t-cid also joins rile as a nice vga artist. hes really talented, and
you shouldnt miss his work. keep it up hommie... aahahanyways....
luke skywalker, also of tdd and wicked, joins rile as a great ascii
artist. his style is nice, and we enjoy his work. maybe if you ask
him nicely, hell give you a can of fORCE. power.. power.. power...
speed joins rile as an ascii and ansi artist. he is also in the trial
basis situation, so we hope to see him improve in the next month or
the reaper wow. scary. : joins as an ascii artist. you will probably see a lot more from him next month.
vermilion, a trial member, does vga for rile. hopefully hell turn
something in so we can actually CALL HIM A MEMBER. ok .. next.
sloppy joe, a nice coder, has joined and produced a couple programs
this month. one of which is the art requestor rilereq.exe. check
it out if you get a chance.
sir donkeylips also joins amongst our ranks as a coder. we havent
seen anything from him yet, but rumors from tadow say hes not that
bad. well see.
umm .. ok.. i think thats it. if i accidentally left anyone out, email at
fl901@iglou.com and tell me who you are. thanks, be gone.
some changes bishop changed his name to edge. maybe he thinks its more elite. besides the name change, we upped his position to head vga guy,
due to more interest and more contact than dark soul was. dsoul
is still really elite, but it was just the lack of communication.
i think thats about it. er something. yeah. join. werd.
closing i think thats about it, and frankly, i think this pack is better.
check out the viewerif youre not checking it out as youre reading
this miserable piece of shit and savor the feeling. you feel that?
it feels elite, doesnt it. whatever, i dont know what the hell im
trying to say now, other than enjoy the art. oh, and call the ecks
files at 1 606 277 8324 .. rile cowhq, and happyland 1 513 791 6142,
also a cowhq. now, gOE lEWK aT aRT. bU-bYE@!
- flame/rile cofounder.
- fl901@iglou.com
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